Made much more haunting than the original with the vocals of Gary Jules and the piano, this piece is hard to ignore. Not sure if the fact that it was the ending song to Donnie Darko or the lyrics itself that makes this song so depressing, all that matters is that it just really is.
Yes. Also, it makes you realize problems with society/the world, even though it doesn't flat-out say; it's up to the listener to decide what problems Gary Jules really wanted to bring out/
nah, for #2, i think you guys should listen to Mayday Parade - Terrible Things
My great grandma died last night so maybe i shouldnt be listening 2 depressing songs..... :'(
This might just be the saddest song ever, EVER.
I saw a video of this done to Bambi that made me cry...
It's about suicide )':
listened to this song for the first song today. I love it because I'm writing a book and need sad music playing for it. This is perfect.
I LOVE this song, it's sad, interesting, and I fall in love with it every time I listen to it!
i just love it... it makes me cry when i need to... makes me take it easy when i need to... makes me forget everything...
Its even more depressing if you open a new tab,and type in Rainymood click and listen too both at the same time...
It is sad, but Gary is not the original singer. Yes the original version is more pop like and not set in such a depressing tone. But you should still give credit to Tears For Fears who originally wrote the song.
Always get so sad when i listen to this song and get tears in my eyes but i love it and know every lyric
I actually just read the comment about Adam Lambert doing a cover. He butchered it, completely. I listened to it and he didn't get at the depression and isolation capture with the song.
The haunting tone of Jules' voice, the shimmering piano in the chorus, the dark lyrics. This is truly one of the greatest and saddest songs of all time.
"The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had" That is one of the most depressingly heavy lines I have ever heard in any song ever.
i did a chour concert (shine on 2010 state school spectacular) and one dude sang this and it has been one of my many favs since, i have cried over n over to this song
this song truly did make a tear fall down my face. I frickin... LOVE this song soooooooooooo........ much!!!
WOO HOO...I frickin love this song!! its so depressing and amazazing!!!!!!
this song is da best i love it i cant go to school without hearing this song
this is a insanely depressing song, made even more depressing in DONIE DARKO, this song is way to depressing
I Have to say,the first time I heard this I couldn't help but cry. It's a haunting song with depressing lyrics. And yet, it's my favorite song.
Great song, haunting piano, and awesome vocals makes for a great combination, and sets the sad tone for this song
Out of any song this is my complete favorite. I listen to it everyday. Adam Lambert I think couldn't compete with Gary Jules. Gary Jules way of singing it is much more powerful than Adam Lambert's cover. It was certainly good but not as good as Gary Jules version. This song is very haunting and has very powerful words. This song helped me get through a lot. I love this song. :)
this is a really nice song to go to sleep to, but it didn't really make me cry, im tough :D
Where is Jesus Christ or Limousine by Brand New. Top 5 saddest songs ever. This list is shot.
Great song however, Tears for Fears version is better by far;p

What a great song. I love the metaphors of freedom and dignity. It describes the struggles of a rock's rights activists effortlessly, yet giving me a feeling of deep importance and hidden meanings.. All those who seem to hate this song haven't dug deep enough into the real meaning of it. Kittens driving mini coopers, an albino wombat doing the Macarena, an awkward nose bleed, deep stuff, man. This stuff really pierces into my soul to give me some profound emotions. By far, my favorite part is from the closing lines, when he says, "be a ding or a ring found inside my front doorbell". I could go on and on, listing the wonders found inside of this song. I urge you to listen for yourself to see what meaning you can scoop out of it.
It's not only the saddest song ever. It's also one of the best songs in the human's history.
when a blind man cries -deep purple also check Ian Gillan version
This song is so sad... makes me cry almost every time )': Love you forever, Michael~
brothers lament aint even on the list that song should be number 1 its to sad
wow i loe this song and not just because Moscow was my home town.

EXTREMELY depressing. You all are morons if you think it's not. This song makes me wanna die.
a nice song, but shouldnt be on this list - i would find it weird if i ever saw anyone crying to this song
Wow, this also ranks #1 on the "Lamest Songs of All Time" list.
what ever happened to the end by the doors or something in the way by nirvana?
This shold not be number 1, number on should be heart shped box by nirvana, everyone have a listen
listen to yellow butterfly that is a sad song its by meg and dia
Ths song is not depressing it doesn't even make me cry I don't see hoe it got # 1 most depressing. Concrete angle is more depressing.
same comment here.. I do not think that it's depressing at all. Sorry. And I am surprised that there are no Copeland or Anchor and Braille songs here.. Try some of their songs.. Specially Copeland's "You Are My Sunshine" album. The songs in that album are depressing, beautiful, and worth listening to..
not to say this is a bad song buti dont see how it made number one. like how did it beat immortal and concrete angel

It is hard not to get moved by this cover, especially if you watch the music video. Seeing Johnny Cash aged and looking back on his amazing career, it is hard not to feel bad right with him.
I love this song!!!! The build up on it is awesome an shows how Jonny went through!!
I cut myself and have for 5 years and when I heard this song it makes me want to end my life after seeing my sister attacked because I couldn't protect her
Trent Reznor actually has stated that this is the better version. Or, as he states it, "it's not my song anymore." This version takes the cake.
Very depressing, indeed. I prefer the original version by NIN. It feels even more real and dark.. .but I love both of them. I remember listening to this song before visiting my shrink once. When she asked me how I felt i just couldn't keep my tear backs, perhaps because of this song. It was the first time in 6 years some one saw me cry.
I tried to take my life yesterday. It still hurts me to think about, and this is the song that triggered me. I'm 14, have an eating disorder, cut, and have depression. So yes, this is a depressing song.
In terms of effect I find NINs far more depressing in fact I can hardly listen to it. Probably because I was splitting up from my wife at the time. Cash's has a different feel more about memories. Both good.
shame trent never got the recognition that johnny got for it
I also think trent did the song better production was leagues beyond on the original version
My dad loved this song... He shot himself in April. He didn't do it intentionally, but he taught me the meaning of this song. My dad taught me, my brother and my sister a lot, and the final lesson was how to cope with death, and more than that, how to cope with suicide. I handled it wrong at first; now I listen to this song when I think about him. Gives me the weirdest feeling of peace.
Reznor actually prefers Cash's version. I like them both. For me Reznor's version is more strained and painful whereas Cash's version is more somber and depressed.
Nine Inch Nail's version is better and more depressing in my opinion
Johnny Cash did too write it!! This is about his life,he was an addict and if you do your homework you would also know hat Johnny Cash was around long before nine inch nails!!
why do people say Johnny cash when it was Nine Inch Nails that wrote it?
My dad almost killed himself and this song was blaring...Cant listen to this song anymore. =(
you can not bash this song. trent reznor can't even do that johnny cash is a legend because he is amazing. and while i give trent props for writing and making the song. johnny cash perfected it and made it. this is not a list of good songs but depressing songs and johnny cash's version takes the cake you can hear it in his voice and even the flow of the music. this song just makes you sad. should be at the top in my opinion.
the most powerful song out there it make my whole world change from happy to crying and in a bout of depression for weeks
This is good, and Johnny Cash is excellent, but I still say I prefer NIN's original version of the song. Trent Reznor is absolutely phenomenal.
idc who u are johnny cash's version is the best because... "hello, im johnny cash" ;-)
Kermit the Frog's version is the best. youtube it if you haven't seen it. It is haunting.
who cares who did it first johnny cash is the man and does it way better than anyone else out ther
The two songs have different meanings. Trent Reznor's was about being addicted to heroin and Johnny Cash's was about getting old and going through his life. Personally, I relate to the NIN version.
Amazing song and an even more amazing cover. The NIN version could easily make #3 on this list too.
Johnny's version of this song is so much better then the original. You can feel the pain and sorrow in his voice and it gives me goose bumps.
Johnny Cash's version is way better then NIN's. Even Trent Reznor said
"I pop the video in, and wow… Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps… Wow. [I felt like] I just lost my girlfriend, because that song isn't mine anymore"
the song resonates and has so much more meaning being sung by Cash.
how bout list to the artist that wrote the song and the much better original. Trent Reznor is the mastermind behind this song and never receives the credit.
Listen to something in the way by nirvana.I think it should be next to this song
This was his last song that he released just a few months before the death of his wife june carter and the johnny's death a few weeks later which gives it so much more meaning
Great cover of a brilliant tune, but this list is rather flat and reads more like somebody's ipod, missing out some great artists. No Beatles? No Oasis? God, where's Bob Dylan in all of this? Surely there should be more of the fantastic Smiths?
Please understand that this tune was written and originally performed by Trent Reznor. The original is much more climatic.

Yes, Cohen did the original, but his wasn't as sad. This cover is incredibly depressing.
Not the biggest fan of this song, but Alexandra Burke's version has to be first before Rufus Wainwright's version.
Don't think there's anyting better than this. Perfect. Absolutely Perfect.
Leonard Cohen's version is the original. But each version is good.
this is an amazing song, one of my favorites and he has a great voice but the best version is Bon Jovi's by far!
this song is amazing. no matter how many times i listen to this, i will never get sick of it. R.I.P Jeff Buckley, you were an amazing man !

Can't believe its not already here. One of the most truly depressing songs ever written.
I lived this song, walked down my old street...like a cat in a bag...
This song takes me back to my childhood, where my mother tried killing herself twice because of taking drugs.
Great song, not so good for listening too when drugs aren't working for you. Though I only mean the stuff I'm meant to be taking.
i was looking through the list, just wating for this to be on here. possibly the best song i've ever heard.
There was an experiment taken to find the song with the strongest sad emotional response and this one scored highest

This should be up higher...this song is so..powerfull. so upsetting. Theres alot of peole i wish were here :(
This song is about their original founding band member Syd Barrett, who went a little crazy dueto drugs and had left the band by this point. The eerie part is that while Pink Floyd was recording this album, Syd came into the studio just to visit. Most notably, he was there with "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" being recorded and playing in the background, a song that was directly about him. Syd didn't catch on, and they didn't tell him.
Poignant, nostalgic from frustrated. Such a genuine feeling of missing and wishing in the most desperate and artistic manner.
This song brings me back to nostolgia. I love it. The light guitar picking and riffs speaks to me clearly. If you want to listen to a classic, this is your chance. I think it's more of a feel good song, but on a lonely summer's night when the cicadas hollar.

Most Depressing Song and The most sad - - the person is lonely in the world
To the person below me. The guest that told the other to kill themselves. You are shallow and you have to be terrible enough to make people feel that bad on the internet. Be ashamed of yourself, no one deserves that!
to the commenter underneath me, i think you should do it, the world will clearly be a better place without you
My grandma died on my birthday last year everytime I hear this it reminds me of her :(
This IS the most depressing song ever written. I can't stand to here it. Heck, I can't even listen The Way You Look Tonight without tears in my eyes because it reminds me of Tears in Heaven. Should be number 1.
defnitely feel that this should be way higher given the back story
I love it!
It made me cry. the song is very emotional.
I had to think of everyone who I miss and I had to think about someone who is so close but so far away
romantic? are you stupid? it's about his son who fell of a balcony and died..
I don't think it's a depressive song. It's more like a romantic one.
he wrote it about his son, Conor who fell 53 stories out a window of the building he lived in with his mother he was only four years old
omg depressing and a half he rote it bout his son who died like young

This is one if my favourite songs ever!!
It's depressing, yes, but it's beautiful. Most anything by Pearl Jam is amazing.
I was analyzing this song in my literacy class at school, and now I agree that it is very depressing.
I can't listen without feeling it in my heart. The lyrics and melody hit to the core. It's pain in its most glorious form.
Crazy song. I hate grunge, but this song really does carry a meaning over to me.
this is truly a sad song. ends in darkness with no hope. my favorite from pearl jam the way eddie sang it live was sadder too
I listen to this song once, and it hurts, but i can relate. So i listen to it again. And again, and again, until i'm telling myself i can't listen to it again, because it's going to kill me, but i listen to it any way. I end the night in a balling sobbing ball in bed wishing none of this were the way it was. I can hardly stand this song anymore, too much pain, but i can't stop.
About loving and losing someone; wanting them to find happiness, but feeling the intense pain of knowing they'll be with someone else forever.

I love this song!!! I made a mistake though of listening to it before a midterm. Oops! Either way, because of this song, I realized that when you have love, you shouldn't let it go at all.
I heard this song on the radio whilst driving my car alone in the dark in the rain, the day after me and my last girlfriend broke up... I had to pull over to cry my eyes out. Great song!
not deppressing just so perfect it makes you cry. but never listern to it if you are preparing for a test and are panicking and really worrid. i know i made that mistake. oops
this song is really good and inspirational but it nor really sad or depressing
I'm sorry to let you people down but I actually dislike this song; It annoys me...
this song makes me realize that once you have the chance at love never let it go because before you know it its gone again :..( xxx
This song made me realize that there is other better guys out there.. it reallly helped me
I am not that moved by this song. It's good song but honestly it's not that great. Just my opinion. (I better not get any nasty comments over an opinion)
just exquisid. really wonderful. if you ever had a heart broken, this song will maky you cry as soon as adele strats singing.
i cant stop listening to this song, i cant believe modern music has made a song like this that hits every emotion in your body
This song is about relationships and sometimes they hurt..Adele is a great singer aswell
this is my absolute favorite song. her voice gives me chills everytime i listen to it. such a sad, but brilliant song.
This is such a tragic song, especially if you know the background: the man she was with, who insisted he never wanted to get married, left her and was engaged to another woman within 6 months. It's heartbreaking.
This song contains so much raw emotion, how can you not be moved by it? I can't imagine being the person she wrote it about, and still turning her away after hearing it.
i am so moved by this song. i cant stop listening to it in loops.
I love this song it is so touching she sings it brilliantly
Absolutely the best ballad of today - if this doesn't make you cry then there's no hope left
this songs says that she's letting him go but she wants him to still remember her

I found that my birth father had passed away back in Jan. 2007. My adopted parents didn't find until March the same year just around the time my adopted sister was having her baby shower. I had this song repeatedly playing as I cried my eyes out. The last time I saw him was when I was 9 years old
This one is definetly one I wont be able to hear come Nov. 9th
My husband passed away at 28 y/o last September...and he loved Green Day. :(
My boyfriend just dumped me via email for some chick he met on his trip in Egypt. This was our song.....
Makes me think of my brother who died in September :( i love this song
i listen to this song all the time and i dont cry i just listen to it and air guitar but yeah it is a depressing song
This is about the death of Billie Joe's father. His father died in September, so every September he relives the pain of his father's death. Hence the changing of time in the chorus.

This song is on the top 100 list THREE times currently .... adding it all up, this would probably make it to the overall 3rd place song.
I find it depressing because there is no way to escape hurt, ever. No matter how you try life always brings hurt.
I'd say this is more uplifting to the depressed then actually a depressing song

My ex played this song as her son's funeral after he killed himself. =[
When my boyfriend died the song was exactly my story. He was a bipolar and I loved him not only as a boyfriend but also as a caretaker. When he died my entire life was empty. When I hear this song now, it takes me back to that time and reminds me of feeling tired from hours of crying and being just as sad after crying as before (but now no longer able to cry).
I feel like this is the song I would leave to my mom if I ever killed myself
I actually think that either her son Hello or Like You should be here instead oooof My Immortal. They both deal with the death of her little sister Bonnie when Amy was just 6 years old and Bonnie was only 3. They are such sad but beautiful songs. My father actually died a couple years ago and I can remember singing that the day after we buried him.
Just seeing it on number seven instead of the top 5 makes it more sad : (
this should be higher in rank i almost cried the first time i heard it and i listened to this song when i was depressed about my dad (the best dad ever) being taken away
omg amazing song so sad describes exactly how you feel when ur betrayed by someone close to u or if u feel cut off from the world xxx so deep :b
What Defines An Excellent Song? For Me The Answer Is Simple. An Excellent Song Makes You Feel...... This Song Achieves This For Me Like No Other.
Im basing a school composition on this song amazing song love it
i love this song so much it's beautiful and sad at the same time
This is a great song!! She has the best songs ever! And really depressing ones at that...
if its possible to love a deppressing song then i love this songg, can realte it to so much :/ Definately a cry worthy song
i was listening to this before i saw its one of the most depressing songs. deffinitley gets all the tears out :'(
OMG, I lost my happiness when listen to this song! even when im very happy!
Beautiful, I cried and i'm a lad lol! Love the lyrics, very powerful - love wake me up too!
this was the first ever evanescence song i heard. i hve loved them ever since. that was when i was 4 it still makes me cry 2day. i sung this at my brothers funneral reception
The original, not the band or the the radio edit, is arguably one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.
this should be one i literally cannot help but cry and its a wondeful song
She has an amazing voice. I can sing like her though (: .. Lol. It does have to be the album version though.. The radio version is aight i guess. But it blows compared to the album version. Haha. But its a sad, good, depressing song.... Definately cried to it....
when i heard this song for the first time i literally cried for 20 minutes. i was already depressed too.....

How is this not on the list? I wouldn't put it at the top, but it should be on here.
"Eleanor Rigby, died in the church and was buried along with her name, Nobody came.
Father McKenzie, wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave, No one was saved."
The words are haunt me to this day.
Wipes the dirt from his hands and leaves her grave... nobody came... nobody cared... everyone is lonely. Sounds pretty depressing to me.
i was thinking about that!Yesterday too and long and winding road
This song is very depressing, especially the lyrics. I agree completely with above. My choir teacher got us to sing this and I wanted to go give Eleanor Rigby flowers for her grave.
how can people not think the futility of life is not depressing. your life being pointless with nobody turning up at your funeral is about at depressing as it gets
It doesn't belong this high up on here, but it is a depressing song. How can you not think a song about sitting around being alone while the world goes on around you is sad?
it has nothing to do here, it's absolutly not a depressing song...not sad at all, even if it's a good song.

This song is everything I feel. It's my favorite song of their album - all hope is gone -
Im glad that this song is on here, i've listened to this song so many times when i've been down...i could be in the best mood ever and this song could still bring me to tears. even just reading the lyrics, so much pain in them. truly a beautiful song
@the guy whose ex is dating 10yr best friend, i've been there too bro.. those feelings are still probably raw for you now but trust me it'll come to the time when you can listen to this song & appreciate it without the pain
Just heard this song as i was scrolling through the list. This describes perfectly all emotions for anyone who has experience a serious breakup. Epic Song. "It only took the death of hope to let you go..."
BEST SONG IN THE WORLD!! SHOULD BE #1! So sad, yet soo good! :( I cry every time I hear it! :'(
This song should be way up there, i have shed more tears on this song ever
I agree this is one of my favorite songs ever.
For those of you who see "Slipknot" and ignore this song, you should really give it a listen. The first time I heard Snuff and my friend told me who it was by I didn't believe him haha. There are few things better than speeding down the highway at night and blasting this song.
Some other good suggestions by Slipknot are Til We Die and Vermillion Pt.2
this is such an amazing song, because he speaks for how he lost someone near and he can never change his ways
Me and my ex girlfriend went out for a year and 8 months. after the first few months we decided this to be our "song". this past New Years she broke up with me and is currently going out with my 10 years long best friend, and could care less about me....I cant listen to this song without crying....
reminds me of all my failures in life and how i do wrong more than right :'(
This is one of the most beautiful songs ever made. Corey Taylor sings it with such passion and pain that it can't but move and touch you. Give it a go. Trust me, it really helps if you're feeling upset.

Because it's so powerful and beautiful, it seems so personal that we shouldn't even be listening to it
I love eminem. This song makes me sad. Every time i listen to this song i want to cry. I am young but i have witnessed alot. Im always depressed. It.......
One of my favorite songs by Eminem, this song always touches my heart and is really sad. The emotion is so raw and powerful... it just moves you.
this song is great should be in top 5 its personal its powerful and its a mistake that he made
This songs should at least be in top ten!
Awesome songs makes me cry!
I dont know if this song is on the list but Deja Vu by Eminem is a very powerful song as well
This song makes me shut my mouth and think about all the stuff I did wrong and it makes me wanne hug my girl and wipe silently
I love this song so much and everytime I listen to it I cry and I think about myself...And I'm talking about my father who leaved me when I was 6 and never cared about me...He's one of the reasons of my depressions. Now I'm sick, he knows but he doesn't pay attention to me and he doesn't care...
this song is a super depressing song and i honestly think it should be higher on this list
savage song i love eminem so much he really relates to me in his songs

^^^ haha your awesoem well put.. so cute people who are referring to pink floyd as him
Ok the fact that most people here are referring to pink floyd as a "he" shows you have no clue what your talking about. If you were referring to him being the guy in the movie the wall you are wrong in assuming hes in the band. The guy in the movie is bob geldof the creator of live aid and live 8. the song portrays geldofs character a famous musician overdosing on heroin before a show and his managers response is to pump him with counter acting drugs so he can still go onstage simply for another payday.
it was part of his cd the wall which he wrote based on life expriences and how he was a wacked out junky and the people around him didnt care as long as they made money if your gonna listen to this song go all the way and watch Pink Floyd's The Wall its on youtube its like 1hr 30 min
first comment that pin bring it nit heroin but medcine, hes already OD and theres so much more meaninf to it.
that comment realy fustreaded me dont talk about things you dont know.
sorry about bad spelling.
Bad choice to choose to be me and my ex's song, now I'm paying for it... ;(
The song isn't about trippin on ****. He was seriously ill on tour and he was given medicine he didn't want to keep him going, making money for the band, and it affected him and his basic performance as a human being greatly.
No, what started it was he was really sick before a show in Pittsburgh once and the hotel Doctor came up and said ,"oh we'll give you a shot of this and you'll be ok.....it made him nearly incoherent and he had to do the show anyway.....that was the inspiration for the song
Its about the grind that the music industry is on the band , and how they kept them doped up to keep em going through the constant shows.
thats sorta true i heard that it was something to do with his hands like he couldnt feel them or something
This song just about the dude trippin on heroin or something just listen to the lyrics"just a little pinprick" still a cool song tho

If you're like me you can relate to the song. Blue eyed, hurt and angry because of how everyone treats me but I hide it This song is something to relate to.
Limp Bizkit definitely did better. Just saying. Depressing stuff.
dont be ignorant, we all know both bands went the wrong direction with a song. i am a fan of the who and some what of limp bizkit and they both could have done alot better.
Technically the cover was Aaron Lewis (from Staind) and Fred Durst and I love Aaron's voice and not a big fan of the Who at all they ruined my name long before I had it. It's Athena by the way listen to that song it's depressingly terrible and I almost cried from it
I do think limp bizkit did a fair job, although they are not at all my fave band. However, the original's truthfulness with slight detachment cannot be copied, and that makes the Who shines more.
Limp Bizkit did it better? Are you retarded? This was a classic by The Who. How can someone do a better job at someone else's masterpeice.
great song, limp bizkit did it better tho i think :) makes me tear up

A mad fan made to belive eminem is dissing him by not answearing his letters. What made me cry the most was when Stan and his GF who was pregnant died and eminem found himself writing back to a dead man
To say this song is hating on the gay community is just plain dumb. The man in the song has a pregnant wife...totally screams gay *being sarcastic*. Get over yourself! But yes, this is indeed a sad song.
Well if you'd actually listen to the song, Eminem was first rapping from the perspective of only a die-hard-obsessed fan. He wasn't knocking the gays. And secondly, this kind of thing happens a lot more often than you'd think.
This song was just eminem being an ******* to gay people by posing one as his die-for-him fan. This song is sad, but for many reasons other than the death...

Try listening to Leonard Cohen reciting this as a poem. Available on You Tube
I LOVE this song. It IS pretty depressing, but I still love it.
This is really a beautiful song...I love listening to it. I especially love the first line "Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again." So powerful; how much it tells in just a short sentence.
This song was probably all that kept me from comiting suicide last year. It is so sad and yet so beautiful at the same time. It reminds me that their are things to fight for in life
Probably the most beautiful and meaningful song i have ever listened
This song is intense and illustrates well the passion and agony behind the singer's voice. Beautifully heartbreaking.
this is one of the best songs ever, it is so sad but it realy hitts home with me
you know why all of this music is so depressing? because its all so darn terrible!
such an amazing song- it definitely captures intense emotion and really makes the listener feel that emotion.

Played this song at my husbands funeral 6years ago, along with tears in heaven.
This is one of the rare occasions where in general i dislike the musician(possible understatement) but that i think this song id beautiful
This is a very sad (and beautiful) song. It should be higher tha 95. Hopefully my vote will take it up a bit.
my best friend / ex moved away and i listened to this song the day he moved everysingle thing in the song is what happened between me and him . he hasn come back to see me much .. tht was a year ago. i still start sobbing everytime i hear it
such a great song.. explained everything between my ex and i.. i cry when i listen to it everytime..
i love this song.. its perfect and flawless.. it makes me cry...
this song is perfect if you are depressed about a break up, i love this song

I put no man before my Jim.My number one R&R writer of all time ever.Love playing this song in D.
I got the clap from my friend's mom while listening to this song. I'm not sure what was more depressing.
It's nothing to do with Jim's father either. He had a very distant relationship with his parents, hence the Oedipus lyrics (father, I want to kill you). Truth is, he began writing it about the end of a relationship, but whilst performing it live he added lines of poems and other songs he had written, creating the masterpiece we now know. So, using your not so eloquent language, "know what your (sic) talking about before posting your BS."
On another note, probably my favourite song ever, and it both depresses you and makes you incredibly angry at the same time.
Nothing to do with the end of a relationship, moron. Jim Morrisons Father was in the Vietnam War, its about the Red River, "the snake" in Vietnam. And how the destroyed sailor comes home and in a not so uncommon turn of events, kills his father, brother and sister, then rapes and kills his mother.... Know what your talking about before posting your BS
They played this song at my fathers funeral..... I've never gotten around to listening to it... I just can't.
Its really about the end of a relationship but works on many levels. Jim Morrison was a true rock star, a shooting star, bright, spectacular and brief.

My Younger Brother covered this song 2 weeks before he dies. He knew he was dying and you can hear his passion and loneliness as he sings it.
My first experience with the Bee Gees was late 70s disco... 40 years later I stumbled across this song - changed my world forever. What an amazingly sad, hopeless, existential song.. +1
Lovely but really long xxx not really depressing I don't think but amazing song xxx
this song makes me think a lot like about life and stuff, gets me depressed... reminds me of a time a friend of mine tried (but luckily failed) to kill himself....
The story of a man whose perfect day is to be doped up on heroin which allows him to pretend he doesn't hate himself. This, coupled with the beautiful strings and piano just add to despair of the final line's realization that you're going to reap what you sow.
Great addition to the list. I love the irony in the lyrics. Lou lists the things that would truly lead to his perfect day (sangria in the park, feeding animals in the zoo), but ultimately, none of it matters because he has junk to take care of it all.
A song about someones love just disappearing overnight. It's really sad. Listen closely.
I always cry with this song, I don'k know if you watched skins, a brithish series about a group of teenagers, the last chapter of fist season ends with this song and is really sad
It's so sad and Adele makes it sound even sadder the way she sings it.
Dear "Guest" (I wish people would stand up and be counted :-)) - agree with you over the "vintage". Possibly not THE most depressing song ever. But beautiful. And sad. And perhaps a reflection of how I was at 17. Deserves to be higher. Think I'll go and listen to this song NOW!
I cannot believe this is so far down the list. I think it is only because of it's vintage. I think many people here have never heard it. The most depressing song in the world (IMHO)
This song was considered so depressing by many radio stations that when it first came out it was only given limited airplay, even today you will rarely hear it on the radio.
being a goth i know how it feels to be made fun of and different i sometimes wish that i was 'normal' but then i realize that im fine justnthe way i am nd this songs really says that its ok to be different nd let people know that you dont have to be the same xxx
This song is incredible, I feel like i relate to it so much. It's about how you don't fit in and you wish someone could just notice you for who you are.
depressing as it sounds but it somehow is uplifting. like saying what u r gives u a choice to b difrent
...it's a song about having a crush and being too shy to talk to the object of the affection. That's not sad, that's high school.
it doesn't make me cry, but i can relate. & the person who made the comment above me, making a comment like that is obviously going to help isn't it -.- fool. + you're clearly not as 'normal' as you claim to be if you are looking at a list of depressing songs.
this isnt depressing listen to scar tissue by RHCP or what its like by everlast
Well it's depressing for people who just want to fit in with others. For those who liked to be special. It''s something you perfect people will never understand. Moron.
Since it was edited, if anyone doesn't know, the original said f*cking. I hope that gets through the censors. Would help to have a preview button.
Sometimes I feel like a total outcast. I'm so different that other people can't accept me the way I am. Damn this song...thats the theme song of my life :(
I was introduced to this song in 7th grade... when I was being teased for cutting. It showed exactly how I felt still does.
Man, I hate to say it, but this is the stuff that goes through all of our heads.
ultimate song...radiohead is one of the bands who have the power to touch ur senses

This song is depressing I could cry every time I listen to it :(
Eva Cassidy's version is much sadder due to the reduced tempo. You can't not cry.
I love this song because it always reminds me of what I don't have left in my life. When I need to cry, I listen to this.
So (:
I Love this song.
And Saosin made a cover of it
and acoustic cover ^.^
Its great

One of first sad songs I appreciated many years ago. Vote upwards!
this is the ultimate suicide song
really touching how much he talks about his mom and how he loves her
love u mom miss u much
(puts gun in mouth)
...Told myself to treat myself to jumping off of a tower... they don't write 'em like that anymore!
First song to make me cry!
I just googled the lyrics because I don't know the song... They broke my heart, again

I'm not really sure why. Whenever I've listened to this song, it's made me even more depressed than I already was. Probably the slow music and the lightly echoing melodic singing.
NOBODY does heartbreak better than Adele? Ridiculous. All you need to do is glance at this list to see a ton of artists better than her at it.
Anyone who has seen 'Watership Down' will know why this is here. In its own right it is a tearjerker.
Amazing, beautiful song. Simon and Garfunkel really can write a depressing song.
The song is talking about losing his best friend and talking about how much it hurts. He keeps thinking about the good times and the night he lost him. A great song for anyone who has lost someone they love.
A song about a daughter running away from her life- It can be comprehended much more deeply if you listen closely.
Heart-wrenching lyrics about Vincent Van Gogh's beautiful life and tragic death......
Starry, starry night.
Paint your palette blue and grey,
Look out on a summer's day,
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills,
Sketch the trees and the daffodils,
Catch the breeze and the winter chills,
In colors on the snowy linen land.
Now I understand what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they did not know how.
Perhaps they'll listen now.
Starry, starry night.
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze,
Swirling clouds in violet haze,
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue.
Colors changing hue, morning field of amber grain,
Weathered faces lined in pain,
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.
Now I understand what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they did not know how.
Perhaps they'll listen now.
For they could not love you,
But still your love was true.
And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night,
You took your life, as lovers often do.
But I could have told you, Vincent,
This world was never meant for one
As beautiful as you.
Starry, starry night.
Portraits hung in empty halls,
Frameless head on nameless walls,
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget.
Like the strangers that you've met,
The ragged men in the ragged clothes,
The silver thorn of bloody rose,
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.
Now I think I know what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they're not listening still.
Perhaps they never will...
I find that I can easily relate to this song, the lyrics are just so true.
A beautiful song, I cry every time I hear it. Elton John wrote it after John Lennon died, and I swear every time he says 'Can't you come out to play', I need tissues. If you like Elton John, Loved John Lennon, or just want a good cry, try it out.
Neil Young has many songs far more depressing than Heart of Gold.... The Losing End .. among may others.
Oddly enough this is my one true favorite song for the simple reason of the lyrics. Though I am much younger than the average people who grew up with this song... me being 24 at the moment.... My father played this song for me and it always stuck. "I've been a miner for a heart of gold, and I'm getting old"
Definitely a depressing song. From the sorrowful intro piano to the depressing swansong of a chorus, this song portrays hopelessness and depression in such a way that it completely reflects the subject matter of a suicide note
This song is amazingly emotional, I listen to it and feel the words. Always play it when I'm depressed.
I wish this song ranked higher, this song is wrotten in the form of a suicide note. When I am depressed I listen to this song, and many times I feel very much how Justin Sane (former bassist who attempted suicide now in anti-flag who the song is based off of) felt.
i was shocked to see this here.. i didnt think it would get a lot of recognition.. by far the greatest sevenfold song. and ive heard them all countless times! love it.
one of the most amazeing songs that will just make you cry. part 2 is also pretty good...........

I haven't been able to find a song on this entire list that had the same impact on me as this song did.
I was surprised to see this song on this list! The song, after all, is a tribute to Elton's mentor Long John Baldry, the man who "saved his life." Long John (a gay man himself) convinced Elton to accept his own homosexuality, and stop living a life of lies and secret pain. This song is more a celebration than anything else.
The ultimate anthem to introversion. This song truly hits close to home for anyone who has struggled to be social and outgoing.
This song always moves me in much the same way as The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.
How any one can listen to this song and not break down in tears is beyond me. If I would love, love a chance to dance with my father again. The tears are running down my cheeks as I write this.
Cant believe this isn't on here, Clearly About A Brothers Death.
I know most think of the bodygaurd and Whitteny Housten when this song is mentioned but I find Dolly's version so much more heartbreaking
Arranged to have it played at my partner's funeral, listen to it and you'll understand hopefully
The lyrics are very depressing and so is the ironic, haunting, slightly uptempto background beat. "We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun, but the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time." One of the saddest songs I've ever heard, as the singer talks about remembering his life and preparing to die. The Nirvana cover is perhaps even more depressing.
about a guy that his girlfriend died.. "I hold your casket gently walking to the grave
Dark clouds eclipse the sun won't shine again"
I looked the whole list and I haven't seen any Billy Talents song..that's weird they write very dark and depressing songs! "Surrender", "Pins and Needles", "Nothing to Lose" check them out guys!
I have 10,000 plus records in my collection. This is the only song I cannot listen to as it makes me want to cry every time I hear it. It makes me so sad as it reminds me of how fast are children grow up and are then pretty much gone from our lives.
If you don't get it, you've probably never lost love. You either feel it or you don't.
P.S. I don't even listen to country music but this song rips me up everytime.
George Harrison wrote some of the finest songs by the Beatles. This song in particular is one of the most moving songs I have ever heard. Specifically the lines " I look at the world and I notice it's turning...With every mistake we must surely be learning" really get me.
I haven't found a song on this list that comes close the same impact this song had on me
Talks about how time creeps up on you and makes you realise that you've done so little with your life
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