Created 41 top lists, 816 items, 12 comments.
41 years old, Ohio, male
Member since 18th of April 2009.
This is a list of my favorite TV shows, some American, some British and over a long period of time and of differing genres.
166 points added 15 years ago
My Favorite Authors 97 items ranked
This list is that of my favorite authors. Most of these are Fantasy authors, but a couple of science fiction authors are thrown in for good measure and children's authors as well.
77 points added 15 years ago
Some Common Amish Words 51 items ranked
The Amish speak a unique dialect that derives from Old High German. It is sometimes mistakenly called Dutch or Pennsylvania Dutch. More appropriately it is called Pennsylvania German and they themselves call it Deitsch or Deitsh.
73 points added 15 years ago
Best Facebook Games 79 items ranked
Best games created to work within the Facebook environment.
45 points added 15 years ago
Sometimes people can be annoying with some of their personal habits and behaviors. Things that we sometimes need to learn to adjust to and learn to forgive in others.
21 points added 15 years ago
These are picture books to read to children. Some are good to read to them to educate. Some are good to sing to help learn the words. Some have wonderful repetitive elements that they can repeat and participate in the book. And some are great to do along with projects.
17 points added 15 years ago
Oftentimes people use everyday items to make rhythm or to make melody, usually because they are bored. Sometimes, though it is more intentional and even bands have been made around home-made instruments using just stuff around the house.
14 points added 15 years ago
These are some software packages for Mac OS X for either personal finance or small businesses. Some of these are commercial software, some are shareware, and some are freeware. Many choices exist, even beyond this list. Some are full accounting packages and others are very simple checkbook registers.
4 points added 15 years ago
This list is common ways people die on the job. So, be careful when these things could occur on the job.
4 points added 15 years ago
This is a list of Celebrities who have had big scandals that have even caught my attention. I generally ignore them, but sometimes they are so big that I notice them.
4 points added 15 years ago
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