Created 100 top lists, 2007 items, no comments.
Member since 23rd of November 2010.
Top 20 Foreign Beers 22 items ranked
The best foreign beers around.
20 points added 13 years ago
Sure, I love Lost as much as the next fanatic, but you can't deny that there are a huge number of gaping plot holes in this series. **SPOILER ALERT** Not that any of this would make any sense to you if you haven't watched the show ;)
12 points added 13 years ago
A list of awesome bands that for some reason have been left out of the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame
8 points added 13 years ago
The best series book for children in grades 4 through 6.
8 points added 13 years ago
A list of the best, most controversial comedians to do stand-up.
6 points added 13 years ago
The grossest, most creative Garbage Pail Kids
5 points added 13 years ago
Top 20 Playground Games 20 items ranked
Remember recess? Here are the best playground games for children.
5 points added 13 years ago
Sometimes there are great movies that just don't get the attention that they deserve.
4 points added 13 years ago
Admit it. You watched the old school 90210. These are the best episodes of the original teen television series.
3 points added 13 years ago
The Twilight Zone was a groundbreaking series that continues to influence modern sci-fi television programs as well as sci-fi movies. With so many great episodes it's difficult to pick the 20 best episodes, but here goes ...
3 points added 13 years ago
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