The Piano has one of the most beautiful sounds, several famous musicians come to mind when I hear piano Ludwig van Beethoven(composer as well) and Elton John.
Elton John, Jools Holland, Tori Amos among three of the legends as well as current ones like Alicia Keys and Freya Ridings.
okuuurrrttt. nah jk. imagine how many germs are on that thing.
I mean it's ok but clarinet should be number 1. On a scale of 1- 10 piano is like a 6 and clarinet is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Piano is boss. I've only been playing 3 years about, but I play duets. I'm Already working on a 4 person duet. Piano is really really really really simple. My brother's friend didn't play piano but now is after hearing about the teacher I go to. Piano is boss.
Yea! Piano is the bomb! I have played for years now. It is the best instrument by far. Did you know that is was made in Italy? I love this instrument by far! Currently I am learning 'The House Of The Rising Sun'. And I own a black baby grand!
Looooooove the piano! Sounds awesome and is really versatile too.
Piano is the best! It has the greatest range of musical pitches, sounds and character.
Piano is great. It is very entertaining. I have started when I was five, and found it very interesting! I recommend this instrument to people who never played an instrument but wants to. It's very easy, although fun, too!
I have now been playing the piano for more than five years, and still enjoy it greatly. Highly suggested for anyone wanting to play an instrument but don't know which.
Piano is so awesome!!!
I have only played 3 months and I love it!!!
The best instrument and I've played it since I was 5 years old. The music it produces is honestly the sweetest. And in the majority of the songs, you can hear the piano.

The Guitar is one of the most played instruments of all time. They even made a game called Guitar Hero.
This list is bullshit. No mention of the Harmonica or the Jew's Harp
once i was trying to play the guitar. lets just say it didn't end well. the string thing snapped and poked me in the eye. 32 surgeries later, I'm a one eyed retard who loves Shawn Mendes.
I am exited to learn the guitar soon, I know a little. If you think you may want to do the guitar, do it! Go guitar!!!
Hey guys? I'm thinking about playing guitar because i know some chords. Should i?
I've been playing for 3 months, I can play most bluegrass songs and I've been getting into intermediate chords without teaching (not meaning to bragg).
guitar is awesome
i've been playing it for 3 years now and it's really easy to learn and play... sometimes it's hard but not always
and i'm really good (not bragging)
I LOVE THE GUITAR!!!!!!!!!!... but really the guitar is really sweat. I've been playing for less than a year, and I'm not bad. Not meaning to brag.
love acoustic sound
but sometimes really love electric guitar
iknow absolutely nothin' 'bout guitars but...well...they seem pretty cool
I am 12, and have played the guitar for 2 years now, and it is an easy thing to learn but hard to play.
Guitars are AWESOME I am a huge fan of country music and I love the sound
the guitar is annoying and overrated you can do solos just as well on many other stringed instruments it's also for people who are too lazy to learn without frets
I love guitar, i have been playing guitar for 4-5 years and I have NEVER gotten tired of it. You can't do solos on clarinet, or ANY other insrument like guitar

VIOLIN IS THE BEST, I'm sad though because a lot of articles say the violin is going out of style:( I hope it stays in style forever. I wouldn't live without violin
The violin is amazing!! It's my favorite musical instrument :)
I played it for 5 years straight and got sick of it... :P >:(
I would say the piano and violin is the most used instrument since every person usually plays it in elementary,middle school,etc. there are like hundreds in symphonies.
I love the violin. It sounds amazing! Techniques are more difficult to learn though. I'm 20 and I still play it! (I started when I was 8)
I play the violin and it's amazing. It takes a while to learn techniques, though.
violin is the best instrument in the world.its versatility is endless. you can do classical, school band/orchestra, jazz, rock, big band, blues, bluegrass, and marching band (rare) (Kentucky state high school band) violins are amazing
im starting to learn the violin and the sound it makes is amazing.

I just love the flute! It makes such a mellow sound and you can play a munch of songs on it! I'm learning how to play it and I've been for 3 months now and I know a bunch of notes!
I love the flute so much. It's so very delicate and light. I hate people who call us whiny or annoying.
I am in the school band and I play flute. It is AMAZING! I love my flute SO much! I think flute should be on top 'cause I play guitar and I hate it! It's SO hard!!!
Not only can this instrument be quiet and beautiful but it can be sharp and quick. A well-rounded one indeed.
I play the flute and its hard at first but I am good at it now its the insturment I have played
I think that the piano is awesome because you learn about different but interesring pieces
It's hard at first, but rewarding once you get it the first time!
I'm 10 and flute is the first instrument i ever played and its amazing and fun and makes beautifull sound
I'm trying to find another instrument to play, and this is taking my fancy
I love flute! I've just started at the beginning of the school year, but it is awesome!
Go flute!
flute is a pretty common instrument but reveals amazing music once you get the hang of it
Beatiful sound and I am amazing at it and I started a month ago!

Drums number 6👎🏼??????? Drums should be number one and guitar number 6😑. Historically drums had a bigger impact globally in tribes in Africa, Asia and America's. Drums beats your soul in and beats it out of you, drums beats can drive out the evil spirits (or makes the evil spirits dance 😆). Drumscan make men's hearts, tremble in fear 😱 or fired up 🔥😡 for war and college football games in the US😁.
You got East Indian hand drummers along with tribal African drummers and then Taiko drummers in Japan, and the little drummer boy in civil war in the US. Hell nothing stirred up men's souls like for hundreds of years like drums. Ok dun rambling😆
I use to play the guitar but I was never able to develope any calus' and my fingures always hurt when I played then I tried out the drums and I love to play them. The bad part is that I don't live by myself yet and my siblings don't like to hear the loud noise odf the drums and I have to wait until they leave and once they leave I bet even the people across my street can hear me
I've been playing drums for 4 years and drum set for 3 years and realize they are a vital instrument to ALL bands and songs and that they just plainly kick butt!
i love the drums they are the best instrument ever they are sooooo fun to play and tey should be #1 on the list
^actually youre right, they are indeed used everywhere all over the world, except it's usually another form of percussion, not always a drum kit.
Drums should be number 1, they are used in every culture throughout history, and are in almost every genre of music.

Clarinet s the best instrument in the world imo! It's not extremely hard to start out with but also not easy to master. It's not too big or too small. The perfect middle ranged instrument. Its versatility is endless. you can do classical, school band/orchestra, jazz, rock, big band, blues, bluegrass, and marching band. Clarinets also have the largest range of notes and family members of the woodwinds. Its large range alone gives it so many personalities of sounds, but add in the vast amount of special effects and tricks, and you basically have an orchestra in itself! The repertoire it plays is meaningful and beautiful, and some of the most famous pieces of classical and jazz music was written for this instrument! It's a shame that they are very underappreciated.
I love the clarinet I've been playing it for 1 year and I want to do it for the rest of my life!
I play the clarinet t is the best inistrument in the world i think the clarinet should be number 1 on this list not piano. not many people play the piano.if my clarinet broke i would be sad :(
I play bass clarinet and b flat. This should so be nos 1!!!!!!!
i play the clarinet and i love playing it but mine is in the shop now so i can't play it for a couple weeks
:( that is sad but other than that the other kids i know say it is the best instrument ever known to man i also agree with the other people that the clarinet should be #1 no compitition
what? only # 30 it is like the second biggest band instrament in my band, people wise at least

I love guitar. I started a couple of years ago and I loved it. It has a nice sound and I just like playing it.
you don't even need to carry anything heavy. You were already born with your voice
We may not have lessons on my voice but we can enjoy it as a hobby.
my voice ain't a very good instrument..hehe...i normally do silent singing cuz if the windows hear my voice they're sure to get cracked....

I've been playing cello for 5 (going on 6) years now and it is a beautiful instrument.
I have just started playing cello. It has a beautiful sound and is very rich. It is a little difficult for people who have never played an instrument before, though!
agreed. cello can play all of the awesome classical stuff along with heavy metal and solos. The most beautiful instrument in the world. Ever heard of Apocalyptica?
Cello is awesome! it should be first! i have been playing for about 2 years and its amazing!

The saxophone is most commonly associated with , blues,big band music, early rock'n'roll, and jazz.
In my opinion, Saxophone should be on top Tenor saxophone it the BEST even though i'm only 10, I love it and I have already played it for two years and i still am
A saxophone is one of the most versatile and beautiful instruments in the world. It has such a massive possible range of different types of saxophones from Soprillo to Subcontrabass. A saxophone is also amazing cause of its possible sound it can play anything from jazz to classical music. Overall the saxophone is a amazing instrument (I Play Tenor and Alto and I may be starting Bari soon)
Started playing the Tenor under a year ago and I am already in the 2nd best band at camp out of 4!!! That just proves how easy and great this instrument is :) how fun it is to play... Well that's a whole different story!!!! IT'S THE MOST FUN THING EVER!!!!! And I find the tenor to be the best since it can still go to same notes as the Alto with over tones but it can go quite low as well :) I would recommend a Yamaha Ts475!!!! They are very good instruments
Well, it depends on the kind, overall this is a great place. But if it was Tenor or baritone it would be lower down.
Tenor sax rocks. Along with other saxophones. Makes since it is eighth.
saxophone is the best instrument in my opinion it is super easy to play and it can play any kind of music. the best one is the ALTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is a very fun & easy instrument to play especially the tenor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

iv been playing for almost a year. it gets frustrating sometimes but it still so much fun
It is the BEST instrument in the world. I love it so much, it is so fun to listen to those oldies like Tommy Dorsey.
I really wanna play it because it's the only instrument that slides and other instruments you have to blow the only way you can blend the sounds is if you fade your blow but with the trombone you can slide it between the c d e f g a b. I'm not playing yet but I want to and I do slot of research
I've played the trombone for a year and I'm in advance. if u don't play it u should
Been playing the trombone for 4 years... It's actually one of the hardest instruments to play according to most musicians. It's the base of the band, and without it, the whole band would be off. Keeps timing, sounds great, has unique features, great timbre, and definitely has a great brassy sound! Is the only instrument with a slide. Can be used in almost any type of music, looks cool, and is used in modern songs!
Trombones are unique, being one of the only instruments that uses a slide. They are easy to learn, and difficult to master. Awesome.
Good for Jazz and in can be used as the melody or the rhythm. Also good for ballads.

I have been playing French horn for almost 4 years and I love it
I love playing the french horn. They say its hard to play, and I agree with that, but it gets easier after a month or two.
I love my French Horn, I would die if i didnt play French Horn
French horn should be number 1 on this list. cant believe bagpipes is ahead of it.

I am playing trumpet right now for a year and they are awesome!!!!!!
I have been playing the trumpet for 2 in a half years and I love playing it.It is not heavy and easy to play.
I am the only one who likes trumpet in my family it is the best the first one I knew.
If I did not play the, mystifying instrument known as trumpet I would choose too die.
I have just started Band and for my evaluation test i got a 10 on Trumpet 9 on Sax and Clarinet 8 on trombone 7 on flute and a stupid 5 on Drums! But i picked the Trumpet, AND ITS AWESOME!!!

why is electric guitar after bass guitar? guitars are MUCH more common than any of these other instruments
Keyboards are usually electronic, and can make many different noises.
I will clear this up for you.
The keyboard is technically a type of instrument (Piano, Harpsichord, Organ etc..)
But the electric keyboard is called this because of its variety of sounds, which links back into the type of instrument.
So a Piano is a keyboard, but a keyboard is not neccesarily a piano.
Has that cleared things up?
I will like to know the difference between the piano and the keyboard

The reason that the viola doesn't get the respect it deserves is because, unfortunately, cellos can already do the same thing and sound really good doing it. I played the cello for about 10 years and would have friends who told me that they regretted not choosing the cello instead of the viola.
The reason being that in a full orchestra piece, the stringed instruments that play the melody of the piece are always the violin or the cello. The viola is forced to take a backseat. It is a true shame as the viola makes beautiful music and I would have been much happier carrying home a viola to practice than the behemoth cello that I strapped to my back everyday after school...
For anyone who doesn't know what a viola is, it's a lower-note violin. A lot of people, yes, don't know what a viola is but it's a beautiful, warm, and incredible instrument. :)
how on earth is this this high? the category is MOST COMMON instrument, not best instrument. Most people in my school haven't even heard of the viola.
Not saying viola isn't awesome. Indeed it is.
The viola should be higher up. It has such a beautiful sound, and it deserves more attention.

Flea. John Paul Jones, Cliff Burton. All fantastic bass players that keep rhythm and make the bands solid and bass stand out. All are historic rockers that consolidated the bass in rock and metal. The bass gives gigantic lows to the guitar and fills out the drums
Bass guitar is one of the most underrated instruments of all time, but it is also one of the best sounding! Bass guitar is a fantastic instrument and should be appeciated more.
i play double bass, and guitar, so in theory i should be able to play bass guitar. i might get one for my birthday!!
My friend plays bass guitar, and its one of my favorite types of guitar.
Tomska plays the bass :3
It has checkers on it, In real life! Not only in the cartoon!
How epic is that???
I love bass, cause it's easy to play. I got this when I played guitar. But not as much guitar, 6 strings.........

Many musicians refer to the Double Bass as,standup bass, the upright bass, or acoustic bass.
GO BASS!!!!!!!!!!! i play this, on grade four, only been playing it for about a year. i'm the only one in school that is good at it. :3 makes every band want me. also, double bass is used more often in Jazz, Reggae, R&B and even Pop!
Ukulele seems to be making a bit of a revival these days, and why not?! It's a versatile instrument, capable of playing a variety of genres. Although I would recommend those that aren't too young start off with a Concert or Tenor for a better sound, but Soprano will have even the youngest muso playing. I prefer Tenor for myself. For a guitarist looking into a Uke, Try a Bass. Or just capo your guitar at the 5th fret and play only the bottom four strings.
I just got a ukulele like 2 months ago and l'm impressed at how easy it is to play. Next I want a violin but ukuleles are awesome!

Oboes are awesome! If played right they sound epic, has a strong tone but some people say it's hard to play?
Flute players are not whiny! I have straight A's and I play flute. I am not whiny. Stop offending flutes. Tell that to your band director.
My band teacher told us that flute players are whiny, but oboe players have to be smart. We got a nice little whine from our flute players, proving his theory to be true.

Been playing 4 years. This instrument is awesome! You can play the bass part with the tuba, or the melody with the French horns, and you get to play loud brass parts with the trombones in marching band.
It is the best instrument in the world even better than piano since it produces a beautiful sound

I'm super excited to learn how to play the piccolo! I love playing my flute and someone told me that when you are really good at the flute you can play the piccolo easily!
Piccolo is so much fun but can actually make you deaf if you play it in a closed room
yes it is, also the name of a character in DBZ. that why I like it!!

Bagpipes are difficult to learn to play well, so there are many pipers who do sound terrible. I understand why some people dislike them because of this. But when played well, I would say they are one of the most beautiful sounds possible.
Bagpipes are here twice. Fix please, change one to tenor saxophone or something.
terrible, terrible, terrible!!!!!!
I hate them!!!!!
Please press minus a lot of times!!!!!!!

How many other instruments can you carry anywhere in your pocket and have fun everywhere.
i don't care what anyone says... the harmonica is the king of music!
not many people play it but its amazing and has such a beautiful sound. also not many people realise its used in a lot of modern songs, for example harp is used in a lot of florence and the machine songs, i think i even heard it at some point in a lady gaga song
anyway , the point is its osm
The harp is such a lovely instrument, I agree. I'm surprised this is so high on the list. I do not know many others who play the harp. It's pretty uncommon. Regardless, it is one of the most beautiful instruments of all.
The sound of a saxophone is one of the most beautiful things in the world. Thing like jazz, blues, and bluegrass would not be the same.
There's no doubting - pure beauty of an instrument and can make amazing ranges of sounds all depending on technique and style. Beautiful.
It can really have quite a different sound depending on technique which makes it such a cool instrument to play!!!
In my opinion, the tenor sax has a deeper, richer tone than the alto sax.
Agreed, the tenor's defiantly better! Alto's really good also for all of the Alto players. I would think more people play it though?

I played the tuba for 2 years, I loved it so much but decided to sing instead. Kinda regret it tbh but I can't afford a tuba at this point :(
I've been playing for 3 years. It is one of the most complicated fingers I've ever seen. I've played sax, flute, trumpet, tuba, clarinet, oboe, and percussion. But, I have to say, I do love it, it CAN be pretty sounding... but not all the time. #doublereedprobs
Beautiful sounding, Lots of techniques to change the sound, and adds and amazing warmth and roundness to bands and orchestras.
Might as well just add this troll of an instrument to this list. It's gotta happen eventually.
The person writing "Boring but obvious" in the header of this instrument should be ashamed! It is a very versatile instrument. The person saying it is boring only shows that he/she is very limited in creativity, and in musical knowledge. It is the most sold instrument worldwide so it should be on number 1 in this list. Sadly it has a bad reputation, but that doesn't say anything about the quality and functionality. Calling it boring is a shame!!
I'm really good at recorder...I started a few months ago-VERY easy so I recommend it for people who don't play any instrument yet.
Why is it 43, most people play the recorder once in their life.
Recorders sound alright but I will NEVER be able to like playing pinched notes.
I played it in primary school and went to recorder workshop and people came from a 30 mile radius.
Stupid that it isn't always regarded as an instrument. If it doesn't sound good, you're playing it wrong. Great fun, my secondary instrument for school and not because I think it's easy or whatever.

Country Music would be nothing without it, Nethertheless the steel is a sweet sounding instrument (usually crying tones)
Mayonnaise, informally mayo, is a thick cold sauce or dressing usually used in sandwiches and composed salads. It is a stable emulsion of oil, egg yolk, and acid, either vinegar or lemon juice. There are many variants using additional flavorings. To answer your question, Patrick, mayonnaise is indeed an instrument.
Can produce heavenly as well as heavy sounds,,, sustain notes properly, most overlooked instrument, look like a king playing it
One of the simplest instruments to learn, yet versatile, used in many musical genres. Affordable to start with, but for a more money the quality is out there to be had ( I prefer Colin Goldie Low whistles but there are more makers of quality out there). Under rated as an instrument even in the cheaper start forms. Not as advanced as a recorder, though that is only technically correct, as the sound of an Irish whistle is far superior and more ear pleasing than anything produced by a recorder. They are each their own instrument and must never be confused. It would be a bit like asking an Irishman whereabouts in England does he come from. You're just asking for a punch in the nose.
If you just use your diaphragm to push air out of your body, though your mouth, with your lips formed close together, you can make a sound.
I've played drums for 40 years and I tried the drums that go to this and could not play one thing lol it's not an instrument at all
How is this an instrument you should be ashamed of yourself but i understand why so many people would play this so called "instrument"
That's not an instrument. It's a game. You already talked about the guitar.
It makes noises just as well as any first year guitar student can. :D

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