Created 143 top lists, 2948 items, 7 comments.
Member since 19th of December 2008.
Top Things to Do on a Sunday 184 items ranked
This of course is if your off work.
288 points added 15 years ago
135 points added 15 years ago
Best Tire Companies 42 items ranked
80 points added 15 years ago
Best Internet Browsers 22 items ranked
65 points added 15 years ago
This list will vary depending upon ones beliefs. What is found in your church?
60 points added 15 years ago
55 points added 15 years ago
Who were your favorite comedians?
53 points added 15 years ago
Top Reasons We Need Water 43 items ranked
We use water for many things here are a list of the basic things we use water for and some reasons we have to have water.
32 points added 15 years ago
24 points added 15 years ago
20 points added 15 years ago
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Results 1-10 from 143