J. S. Bach is the greatest composer who ever lived. All his compositions are masterpieces of melody. He was Genius.
Burt Bacharach created some of the most beautiful music of the 60's and early 70's. Dionne Warwick was their #1 artist.
Elton John/Bernie Taupin also made some great music together in the 70's and in later decades.
They should be on this list.
1-Beatles 2-MJ 3-Pink Floyd 4,5,6 McCartney Lennon Harrison (in any order) 7,8,9 Bach Beethovin Mozart (again in any order) 10- Bob Dylan.
No other composer has given us a tool to reach realms as far beyond anything we know. Mozart, Beethoven, etc, they are lovely and nice you could listen them, they move one emotionally but the ropes they hand you are just too short if at all to let you reach the top of the mountain.
He must be the number one. The reason is very clear. His music is played all around the world every day many times in hundred thousands of places, because his music is played in the churches and in christian homes. And this since 4 hundred years. Nobody else was so much successful. The other artists here are also great, but they lived only a couple of years and they still have to stand the ttest of time. Therefore no comparison to Bach.
J s Bach Is the best musician ever 10 times better than the beattles he wrote pure masterpieces he should be number 1
in heaven there is also a list of the top music artists. There he is the Number one and as times go by he will also get this place down here on Earth.
All of you people arguing over why or not Bach or the Beatles are missing the point. They shouldn't be compared. Both are fabulous in they're own right but are 2 completely different styles. Bach of course was far more technically talented than the Beatles, but the Beatles were much better lyricists. It doesn't make one or the other any better or worse and I think they are both respectable.
Wow...Multiply times ten how many people the Beatles have inspired and then one begins to grasp how many people Bach has inspired. The fact that we are still talking about him speaks volumes about his legacy, and not only Johann, but all of the Bach's and the composers of the time - it was solely about the music.
and why do you say that the beatles aren't as good as bach, because there music isn't as complicated? I believe that they were great musicians solely because their music inspired so many people and they put much emotion into some of their songs. Lyrics and music spread emotion better than just music when the lyrics are great. Also, the Beatles were not inspired by Bach so without Bach there probably would still be the Beatles.
LOL, the Beatles don't come up to Bach's knee bone.
Seriously people, try to expand your horizons.
Anyone who says that the Beatles are better than Bach has listened to too much Beatles and not enough Bach.
If there were no Bach i doubt there would have been the Beatles.
Rabindranath Tagore's songs, like the cantatas of J.S Bach are outstanding and great.

I agree Beetoven tops Mozart . Not enough room to explain why. Shoenberg should be in the top 10. Genusis are better with a touch of insanity .
Nadeem-Shravan is the one & only melody king of the whole world.
Im so sick of him ever since he died he is playing on the radio like all the time
Only an ignorant dumbass like rizzo would assume that Beethoven never played an instrument. He was a famous Pianist and even played a string instrument in the Viola. He was a master during the times of a greatly left out genre of music when making these lists. He is widely considered to be the most genius composer during the most genius time period; when they composed for orchestras with many, many sections insted of maybe 4 or 5 (with all due respect to bands).
I'm not sure what that comment by Rizzo is implying. Are you saying that Beethoven didn't play an instrument? If that's what you're saying, you're greatly mistaken. He played several of the keyboard instruments of his time (they progressed as he composed because older models weren't sturdy enough to support the power of his music). He had perfect pitch, and his improvisations were said to go on for hours, even reducing people to tears. So I strongly feel that Beethoven deserves this spot. Actually I believe he deserves no. 1.
i agree that he was out of this world and really gr8 but if compared with mj both are best at their own places. i guess mozart could also hav been in the 2nd or 3rd place
He was deaf, Imagine a painter, painting a picture while blind! Beethoven is out of this world
Although we live in the POP age Beethoven has reached the 2nd place. This list is not visited by the older age. Otherwise he would be still Number 2. But behind Bach. Michael Jackson is a shrill person and the center point of a shrill generation. But as a music artist he is grossly overrated
can someone who doesnt play any of the instruments or sing the song be considered the greatest musical artist ever? if there is no room for an artist to improvise and perform his own music i think there is something missing once you are aware of the music that can be created when those things are possible. theres no room for interpretation or spontinaity in the music its missing a key element. great stuff though i just think the more developed music of more modern times deserves to be looked on as such
Beethoven and Bach are so far above EVERYONE on this list (except for Wagner, Haendel, brahms, Schubert), they would need a telescope to see them. This list proves that people are dumber than a bag of manure.
No one from the 20th century should be anywhere near the top 10. Bach deserves at least the top 5 spaces by himself.
LOL at the Beatles.

beatles are the best music artists in the history of music and than elvis Presley than led zeppelin
the beatles are number 1 over anybody they have sold more albums or records than any artists ever you can play there music over and over again and you never get sick of it they are the best music artists in the history of music
nobody matches the beatles they are the best ever than elvis presley nobody matches them in record sales
I love the beatles- they're what really got me into music, but if anything its a huge compliment to them being behind the eternal masters bach and beethoven
beatles are the best music artists ever better than bach or Beethoven than elvis Presley number 2 of alltime rock and roll is the best music ever made.
beatles are number 1 over anyone a close number 2 evlis presley than chuck berry 3
the beatles are the best music artist ever they made the best albums ever and singles. they sold more music or albums or singles than bach or Beethoven and rock and roll is the best music ever.
How are the Beatles number 5? They should be number 1. Don't get me wrong. I like MJ... but come on. It's the Beatles! They deserve the number 1 position.
the beatles should be number 1. they had most number 1 hits, most songs, most popular,and they only played for ten years
They were only good when they were about thirty, not when they were like 20 singing dumb pop songs, and they should not be above Stevie Wonder, 2pac, or Nas
should be number one...... they have sold more records than any other artist ever, they have the most number one hits than any other artist........ i dont think MJ can even claim that
Beatles under Bach, Beethoven and MJ??? *shaking my head and looking extremely disappointed* that shoulda never happened....
beatles r the gr8st band and musicians and my personal fav and yes they shud be ranked higher than this
should be number 1, considering they had the most number hits of all time..... and i dont think anyone above them can say that, and i mean they were only around for a few years before they broke up and they still achived what they did.
"Had the most amount of good songs than any other artist"
Define "good songs".
Ahh The Fab Four.. What timing they had .. They were soooooo good, I guess you could say they were a music phenomenom.. simply untouchable!!!
WTF #6?!?! The best group of muscians ever, easily. Had the most amount of good songs than any other artist and had the biggest impact. I seriously cannot believe they are #6.
I've never heard the better music than The Beatles...
they were GODs of ROCK....their melodies are pure masterpieces....and the who don't like Beatles .first listen to them..!!!
Elvis was the Idol Beatles and was much better singer than them.
There is a great online article by musician and song writer Peter Cross,The Beatles Are The Most Creative Band Of All Time and he says that many musicians besides him recognize Paul as one of the best bass guitar players ever.He too says that John and Paul are the greatest song composers and that to say that John and Paul are among 2 of the greatest singers in rock and roll is to state the obvious,and that John,Paul and George were all excellent guitarists and that George is underrated by people not educated about music but that ERic Clapton knew better,he also says that both John and Paul played great leads as well as innovative rhythm tracks.
John Lennon co-wrote,sang and played guitar on one of David Bowie's first hits Fame in 1975 and David invited John to play guitar on his version of John's beautiful Beatles song Across The Universe.Brain May,Ozzy Osbourne,and Liam Gallagher and many more call The Beatles The Greatest Band Ever.
Also on MusicRadar Tom Petty,Joe Perry and Richie Sambora in What The Beatles Mean To Me all say how cool and great they thought The Beatles were when they first saw them on The Ed Sullivan Show in February 1964 when they were just teen boys,Richie was only 5.Tom Petty said he thought they were really really great.
Robin Zander of Cheap Trick said he's probably one of the biggest Beatles fans on the planet.Brad Whitford of Aerosmith said that a lot of that Beatles influence comes from Steven Tyler's collaborartion with Mark Hudson both whom are absolute Beatles freaks and he said I guess the goal is to try and emulate probably some of the best music of the last 50 years which has to be The Beatles.
As The All Music Guide says in their excellent Beatles biography "That it's difficult to summarize their career without restating cliches that have already been digested by tens of millions of rock fans, to start with the obvious,they were the greatest and most influential act of the rock era and introduced more innovations into popular music than any other rock band of the 20th century."
"Moreover they were among the few artists of *any* discipline that were simultaneously the best at what they did *and* the most popular at what they did." THey also say as singers John Lennon and Paul McCartney were among the best and most expressive in rock.
Also on an excellent site,The Evolution of Rock Bass Playing McCartney Style by Dennnis Alstrand,Stanley Clarke,Sting,Will Lee,Billy Sheehan,George Martin and John Lennon are quoted saying what a great,melodic and influential bass player Paul has always been.
Wilco's John Stirratt was asked in Bass Player which bass players have had the most impact on his playing and the first thing he said was, Paul McCartney is one of the greatest bass players of all time,if you listen to what he was tracking live in the studio it's unbelievable." "With his tone and musicality he was a huge influence,he covered all of his harmonic responsibilities really well but his baselines were absolutely melodic and inventive."
In an online 1977 Eric Clapton interview,Eric Clapton In His Own Words he says that there was always this guitar game between John and George,and he said partly because John was a pretty good guitar player himself.He played live with John as a member of John's 1969 Plastic Ono Band.
why is Beatles at the 4th possition it should be ranked first
You're sure right. Looks like Beatles fans have been voting for them now that they've been found on the list.
Wow someone really hates the Beatles! They shouldn't be down here!
Especially for their time, they had no equal in terms of songcraft, melody, innovation and charisma (recall that crowds were yelling/screaming so loudly at their concerts that sometimes that drowned out their music). There is absolutely no question of their profound, perhaps unmatched, influence on the course of pop and rock musical history as well as the number of artists/bands they influenced!
Yes, Definitely the Beatles. They have the best songs of all time. IMHO.

"Ride of the Valkyries" and the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin (Known as the wedding march "Here Comes the Bride"), one of the greatest composers of all time.
Wagner is the influence of cinema music along like Schoenburg's Rite of Spring influenced modern music. Just listen to John Williams and then Wagner! Pronounced with a V, btw, he's German.
Paul McCartney is simply a musical fountain of never ending inspiration.
From Another Day to Zoo Gang and every song in between...no one (except maybe Prince) has such a varied catalog of different styles, sounds, and melodic genius.
My favorite Beatle changes 8 times a week ;-) (rarely landing on Ringo)
Paul was more successful in his solo carreer, and he was more talented as a composer, becasue he knew all styles and whatever he did he became an expert in it. But John was seriously hampered by this Japanese women and here odds. With Yoko Johns downfall began and the Beatles finished. Without Yoko John would have became almost as successful as Paul
It is true, Paulmwas not close to John, because John lived in New York and Paul in England
Why is Paul all the way down here? And don't even say Lennon is better, because Paul had the most sussseful solo career/with wings that exceeded the sales of people such as beyonce, Stevie wonder, an Rihanna. Atleast above Lennon.

Best Musician Ever?? then it shoulc also include the stars from a couple of centuries age as well
he was the postar of the 18. century. The son of German-Austria parents died too soon. He should be No 3 on the list, behind Bach and Beethoven. They must be regarded greater. They lived longer and wrote their best pieces in mature age. Mozart did not reach this. But he has apparently the sympathy. Dying too soon--- like Michael Jackson or James Dean makes the people great by death. But not by works.
great composer,,maybe the greatest, but THE BEATLES SHOULD BE #1...
Encountered here the first person that can look for 200 years into the future...
In 200 years most of the people on this list won't even be a memory, but Mozarts music will still live on. Shows just how Dumb this list is, just a popularity list, not a true Artist list.
"Mozart in his music was probably the most reasonable of the world's great composers. It is the happy balance between flight and control, between sensibility and self-discipline, simplicity and sophistication of style that is his particular province... Mozart tapped once again the source from which all music flows, expressing himself with a spontaneity and refinement and breath-taking rightness that has never since been duplicated."
-- Aaron Copland, Copland on Music (1960)
"I thank my God for graciously granting me the opportunity of learning that death is the key which unlocks the door to our true happiness."
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
** * * * * * *I HAVE JUST been reading Mozart's letters for the second time (in the French translation by Henri de Curzon), and I think they ought to be included among the books of every library, for they are not only of interest to artists but instructive for other people as well. If you read these letters, Mozart will be your friend for life; his kind face will show itself in moments of trouble, and when you are miserable you will hear his merry boyish laugh and blush to give way to dark moods as you think of what he himself so courageously endured. Let us recall his memory; it is fast slipping into shadow.
The first thing that strikes us is his wonderful moral health. This is the more surprising because physically he was far from strong. All his faculties seem extraordinarily well balanced: his soul was full of feeling and yet master of itself; his mind was wonderfully calm, even in events like his mother's death and his love for Constance Weber; his intellect was clear and instinctively grasped what people liked and the best way to achieve success; and he was able to bring his proud genius to conquer the world's affections without hurt to himself.
This moral balance is rare in passionate natures; for all passion is excess of feeling. Mozart had every kind of feeling, but he had no passion—except his terrible pride and a strong consciousness of his genius.
"The archbishop of Salzburg thinks you are steeped in pride," said a friend to him one day
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has to be the greatest composer to ever live. He started composing music when he was four and he started to write minuets by the age of five. When Mozart was around eight or nine, he started to write symphonies. Mozart also played quite a few instruments. He also was very talented on the keyboard and played the violin very well. Mozart was so naturally gifted when it came to music that when he was blindfolded, he was able to recognize the played notes. This was said that he had “perfect pitch.” Another reason why he has to be the greatest composer is that he had the ability to write all the notes of the Miserere score from memory. His first opera was performed when he was eleven years old. It would only take him about two weeks to write an entire symphony or concerto. How many composers can do an entire piece in such little amount of time? He wrote twenty seven piano concerti, which he also invented. Mozart was never a very healthy person, in fact, he was suffering some sort of illness. One time Mozart gave a series of twenty two piano concerts and conducted a few of them in a five week period. After his father died he became very depressed and his music turned dark and depressing as well. This makes him great because he would write from his heart and that showed in his music. He wouldn’t let a setback like his fathers death keep him from doing what he loves which is composing music. Mozart never stuck to one genre, he wrote many different types of music such as concertos, symphonies, and German style operas to name a few. This shows his versatility and his ability to excel in every piece he wrote. He wrote 626 pieces of music throughout his lifetime. That is more than a lot of people accomplish in their whole lifetime. From being a gifted child prodigy to becoming one of the best composers that the world has ever known, Wolfgang Mozart will always be remembered as a legend like Bob Marley.
Mozart is the MAN. His music will live on forever,, not only his operas, but all his other works, especially his 25th, 40,41 Symphony, His piano concerto No. 20, and 24 are just thrilling to listen to.
thank God mozart was born....
Magic Flute , Le Nozze Figaro eternal

Johnny cash made music listenable.no kidding.He is the biggest Giant to live on earth!
Johnny Cash is an amazing artist, and is definitely one of my top twenty, buuuut a lot of his most famous songs weren't even written by him. Mozard deserves #1 because he was a savant, and if he lived now he'd out-music any of these guys on the list.
he should defenently be number 2 to bob dylan those two and the beatles and leadbelly should get credit for all music after them because they started it
he is now!! he definitely deserves a high ranking!! amazing artist!!

Roy Orbison is the greatest artist in popular music.
From Elvis Presley onwards, including Dylan, The Beatles, Springsteen, Neil Young, U2, and the list goes on and on, all the greats considered Orbison not their equal but their superior, as an artist.
Orbison ticks all the important boxes in emphatic style, while his nearest competitors, such as Dylan, Presley, Jackson have clear musical flaws.
Orbison was a great musician. He was a peerless performer, who once commanded 14 encores before The Beatles could get on stage. Nobody could follow Roy Orbison. He songs are amongst the elite of the elite, he was one of the best rocknroll songwriters ever with 14 classic #1 hits to his name. Did I mention his voice? I don't have to I think, many of his peers, including Presley, consider him the greatest singer of alltime. He remains the benchmark for aspiring artists, in terms of presenting pure talent to the world, free of drugs controversy and ego.
His voice was EXQUISITE! Elvis, the GREATEST of all time, said of his friend Roy that his voice was the best. 'Nuff said...
I couldn't possibly rank one better than the other (McCartney-Lennon) I've tried but could change my mind 10 times during 1 song. Number 1 and 2 for me!
I think he is the nomber 1 of all times with his songs and his vision so he is the legendary hero in all ways ...
I would disagree and say that Paul has more talent, and would go as far to say that if Paul had died instead of John it wouldn't even be a discussion.
He should be number 1. I think he was more talented than motzart
to all: Most deff, john pwns mccartney. He created all things good in the world and basically wrote all of mccartney's songs
John Lennon, com sua voz peculiar, é um dos meus artistas prediletos.

great jazz and pop singer. Extremely influential with a long career in recording, movies, radio and television. Great jazz vocal innovator. One of the most recognizable voice of the 20th century.
😂😂😂😁😁😊😁😂💑💑😁😊😊😊😂😀🏣🏢🗼🏩🏩🗼🗿🗿🗽🗽🏪🏥🗼🗽🗿🗿🏪🎲🎲🎽🏁🏆🏄🏁🏁👢👢👖💄💼👘👘👕👚🔚🔜🔛🔙🔝 really good song and dancer
He revolutionized performing and music. There probably wouldn't be pop or techno music without the style Michael Jackson brought to music. You know the awesome style that hip hop and R&B, we wouldn't have that without Michael Jackson. He's the one that turned jazz into pop, hip hop, R&B, and techno. Also he was just ****in awesome.
The best of the best..king of music....and where the heck is Led Zeppelin the greatest band ever, way better than overrated Beatles.
he wasted his talents, he could have made better music, just look his frantic thriller video - just demonic, but people like it
his music will be remembered for years.... halloween theme - thriller , world days- earth song , funerals- gone too soon and his dancing will be inspirational forever.
the Beatles was a band. As it is always said "two heads are better than one" and also they existed before Michael became known. nevertheless, Michael did his thing alone after separating from the brothers . so i think he was a genius and deserve more than where he has been placed. he transformed so many people through his music from different races to be open minded persons and to look at others more as a person and not as a personality. regardless of playing music we should also look at the transformation of the message u are passing across. how much impact those it has to your audiences. Heal the world will forever remain as a world anthem base on charity. so as long as people give i think Michael will be remembered for this wonderful song. i think after Jesus Christ the next is M.J.
the greatest entertainer ever lived
He was a genius in music. The way he composed and interpreted his music is like no other and that very fact shows in his amazing dancing. The fact that even street children in India know him shows something. Michael's music was not only for the sake of entertainment, it has important messages for the betterment of this planet and the children. He was like no other. And that is why he deserves this place. The world needs not only music, but also Meaning in the music and MJ's music has that very quality. "Make that change."
I think he didn`t even know to play an instrument. But he was a skilled dancer.
best ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the WORLD
the beatles are and always will be no1, they will never be forgotten
not saying that he was not great but he is not as great as elvis. In an interview he said that he used to look up to elvis as a rolemodel and was motivated by him. his death was sad,but the real legend is elvis he deseverses to be in this spot . and we cannot forget that stars of the 60s and 70s or even now .You turn your back on a star you wont see it shineing rest in piece the 21st century king of pop music
KING OF MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KING OF DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mj is the best. he redefined music in an outstanding way and this is the least to do for him. he was the real musician and he is irreplacable
I think HE is the GREATEST ARTIST in HISTORY! i love you Michael.we miss you so much...
I do not think that even after 100 years of music Michael be forgotten, he's too big a star and defined much of his time. But agree that MJ should not be above the classical composers, no one should ...
In the top 10 - this is his rightful place.
The music of Bach and Beethoven are still heard. It was composed 200 years ago. It is very unlikely that the same will be with Mister Jackson in a hundred years. He gets much voting, because he has set his stamp on our modern time in the realm of music. He is a great artist, but not more. He should not be among the top 10.
Mister Jackson on the fiirst place? This is a joke. His music will last, but in a hundred years he will be in a list like this not among the Top 100, whereas Beethoven or Bach will still be heard in a thousand years.
He great singer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MJ is the best of all time singer.He is sold more than 800 million of his albums.He remains most awarded artist of all time and have more guiness worlds records than any other artist!Read MJ biography and find info about THE KING OF MUSIC..
mj is a great artist and im a big fan but he wasnt the 1 who changed music. elvis was the 1 who changed music and hs sold more records than any 1 else. his record speaks for itself. i still think mj should b in the top 5 tho
MJ was a great performer and made fantastic numbers, just listen to Will you be there or Stranger in Moscow. He was very, very good.
No one is better than Michael Jackson. He was best, is best and will remain best.
He should #1.
Michael Jackson should be in the top 5.
Should be like this
Elvis Presley
The Beatles
Michael Jackson
well idk. i think that this is saying he's #3. that doesnt make any sense still... he should be #1
Why on earth is he at the very bottom? I admit that number 3 didn't make sense, but number 250? This list is saying that Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, The Jonas Brothers and Justin Beiber are better than Micheal Jackson. He deserves a position around 20.
One person who deserves to be down here is the one hit fool, Justin Beiber!
Do you know that MJ idolized The Beatles, especially McCARTNEY.. ^_^
Somebody who loves Michael Jackson and hates the Beatles has been working very hard on this list.

beatles number 1 elvis Presley number 2 the two best ever who has sold more cds or records beatles and elvis or bach or bettoven
elvis is the biggest musical cultural influence of the twentieth centuery" smithsonian. research riaa , billboard he is miles ahead of mj. mj only number one bc he just passed.
There's no doubt about it, Elvis was a monumental figure when it came to Rock. But what most don't know is that if Carl Perkins didn't get in the bad wreck at the beginning of his rise he would've been what we call the "King of Rock 'n' Roll" As strange as it sounds I know, Johnny Cash states this in his autobiography. He's says that in a few shows before the wreck, the crowd would chant his name in elvis's performances. Read Johnny Cash's autobiography, changed my perspective so much.
elvis was the person who took music to a new level. He changed music forever. He is the most important fiquire to popular music to ever hit the planet. His sold more records than any other artist, recording more albums than any other artists. so it all speaks for itself. He is number 1 and always will be. LONG LIVE THE KING!!
If it's true that he didn't write his own songs (I was under the impression that he wrote SOME of them but I really don't know) then it is a disgrace to put him so high in the list. Really people just thought he was cool, little did they know that he actually became an undercover narcotics agent at the height of his fame (true story, look it up), though he wasn't very good at it.
Elvis is the only music artist that changed the face of popular culture pretty much single-handedly. He was an amazing performer with the ability to express feeling and emotions in an astounding manner, covering all music genres. Just listen from the passionate 'If I can dream' to the spiritual 'How great thou art', from the rocking 'A big hunk of love' to the bluesy 'Reconsider baby', from the romantic 'Cant help falling in love' to the glorious 'American trilogy'. Celebrate the man and his music!
In the ghetto, Can't help falling in love, Suspicious minds, Jailhouse rock, The wonder of you, Heartbreak hotel, Burning love, One night, Love me tender, Return to sender, Don't cry daddy, Are you lonesome tonight, Hound dog, Devil in disguise, If I can dream, All shook up, Viva Las Vegas, and on and on....
Elvis was the best, the most unique (Jim Morrison)
I picked up the guitar because I wanted to be Elvis (Paul Simon)
Everytime I felt low, I put on an Elvis record and feel great (Paul McCartney)
My crushing ambition in life was to be as big as Elvis (John Lennon)
Before Elvis there was nothing (John Lennon)
Elvis recorded a song of mine; that is the one recording I treasure most (Bob Dylan)
Elvis Presley's death deprives our country of a part of itself. His music and personality changed the face of popular culture (President Jimmy Carter).
Elvis is the greatest cultural force of the 20th century. He introduced the beat to everything and changed everything - music, language, clothes (Leonard Bernstein)
He combined everything that a star needs. Looks, charisma, talent and originality (Elton John).
He whispered a dream in our ears and we all followed it (Bruce Springsteen)
Elvis is the ultimate popular hero! A true superstar that is dearly missed.
I'm happy that people were smart enough to put him in the top ten, but definitely should be higher...when you listen to what great artists have to say anyway......
Before Elvis there was nothing-Lennon,
If there wasn't Elvis there wouldn't be the Beatles-Lennon,
Dylan's actions say it all(he got on his knees and kissed the ground where Elvis stood when he recorded his first song),
Elvis is the great that ever was, is or ever will be-Chuck Berry,
Elvis is the best; the most original -Jim Morrison,
Elvis and I are the only true American originals-James Brown,
No one, but no one, is his equal. He was and is supreme.-Mick Jagger,
I learned music listening to Elvis-Fleetwood Mac,
He was the one that started it all off, and he was definitely the start of it for me.-Elton John,
Elvis is my religion-Bruce Springsteen,
He was the firstest with the mostest.-Roy Orbison,
No one will ever touch Elvis-Garth Brooks,
When I was a kid...I use to try and be Elvis--Robert Plant,
All we knew was he sang like a motherf*cker and that's all that mattered.-Robert Plant,
On a scale of 1 to 10, I give Elvis an 11.-Sammy Davis Jr.,
No doubt about it, people like myself, Mick Jagger and all the others only followed in his footsteps.-Rod Stewart,
You have no idea how great he is, really you don’t. You have no comprehension--it’s absolutely impossible-Phil Spector,
Elvis was the incendiary atomic musical firebrand loner who conquered the western world.-Bob Dylan,
And so on....I think we all know who they would vote for :)
Elvis was and always will be the man who made music, "befour elvis there was nothing" John lennon said, so without elvis would the beatles be here?
he deserves to be up there at the top beause every person on this list has looked up to elvis and thought wow, that where born in his lifetime,
he still is an insparation to the world today.
elvis was tight as hell, cool ass mofo. but seriously? he music to his songs were basic his lyrical content never matured and was basic as well, he never grew as an artist. but he was an excellent singer very charismatic and was a performer for the most part lol
Frank Sinatra said "I m just a singer,Elvis was the embodiment of the whole of American culture"
i cant belive Elvis is not first on this list!Charisma,Voice,songs,he came here from another planet:)
Ridiculous!Elvis at 32??
He belongs right up there in the Top 5.

One of the best singer and pianist of the last 40 years. Not only pop.
Just the way you are, honesty and piano man are probably the most known hits of that musician.
And all you fellow Rockers, Rocknrollers and Modrockers out there, don't forget that the piano is a percussion instrument (like the drums) and Mr. Joel kicks butt on the piano. 'It's Still Rock 'n' Roll To Me', 'We Didn't Start the Fire', 'Only the Good Die Young'... all wonderful songs that are actually Rock.
A great great artist!!! greatest songwriter of the 20th century...should be higher
Bob Dylan deserves a much higher rating for the influence he has had on many other great groups/artists, let alone his amazing talent for writing and playing.
Sorry, but yes good lyrics does make you a good musician, especially when he also plays instruments extremely well. Do your research - the man is an inspiration
Having good lyrics does not make you a good musician. End of story.
I don't think he's 14th for music, because it's his lyrics that are really amazing.
Dylan should be just below the Beatles in this list, not down in 17th!
Yes, it's more 'words' for Bob Dylan. I'd say he's the second greatest songwriter, John Lennon just overtakes him.
Dylan should be rated higher. Yes you have to listen to his words, otherwise forget it.
he is an intereting writer of lyrics, but his whiny voice and tinny songs aren't much chop
oh yah for sure. i saw him in 08 and you can tell he's gettin old but hes still rockin it

The Bee Gees was a totally awesome group. They produced beautiful music and were the altimate performers onstage. They were clean cut and sexy at the same time. All this from 3 little boys who started out because they wanted to help support their family. They continue to make me smile and sing everytime I hear their music. Thanks, Mrs. Gibb...your boys did well.
Wow, this is as high as they got? In the 70's, they had so many songs on the top 50 *at the same time*, they had to start writing songs for other artists, and many of those songs went on to the top 50. These guys were awesome. RIP Maurice and Robin (and their little brother Andy).
ABBA is #4.
After The Beatles, Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson.
B wilson is a genious and used tons of cords at a time it wasnt done. Pet sounds is one of the best albums of all time. Just ask the professional critics.
THE BEACH BOYS SHOULD BE IN THE THE TOP 20! Have any of these people heard of the album "Pet Sounds"!? This is one of the greatest ever bands to grace the earth with the genius Brian Wilson and they stand at number 87!
Some of these voters are soo deaf and stupid!
The Beach Boys had "catchy" songs. Catchy doesn't mean good. They are not really great musicians. WAY too high on this list.

Famous Russian composer. "Pictures at an Exibition", "Boris Godunov", "Night on Bald Mountain"
Tcaikovsky should at least be 3rd after Bach and beetoven. Where would the opera ballet and christmas world be without Petor Tchaikovsky , man his name is hard to spell sometimes.
To be fair, though, writing lyrics is a hell of a lot easier than writing music. Still, each complements the other.
John only wrote the music. Bernie Taupin wrote the lyrics to the vast majority of Elton John songs.
Unlike a lot of the people in this list he actually writes his own songs. I don't really like the songs but at least he didn't need some hack to hold his hand and tell him what to do. If you don't write your own songs then you are nothing in my eyes.
Elton John deserves more credit from what he gets.
He writes his own music and had a great rock voice back in the 70s. He is one of the most versatile composers of contemporary music having written such a variety of sounds from rock anthems such as 'The ***** is Back' and 'Bennie and the Jets' to musicals like "the Lion King' and Billy Elliot..
I think he's the artist with the most hidden and pretty unknown gems: Madman Across the Water, Holiday Inn, Funeral for a Friend, Last Song, Harmony, All the Girls Love Alice, Last Episode in Hienton, Tonight, Goodbye.. The list is endless.
EJ deserves to be much higher in this list- the volume of music, stage, musicals, sound tracks, production, etc. Many of the previous do not even write their own music??
should be at least in top ten.
hes been singing and touring for over 40 years and writing for over 43 years.
he still sells out stadiums and shows within 10 minutes (from personal experience)

Their unique harmonies and rocking presentation of folk songs were the benchmark for those that came after. Their gig at the Hungry I in San Francisco is the stuff of legends.
But, Rod's the best!
Most versatile, been around since the sixties yet he's still fresh. Appeals to all audiences. Has talent. The most incredible voice. Not half bad to look at either... ;-)
Top spot should be Rod and Queen.
Then, there should be the likes of the Who, Pink Floyd, Janis Joplin, Deep Purple, Genesis, Billy Joel etcetera etcetera.
Marvin should be ranked much higher. Gorgeous voice and songs.
Where is the iconic Stevie Wonder on this list??
The greatest voice ever, the most talented manipulater of sound and a visionary song writer. The way that he hit those notes combined with the way that he arranged the instrumentals and that oh so beautiful and intricate harmonizing makes him the best to me. Also, maybe the most genuine musician we;ve ever had. His choice of words was sincere. I think that he is shamefully underrated and should be number 1.
A Long legacy of number one songs, today and yesterday and is utilized in countless of T.V. commercials, advertisments, movies, emulations and more.....
Truly one of the most talented persons ever to write music. He made magnificent music with genesis, and solo career, so why is he so low at the list.
Whether he is singing country/western or old classic ballads, his feeling for the words captures your heart in a way that few others can.
He is a genius in his music and his way of lifestyle is just incredible. He is an extraordinary man.
Karen's wonderful voice along with Richard's superb arrangements made the Carpenters music a guilty pleasure for millions of of "closet" fans around the world. The top American born recording artists of the seventies. Led Zeppelin is my other favorite band!
Oh my Miles should be in the top 6 . Miles liked Jimi Hendrix music and Hendrix is not even on the list.Bowie ,zappa and Can snould be in top 10.
YES a jazz legend. He made people famous.
But where is Duke Ellington?????
I count 17 people or bands ranked higher that Miles wouldn't let on his stage.
He should be ranked higher. He was a very influential musician. Every note he played sounded right.

perhaps the single Artist with the most sold music pieces in the world, sucessful for 60 years in Show Business, died at the Age of 80 yesterday
VIvaldi is really great. His violin play is extremely great. I love his music. I am really happy i heard his music.
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (4 March 1678 – 27 or 28 July 1741 ), nicknamed “Il Prete Rosso” (The Red Priest), was a Venetian priest and Baroque music composer as well as a famous violinist. He wrote in excess of 500 concertos plus many operas, overtures, sonatas and sacred vocal works.
Back on the Chain Gang, Brass in Pocket, Stop Your Sobbing, I Go to Sleep, Show Me, Middle of the Road, Don't Get Me Wrong, Night in my Veins, I'll Stand By You, 2000 Miles, Private Life, Bad Boys Get Spanked
Ray charles should be in the top 5 he is the only musician that is in the R&B , rock and roll, jazz, gospel, and country. He has played music with countless other great artists because they know how amazing his talent was Billy Joel noted: "This may sound like sacrilege, but I think Ray Charles was more important than Elvis Presley. I don't know if Ray was the architect of rock & roll, but he was certainly the first guy to do a lot of things . . . Who the hell ever put so many styles together and made it work?" he had 76 top 100 singles made more than 75 albums he played over 200 shows a years into his 70s. We started calling him that simply because we genuinely thought of him as a genius," said Atlantic Records founder Ahmet Ertegun. Quincy Jones said "Ray Charles is the only artist that has a musical range of 360 degrees" think about the people who consider him a genius only some of the greatest musicial minds not some 15 year old teenie bopper
Must respond to the previous poster. Buddy said, "Without Elvis none of us would have made it." He meant not only because Elvis opened the door for country and rockabilly where no door previously existed, but also Buddy literally followed Elvis around listening to him on the back of trucks in parking lots, and absorbing his sound..he learned Rockabilly from Elvis. Elvis was by far the greatest innovator of the Rockabilly genre, and of course the leading pioneer of Rock n Roll. Hey you got me going...you just had to bring up Elvis!
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