A very solemn tune played by an acoustic guitar develops into something which really brings you down. A classic which most missed.
Absolutely Beautiful, with each wave of sound, the raw emotion in this song stabs the heart of any listener.
This should be ranked as one of the top becasue of the words and how precious love can really be. But in this song. She's lost, unable to find herself, find other. Find her worth above all. And I as well have the same problem. So I find this song very, close. Close to me.
Listen to the live performance, he is such an emotional singer and his lyrics are all from his own life experiences. This one, wanting to kill himself and having the gun in his hand because he had no one to talk to. It's so sad only because I know how he felt when he was at that point.
the end by blue october is SO SAD watching the love of his life run off with another man...words can discribe how sad this song is
There’s nothing to lose
When no one knows your name
There’s nothing to gain
But the days don’t seem to change
There’s nothing to lose
My notebook will explain
There’s nothing to gain
And I can’t fight the pain
it could also be a straight angle (a straight line), or a reflex angle...
Wouldn't that hurt?
I mean, it depends what type of angle. Acute or right?
the above comment made me laugh. And then I remembered why I was reading this list and found it greatly ironic... that while looking for something sad I stumbled across something that brightened my eyes. And, yes. No one wants to be "In the Arms of an Angle."
this only pissed me off because it's ANGEL not "angle"... The song isn't a triangle, dear.
I agree, I actually can't listen to this song anymore because I think about those commercials. If you love animals it will make you cry.

Another offering from the Carpenters, the previous post regarding the Carpenters was right, no-one does melancholy better than Karen Carpenter. This one I think was their most melancholy - that final note pushes it over the edge.
It shows frustration that someone wants there own way by switching places with God
This song is about how this guy can never please his dad. "Now its just to late, and we can't go back, im sorry i cant be perfect. Cause we lost it all, nothing lasts forever, im sorry i cant be perfect." He used to look up to his dad "Did you knowyou used to be my hero" This song is just really sad. His dad never is please
I sorta have my own perspective on this song. I grew up without a dad and it just made me feel like he didn't want me. It helps me to feel like I'm not the only one that has "daddy issues". Like I've wanted to say to him for 19 years, I'm sorry I can't be perfect.
:( I lost my childhood because of my dad, this song hits me word for word...
Why is it 415? i think there was another one up higher... maybe
Sad and Slow. Perfect for wallowing in self pity whether dealing with a breakup or the loss of a loved one.
Staid's Epiphany would be one of the more sad songs I've ever heard and the music video to it is beautiful
Agreed. This song is so amazing. You can't listen to it without being touched.
Yes, it's country. But the first time I heard it, I almost had to pull over the car because I couldn't see through the tears.
Heard it before. Never listened to it properly. Wow! Sad. Gets my vote upwards.
I thought this song was way too sappy when I first heard it...but it grew on me over time.
Wow, I actually just heard this last night. It really got me thinking and it's amazing what you can do when using power tools and thinking... *Looks at fingers*
I'm on my third listen now...never heard it before but I just can't get enough and I'm bawling like a damn baby

I cant listen to it because the person who abused me sexually loved this song....
I've listened to this song over and over and over again and cried my eyes out. It's SOOOO gloomy. I think it was played during a suicide scene of the movie "Girl, Interrupted" ~Ray
Paramore put so many emoyions into their songs....this one simply showcases their amazing talent... Paramore is STILL a band..and they will always be my favorite
"Well really I'm so thankful for the people I meet, the places I've been and the things I've seen.
But when she's not here it doesn't feel like I'm living my dreams.
I know they say, that no one is perfect, but I swear she's perfect for me.
And that makes it so much harder to leave."
Just beautiful an dstark - makes me cry every time I hear it
this is actually not depressing
it fills me with joy knowing that my savior is there lifting me up when i am facing the hardest choices in my life
A song about suicide: "And I'm staring down the barrel of a .45, swimming through the ashes of another life."
all of their lyrics are amazing. this song is probably one of my favorites,
You are all wrong. Brent Smith the lead singer stated this in an interview
The inspiration from the song really came from – I think a lot of people kinda take a literal sense because of the lyrics – but the song is basically about the day that you wake up and you look at yourself in the mirror and you finally decide that you want to try to become comfortable in your own skin, and realize that you’re gonna have to make yourself happy before you’re going to make anyone else happy. And basically, the 45 isn’t an actual literal term for a gun, I used it as a metaphor for the world, the .45 is actually the world and what it hands you every day of your life. When you get up, it’s a gift to be alive to begin with. A lot of different people, when I’ve talked about it, they said, “Do you really honestly mean that?” And I’m like, “Well, yeah.” Because I’ve been in that situation where I didn’t know if I wanted to continue going on and I didn’t know how to necessarily make myself comfortable with who I was, trying to find a way of learning more about myself. And you come from a dark place sometimes, and that’s really the reality of the song. It’s about overcoming and about moving forward. And it’s basically about understanding that it’s not always going to be good, but you really have no one to blame for yourself if you don’t move forward. That’s where the whole, “Nobody knows what I believe,” [comes from] because we’re all individuals. So that’s really where it comes from, it’s about moving on, really.
This is NOT a song about suicide or abortion!!!!! ???? It's about a mother losing a child, amongst other things.

This song is very touching and sad, you'll remember the lyrics for a long time. I cry almost everytime i listen to it. You can really hear the emotion in the lead singer's voice.
ex. "When you go, would you even have the guts to say...I dont love you, like I did, yesterday?"
This song just expresses EVERYTHING you could ever feel for someone.
This song is amazing. It's perfect for people who love someone who loves another. right from the opening lyrics you'll be attached to this song..'the dawn is breaking, a light shining through, you're barely waking, and i'm tangled up in you'
This song is so beautiful. I can relate to it so well because I love someone who wants to be with a good friend of mine. It hurts so bad, but I can't help but want him still. Howie Day is amazing at capturing all of those emotions and this song still makes me cry to this day.
iv'e gone through this whole list, and for me, this made made me most emotional. especially with watching the music video. So glad i found it.
this song is freakin amazing, i sort of went through the same thing chris medina did, except my girl did not make it. this song is AMAZING!!
Sad song about his best friend dying and explaining some sad memories he had with Proof
despite being used in The O.C. and an SNL DIgital Short the vocals are still haunting in the rest of the song. Not sure if the Lyrics are supposed to mean anything but arestill depressing when you hear them.
This song isn't really depressing after you listen to the Ozo remix, but it's still a great song.
Another Radiohead song... This one is at once their most beautiful and their most disturbing.
it speaks to you. when i was depressed this song eventhough depressing its self made things better
A Beautiful, sad song that pulls on your heart strings. beautiful lyrics and voice great song I bet you will love it like i do.
this song is about suicide and holding on. by commiting suicide, you are not only hurting yourself, youre hurting your loved ones. the music video can make you cry in an instant.
he in no way wrote this right before he "committed suicide". he was performing this as early as 2000 and died in 2003.
eart breakingly beautiful song... the first song that ever made me cry
Suicide?? Methinks he was murdered... If Elliott was going to commit suicide it would not have been by such violent means.... Surprised I've had to trawl to (at the moment) #179 to find the master of depression of the modern era. So I'll not suggest a myriad of other songs of his that should grace this list in far higher places. I'll bump him up a few places. Possibly the best lyricist since a coupla blokes from Liverpool in the sixties.
Aesthetically Depressive Haunting Beauty should be coined to refer to Elliott Smith's works.
im surprised elliott smith didn't make the top ten, clearly people dont know sadness
Smith wrote this song just before he committed suicide and it shows.
This song is so sad...
about still being in love with someone else, but there is another person loving you and trying their best to be with you, but you can't get over your former love...
I love this song

my ultimate song to cry to. about the girl who holds in all her emotions, afraid that once she lets a tear fall she'll drown in the tears that won't stop
Very sad. Something about the lyrics that makes you really think about all the things in life that matter.
Reminds me of Urban Cowboy, which in turn reminds me that John Travolta is gay, which is really depressing
I just searched this entire list to see if this would be on it. Because it belongs here.
brutal song. at the very least, it is the best break-up song ever.
anything by bright eyes is more than amazing. conor oberst is such a great lyricist.
There has been some debate over weather this song is about God but many people support the opposing argument that tis song is about not being there for a friend when they were in need. If that's the way you choose to look at it it can bring a person to tears, I know it made me do so.
This song makes me think about my parents divorce, it's pretty touching, always hits me. I listen to this, and instantly feel depressed. It's about parents fighting in front of their kids.
and i descend from grace
in arms of undertow
i will take my place
in the great below
This is a great song but listen to you never know. By him. Ull start thinking more amazon lrycis
Very sad. In case you don't know, it's about a man who wants to join a gang but he has to rape someone to join, which he does. Unfortunately, he discovers he did it to his mother, and after a while, he commits suicide.
Great song, kind of undergroundish. Glad it made it on here, maybe it will get some more recognition.
this has to be one of the most true and moving songs i have ever heard. it may be long, but it is well worth it.
This song is pretty spectacular then sad. The song is about his life joining a gang with the background of hte love song from "Love Story"

this song has made me cry before and alot of my freinds have cried to this song
This song just has the essence of grief, and it does it perfectly.
Michael Jackson had real passion in this song and it makes me look around and it just downright depresses me.
Eric Woolfson's voice, the lyrics, the music --- this one's always gotten me going.
Possibly one of the best songs ever written. I want this played "As The Final Curtain Falls Before My Eyes" (i.e. 3:02 in the song) - when they burn the box I'm in. The only comment prior to mine on this site, mentions "Eric Woolfson's voice". WRONGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! It's unmistakeably Colin Blunstone.
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