Created 2403 top lists, 48318 items, 409 comments.
31 years old, Poland, male
this site is so cool :)
Member since 29th of April 2008.
Did you think that just the CEOs earned fat pay packs and were the only top earners? Well, you are in for a surprise. This is a list of top paying jobs in the world.
2570 points added 15 years ago
Men and their fetish for clothes are known the world over. Here we list out the top 20 brands that men can bank on to dress them up impeccably.
1840 points added 15 years ago
Most Depressing Songs 1412 items ranked
Songs to cry to, or to make you cry.
800 points added 15 years ago
20 most stressful jobs 204 items ranked
Did you just say that you feel too stressed out at work? Read on to find out who are the people who actually experience stress on a daily basis.
547 points added 15 years ago
Songs dedicated the Soldiers who fight for their country.
535 points added 15 years ago
Best Musicians Ever
390 points added 16 years ago
Top 20 Leaders in India 51 items ranked
It contains the List of famous leaders in India.
327 points added 14 years ago
Best Actors Ever 226 items ranked
Top Actors Ever Performing, Past and Present
324 points added 16 years ago
Top 20 Hospitals in India 62 items ranked
The list contains the top 20 hospitals in India
318 points added 14 years ago
Only unusual if it’s not your culture!
312 points added 15 years ago
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