This wasn't on here??? WHY NOT??!! HAVE YOU SEEN THE VIDEO?
(btw, 1000TH ENTRY!!)
Amazed this Masterpiece of Depression isn't in the top ten, much less not on the list! Grab a bottle of Seroplex and give it a spin! All the right ingredients for depression short of death. Country and Western. A woman at a bar takes off her ring. She's cheating on her solid husband because she wants more laughs. They've got four kids and crops to bring in. Her husband wants the worthless skank back. The narrator takes her to the hotel anyway. His conscience is forever defiled. Perfect depressing content. in 1977, I worked at a garage where all the other mechanics listened to CW over the radio when this song was popular. Must have played this dirge 20 times a day! I have never been more depressed on the job, and I liked my work! Last year, my own (ex)wife "Lucilled" me. There are a lot of Lucille's out there! If you say you listen to CW because it makes you feel good, please, go read the Psalms or find a shrink!
Amazed this Masterpiece of Depression isn't in the top ten, much less not on the list! Grab a bottle of Seroplex and give it a spin! All the right ingredients for depression short of death. Country and Western. A woman at a bar takes off her ring. She's cheating on her solid husband because she wants more laughs. They've got four kids and crops to bring in. Her husband wants the worthless skank back. The narrator takes her to the hotel anyway. His conscience is forever defiled. Perfect depressing content. in 1977, I worked at a garage where all the other mechanics listened to CW over the radio when this song was popular. Must have played this dirge 20 times a day! I have never been more depressed on the job, and I liked my work! Last year, my own (ex)wife "Lucilled" me. There are a lot of Lucille's out there! If you say you listen to CW because it makes you feel good, please, go read the Psalms or find a shrink!
Apparently written after he broke up with her in his earlier years after living on the Greek island of Hydra
Lyrics should be read, about children of war irrespective of which side you favor, an excellent sad song
Dear God, Black Orchid is by a loooooooongshot their most depressing song.
I honestly had to pull my car over one day because this song came on and I started to cry. Its totally heartbreaking.
I dedicated this song to my mother for the years of my struggle with addiction and my numerous suicide attempts. Having to deal with my mania and my lows. She admits she truly had no clue how to cope, what to do, or how to "fix it". (Those who have emotional problems will relate to that reference) But she stood by me no matter what I did or said, and in the end I slowly was able to grip with the reality of myself to manage stability and content. She saw me through despite me always pushing her away. Thank you mom!
I relate to this song not because some fleeting love left me, or something, but because it remind's me of my relationship to my father, who passed away in cancer not long ago. He was a horrible father, no doubt, but I was a horrible daughter. And he spent his last months on Earth, trying to make it up to me, knowing he did not have much time left. And I just shut him out, my wounded pride and my hatred for things that happen 20 years ago in the way. And on his death bed, I showed up, because I could no longer keep ignoring him. And as he looked at me for the last time, he smiled and told me that he did not except me to forgive him, but he had forgiven me along time ago. So, he told me that he loved me. So when he he sing "Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you" I die a little.
Yeah, this got me. "Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you..." That had me tearing up a bit.
...my boyfriend cheated on me, and i told him that i still loved him...he sang this song to me, and told me that he doesnt know how i could have ever forgivin him :'( he told me that he promised he would never do anything like that to me again, and so far...he hasnt. but every time i hear this song it reminds me about how truely sorry he was, and still is.....
I loved this song so much! The raw truthfulness of it never escaped me.
wow....number 1 and 2 kind of suck for depressing songs not gonna lie, but this song is seriously jaw dropping, i dont know if you have seen the live performance, but jesus, Justin is an inspiring performer, i wish all singers these days had the emotion that he does in his music
This is by far my favorite band ever.
listen to
"Black orchird"
"18th Floor Balcony"
"My Never"
Blue october is one amazing band and i've seen them play "Hate Me" live and Justin sings in full raw emotion. I cried the whole show. He's truly the definition of an artist.
OMG! I've been trying to find this song forever! I used to have it when I was going through some rough stuff and lost all my music and couldn't remember who it was by... thanks!
Its an amazing song, i could listen to for hours, quite frankly i like being depressed because of this song.
it's actually a song about how justin wishes his mother didnt care about him so that he could commit suicide without leaving her. one of my favourite songs so much raw emotion.
I broke up with a girl, and I'm going out with another one. I love them both, but the one I broke up with me doesn't want to be my friend. I cry every time I hear this song. I cry because I can't deal with the pain, I can feel my face, and my heart screams. I'm torn in two and my heart is stabbed. Thanks Blue October, thanks for writing this amazing song.
A song about how Justin wants his mom to hate him for what he did when he was younger so that he can feel better about himself.
Its hard for me to listen to this without crying....good song..

the rev wrote this song 3 days before his death its his farewell to his band mates and fans such emotionally charged song
This song was the one that finally made me cry tonight- I'd felt pretty depressed already, then I listened to it. RIP Jimmy, you're amazing and missed. And to those who don't think it's sad... Screw you.
the absolute most saddest song i've ever heard in my whole life :(
how could anyone possibly think this song isn't depressing? It straight up sounds like a suicide note! i still get silent with chills every time i listen to it. R.I.P Rev
this song, and victim every time i hear it it makes my tears water up because how emotional it is :/ foREVer
a7x has been my favorite band for atleast 5 years, still cant believe he's gone..
this song is amazeing because its like The Rev's final good bye then you listen to so far away which is synyster gates's way of saying good bye. RIP jimmy you'll live in our hearts foREVer
everytime i listein to this song i get chills when i hear his background vocals and it makes me really think about stuff. r.i.p jimmy we all miss you
This is a very good duet between The Rev and M. Shadows. I really love this song.
it can hardly be called a farewell if he died of heart failure, he didnt know he was going to die even though he said he did. the background to the song that makes the lyrics even more powerful, it was renamed to be his song (he called himself Fiction) RIP
the rev wrote this song and it's original name was death. he then died 3 days later.. if you are an a7x fan this is a very very sad emotional song.. he actually sings in it. he recorded his part before his death.
I dont see how this song is depressing the lyrics arent that bad and he sounds happy singing it
Aomething in the way should be taking this place
This song it quite possibly the saddest thing I have ever heard, and STILL AVX Pwns it all.

I'm upping Cash, Linkin Park and Floyd in this list, but Karen Carpenter was the best at expressions of melancholy.
This song did it for me. Been looking for the most depressing song this evening. No one got to me. Until this came up. I just crawled into fetal position and cried. Felt kinda good.
this song is not about self harm. "you bleed just to know you're alive" is in reference to the film "city of angels" which this song was written for. in the film, the angel must fall from a building to become a human being, and to show this has happened he bleeds. he then knows he is alive, a human.
I don't know if any of you noticed...but this song is about depressiong, lonliness, and self harm-or 'cutting'. "When everything feels like the movies, You bleed just to know you're alive."
This song is one of the most awesome songs ever... It is written with such clarity and emotion. It touches everything that is alive and dying inside all of us. I want this song played at my funeral... hopefull sooner than later. One exception, I don't want you to know who I am...
all these song no offence arnt very depressing the depressing songs are like yellow butterfly by meg and dia songs like that are sad but these arnt really depressing
Not much of a fan of teen-targeting polished, handsome pop/rock, but damn, this one is certainly an exception. A deeply moving song with reat melody and outstanding lyrics.
I had a fellow classmate do a video presentation of the holocaust with this song 6 or 7 years ago. Still brings tears every once in a while.
Everyone I know says that they think of me, the outcast, when they here this song
Awesome. Makes me cry every time. Touching Words. Touching music. It's just perfect. Specially if you watched the movie "City of Angels" it'll make more sense. It's beautiful.
I love the Goo Goo Dolls, most of their songs make me cry. I love this song!
this is one of the most amazing songs ive ever heard, it was my favoruite when i was nine and its still my favourite now. it makes me so sad, and it reminds me of bad times but its so amazing
first song i had ever heard by them and now i can't go back. this song brought tears to my eyes and still does.
One of my favourite songs in the world.
I really believe it applies to life and it makes me so sad when I hear it

this songs mean so much to me .. explains how i truly feel about everything
i love this song. My uncle was hit by a drunk driver on thanksgiving on his way to our house for dinner.
this is very emotional for me..my mom has gone through this before
To the people who don't get what the song is about, it is about the effects of drunk driving

I love this song so much but if u have ever had your heartbroken you know what this song is about. " I wish I could make u turn around, turn ,around and see me cry theres so much I need to say to u,so many reasons why,your the only one who really knew me at all" ......those are some deeply sad lyrics. Gets me everytime !!!
I hardly ever cry, but this song is definately very very sad! it's about people's misconceptions of war, and what it's like there. in the beginning he wants to be a hero of war, then he realises that there are no heros when in war.
I love this song but yeah they're bashing soldiers probably like those douche bags that crash funerals of soldiers.
I was a medic in Afghanistan and I will tell you that this song does not have the "political war glorifying double speak" to myself and my brothers and sisters that some of you may believe. Everytime I hear this song, I drink a shot of whiskey for those no longer with us. They are the Heroes of War. As it is said of veterans, All Gave Some, Some Gave All. I never discuss what I did there because most of the population doesn't understand the helpless feeling of holding your dear friend's hand as he takes his last breath and you, as the medic, are powerless to save him because you've already exhausted your resources and knowledge...
alright, so there is alot of arguement on this. the song isnt exactly glorifying war. but it is somewhat anti-government, like most songs by rise against.
i heard this song for the first time when i was deployed to afghanistan and didnt really understand it until i came home i can barely listen to it anymore and when i do i cry for along tiime.... no one ever will no the pain and how emtionally tattered you become from having your closes friends die next to you and no one will ever grow the bonds that soldiers grow but when you lay in bed at night and all you hear and see in your head is the war it drives you insane, this song and video is a great showing of what soldiers and marines go through even though most of us wont admit it...
its this high on the list because so many people relate with having lost someone in their life to the war
:( this is one of the saddest songs ive ever heard...but i love it! i think i watched it 20 times in a row....and the worst part, is that some of this is true...which REALLY made me cry!!! )':
I heard this song a long time ago. Still love, quite depressing and thought provoking about the middle east. great song
Let me throw my voice in with the rational people who have commented:
No, this song is not that sad. It is sad, but not to the point to ever take note of.
And yes, I do understand it. The guy is realizing that everything he believed to be true doesn't seem so true to him anymore after the fact.
I will say that before anyone signs up for the military, they should be forced to read these lyrics. Hopefully it would change their mind.
I think a lot of you missed the message, he's not trying to say how great american soldiers are and that they're are hero's, they kill innocent people women and children and are seen as these great heroes fighting for their country but they're not. War means blind obedience, unthinking stupidity, brutish callousness, wanton destruction, and irresponsible murder.
what the hell how is this a depressing song? ur tlking about tortuing a person and pissing on him how is any of this right you my friend are one idiot!!!!!!11
Such a great song. It really shows you the hell that people face that others don't even know exist.
In respect of those who rest in peace and are fighting out there for our country.
i watched the vid on youtube i was crying so much the i had to wait 15 minutes to click the likr button
I love this song. It's really sad, but it's moving and a great tune.
one of the most moving songs ive ever heard, i cried for like 5 minutes when i heard it
alright this song aint bout the government glorifying war its about a guy who goes to war and he is telling his story of what happened over there. God yall are so ****ing stupid for thinking its talking bout the government glorifying war. He doesnt even talk bout the damn gorvernment
My big bro came home from Afghanistan and I asked him how he was holding up, he smiled at me and said, "listen lil' sis, I don't regret it but I will never be myself again. I will never laugh like I did with him, I am always going to feel the weight of these metals on my heart and it will hurt to know what they mean." His best friend died in front of him while he returned fire after an IED hit thier truck. This song makes me cry because I will never know...
It is sad because it is talking about a veteran of some war who comes home decorated, but nobody knows or understands what he went through to get those medals, so essentially everyone is proud of him going through hell that they don't see his pain or emotional scars. And now the veteran has to deal with the pain all by himself.
This is a great band to see in concert. This was an epic song to hear.. And believe it or not,,, I cried at the concert during this song...
Could someone inform me how this would make someone cry? It's a song about how the government glorifies war not something to get depressed about... this does not deserve to be this high on the list.
i listened to this song like 15 times in a row. its so sad and so good i cant get enough of it.
I sang this song on stage at my school's talent show and cried on stage
I don't believe this song is so low down, it is really so moving.
saddest song by far. This song actually has serious political meaning that everyone can relate to. So sad :(

I like to think this song has a different meaning than the official one but that's the beauty of a great song...... Sometimes they're open to interpretation completely. And they can reach someone who needs to be reached.
this song actually makes me want to save a life. It makes me happy that I'm alive.
sobbing my eyes out. my older sister tried to commit suicide many times, and the only thing that stopped her was when she thought of me and how'd I'd have to live without her. I love you so much Sara
This one I can't even listen to the first two notes because all it reminds me of is how all seventeen of my friends died....and I couldn't save any of them. ='(
"This song reminds me of my grandfather, who was found lying on the floor dead."
Why does that matter? Millions of people are found dead on floors.
it the most saddest song i lisen to it because there is a girl i liked at my babysiting coress and i did evry thing i could but she hated me
This song reminds me of my grandfather, who was found lying on the floor dead. We never called him or anything, so I cry every time I hear this. I miss you Pop-pop :(
This is one of my favourite songs. I lvoe it. Reminds me of my parents. I love it I love it.
i actually love this song, i always play it (and all the other fray tracks) when im feeling down
this song, and the video (on where he is the white room, with all the different emotions come up on the screen) both make me cry :'(

Although Gary Jules version is No 2 at the moment this is the original version and I believe is due recognition. Perhaps younger people may not have heard this but this is where it was started.
The song is about Adam...'I trace the cord back to the wall, No wonder... it was never plugged in at all'. He tried to commit suicide by putting his amp in a puddle with himself (not sure how big/deep this puddle was), but it is definitely about him trying to commit.
Then you should of gotten an F then. The "Adam" is a reference to a Mr. Show sketch. Mark was a huge fan of them and named after a song he wrote about being depressed on the road. Simple as that.
Actually it is abt Adam...if you YOU tube it his suicide letter is attached to the song... did an independent study on it for school... its a sad letter very disturbing.
That isnt true, he didnt write it because a killed himself that liked them, they wrote the song and a kid that was part of the Columbine High School massacre, committed suicide with this song playing on repeat
The song caused a bit of a stir back in 2000, because it was set to replay indefinently as a survivor of the Columbine High School massacre by the name of Greg Barnes hung himself in his parent's garage.
whattt??? common it's not as deep as the other ones...shallow overdramatic, self centered teenage note...this is nothing but hormonal martyrdom...the other are much more intense than this...but nice countdown anyway ;)
Yeah theres a misconception that it was about the fictional 'adams letter' about a kids suicide note, but its got nothing to do with it
Tom wrote it when he heard about a kid who liked them and killed himself. Its partly his suicide letter and partly his own (Tom's) homesickness he experiences on tour.

i cried, its because the lyrics show people how exactly i feel.
its a depressive song, but then gives you hope. I think its beautiful.
Damn I love this song..Chris Martin wrote it for his wife,Gwyneth to help her cope with her father's death..
Cry every time I hear this song, Reminds me about my Grandfather and how I felt when he died. :'(
Used as memorial song for my friends when they passed ages 12 +13, still cry everytime i hear it.
Not really a depressing song - more about hope and the belief that things will get better.
but this song kind of gives you hope at the end.
kinda like a "happy-sad" if that makes sense.

Just went and listened to this. Wow. Now in my favourite song list. This song is just.... Wow.
This should be in the top 5, it's certainly more depressing than iris
This song. describes so much, i can't beleive it wouldn't be at the top. it just describes so much. About being alone. Why anyone cares. It's just full of sentimental value as well.

A man caught up in a stagnent life? Listen and you may have a different opinion
Cant listen to it anymore since it was played at my mates funeral from suicide
The version of Willie Nelson is 100 times better!
Listen to it. Now! You will cry for sure.
such a magnificent song, it just make ur heart cease beating, u just wanna all the earth stop moving, and it definitely take ur breath away!!
oh what a song, i do think fix you is a lot more deperssing though
Amazing song, gives hope that someday the one you might have lost will come back to you...

this song....>>>>>>> sooooo sad :'( the video is so sad and i always cry when i hear this song
this song is not depressing, its actually a comfort to me as i am not afraid to say i was abused as a young child :'(
this vidoe was about martina mcbrides niece it made me cry the first time i heard it and it still does
This song never fails to make me cry. This one should at least be number 2. The video is sooo sad. )':
this song is so amazing it deserves to be in the top 5 not 20. this is the saddest song ever. i listened to all the songs and this one made me cry. the others didnt. TAKE IT HIGHER!!!!!!
This song should be nearer the top, its the only song thats actually gotten to me so far!
Love this song, but I get misty everytime I see it, and i'm a 50 year grandpa.
saddest song id heard before Fiction RIP Jimmy
first heard this the same day my best friend hung herself, bout 30 mins before i got the news. i cant listen to it at all now
so i heard the song and understood the intent then i watched the video and i'm sttill crying
The video makes this even more depressing! Tells the story, but is so very sad.
Very sad made me cry every time I watched there another song she sings gods will one of the saddest songs I've ever herd

When life and the people in it fails you, and feel like you really really need someone to give you the courage to go on with everything and to help you out, it's pretty depressive when you're standing alone and feeling that everything you do doesn't make sense at all...
It's an excellent song, but I don't think it is really depressive.
This is honestly, one of my all time favorite songs. One of the first and still one of the only songs that i can totally relate to and just sit back and have the lyrics do the talking, the explaining of whats going on with me. It just fits. I love it, very depressing.
This is DEFF a true depressing song. Going through all these others, they don't really have the effect that this song has. Happy to see it on this list. Deserves me up A LOT higher though.
I listen to this song everyday non-stop. I don't know what it is and Sia has always been my top three singers. She is amazing. I wish she did concerts,I have certainly checked more than enough. This song helped me get through a lot. :)
This song gets my emotions running. It's a clash of emotions of love with the feeling of being unsafe and vulnerable. I love it. It should be heard. To get you in or out of a funk it quite up to you! Let it invite you.
this song makes me cry every single time... the passion... its amazing
i was literally just listening to this song . one of the best i have heard and is definately in my favourites. it is amazing but sad

i feel that it really creates a mood to make someone feel sadness and just brings out the best in someone. also that you should look on the inside not just the out, really look at a persons true colors.
it's eleeza galilei, her stuff now is even more intense it was a lil' too experimental at back in the la generale days but now there's def more body in her work and maturity
goddam i say. if this is from this century then it puts all to shame
This literally left me speechless. i havent heard anything like it.
yes this is somethin not sure if its depresing thou but everything else yes
beautiful, simply beautiful. why haven't i heard of this wonder? thanks for putting it up. being an avid discoverer i now know there's so much more i haven't seen nor heard

just listening to his voice with the lyrics always gets me!
This song conveys great emotion and tells us to cherish the moments with our lovedones while were still with them
This song breaks my heart. It makes me think of my sister who passed away. Its been 7 years now but the pain is just as strong as if it happened yesterday. God I miss her so much!
@ above post.
That is soo sad :(. Remember that there's a hope for all people. As long as you have faith!
it was one of the songs on my little sister's funeral... her name was Lucy she died age 16.....
this is the only time ive ever cryed to a song over and over again. it seems like i start crying when he says " hey lucy i remembered ur birthday"
This song makes me cry every single time I listen to it.
My dad used to call me Lucy, even though that's not my name. I don't see him much now, so this song really makes me sad.
Just made me cryy.
"Id give up all the world to see that little piece of heaven looking
back at me"

I'm not sure why this song isn't already on here. It was banned by MTV for being pro-suicide. Even though it's Megadeth, they somehow still manage to capture all of the emotion suggested by the lyrics. Although Dave Mustaine gives a clear explanation of what he meant in the song, you can't help but think of a lost person who knows no way out but death.
This song (to me) is basically talking about how alone you are in life. There is always going to be someone there, but in the end, you're on your own, and your life is what you make it.
(also.. just saying..This is my the band in the world. This is the first song I'd ever heard by them and I fell in love. Now I have all of their CDs, 4 shirts, and 3 posters of them. )
made me feel like i could keep on going even when everything was falling apart around me
This song makes me cry terribly. I listen to it when I need to cry but just can't.
I feel sooo sorry for that soldier. He's been looking forward to coming home for such a long time to see his beautiful girl. But when he sees her, his heart and future are shattered. I hate that girl. How could she do that to him??
The only sad thing about this song is the first part. The poor man drinks himself to death in anguish. The rest is pitiless karmaic justice.
thats the most ive ever cryed over a song. my aunt is doing this to herself.
Damn that one just hurts...watched the video two times in a row and cried both times. Damn.
saddest song in the whole world. i go to it only when i'm seriously depressed.
wow..this sonqq ahl-waysz makes meh cry bhutt n dha end dey meet bak up :')
I love this song so much but rarely listen to it because it makes me cry so much. Even so amazing and moving song that I have advanced in the list because its one of the saddest Ive ever heard.
Why on earth is this song at number 58 this is by far one of the saddest songs ever written.
This is one song in my life that never fails to make my cry..

My brother played this song one day. And when he was gone i would listen to it everyday and cry. Now when i listen to it the memories come with it
this song is amazing its one of my favorites and its pretty sad. i listen to it all the time
A guy that i dated (that i still love) dedicated this song to me and now every time i hear it i cry. I wish he would give me another chance :'[
This song is so beautiful, and it makes me tear up every time I hear it.
this song means so much to me :'[ it's perfect for people who love someone that doesn't love them back because it's basically that i'll stand by you forever no matter what.

The supple and mesmerizing voice of Thom Yorke leaves you in a completely different mood after listening.
After my boyfriend died I listened to lots of sad songs and this was one of the best, because it actually helped me to recover. It was incredibly sad that his life was cut short at such a young age (20) but ultimately, we all have short lives in the general scheme of things
not so much depressing as demonstrates how insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things. A very interesting view.
I was depressed, until I read the comment that referred to Old Blue.
Very depressing. It's about how our lives don't even really matter. What could be more depressing?
This is not a sad song. If it were a sad song I would not be singing it in choir. It's just slow, that does not make it sad.

She is talking about a fight between her and her father and how she feels that shes not good enough for him. I sobbed uncontrollably for ten minutes when I saw the video. If u are close to your dad and you want to cry, this is your song and video.
My dad and my mom are divorced Im living with my mom. When i was child mom was working so my grandma looked after me for a while. She was cancer and died in front of my eyes 6 years ago and i miss her so much. She was my mom, my dad. And i cant see my dad everytime. we fight sometimes, we fun but im broken by my dad because when i was child he was somewhere with his darling. sometimes i say "i hate him" but i forgived him because he is my dad i love him so much. When i listen this song, i remember days we spent with my grandma and i fear to lose my dad early and i m crying :'(
when i was 11 years old I moved to a new town. I had no friends until i met this real funny dude. We went on to become the best of friends, we were always together. People used to make fun of him for being short and of me for being fat and they called us gay. However, we just supported each other and stood up for each other. During the summer when I turned 13 I was shocked to find out that he had died in a tragic car crash. I didn't know how to handle it
-if i had just one more chance :'(
ive lost all my contact with my dad several years ago, he lives several thousands miles away. the song is absolutely amazing and the video is breath taking. always makes me want to cry :(
This is my love song to my daughter. It's been almost 8 years since the day I had to say goodbye to my everything. Standing there in the parking lot that day watching them drive away, although I stayed upright, it was almost as if I saw a ghostly image of myself fall out of me and land on it's knees weeping, moaning, sobbing, reaching out to the distance. I got in the car and left that part of me there, on the ground, coming undone. I haven't been complete since that day, just a shell of who I used to be. I imagine that ghostly image of my soul still in that parking lot on the other side of the country, alone, waiting. I miss my precious baby girl, and I miss the guy I abandoned that day. All these years I have NEVER, not once, told anyone these things. It's 4am, I'm going to get high(er) and try to neatly tuck this back inside where it belongs. Then I guess I'll put these shoes back on, they are much too heavy for anyone else. Thank you for letting me rest here but it's time for me to get movin', it's a long mile and it's uphill all the way...
I love this song. I actually used to hate it, and it was only recently that I listened to it again and, I don't know, "got" it.
i'm actually from their home town in southern MS...its really amazing when they come to visit every now and then
Most of there songs make me cry but that is one of there best it's so moving.

Claudio's soft but powerful vocals mixed with the acoustic guitar do nothing more than make this song even more depressing.
Still a beautiful song though
Very sad but only hear beacuse its better known.
There are so many great AIC songs that should be noted on here.
I think this is a pretty sad song, but see if you can find "Dead" it's the last song he had recorded vocals for before his death, about his girlfriend leaving him behind.
When the last line in a song is, "I'd feel better dead." You have to feel sorry Layne. He hurt his entire life and this song just about summed it up...
Yeah agree very sad, love this jar of flies EP one of my all time favourites

A really close friend of mine made me listen to this song...
I cried all night.
This song is simply amazing. Respect to Johnny Cash, but the original is so smooth and hypnotizing. The words, the piano, the voice really make this one of the most depressing songs in my books.
Both versions are pretty great, but this is a lot more depressing
Jhonny Cash version is about the experiences in his life
Tent Reznor, a song about fear and confussion
way more depressing
The piano and breathy vocals by Spears make it perfect. "It's about heartbreak, it's about your first love, your first true love. That's something all people can relate to, because you all have that first love that you think you're going to be with the rest of your life" said Spears in interview. Was written by Spears as a response to his ex Justin song "Cry Me A River"
played at my friends funeral :(
she was only fourteen.
i miss you, miss you. r.i.p beautiful
A song about breaking up... "Stay with me, or watch me bleed... I need you just to breathe..." Favourite line... this song always gets me.
ofcourse its depressing it bout a women dying on her wedding day...
this was our grad song too. So many memories. I performed this during my own graduation. String solo side by side with my brother playing guitar. I'll never forget...
My favourite Nirvana song, and one of the most chilled songs I've ever heard.
The meaning is debatable, but I see it as him being trapped, isolated even when surrounded by fans yet ultimately alone - something I think a lot of people can relate to.
It was played in the film Jarhead, in a scene which I think fit the song (and visa-versa) very well.
It's depressing for sure. He actually wrote it when he was younger, when he was kicked out of home and said to people that he had to live under a bridge in his home town, Aberdeen even though he really didn't, but it could also be that Kurt wrote "Underneath the bridge" as a metaphor for his social isolation.
no, wrong Kurt never actually lived under a bridge, he was notorious for lying to journalists but still, good song :D
The most beautiful and true song ever written, it completely encompasses all emotion behind love and tells the story behind a man's true suffering
someone close to be committed to suicide while listening to this song on repeat
There is so much emotion in both the lyrics and guitars, i played this song when i had hit rock bottom, and is the reason why im still here today.
When Quoted James Hetfield said he wrote this song after having his equipment stolen but I have always felt there is so much more to it. "Emptiness is filling me to the point of agony" is powerful indeed.

Amazing vocals, superb guitar and a lot better than the other **** on this list.
Seriously, ****ing Slipknot? **** you guys
I was listening to this song while I was scrolling down the list. I love this song so much. I love QUEEN so much ♥
dude! honestly! people all have feelings! just stop the fighting snd feel music! god! bunch of heretic retards!
true we all hav r own opinions.i hv 2 say tho how is queen depressing? i honestly dont understand cause evn this song isnt as remotely sad as slipknots.just sayin.
Some of us think some of this stuff is sad. I mean, we all have different opinions.
Listen to Snuff of Vermillion pt. 2. I'm sure that will change your mind.
OP here. Don't get me wrong, I love Slipknot. I listen to a bunch of their songs. But they aren't nearly as depressing as other songs on here. And full of emotion? Every song ever is full of emotion...that's essentially what art is...emotion. Whether it's happiness, sadness, anger, etc. But Slipknot isn't depressing...at least not to the effect Queen is.
Slipknot are good actually, don't hate because the songs are full of emotion... a lot of people just don't take the time to notice.

A cover from Don McLean version. Powerfull and a great acoustic set.
The song its about vincent van gogh and the troubled mind of a great artist.
"and when no hope was left in sight on that starry starry night....You took your life
as lovers often do"
The melodic, soft and ambient guitars are what make me cry. This song is very beautiful. Reminds me of my deceased relatives.
There is a great acoustic cover of this song by the band Cadillac Sky. One of my all time favorites.
Every time i listen to this i laugh i find it hilarious i mean "Love of mine some day you will die" wtf?
My favorite song ever!! I was obsessed with it for a whole year!
This song is neither dark nor Light. . it is sweet. to say the least. it is an amazing song that has a different meaning to each person who listens to it.
"Love of mine. Someday you will die. But I'll be close behind. I'll follow you into the dark."-If that's not enough to speak to you, I don't know what will do it. It's more of a light happy, but dark songs. The dark meaning, but the hopefully vibe it rings in your ear. Oh and the lead singer's orgasmic voice!
this is a really sweet song. It makes me happy when I listen to it.
seriously that's one of their happier songs. A sad song by them is what sarah said

Great song. Listened a lot to it when I was 17 or something, but it still means a lot to me.
This song is amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Mar are my altime favourites after watching the video it made me want to cry but I no all the words to all of their album mar geek or wat lol xxxx but the most depressing song is cancer or this is how I disappear xxx
I've listened to this song more than 500 times my fav song of all times
This song has been on repeat recently. It makes me want to cry.

this son just tears me to pieces, my best friend died in a car accident, ill see him again someday, i swear it
This should be way higher!!! It's one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard
This song is one of the best it truely is. I've known this song since it came out and it still has the ability to bring out all my old emotions.
This song makes me cry soooooo much but I know all the words lol love titanic but that also makes me cry xxx
Amazing song! It was also the song played at the end of the movie Titanic.
I know how you can get that lonely. And nobody knows because you are THAT lonely. I would have a empty funeral service.
This isn't a bad song, but the chorus really annoys me, even if it is a common problem with songs. Literally every person in the world seriously contemplates suicide 2 or 3 times a week. If you claim it isn't on your mind often, you're lying.
I agree with the person above me. To me, the saddest part of a sad song is the melody. This song sounds too "happy" for someone to get the true meaning of the lyrics. You can't just put depressing lyrics into any song and call it depressing.
The saddest bit of this song is how bad it is. Powerful lyrics (although not very deep) but the sound is far too over-produced to convey any meaning. A raw acoustic version would be much better (but not by this sell out).
I've been this lonely for most of my life... I just don't have the energy or motivation to follow through with it.
This melody isn't very sad, which is what pulls me in more than lyrics. Sorry, this one didn't even scratch the surface for me.
Had two of my best friends die at that age and this song hit so many feelings i haven't felt in a long time. truly a powerful song.
:'( this song really got to me first time listening to it woooow :'(

Talks about trying to be perfect, but everything was too hard, and you feel like you let someone important in your life down
If the title isn't enough, the lyrics will be… Even a sunny day will turn dark while listening to this song.
Smh, a joy division was a prostitution section of concentration camps during the holocaust, where jewish women were forced to give their bodies to nazis. Do your homework next time you're about to say something thay offensive.
"How can a band called Joy Division make a sad song? - not for me - sorry
obvious troll is obvious. this comment is seriously offensive though.
24 hours by Joy Division or any track off'Pornography' by The Cure should have made this list
This band is absoultly one of my favorites, this song isn't really depressing to me though. But yes agreed atmosphere is just sad.
If you knew what a "joy division" was you wouldn't be so nieve.
How can a band called Joy Division make a sad song? - not for me - sorry
Atmosphere is indeed the daddy. You could probably have 20 Joy Division songs in the top 50.
Dude, this song should be higher. And Atmosphere by Joy Division makes me sob every time :S

A Masterpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............whenever i hear it i feel that these are the best twenty three minutes of my life........
Fully agree with the comment about the Deftones cover,EPIC indeed!
There is no way in hell anyone did a better version that Lynyrd Skynyrd. They wrote it for christ's sake, it's not supposed to be all sappy and slow like Shinedown made it.
The original is good, Shinedown's is better, but Deftones' version is nothing short of EPIC.
I am sorry but i truly believe that Shinedown did a way better version than Lynyrd Skynyrd....
Shinedown has an unbelievable cover to this. It's hard to top Skynard but Shinedown does an absolutely incredible job!

It is disputed how exactly Nick Drake died, but if you listen to this song, you will understand why they say it was suicide.
It is liraly the most depressing song based on 1 simple word - Cancer, oh and maybey 1 more Death.
But an amazing sone non the less!!!
Depressing? Yes - the subject matter will frighten most and will either have affected many, or will in the future. Cancer has not (yet) touched my life personally, but (being in my 50s (yes - people in their 50s do like MCR)) I have already lost friends to it; seen some survive treatment and (possibly worst) witnessed close at hand a child of eight dying from it. I challenge you to watch the video for this song and not cry. I have also read on a number of forums that this song uplifts many after being close, one way or another, to cancer. I sometimes listen to "depressing" songs to lift me - beacause it makes me realise that there's many worse off than me. If you haven't heard this song - go listen to it - it's sad but beautiful.
Agreed, it is definitely perfect for people affected by self-injury (such as myself) and is overall a beautiful song. It is very emotional and I can really relate to it.
^ this song is perfect for those people and even speaks to those who don't
love this song really touches me
^ @penpencil22 I agree as this song is perfect for me.. I am a lil ashamed to admit that I cut,,
I doubt that you're ever going to read this ( person who commented about Prince writing this song ) But I'm 16 and a huge fan of Prince, but when it comes down to comparing the two versions of Nothing Compares 2 U, the Sinead O'Connor version is more moving than the original Prince version in the opinion of very many people. Especially because of the story behind the reason that O'Connor is singing it (the death of her mother.) Maybe next time you want to talk about teenagers being an embarrassment in a situation such as musical knowledge remember that maybe, just maybe you're an embarrassment for putting such insults on a younger crowd
this is a prince song. did a teenager make this list? it's embarrassing to read.
So personal to her - almost an invasion to listen to it - so raw and so much hurt

I was wondering when this song would apear on the list. One of my favourite songs, by my favourite band.
Just the lyrics are amazing...the first time I heard this I thought it was a masterpiece, I cried...
You people are ridiculous. I'm not a fan of the song, but I don't have the attitude of "oh its new and popular so it must be terrible." I think the line you quoted is actually not bad, and you'd probably be saying how meaningful and amazing it is if it came out of your favourite band.
Yeah...because you guys are so much better at song writing even though no one knows who you are,besides she's saying this person is ancold person and some day it'll affect them.
this song is currently part of a suicide campaign to raise awearness of the signs of depression its very very moving.
how, isnt this song number one?
Red is a great Christan band even tho they didnt write this song
i saw them in concert last month and they played this song it made everyone cry afterwards i gave them all a huge hug for having such an amazing song
This songs is simply amazing. I will set this song on repeat and let it take over my whole mood. It so sad, but it makes me so peaceful at the same time. This is my favorite song to listen to when I am down.
Omg! I was hoping this song would be on the list. This, personally, would be my number 1. It automatically makes me depressed, maybe because it reminds me of a person or maybe it's just the amazing emotional passion I feel when listening. Idc what kind of music you like, this song will speak somehow to you.
O MY GOSH I LOVE THIS SONG!!! it may be slow, but you have to listen to it. One of the best songs out there most def.

should be so much further up the chart.... beautiful song with beautiful lyrics ..... reminds me off the time i broke up with my boyfriend :(
Probably one of the best sad songs ever! Besides, it is a popular soundtrack!
You have to find the deeper meaning. It's saying how life in general is artificial and "plastic" and life never changes. And when Thom sings "gravity always wins," that gets me. It means the fakeness of the world brings you down.
This song is not depressing at all, its actually quite uplifting, specially those ending vocals. Exit music is depressing
The lyrics are actually talking about that gravity wins when talking about plastic surgery. "He used to do surgery for girls in the eighties, but gravity always wins" I guess you could think metaphorically,and say it means the fakeness of the world, I don't know. It's only my opinion.
Stuffiness, hopelessness and futility of our glorious contemporary life is in this song.
This is the saddest song on this list. You don't need to have been in a situation like it to feel how much pain and emotion is represented in the lyrics.
Its a great song and anyone who's ever been through a situation like it i'm sure would agree.
I don't really think this song is depressing, really. I think it's more inspirational than is depressing. Amazing song, though.
me an my frends learnd this song an playd it at a talent show 4 r skool his step sis had the exact same thing go on with her..makes me cry everytime
I always cry on this song. I find myself in every word she's saying.
I cry everytime I hear this song...I share a tragic childhood of parents fighting and yes, it is a nightmare. No child should ever have to endure this pain...
This version is much better and more depressing than the Cascada version.
This song made me cry so much :( Especially after watching the music video. The song Skin (aka, Sara Beth) was also a really depressing song..
Rascal Flatts's Sara Beth is way more suiting to this list a teenager with leukemia will always trump some man who couldn't get up the balls to tell someone how they really felt before it was too late
Oh please, I love Cascada, but she ruined this song. Only pop addicts who have been carefully brainwashed into only liking the mainstream crap version of everything thinks her version is better.
i like cascada but his version is so much better in my opinion
cascadas version is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better.

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