A sweet and true song that really personalizes the image of the soldier.
My dad is in training and I miss him so much I cry every time I think of him. He is my hero. I look up to him.
My brother was in his room crying while the music was playing.
My boyfriend played this song as he was packing and getting ready to be deployed... 😭
My son was in Iraq and I was driving home from work and had to pull the car over and cry...it still gets to me 10 years later. but so does the song God Bless America...the song the Army Band played when my son came home at Ft. Bragg 2004. It never sounded so beautiful, and has never sounded the same since.
this song is a good song...and when u have a family menber in . its a better song, 2 my daughter pvt swigeart...lov-mom
my brother is in the army .. my dad is singing this when he comes home to alabama ): i miss him so much ...
this song did get to me before i deployed. got to me even more when i finally would get a letter.
wow right before i got deployed i listened to this song and it really made me think about how all of you people think of me and i very appreciate it and so does god and i want to thank everyone out there who supports us :")
Wow!! I cry everytime they say son you make me proud cuz I wud start sobbing if my dad told me that!
This song is AMAZING! trust. my brother loves this song. and he knows its trues. when we tell him we are proud of him. he breaks down. Something in his mind set is triggered. but as soon as the tears come the leave. :(

If you've ever read the book Fearless about a navy SEAL named Adam Brown this song will make you go dead silent and maybe even cry
this song was touching and made me remember the sacrafice that they are making to protect this land, freedom doesn't come free.
The lines of this song show the willingness and yet the reluctance of giving everything for one’s country.
This song is really good, and it makes you think about everything regular citizens take for granted like being able to sleep all night and know that you'll be safe. That someone is not going to come in the night and and kill you, or bomb a whole city, Because the shoulders do our worrying for us so we can know we'll be safe no matter what, even if it means their lives will be taken so we can live!
This song was playing when my dad left for his deployment, and now i want it to play when i leave.
this song is sad it reminds me of my neighbors husband that is off in the military and of my friends that are joing
I cry everytime I here this song "because freedom don't come free"
This song kills me... They played it at my brother funeral in 04. No matter when or where I hear it I burst into tears.
The song makes me think of my dad, who died in Afghanistan about a month before I was born. I cried the first time I heard the song and I still cry when I hear the song now.
This song reminds me of my dad, who's been to Iraq and Afghanistan several times. He's the bravest man I know and I'm proud of him
They played this song at my brother's going away party before he deployed. He's back now and on base but he's shipping out anytime now and this song makes me feel like he's next to me, not overseas.
everytime i hear this song i think about the bravest men in our country that put their lives on the line to protect what we have. freedom does not come free. im proud to be an American and i respect our military. god bless america
freedom doesn't come free, and soldiers sacrafice themselves to protect this land and their families so we can live in peace. Family members leave the comfort and safety of their own home so we can live in freedom.

I want to thank all of the soldiers that commented in this song. I thank you for your service and all you does for the U.S. You work hard to give us a life of peace, and you are not always thanked for that. I would like to thank you once again for everything that you do.
a junior in high school
Im in the USMC and this song does make a lot of sense but some of us soldiers do not do that stuff to the people but when we do its because we have to follow orders
Ive noticed most of the people who dont like this song arent fighting men. Just because your in the military doesnt make you a fighting man. Anyone can put on a uniform. Ive deployed 3 times and fought and seen my share. Hell I received a Valor award for doing my job. But I also received a burden over loss. A lot of people dont see what really goes on but they see the metals and scares so this is pretty accurate. Its not all accurate but it definitely sets a accurate mood on what many warriors go through feeling out of place at home.
Thing is i hear the all the see is scares and medals and they are so damn proud of me.. all i see is my husband suffering from ptsd just to keep ppl free... and some just see so much hate going around and no one to realize how much pain and suffering they go through... He have lost so many friends from PTSD and killing themselves because of it... This song hits home for my husband... i cry hearing it everytime...
This song is amazing, it's not pro war, it's pro soldier, it isn't criticising soldiers at all, it's trying to show what they go through on a daily basis.
this song i just awesome.
describes war, the bad sides and what people at home see. very touching.
it's sad that it is a story by a grandfather to father, at the end the father tells his son.. routating story, making people cry ..
love this song, my gf too, always singin that..
i love this song and scince tjhe age of 10 ive dreamed of going in to the british royal navy im now 17 nearing my 18th so i can serve my country and queen, and this song is praising the action of what we see not what is done
My father was an army ranger, and when I was smaller even to the age of 15 I always wanted to do what he did. He always told me it's not just a gun and a medal... I just got out of my second tour and I can honestly say that my dad was right, And this song made me cry because of all the emotions it brought back.
My boyfriend just went to training and my cousin is in Turkey.. they are both in the airforce. and watching them leave is honestly the hardest thing ive ever had to do. This song made me cry for like an hour. I miss them so much Thank you soldiers ! your amazing and i love you all ! .
It's a very sad song, but it's exactly like how it is over there. Trust me, i know.
When i first heard this song, i burst into tears. I'm really working on fighting off my depression and this song really nailed it. When i got home everyone called me a hero, but honestly i didn't really feel like a hero, and he is right there is a medal over my chest, but it means something totally different to me than it does to everyone else. Also, mistakes happen in war, and i think that is more what he is talking about versus soldiers violating UCMJ.
If you look at the comments, and notice those that are enlisted, they respect this song.
A song doesn't have to sing praise towards us, for that is not what a soldier joins for. The song means something, it means something more then most of the others don't.
You don't join to be a hero.
You join to make the world a better place, in a way many people don't understand. That effort, in most cases, comes at a tragic cost.
Every time I hear this song it evokes real emotions, and things I cannot express in words alone.
I'm in the army myself. I really do respect this song. This isn't disrespectful in my opinion in any sense. This is someone who left so he could be a hero of war. Someone who wanted to be bigger and make more of a difference in the world than he felt he could make in the civilian world. But what he finds out is there is a lot more that happens in war than you think. And he falls into it. In the end he regrets it all. He realises that doing all of the things he did, didn't make him a hero of war. And treating and killing innocent people like he did only made him a bad person. He regrets killing the little girl, hince why he brings the flag home. The flag is a symbol of true freedom in his mind. Not the american flag.
this is such a good song .its saying "why should we be considered heros when we have to do such terrible things "
my mother was in the army as a combat medic. she hates this song but we have different view points. she says that this song is disrespecting the soldier, i say its saying **** happen/ they didn't know what they wanted when they sighed, stress and panick may have been the issue for the video of shooting the little girl. Almost all of my family was military mostly consisting of Marines and Army so i did grow up with hearing stories and i plan on going in myself, in my opinion i think the band was trying to get the public to see that soldiers are put through traumatic experiences, they make mistakes and well, stuff happens under stress, they're not perfect but even so they r proud to serve their country.
I was in afghanistan for a year and was shot at on a daily basis and i can relate to everything in this song... you never knew who you could trust or what was goin to happen... all you knew is that you needed to live, survive, for the loved ones home... and you would do anything to get home to them... you dont know what a year of something trumatic can do to a person, and soldiers, especially infantry and recon, should be heroized for it
To the second comment, i agree and am hoping to join the nrotc marine option program and be a proud member of the USMC. I could go off and make a good living in the business sector but I wish to serve our country and am thankful for all those who have sacraficed for us all
WOW! this song is amazing! My Brother is the one who introduce this song to me! He is a Air Man and really respect s this song.. And those who have to go threw Deployment and sacrifices much more greater than civilians. So stop saying this song is bad for this list! its actually ONE OF THEE BEST! * Thank you those of those soldiers who serve our country, and fight to made our freedom enjoyable!(:
Alot of you didn't like this song. However it is from the soldiers point of view and it may not be all but it may be some who like and understand and those of u who do congrats
To those bashing the USN Officer, LEARN TO READ! He said MOST soldiers, not ALL. For those Soldiers who joined because they wanted the money, I admire what you have done and sacrificed for us, but, truth is.. If you're going for the money then it's not the same. Yes, you do make the same sacrifices and fight the same way and such, but, you're there for the wrong reasons. Or, you joined for the wrong reasons, atleast. I honour and deeply admire and respect Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen alike. You've given and sacrificed so much for your country(ies) and/or state(s). On behalf of one deeply grateful, eternally thankful civillian I say, Thank You for having the courage to stand up for all of us.
I suffer from PTSD because of what's sang in this song. The comments posted about this song our from soldiers who were fobits. As an infantry soldier this song is all facts. Anyone who says otherwise sat on a fob their entire tour of Iraq. For those of us who had to fight we were put in these situations time and time again
totally agree, not a pro mil song at all...bummer too, bc I actually like Rise Against. But I know my dad's 30 years in the Army was worth it. God bless our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen.
after getting out of the military after 15 years I have to disagree, yeah I joined because there weren't many options open to me but I could have done other things but saying that no soldier but those 20 that did it solely out of patriotism did it for their country is kind of false. I've known recruits of all kinds and country was always a factor.
to the second comment, i just left ft benning about 2 weeks ago, and out of the 600 or so guys i knew there maybe 20 or 30 were doing it cuz they were patriotic, id say most were cuz they had no other options, then college, then guys just wanten to go sf or ranger to push themselves and be able to say they did what few other have done. but just a handful did it for country.
im trying to jump on my first deployment right now so i can't say from personal experiance but from what all my sgts and friends who have gone say this hits the nail on the head. Most of us arn't there cuz we like being soldiers we're there cuz we need money or we want to go to school. and when we get tossed into this war...you do stuff and you don't always do the right thing, but you do you're best. cuz i don't know anyone who'd risk there life for oil that they'll never see profit from, but i know atleast 218 men who willl lay down there lives for there wives children parents siblings random strangers or a promise that their death helped to make a better life for someone. as they say over and over i want to be a hero of war...and ps he wouldn't be tried under umcj cuz he couldn't see she was waving a flag, and she was entering a restricted area, i had a ds who shot a 80 year old man driving a truck and killed like 2 kids and they let it go, not that it matters doing something like that would kill you. we're soldiers, were not perfect, but our hearts are mostly in the right place. and i think thats what they were getting at.
For the first comment: Im also a soldier in the british army and i saw the video and heard the song and it is a contridiction not a statement. the song is saying that going to war does not make you a hero that is why the flag he loved at the end was the white flag of surrender that he brought home from the civvie that he shot. You Americans eh lol
Not only this but It's very inaccurate and inconsistent with history and the current conflicts. As a USN officer and descendant of a line of fighting men since the War for Independence I can tell you this song is very disrespectful, most soldiers and sailors didn't volunteer because they were conned into it. Most are patriotic young Americans who want to make a difference and their officers are good human beings who would never order such an event.
Yeah, beating a prisoner of war and shooting a girl who is surrendering.. Yes, this sometimes happend but i wouldnt qualify it to be the best military or soldier song. I'm a soldier and the things sang about does not make you a hero, it makes you a criminal under UMCJ and is why most soldiers will never do such a thing.

This song is very good. I play it every year at this time.Some people just don't understand that when I listen to songs like this one it makes me feel like I am just one step closer to my dad, who I never even got the choose to met because he died a month before I was born.
I'm glad people appreciate my work. I put alot of effort,into writing just a dream. God bless all our fallen heroes.
this song really does remind me of my corporal. I miss him so much.
If you like this song listen to the reply by Tyler toliver called "Live our dream"
Best. Song. On. This. List.
If you don't cry, you have a heart of stone.

It's not even necessarily an anti-war song. You can't talk about war without talking about the pain of the families left behind, especially those who lose loved ones.
The problem is not that the Dixie Chicks expressed their political view but that they did it in ANOTHER country.
You people who don't like this song because the Dixie Chicks sang it are ridiculous! I LOVE the Dixie Chicks and I applaud their right to speak their piece. They have the right to say whatever they want to say. Most people were ashamed of Bush II if we're all honest. I do love the fact that he loves this country, but he was NOT a good president and he did NOT do right by us. This is a beautifully done song and it's just a shame that a wonderful group like this are not even welcome. They supported our troops, just not our president. And they have that right! Thank you to all who are serving and to all who have served, as well as to anybody who has lot a loved one in war. We went way off track in that particular war. Shame on George Bush (though I'd take him over our current president) and good for the Chicks for saying what many of us felt.
those who are talking bad about the dixie chicks are mistaken. at least they had enough guts to stand up and write music about the people who are fighting for our country and their loved ones. I LOVE this song. when my boyfriend got sent over i listened to this song all the time and i cried everytime almost I LOVE this song !!!!
I love the Dixie Chicks...even more for speaking their minds about idiot Bush II.
I applaud those who served, and serve. My husband's currently overseas. However, this is a powerful song, despite the ranting and ravings of an ignorant country singer,
Idk what u all are talking about this song is AMAZING I can listen to it 50 times in a row and cry EVERY TIME!!! There is NOTHING wrong with this song
Their use of Freedom of Speech is Terrific! And I applaud them for invoking their Right. They have Every Right to Disagree with Politics and Policies. But doing so in the Homeland (United States) is One Thing. Saying you're not proud of the Leader of Your Country... when your Overseas... has a Totally Different MEANING. It's One Thing... to protest, demonstrate, and disagree inside the U.S.....and it's a different thing when you're a public figure (like a Popular Band)... and tell Foreigners that you're Ashamed of Calling your President... a Texan. Can't anyone SEE the Difference?
Wat thy "did" is protected by the constitution I fought to defend. You belittle my service and all soliders with your rants. They have always supported the members of the armed services. We all have not only the right but the duty to call out the washington piheads who misreresent things.
"what they did"? Do you mean expressing an anti-war opinion that is inherent and present in classic country ie Loretta Lynn and Johnny Cash. I think modern pop-country like Toby Keith has caused some amnesia about country roots and voice. Does anyone remember why Johnny Cash was The Man in Black?
With what the dixie chicks did I dont see how you can put this song at #2. I truly cant stand them and neither can most people. Terrible #2 choice.

A very sad and touching song about life and death of a soldier and it’s impact.
A more upbeat song about soldiers, describing a soldier still doing his duty to protect long after his death.
when i heard this song for the first time it makes me cry . my complety family was in the military and i join the german military as an airborne soldier next year and later hoply join special forces. Semper fi to all who fight for their country and for our freedam! Hooha!
I love this song, but it makes me worry about my own soldier.
I actually found a letter like this from my great uncle. He hunted before he went to the army and the note was in the back of his old dogs dog house. I started crying....
one of the best songs ive ever heard. it still gives me a chill down my spine when i listen to it.

John Prine song about a soldier who comes back from the Vietnam war with a wound and has to take more and more pain killers which eventually leads to harder drugs and self destruction.
Whether it was about his father dealing with cancer or about our military, either way it was fighting a war. It can be interpreted however the listener wants. Jist enjoy the music, and remember those who were lost.
Im married to a marine and he loves this song. no matter why it was written if it brings even a minute amount of relief or comfort to our armed forces its a military song
this song is about Billie Joe Armstrong's (lead singer) father. His father died on the month of September.
This song is not about a young man leaving for war. It's about when the lead singer of green day, billy joe armstrong, lost his father. Do your research.
The song is in an album called AMERICAN IDIOT if you know anything about Green Day, the whole thing was written because the band wanted to write about the war going on in iraq because billie was watching the news one day and was moved by all thecrap he saw and decided it was time for someone to step out in music and write about the war. yes this song was about his father but they put it in the album for a reason. do your research before you comment
This song is great, cause I was just in the Stan and the end of september was when we left Sangin.
even though it's about his father's passing, the entire song could be interpreted to be about losing a father in war. regardless of what the song IS about, it COULD be about that to a certain person.
Although I agree that the video has nothing to do with the original meaning of the song, the whole point of music is to take from it your own interpretation. So this song could be about war if that's what it means to you.
the video has nothing to do with the meaning. He told a crowd at a concert it was about his dad dying.
Agreed. Just because a music videos usually alter the true meaning of a song. Billie's father died on September 1, and told his mother to "wake me up when September ends."
Really? "Watch the music video"? Videos don't really have anything to do with what the songs actually about most of the time.

This makes me think of my girl and hee being in the army. I can't wait for her to be in my arms again. She left two days ago
A great song about american soldiers and just america in general
A beautiful song that describes the connection soldiers have for each other and the lasting impact of war.
This song is AMAZING and should move to the top of the list! Heard it on country radio--gave me chills and I sent to my friends in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This powerful anti-war song written in 1970 by Steve Goodman amidst the Vietnam war proves that we still have learned nothing from all the conflicts.
I'd never heard this song before so i looked it up and listened with tears running down my face. I've served in Iraq and Afghanistan both and known men and women who died there leaving families back home. This song really brought home the pain I know they feel every day.
I had actually seen Otherwise perform this song last year October 2013 in NYC. They opened up for Lacuna Coil. Didn't know anything about the band. They said they were from Las Vegas. Before playing Soldiers they said it was a song for everybody not just soldiers. They said it's for anybody who basically gets up everyday and deals with life, work, school, etc. Needless to say it's a very kickass song especially for the military and they were a great band to watch live.
My 3 y/o sings this because Daddy is down range, and it reminds him of his Daddy. It does need to be voted up, I agree.
If you listen to these lyrics they are simple but absolutely strong.

Simply the best that shows the soldiers devotion for the people they serve and protect.
this song keeps me striving towards my goal of enlisting in active duty Army as a piolt following in my good friends foot steps still have a little over a year before i can take the oath but still keeping my head held high.
All of Five Finger Death Punch's album "War Is The Answer" is all about soldiers and about war. I love the whole album and would love to hear another one like it!
it's a song on how a soldier promised to come home but it's for his funeral
I'm 19 yrs old in college who has fallen in love with my best friend who's training to be a marine. He dedicated this song to me. When I first heard it, tears where brought to my eyes. Very good song. I listen to it every night and imagine him here.
I listen to this song all the time because I will soon be joining the Marines. It hits me hard when I think of what everyone will be like if I don't make it back alive. Semper Fi and God bless our soldiers!
Read the book he wrote it's even better it helped me through my brothers deployment.
i love this song it makes me cry every time because its my story in a nut shell
My son told me about this song; it really got to me. Have become a big fan of Mark, and been to three of his concerts. Appreciate how he recognizes us vets.
Most ppl would relate this song to Air Force Basic Training. This is a great song, gives you hope. Lets you know that you have a chance to make it back home. Thats all you want, is to get back home.
The most moving, beautiful and inspiring song a mother can listen to when her son is going into the service.
oh my gosh i just listened to that song for the first time and cried my eyes out! my fiance is in the army so it really took my heart for a spin. that is a wonderful song and its given me hope that my fiance will come back alive and well.
Ive been singing this song for as long as i can remember. Ive seen neighbors come ad go, but i never knew what it was truely like until a very close cousin of mine joined the national guard.

Whoever said that the title is the only thing having to do with a soldier is retarded..."Its all over...for this unknown soldier" The war is finally over in his head because death is the only escape for battle.
This song is a military song. It is a look into a soldiers mind and how he handles taking an enemies life. Sad song.
It refers to the failed 1916 Easter uprising in Ireland, and how some folk still can't let go of the hate and bitterness even after several generations, using it to justify to continuing the violence.
This song is amazing. My solider has been gone since October and won't be back till July
Yes, but this is so true, isn't? I mean, a lot of people are saying it doesn't matter. We need to stop going into wars when we're not prepared to finish what we start. Look at Vietnam! All those lives, American and South Vietnamese, so many killed, and we still didn't finish the job. Did they die for nothing? And now we're about to pull out of Iraq, with the Taliban still in hiding and very possibly capable of making a comeback. Once again, we are not finishing what we started. God bless out troops! And bring them safely home.
This song is about a soldier who has returned home and is bearing the scars of war (i.e.: his dreams and his conscience).
I think it's about a soldier feeling bad for what he had to do to survive during his war, and that he is apologizing for his own actions of self-defense. It's almost like a plea for forgiveness
A heart wrenching song about a man who lost his brother to the war, and how he finds his only peace driving his brothers truck.
It's actually about a man who lost his son in Afghanistan and drives his truck to deal with the pain.
I have a similar situation but my dad died nd every time I drive his truck it makes me feel like he's right there with me RIP Dad
I feel the same way my uncle Johnny is in the army he's in Afghanistan right now his daughters 1st my cousins 11th and my 16th birthday yesterday.. I drive his truck around anytime I can.. I miss him so much
You can't be TOO patriotic. I take offense to that. I'm a military wife & my husband is in Iraq...I can't even talk to him so I don't have the slightest clue how he's doing. So maybe you should be a little more grateful to those who are risking and even giving their lives for your freedom, even if it takes them away from their families.
this is my pts deal with it song, every time i think back to the times, the i saw, the things i did. thank you metallica, this song gives me life. still need to read the book though.
I think this song should be highly ranked because it shows me that no one plans or even wants to die in war but if they need to they will take that sacrifice. I am going to be a military police officer in the navy and if something endangers a fellow crewman I will protect him/her. Thats why I love this song so much.
Something like this actually happened during World War 1, in 1914
This is the most hauntingly beautiful song I have ever heard. It's so hard to find the real version but when you do, it just melts you. It is at the same time the most peaceful and haunting songs ever written. Men came together from killing eachother to just spend Christmas not scared to death. But when the "devil'a clock struck midnight" we had to go back to killing. It shows the love in mankind no matter how horrible it can get. Sometimes we just get so out of hand we need to show out love for one another
Amazing song about how our members of the military are there for each other and wont' come home "til the last shots fired"
Listen to the song and you'll understand why it needs to be on here...
I personally met Staff Sgt Barry Sadler in Tucson, AS when I was about 6 years old. My parents bought his house on San Patricio. He was a very quite, and tortured man. He saw so much in war, he was a hero.
As a former member of the 101st ABN in the 60-70 I love this song. People will never understand what we went thru and you can"t explane You had to be there. SFC ret

Its a song about a stretch of highway in Canada that soldiers who have given their lives over seas are brought down to the base in Trenton. It is a beautiful and powerful song.
im Canadian and know some soldiers who have passed on god bless all who enlist and give their lives
an incrdible song that you just have to hear if you love our military
A beautiful song about those who miss their loved ones.
i danced to this song in my dance recital this past year. the teacher and choreographer is engaged to a military soldier. we danced this dance three times becasue everyone claimed it was so beautiful and moving. not one person in that audiance was left untouched by that dance and most people cried. this is such a powerful song.
For soldiers going to war, remember those left behind.
Don't let them wait around for the heartbreak.
When you watch the official music video of this song it actually is ONLY about people that make sacrifices in the Military. At the end there are words that state that the song was dedicated for all of the people who served our country.
I used to listen to this in the morning before Being sent out with my seal team, and later in the Marine Crops after being injured just enough to no longer be good enough for seals but still great with a Drone!
you should never let anyone get to you, you sacrificed more than most will ever sacrifice, don't ever hate the fact that people look at you funny or make fun of you for what you sacrificed. Take it as a compliment because you made it back and not all can say that. Marine corps vet served a year in Afghanistan and have lost friends.
A reminder of what we fight for, brings tears to the eyes of my grandfather who fought in WW2 every time he hears it, as well as There'll Always Be An England
I listen to this song everyday, along with many others about PTSD, just trying to understand what my dad goes through. The first time he went to fireworks when he came back, he hit the ground and covered his head.
Five finger death punch does some greats songs for the troops
This song talks about the soldier fighting for his life and the scars he bears from his experiences in war.
As an Army wife and veteran who has spent far to much time apart from my soldier, this song made me cry. It is about a soldier coming home on leave missing his wife and child. In the original song by New Order, you find out the soldier died. In this version, it appears as if maybe there was a mistake. But either way, the separation and longing takes its toll.
Best song out there.. about a little boy who misses his father when he gets deployed and dies... Brings tears to my eyes
about a soldier using a deck cards for a bible and almanac during the war
A bittersweet song about surviving a war, but losing much more in the process.
Its about her and the man of her dreams; They get married but he dies while he's in the army.
omg I like the song but ever time I hear it I cry cuz my bf is wanting to go but I don't want him to because I care for him so much and don't wanna lose the love of my life or my other half he's my everything and I just can't stand the idea of losing a person I hold dearly to my heart.
This song, about flying fallen soldiers back to their final resting place, makes me cry every time.
Sorry if this is up somewhere and I never noticed, this song is sad but definatly a different twist on the heros of war.
Gives a salute to the troops that's dedicated their lives to our freedom...
A song describing the situation when Blunt has been in Kosovo as a soldier. He uses very direct phrases, e.g. "Brothers lie in shallow graves", "Wives and daughters cut and raped", "The smell of death is in the air", or "It's another family's turn to die".
This song just chokes me up especially the lines "Because you cannot walk with the holy, If you're just a halfway decent man". As a veteran it makes me question my own morality when I see on TV the continuing suffering of ordinary families fleeing from war, especially the children. Maybe if we were really decent people we would do more to help war refugees.
In my opinion this song should be ranked very high on the list. It's one of the greatest songs ever written.
This song really brings out the heroism of the troops. That they make the biggest sacrifice, for the greatest reward. Freedom. For no greater gift has man, than to lay down his life for love.
I'm so thankful you suggested the song. I have been putting together a home video of my best friend that we lost over seas for is family. I needed one more song and I finley found it after 3years of starting it to finally finish it to send to them... I know I could of picked anything but it had to be the right one. And I hurd him tell me this is the one. :)
Very inspirational. It's pretty much about being beaten down, and when you cant fight anymore, but then you need to get up and look ahead and see you can get through it if you remeber who you are.
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Top 10 Top Songs about Soldiers and War are especially marked