Created 198 top lists, 3975 items, 2 comments.
33 years old, South Carolina, female
Member since 30th of April 2009.
445 points added 15 years ago
397 points added 15 years ago
Best Racehorses of All Times 206 items ranked
258 points added 15 years ago
Sexiest Female Stars Ever 254 items ranked
150 points added 15 years ago
Best country songs by some of the best country artists
107 points added 15 years ago
Sexiest Male Stars Ever 128 items ranked
105 points added 15 years ago
104 points added 15 years ago
Top Dance Songs (2009) 127 items ranked
78 points added 15 years ago
Best Modern Jazz Songs 33 items ranked
77 points added 15 years ago
Ultimate Kids' Websites 28 items ranked
70 points added 15 years ago
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Results 1-10 from 198