David Cook is the most amazing singer/song writer Ive ever seen. This song made me burst into tears the first time I heard it. Its truly beautiful. His brother hadnt actually died yet when he wrote it, but its still dedicated to him.
The lyrics and melody in this song gets me every time. I think that everyone can relate to this sound because we have all been in this situation. SO POWERFUL!
The perfect sad and depressing song...everyday i listen to it because it is how i feel, its a depressing song!
ACTUALLY my favorite song of all time
can't stop listening to it every day
@sonic4138 this song is very uplifting but it makes me cry. because I listened to it 24/7 during the 2 weeks before and forever after I made my dad hate me,, so its depressing to me. '97 Bonnie and Clyde wasn't really a sad song, depending on how you think... Now If I Had and As the World Turns I agree with you on. And I'm a month older than Infinite. But I love Eminem. not because he;s famous but because he raps about his life. not bull****. "Music is just representation of self"
I hate to do this, but I'm actually going to vote down an Eminem song. Eminem is my idol, so this sucks. Genius, next time you decide to pick an Eminem song, pick one fitting for the category. '97 Bonnie and Clyde is probably a bit older than you, but it's certainly more suitable for depressing songs. Another good one off the Slim Shady LP would be If I Had, or even As The World Turns.
Just because the word depressed appears doesn't make the song depressing. I listen to this when I need an uplift because of my depression.
I love Eminem.
His songs have more meaning for me as i have listend to them during bad times and good times.
My favorite song in the world. I've loved it since the day it came out... I L♥VE EMIN3M!!!! he's the best white rapper alive. this song speaks to me. i can rap the whole song

you be the anchor that keeps my feet on the ground, ill be the wings that keep your head in the clouds- Mayday Parade

this is the song that got me into searching for depressing music, it gets you to think about life and makes you feel depressed.
One of my favourite depressing songs EVER.
It makes me cry from the first line to the last one..."Heaven's waiting for you/ Just close your eyes and say goodbye..." I'm a BFMV fan.
Also, the rain makes it more sad.
This song and "Forever And Always" make me feel like my heart shattered into a million pieces. and the only thing to do to make myself feel better is cry.... B4MV is amazing, sometimes I pretend that they made some of those songs just for me..
this song has such a meaning to me, it reminds me of my past, but i can never forget this song its a great song much love for sksk
When I listen to this I always sing it and play it on the piano... Its such a beautiful song..And you can never get bored of it :)
I love it...♥
this song was dedicated to me!!! from the love of my life but he ended up not liking me anymore we had to split i kno the song by heart i ccan sing it forever :'(

1) about his brother who commited suicide
2) about a guy who's in love with a girl who's left + doesnt want him
Therapy by All Time Low is the one about his brother's suicide.
OH GOOD GOD! THIS SONG IS NOT ABOUT SUICIDE! Its about a one night stand in Vegas, the boy ends up falling in love with her, but the girl doesn't want to be with him so she gets on a plane, leaves him, and goes back to her home town and forgets about him! Jeeze Alex himself said that that's what the song is about!
It's about a guy who finally comes to grips with the fact that the girl he loved has died. Listen to the lyrics, people..
Lullaby is about his brother's suicide. And Alex said she doesn't kill herself. She just feel so bad, she flies (in a plane) away from him.
its not about his brother commiting suicide, its about a girl that has really hurt this guy and feels so bad for what shes done that she kills herself

This song is really deep saying that even they are apart and the girl has found another man she is still thinking of him and wanting him to be with her, this song also shows how she really feels about the man that she has always loved and will love forever.
katy perry is my idol. i fell in love with this song when i was 10 and i listen to it all the time
a song is about leaving someone who you love, i cried a lot with this song :'(
i can't believe this song wasn't in the list. This song is really depressing even in the beginning makes u feel morose
"My hands are broken.
and time is going on
and on it goes, forever.
(How long?)
So i got high and,
lived all that life that I have taken
all for granted.
Promise me you'll try,
to leave it all behind.
Cause i've elected hell,
lying to myself.
Why have i gone blind?
Live another life.
The only way out
is letting your guard down and never die.
(i know)
forgive me my love,
i stand here all alone
and i can see,
the bottom.
Promise me you'll try
to leave it all behind.
Cause i've elected hell,
lying to myself.
why have i gone blind?
live another life.
put this at the end of the youtube url ....
this link is a live version of the song.. and at the start he basically explains the meaning :) love this song.. my overall favourite.
This song is about cutting and helping a girl from ever cutting (Hint; The last night she will ever cut again). A amazing song.
A song about being on your own and longing for the one you love to be by your side.
Beautifully saddening... A song about dreams that have been killed.
this is a great song! it just as simply states that you can hate everything about a person but still be completely and totally in love with them.
this song is amazing. it says how much u can hate everything about a person but still be so in love with them at the same time.
i hate this song, they stole this from
I Saw Your Mommy - Suicidal Tendencies
good song, but it's more expressing anger than being depressing...

This song was inspired by the Columbine tragedy, and the line 'when we're dead they'll know just who we are' makes it depressing because it is as if the person who is singing thinks the only way people will know who they are is if they were dead. The verses are insights to someone's self esteem that is decreasing. Such an unforgettable song
This song doesn't make me cry, it just makes me relaxed. Or thoughtful. It's one of those great songs that go great with when it's raining outside. Ugh it's hard to explain. Go listen to it for yourself.
This is a hard song to explain. You have to listen to it and the words. I personally will have this song on repeat when I'm driving thinking about "All the things that could of been" and the things "that were never meant to be". A very powerful, beautiful song in my opinion.
Wonderful Song, lyrics by P!nk & the Indigo Girls blend their music into Important Real Issues of Today's America. P!nk deserved her HRC Award for this Amazingly truthfilled song and her ever supporting of Human Rights Campaign. Cry every time I Listen.
Theres songs that really get you emotionally, and this one is very much one of them. Its about a man and a women on a date, and in the pouring ran, the man didn't notice the stalled car in front of him, so as he swerved to avoid the car, he crashed, killing his girlfriend. I choke up every time I listen to this song.
Best heard at 2am on a lonely night at home. The film clip (available on youtube) helps too.
Yes, This song is very sad, I listened to this on a 30 minute drive home after coming across a bad accident where a girl was lying dead in the road from flipping her car. Everytime I hear it it takes me back.
This song creates such an odd set of emotions; at once it's terribly sad ("Because they've taken enough/ And you've given them all you can give"), but it also instills a feeling of hope ("And you're not gonna take what they've got to give/ And you're not gonna let 'em take your will to live"). A hope that this fight, this pain, that you're going through won't last because you're going to do something about it. This song's a personal favorite of mine, and always will be, as it helped me get through a bad part of my life, and helped me to not let depressing feelings and thoughts take my will to live.
reminds me of my ex gf, i played this song to her first..and afterwards she used to love this song.
The classic Romeo and Juliet, wanting someone, but having something so powerful over you that it's impossible.
This song, at first, I thought, was just a usual rock song. Then my dad died and I actually understood it. He taught me a lot, but the last thing he taught me was understanding. The beauty of this song shouldn't have to be explained but it says I should but my reasons so there you go. Depressing in its own way, and beautiful at the same time. One of the few songs that could help me feel better.
with only her voice morphed by her keyboard, this song sends shivers up my spine!
The lyrics are about a guy taking all the blame when his girl leaves him. Proclaiming, "cause when a heart break no it don't breakeven" Look up the lyrics, this song always brings me down.
This song is about Conor Oberst's cousin who committed suicide. He had sexuality issues, and was very depressed. Very sad song.
One of the saddest songs made for film. If you watch the video along with an understanding of the film and the plot you can't help by bawl your eyes out.
this song is good for people who have just lost someone or ended a relationship. It even made me cry and i haven't lost someone
Hauntingly beautiful, makes you feel empty and lonely like it is the end of everything. Worth listening to over and over again!
Rise against does such a good job at pointing out the depressing things in life/ America
About letting someone go. I once heard that this was inspired by the suicide of some one Darren Hayes knew, though I can't remember where I heard it. Very heart breaking song.
It's very emotional. It's about a girl that loses her boyfriend and she always thinks about him.
Don't let it bring you down, it's only castles burning....find someone who's turning and you will come around. Beautiful song. More emotional in this version.
Roger Water's voice and mellow acoustic guitar. What more could you ask for in a beautiful song.
the lyrics, the strings, the vocal - everything is depressed about this song.
This is a sad song about putting effort into loving someone and realising the love is not returned
I don't know why, but this song gets me everytime. It's about not getting the chance to tell someone how you really feel once they've moved on, and trying to be happy for them.
truly amazing songs, listen to them in order, and it is like one amazing, depressing, song. tool is really hard to understand, but once you get what the song means, it hits you.
I can't believe this isn't near the top. This must certainly be one of the most powerful of the songs I recognize on this list.
Its about his mom Judith Marie Keenan who was paralyzed when Maynard (the lead singer) was 11 and about 10000 days later (the name to part 2) she had a stroke and died. The lyrics "10000 days in the fire was long enough youre going home" always made me sad. Part one was mainly about their religious disagreenments and her death. The sound at the very end of part 1 is the coffin closing symbolizing maynards acceptance that she is gone.
Very sad song of somebody on the downward spiral due to an addiction of heroin.
It's a sad song because not everyone feels in their place and a lot of kids get moved around too much.
This song has such a desperate feel to it; that feeling where you so want something to work and it all comes crashing down around you. It's so relatable and that's what makes it so moving.
Although the lyrics are somewhat opaque,the song capture the imprisoned feeling of isolation
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