Created 21 top lists, 561 items, 1 comment.
31 years old, Chicago, male
Member since 20th of May 2008.
Best-looking cars ever
390 points added 16 years ago
Top Countries to Live In
286 points added 16 years ago
Top Movies of All Time 490 items ranked
Top Films Ever Made
161 points added 16 years ago
The most important inventions ever made
94 points added 16 years ago
Greatest Albums of All Time 240 items ranked
Best Albums of All Time
80 points added 16 years ago
Most Overrated of All Time 57 items ranked
Most Overrated Players in All Sports
78 points added 16 years ago
Most Annoying Software 15 items ranked
Most Annoying Computer Programs
46 points added 16 years ago
Best Blogs 33 items ranked
32 points added 16 years ago
Best U.S. Cities to Live in 46 items ranked
Best places to live in the United States
18 points added 16 years ago
Top Games of All Time 102 items ranked
Best Games Ever Made
15 points added 16 years ago
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