Agree. Perfect country to live. It is Locomotive of the EU and could be much better without ome heavy vagoons which decelerate it
High standard of living, great healthcare and the economy is doing very well. Most important country in the EU
I love Germany...I lived there for 3 months and I was not afraid of going out at night alone anywhere....Great Germans
According to the “The Travel & Tourism
Competitiveness Report 2013” (World Economic Forum) Germany is 2nd best place worldwide for tourists Switzerland is No. 1, Austria No 3, USA No 6, Canada No 8, Australia 9, Italy 26, Turkey 46,) No1 for business travellers and infrastructure.
They have everything what you can ever wish - except palm beaches (only indoors)!
Germany is really a nice place to go. But you gotta try out the more rural areas -- it's so beautiful!
I belive germany is one of the top most country ......
And top most civilised country i have visited many time over there and every time i find new thing go germany you will suerly enjoy
It shount be on 3rd place it should be in 1st ........
I lived in germany for 2 years, made the best friends. It's an amazingly beautiful country
really I now one of my friends from germany didn't like it their at all but he loves canada eh and yes we say eh allot
I have heard it is nice there and not a lot of crime. My friend went there to visit and he said you could walk down alleys there at night and not be afraid and he wouldn't even walk down alleys in the daytime in the United States.
Yes! I love Germany. I am planning to live there once I retire. The crime is low in that country.

Don't worry, israelian people need a country to live in happiness. Not to big and not with many peoples.
Well this is a JOKE, whoever wrote this is insane, who would want to live in that worn torn dump that hate on their neighbors
Nice place, but I'd rather wait until they settle their differences and stop killing each other.
it isn't the worst country you can live in but they're friends with the US

According to the “The Travel & Tourism
Competitiveness Report 2013” (World Economic Forum) best place worldwide for tourists Switzerland is No. 1, Germany 2, Austria No 3, USA No 6, Canada No 8, Australia 9, Italy 26, Turkey 46,)
I think the reason why Switzerland is not no 1 here is that their People seem to be sometimes too self-confident which might be taken as arrogance.
According to the “The Travel & Tourism
Competitiveness Report 2013” (World Economic Forum) best place worldwide for tourists Switzerland is No. 1, Germany 2, Austria No 3, USA No 6, Canada No 8, Australia 9, Italy 26, Turkey 46,)
Love this country. Wish I could live there..Unfortunately they don't let us australians work over there..
Have been there twice,found the Swiss to be arrogant,inhospitable,and quite frankly,a pain in the butt.
I like to stay Switzerland, Nice place and you have the right to open the mouth. You are free. The government is good. Not corrupt.

wow... how can you not like canada, Hot girls, always something to do, safe, and all different reasons.
Most people that move to Canada become accepted and find a peaceful life.
Canada is the best place its nice . There's kind people that are thought full and peaceful . I have been here for 20 years and I don't regret living in here and its relaxing and we have good health care people with intelligence and kind
Oh! Completley disagree! I would say Canada is somewhere behind 20. I left tis country back for Ireland.
Comparing to Europe: Expensive secondary education, high crime in some areas in the middle-south, very poor quality of town infrastructures, high cost of living. Very poor quality of estates. Remote cities to each other, Bad climate.
Only advantages are - the quality of food and... PEOPLE!
Canada. #1 definately overall. Education, crime rate, wages vs cost of living, acceptance, etc.
Most Canadians go away for Christmas, our winters aren't bad in southern Ontario.
Canada is the best but in winter....sounds to bad because its too cold.
According to the “The Travel & Tourism
Competitiveness Report 2013” (World Economic Forum) best place worldwide for tourists Switzerland is No. 1, Germany 2, Austria No 3, USA No 6, Canada No 8, Australia 9, Italy 26, Turkey 46,)
Oh Canada! What a great land - peaceful, and such fantastic beauty. Voted many times to be the best place in the World to live...bar-non!
canada has fresh water supplies, natural resources and beautiful landscape
when i see other countries. i reallize .canada is real country on earth . here is best medical ,education, living standards, all tradition and culture living togeather, senior respect, loving neighbourhoood and people are honest,hard worker, they care each other, and government doing to work hard to build canada like heaven. i salute canada they help poor countries. god keep this country safe and peacefull forever.
Perhaps a bit biased, as I am from Canada. The land scape is made of huge difference from coast to coast to coast! Big country, low population, good infastructure and the freedom to move and make your own choices. The weather that many others complain of also allows us to enjoy Ice Skating on the Rideau canal in the winter, and you need to get a bit cold for that! The Skiing in the West, the Summer boating of the West coast, as well as the endless beaches of the lakes and rivers that put us #1 in the volume of fresh water available in the world!
The people come from all of the world and it makes for an intersting and large diversity of cultures, all adding flavour. I have had the fortune to travel extensively, and every country I have been to brings its own unique and culture and physical beauty to the table. The old and historical cultures of the Middle East, the Euoropean homes and history, the wilds of Southern Africa, the ruggedness and attitude of Latin and South America. The incredible mass of people in the Cities of India, to the absloute unpopulated starkness of the Canadian North, it is a matter of personal tastes and desires. Is there truly any country better than another. Using clever stastics and mathematical formulas for cost of living, health, education and a myriad of other indicators, yes, however, only the individual can decide what pleases them.
those people are crazy are winters are minus 30 in manitoba witch makes canada awesome
I like Canada. It has the most fresh water in the world!! Beautiful landscapes, huge mountains, flat prairies.
Its funny how so many people talk how india and afghan are so good, yet every major city in Canada is slowly filling up with Afghani's and Indians. Go figure.
Total agree with the last comment. Who has has had the worst env. disasters in the world? Not Canada..... maybe the US???
Why Canada is so cold in some places. I live there I and hate living there.
Alberta gets tornadoes - now and again they hit a populated area but most just toss top soil and crops around.
Ontario and Quebec have had one Ice Storm that I remember. 1998 I think it was.
They also get the tail end of some hurricanes - the worst I remember was Hurricane Hazel in 1954.
When I lived in B.C. a storm there got the Pacific pretty angry and it ran off with quite a bit of Centennial Beach's sand.
Newfoundland gets a lot of nasties from the Atlantic.
I remember hearing about sink holes in eastern Quebec that took roads and people with it.
Compared to the U.S. natural disasters are few and far between.
Bad laws - I think so. Most are Provincial rather than Criminal Code things. We took the pendulum swing to the far side on child abuse - parents used to be able to abuse their children and call it discipline. Now they cannot discipline them at all so we have some younger people - a lot of younger people - with no respect for others, for laws, for anything much!
the best country in the world if a person looks at the big picture

Many don't know this but Japan is a very scenic country with a lot more variety than people realize. One of the things Japan needs to avoid is becoming like the west. Very polite, friendly people who have manners and morals in normal society. Something seriously lacking in other countries these days.
People are getting out of the U.S. right now. Too much corruption.
bad health care. high unemployment rates. greedy government and hidden fees. Welcome
All I can say is that I've never felt so good anywhere else but in America (I'm from W.Europe)
And I ain't talking about dough and big ol'l
Cadillacs n' skyscrappers and materialistic stuff,
NO, I'm talking about basic everyday American way of life with the American People!!
Those folks in the U.S. make the athmosphere,
The American Spirit!
I did live in the U.S. for many years but I've been back in Europe for few now.
I hope that somehow one day I can go back
Home to America!
The US could be good, but it hurts the economy with high student loan payments, low wages, and no access to good healthcare unless you are wealthy or have an awesome employer, which is hard to come by.
US is great except for healthcare, and politics. Its sad, geographically its beautiful. But so completely divided. I think if it was easier to do, I would have left.
US is blessed with good weather but marred by crime, guns and hostile political attitude.
i live in usa and it is awesome i live in new jersey but been 48 states so usa is #1
The US has real property rights, religious freedom, constitutionally protected gun rights, low taxes, stable government, we do not have over-population, we have great national parks and large diverse geography to move around in.
WTF US is amazing. i can't belive mexico and cuba and costa rica are higher on the list. US people are SO fortunate
There's no stability in the US that's why I'm on this site looking for another country.

Agreed, safest place in the world to live in. I will retire to live in Armenia, great place!
Place where to survive becoming more nd more difficult.
most Govt proples are corrupt
mostly businesses in there hands
salaries very low and things too expensive
90%youth trying to run out from home land bec of no opportunities.
An important feature of Armenia is the fact that Armenia was the first nation in the world to adopt Christianity as its state religion in 301 AD which we cannot compare from all other countries in the world !
So first, the geography lesson: Armenia is just east of Turkey and bordered by Georgia to the North, Azerbaijan to the East, and Iran to the South. Which basically means Armenia is a raft of Christianity in a sea of Muslim countries. In fact, Armenia was the first nation in the world to adopt Christianity as its state religion in 301 AD, and that has pretty much defined and shaped its turbulent history through the ages.
Armenia is a mystical place -- filled with monasteries, pagan temples, prayer stones and churches, most tucked away in wildly remote places to protect them from destruction. (It didn't.) These pockmarked Christian monuments are the pride of Armenia as well as testament to a seemingly endless parade of invaders: conquering Persians, rampaging Mongols, invading Turks, totalitarian Soviets, as well as the ravages of devastating earthquakes. For over 600 years, Armenians knew themselves to be a distinct people and yet were not a sovereign country. Faced with hostility from all sides, Armenians held fast to their identity and managed to survive into the modern era with a faith as deep and constant as the obsidian stone that is part of this beautiful landscape.

From what I know, South Korea is really not that bad a place to live. I wouldn't mind going there if it were warmer for longer.
While I have nothing against the South Koreans and consider them a great ally to my country, I don't care to live or even visit a place that has a country like North Korea bordering it.....

Norway is great but they have one backset. It is too windy and too cold. And the winters are dull without end,
People love it . I dont knwo why its not number one . No creepy snakes . A range of all weathers . Summery Christmas's. Friendly people . Fantastic scenery .
If youve watched Narnia ... you know hwo they go out on that beach ? After that train bit? Thats filmed in NZ . Kiwi's are known for our dry sens eof humor. Its ****ing awesome . Dont get us mixed with Aussies. Hell no.
New Zealand is beautiful!
I am from New Zealand! FYI though, I lived in Australia for 10 years and have never seen a snake! Maybe I've lived in Australia for too long...but summery Christmases? The only people going to New Zealand to enjoy the summer are from the North Pole! Also to someone who said poor people move to Aussie...hell no! Australia is SOOO expensive! In fact, Perth (where I lived) was voted the most expensive city in the Southern Hemisphere (Forbes, I think?).
I lived both countries of New Zealand & Sri Lanka both are almost same specially West Coast of NZ very similar to some parts of Sri Lankan Highlands and Beaches of North Island of NZ very similar to Sri Lankan Some Beaches. NZ - Almost Temperate SL - Almost Tropical
well,nz is green everywhere,green is the most beautiful colour.there is one more country with green covering,GOD'S OWN COUNTRY-KERALA.
Love nz, why the heck is it so low down on this list. Type in nz on google images. Its the most beautiful place on earth, everyone is friendly and nz is home to the most amazing native birds and plants. Australia is turning into a country like america, nz is still a country like no other and possesses a native language. Dont go to australia, it's a waste of time. GO NZ! :)
NZ is a great country to live in if you're rich. Excellent dining and accommodation, countryside, cultural events - if you can afford to participate. The rich pay little tax, the poor pay plenty. Houses, food are expensive. In case you don't get my point, NZ is wonderful for the rich. But if you're poor, move to Australia where you can still have a life. Most of NZ is doing it!
Beautiful country with amazing scenery but anybody who says we have a summer has not been here. Small population as they're are all collecting welfare in Australia eh bro
Aussie and NZ are up in the top 10 in my book. Awesome guys and gals, beautiful landscape, great healthcare and education systems...Whats not to love? Visit australasia today!
I have never had the privilege of visiting your beautiful country. I am from the states, but i have traveled over the world, I was going to visit Australia but i have met thousands of kiwis who have migrated to Australia and hate it. But then again i have met alot of travelers that love it. Its pretty hard to make up my mind but i think i will visit newzealand because i hear its beautiful.
new zealand would deffinatly be the best country to live in, in the WORLD!!!! KIWIS ROCK!

It is very beautiful specially outside of San Jose, the capital city. But unfortunately we are plagued by crime, trafficking and government corruption. I love my country but we either get our act together or get to paradise lost.
It is an amazing country with the most beautiful beaches, forest and land. The people are highly educated and the country enjoys political and economic stability. Health care program in Costa Rica takes care of their citizens.
i live in england and i want to live there when i am older it is so peaceful
I am from the Netherlands and I like it a lot! I moved to Singapore....
Best place to live in! People are very friendly and honest. Always ready to help and always ready to speak English. If you learn Dutch you can meat people outside work and make real lasting friendship
There is crime in Holland, drugs are not legal, but tolerated. its cramped and expensive, but it is funky cool.
clean, green, well organized, tolerant, down to earth, civilized
HOLLAND, best country even no crime.. but legal drugs + no poor ppl!

Luxembourg has the highest alcohol consumption rate and the highest GDP per capita, these people are economic geniuses while drunk (or they simply sell a lot of alcohol over the border, economic geniuses either way). They pay for their roads by having lower fuel taxes than the surrounding countries, so everyone drives through the country with a smile. They became independant of the Netherlands without a day of war, they simply waited for their chance and when a woman inherited the Dutch throne they dug up an old law that says only a man can be on their throne. And their brilliance isn't even genetic, one third of the population are foreigners. They probably found some kind of ingenius way to attract only brilliant people.
With the people being so awesome, it's no surprise that they found the perfect place on earth to live. The climate allows for the production of both good beers and good wines, in the same little country. The area is slightly mountainous, providing a nice view and some protection against disasters like flooding and storms, but not mountainous enough to really be a problem. The ground is fertile and the water plenty while the weather is still pretty good.
Seriously, there may be less than half a million people in this country, but they're the cream of the crop, the elite of the world, living in just the sort of spot everybody would be jealous of, if they were as smart as Luxembourgers. And if that doesn't sound convincing than that's because I'm not enough of a genius to write this down well. After all, I'm not a Luxembourger...
Best music in the world , smart people , good food , dracula , many inventors ( the airplane) etc
high education level, people speak many languages... Frech, Dutch, English, German, ...
if it has the best health care system why doesn't it have the the best longevity rate
Best health care system of the world, center of Europe and NATO (Brussels), friendly people and one of the highest education level, people speak many languages...
Probably a great place to live until the Germans start to get restless again....

Australia is unreal. Beautiful green valleys, fantastic red earth gorges and rock formations, savannahs, rainforests, open plains, deserted beaches, clean lively cities, uninhabited tropical islands amd huge wilderness areas to name a few, People live so well here. Nowhere like it!
Ah, I love Australia! I've been to heaps of different countries, but there is no place like Australia! Such a beautiful country! Uhh, no water and beauty!? First, Australia is an ISLAND, and is renowned for their amazing beaches...ever heard of Surfer's Paradise? The beautiful beaches and warm climate make the Aussie waters a major tourist attraction...and no beauty omg, you've obviously never even been to Australia?! As for snakes, I lived there for ten years, never saw a snake!
Some people are so ignorant...people will judge countries on what they hear from equally ignorant people, instead of doing their own research. If you haven't been to a country, you really don't have a valid opinion!
One of the most diverse countries in the world with a fabulous multicultural atmosphere... plenty of space for anyone...
Me and my boyfriend are traveling to Australia within 5 years, and we cannnttt waitt !!! Its suuch a beautiful country to live in.
According to the “The Travel & Tourism
Competitiveness Report 2013” (World Economic Forum) best place worldwide for tourists Switzerland is No. 1, Germany 2, Austria No 3, USA No 6, Canada No 8, Australia 9, Italy 26, Turkey 46,)
Why would you live in australia when you have the most spectacular country in the world on your doorstep, new zealand?
This is coming from a Nepali: Australia is Number 1. And yeah, I love snakes and spiders. Since, the day I went to the water and started surfing....my gf broke up with me because I had fallen in love with this beautiful country .And now I travel from coast to coast. with Aussies who are as beautiful and honest as this awesome country.
Lost in Port Stevens...AP
Number 6 is a mistake, Austrlia is number one, for sure is the best country in the world, the people are the nicest of all, I love Ausies, i traveled there 2weeks ago and i am going to move there soon. The best place ever, Sydney is the best, the only problem was that it was alittle expensive and the expenses are high there, another problem was that you could see more immigrants than the native ausies cus australiaan are realy nice people and you rahter to see them more on the streets, but overally it was great.
Australia is the BEST country in the world, anyone who says it lacks beauty and water and they had a fear or venemous snakes.. (have you actually been here or do you just go by what you hear?) i was born and raised in good old Adelaide SA and im greatful that i have been blessed to live in this beautiful free country! Aussie Aussie Aussie OI OI OI
I have lived in Australia my whole life and heve never come across a deadly snake or spider. You simply do not see them.
vast country with natural beauty from Ayres Rock in the outback to rainforests inland from the Great Barrier Reef, deserts to snowcapped mountains, many of which are bigger than many countries. Geographically away from the world's trouble spots. Great people, food and way of life. Wealthy country and will be a financial power for generations to come with resources such as natural gas, gold, silver, diamonds, zinc, copper, iron ore, opals, coal, bauxite/aluminium etc Beautiful and clean cities like the european chic of Melbourne with its cutural and sporting festivals or the spectacular beauty of Sydney with its natural harbour. Generally warm climate lends itself to a diverse range of flora and fauna and has a spectacular coastline of some 25,000km's containing many of the worlds truly beautiful beaches.
Australia is a macho country and I dont like that very much in a country and besides that its absolutely full of snakes! Deadly ones too.
"not that much for younger people...."
Pah - i'm young and there is plenty to do - Sydney is the best place on earth and the most beautiful too.
You need to get out more old man.
It has beautiful nature and weather is great and the beach lifestyle is so relaxing but australia is a bit behind in everything, it's an excellent place to retire, not that much for younger people....
As an Aussie (and only 13) I believe that we are one of the best countries in the world. I love it here. A summer Christmas, tourist attractions. And who said it lacks natural beauty and water. You mustn't have visited Sydney Harbour or the Great Barrier Reef.
Oh and by the way. These are heaps of examples! Uluru, Great Barrier Reef, Shark Bay, Wave Rock, The Three Sisters, The Twelve Apostles, Kakadu National Park, Lake Eyre!!!!!!! TRUST ME...THATS IS NOT EVEN ONE HUNDRETH OF THEM!!!!!!
DONT AGREE!!!!???? If you say that Australia lacks beauty you should take a hard look at your self in the mirror! You are the one that lacks beauty! Australia is full of Beauty!
don't agree it's the best but it is a nice stable country but lacks natural beauty and water
I loved Australia! The only thing that worried me was the deadly venomous insects and snakes.

Ireland is a beautiful country!!! Get rid of the steriotype!! We don't drink ( a lot ) and drugs aren't a huge problem! We've go beautiful hills and scenery!! We complain about the weather because that's human nature , in fact , I'm so used to the cold weather , that I don't like the weather when it's hot because WE DONT HAVE SUMMER CLOTHES! So the people in Ireland love ireland and don't want to leave ,we're mostly happy people , we won't strike up a conversation with you because that's no how it works! We don't know you! We'll give you directions , smile at you as you walk by , say Thankyou at the till , that's as far as it gets!!! We also have cool accents :)
Ireland is a great country full of people who complain to much. See below.... They get everything for free and find everything wrong. They think their politicians are terrible but they are the same as everywhere else. It is a very safe country( top 10 safest in the world)great education, great health care (again Irish will complain though) but high unemployment. Not sure why comment below is saying people litter and all that. It's the same as Scandinavia or anywhere else in that respect. Just ignore the complainers. The kids of the 90s were spoiled and seem to just cry about everything.
I have lived in Ireland for two years and Ireland is not at all environment friendly! Irish people in general drive their cars everywhere, even only 300 metres and spread litter in whats is left of their woods and greens. Also they treat animals very bad. Here it is common to buy the kids a puppy for christmas and then just leave it behind or give it a deadly injection once it has grown too big. Ireland is over all a horrible place to live in if you want to have something more out from life than shopping, sitting in a huge house or a huge car. Ireland is slipping back into poverty again and I can not say I feel sorry for them at all. This is a people who had lots of money from the EU, spent it all on luxury during the celtic tiger and being poor again soon they have nothing of real value in their life. The car and the cash was the ruler of Ireland. Im getting out of here as soon as possible.
I am Irish, emigrated at 25 and will never return. Narrow minded people, way too much drinking, drugs, mindless violence. Corrupt, lazy police and political establishment. Racist. Terrible food. Economy has now tanked and massive unemployment. Not friendly anymore the way it used to be. Oh and the hospitals are understaffed, poorly managed and filthy. Avoid like the plague.
Problems about China,pollution,government,SOME rude people,has a big gap between rich and poor and too populated.I prefer Ireland.
Ireland probably is the best country in the world.Extremely friendly people,rich,environment friendly,great old culture(the 3 oldest in Europe,after Greece and Basque) and others things.

Swedish people is a bit aloof and has been rotten spoilt for many years thanks to a bad government. But overall Sweden is a great country anyway. There is now a new government that wont let people get on by on welfare anymore and the economy is very stable at the moment.
Sweden has lots of woods and in general people love the environment and animals. You can live in Sweden without much material things and still be a very happy person with a high quality of life. Its clean, orderly and well-kept.
A downside is the immigration in Sweden that has not worked well. But hopefully with the better government this will improve too.
I am an Armenian from Denmark and I totally love this country. Great organizational system, free health care, free education,respectful society,high salaries,there is nothing you can't find in here.
On the other hand, it has really boring and never ending winters,cold hearted, not caring people, imported fruits and vegetables full of chemicals and the worst part- you can never become a millionaire in Denmark. It is a country of equality- the higher the salary, the higher the tax. However, everyone loves living in here :)
If it was not for the weather. I would live in Denmark. They have the quality of life I like. Great cycling infrastructure, public transportation, medical, fair distribution of income.
Best place on Earth! 1. high quality of life, high payment 2. very modern and democratic education 3.very democratic way of thinking (you call your chiefs, teachers, in-laws, doctors on their first names and woman have the same chances as men have) 4. very good fashion 5. very delicious food 6. healthy lifestyle, fresh air, you can ride bike and run on the streets 7. very safe and calm life 8. smiling, helpful, opened people. 9. beautyful Scandinavian beaches. 10. freedom, and you can get respect even if you are young (drinking age:16) When I talk about Denmark, everybody beleive I`m Danish :-) But I`m not, I just lived there almost a year and I really can`t say anything bad. A perfect place for me, far far better then my country.
A scandinavian country and they are good. The even better part about Denmark from the other scandinavian countries is that the danes are bit more carefree.

I agree on Norways splended analyse on the USA, actualy I think i will send a little money to the people of the USA, i hope they do better in the future. maybe they can start exporting their great public health system!?
GDP (official exchange rate):
$444.6 billion (2010 est.)
Population below poverty line:
NA% (2010 est.)
HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate:
0.1% (2007 est.)
definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 99%
male: 99%
female: 99% (2003 est.)
Disputes - international:
That is ok, when Brits like it to live in Britain. But for foreigners ist is naturally not such a good place. For example the health system is terrible. But living in the past has its charm, no doubt..
None of the stereotypes of Britain are true! It has great food, person who commented ages ago who said it doesn't!
If you want to live somewhere else, come here! I really like it!
I live in Britain, am British, and it is probably the best country to live in if you're looking to raise a family. It's not got terrible weather, on average it rains about once every two weeks, and generally we are accepting of anyone, (you know, diversity, tolerance, and all that). My mum had five kids and managed to raise us all because when we got sick, NHS was there, and even if you don't have a lot of money, there are benefits. Also if anyone American is here, we are not cute, small, helpless little beings! We DO NOT HAVE ACCENTS!!!!!!!!!! We don't have dirty teeth and none of those stereotypes are true. I know what I'm talking about!
There is sth special with Britain. They live in the past when Britain ruled the waves. Great nation, but nowadays they are a little backward. But they have history! Great! And they stood brave against the Nazis! Alone! Never forget that!
Try livingin France, then you will know about living in an expensive country!
Uk the best in the world at everything we rule the world yeah baby
The gentleman or lady from New Zealand is absolutely correct. Britain is one of the most expensive countries in the world in which to live,FACT! Just recently a survey was conducted which stated that the rich are getting richer and, yes, you guessed it ,the poor are still the losers.
free? ive lived here for 2 years now from new zealand, i just got a bill for water and for watching my own tv...nothing free about this place.

Rich history, wonderful food, focus on family, social democracy, limited religious influence (seperation of church and state), limited laws despite corruption, and centrally located in heart of Europe.
Country with most beautiful women in world.Great mountains,rivers,history,culture and Slovaks one of oldiest nations in Europe :)
Around Cancun, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen the people are lovely, the weather is beautiful. It is very affordable & safe there. The worst part is the American spring breakers (good for the Mexican economy though). The best beaches, weather, ocean anywhere!
i have traveled trough a lot of mexico states and is so beautiful you wont believe it,wana skip the unsafety? use the plane ,as simple as that
Im from Finland, well lived here for the past 8 years, and i can say you should go to canada or sweden rather than Finland, nii justiinsa perkele kyllä se ruosti nyt vaa o parempi! Also Germany and Holland, Switzerland are good countries, Australia is nice and diverse, but hard to get into.
I only have an impression about Finland since Ive been there only a short time. It is beautiful and the people seems very polite in an "old fashioned way". No problems whatsoever with immigration either.
Oh, just forgot, they also have warm summers if you thought Finland was freezing. They also have really friendly people I've heard. I could tell you millions more about Finland. I love it.
Finland is simply the best. Nokia Phones, Northern Lights and Santa Claus. I'm Australian and I'm telling you that.

People are nice, weather is good, city is the most beautiful in the world. a bit pricey
if you include all of france like french polynesia, thaiti, french guiana reunion islands new caledonia and bora bora , then france is the best place to live in
The french people are not at all as snotty as the reputation say. I guess tourists just cant stand it that the country that they visit dont speak english and makes it easy for them, and thats why the french has a bad rap.
France is a "sophisticated" country very rich in culture and its very beautiful as well.
I am German visit India every year. India is one of the best nation in world. People are nice . They are learning a lot. India is a great nation.
Namaste India
yes very very nice place to live and feel great hospitality love sri lanka.
The real thing about Sri Lanka, is simply paradise with great hospitality & warm welcomes if you are a foreigner you will be treated amazingly also truly safe all your journeys but one thing any foreigner should respect their culture & lifestyle that probably bit exotic with rest of the world.
According to the “The Travel & Tourism
Competitiveness Report 2013” (World Economic Forum) best place worldwide for tourists Switzerland is No. 1, Germany 2, Austria No 3, USA No 6, Canada No 8, Australia 9, Italy 26, Turkey 46,Sri Lanka 74)
Since the war over,srilanka became one of the best place to live.
Sri Lanka is a true paradise with nice people. You will not feel a stranger in this country. I really enjoyed my visit.
kindest people in the world,blue,misty mountains in the hill country,heavenly beautiful waterfalls,lakes,greeny surrounding everywhere,people with extraordinary hospitality which sometimes u cant ever think of in a strange country.It' s a small paradise.If u once been there,u ll thank God of showing the way there!

The U.S. is not a safe place right now for anyone with assets. The government is broke and is seizing assets under the guises of fake IRS audits or fake connection to drugs.
I lived in the U.S. for many years (i'm from EU)
Those years were the best years I've ever had!
America is full of great things of all kinds,
scenery, geo etc., material...jet planes, Cadillacs,
high rise buildings etc., but the American people are the real reason why She is an incredeable nation!
Them folks make the atmosphere, the way of life
and The American Spirt!
I've been back in Europe for few years (long story)
But I just hope that one day somehow I can go
back home to America!
I'd say there are pockets in America that are probably the size of some countries like norway etc etc These pockets/counties have the best standard of living period. I live in Bay Area and the opportunities in hi-tech, the salaries and the beauty. i challenge you to compare this place to the best so called countries in the world. I moved from Canada btw and i love Canada too ;-) But then you can go to flint, michigan and feel like you're in third world. So as a whole maybe not but there is something for everyone depends how skilled you are? thats the beauty of america. If you dont have the talent or the skills then you're better off living in the other countries on this list. If you have the skills and have talent you'll have opportunities that you "CANNOT" even dream of in other countries...
Well I am an Australian and honestly if I couldn't live in Australia, I would pick the USA as the next best alternative. From the comments I have seen written here I would say most are from immigrants who's understanding of English is limited. As we say here if you don't like our country you have the right to leave.
People from other country's look at our poverty and our movie stars. These two groups do not represent the vast American culture. Most people are good workers, good parents and love the diversity USA has to offer. The people who don't like it can always leave as our airports are world class. There is crime in government and on the streets but mostly middle class citizens, that love the brutal beautiful of America the beautiful!!!
i live in america right now but the economy sucks right now but i heard something things are improving but i see what happens with that and i also heard that it suppose to recover in the end of october but i doubt that will see how long will it take for it to recover
US sucks donkey balls soooooooooo badly. i swear to 'god'. its like the 'loud and proud' gay version of canada
It is by far the best country in the world. No country is
perfect. If you take all the aspects of greatness, usa
is ahead of all nations and has remained so for more then 70 years
Not a Nation that is a profect in this Earth!!! i have lived in United States 4 six years. my experience i have seen many good things and many bad things. things i like about America are Equal opportunaty 4 men and women! Diversaty, different languages and more.
things i hate are lack of health care, descrimnation also American people believe they are the only people for this world!!
peace and love
i love every country in this world
Anyone who thinks the us is the best place to live is completely uneducated of anything whatsoever! I wouldn't know where to begin at the negatives of this country! It used to be an amazing place to live but is on the cusp of complete meltdown!
i lived in the usa and i cant stand the bs that goes on. it like millons and more wrong here and maybe one thing right. i cant want to get the hell out of this place.
it definitely isn't the best,guns rule the streets there , the poverty is outrageous,health care for only the have's and there insatiable appetite for intervening into other countries affairs
I am proud to be an American. Our country displays a vast range of wonderful qualities that I and many other Americans are blessed to have. The U.S.A. truly is the best country.
all countries have there good and bad.
and who are the americans originally, well europeans lol

Warm weather, friendly people, low crime rate, amazing beaches, fantastic castles, palaces and museums, good food and famous wines.
Born in Portugal,summer holidayed my entire life 3mths back and forth from Canada. loved them both.Portugal is and old country with deep roots, amazing food and cheap wine, beautiful coastal beaches, friendly people, safe, and lots of history.I am very proud of my culture!
One of the few countries where there is no GMO fake foods, no fake proteins like USA or UK etc, best drinking waters, mineral hot springs, cheap medical dental optical, pretty woman, good food, beautiful country, the country side has good deals on property, budapest is one of the best cities in the world, you can buy anything in hungary. from making many different cars, to being top in pharmacudical industry, hun oil is 3rd biggest in the EU, software companies like ms does more in hungary then in the usa, Hungary is a amazing country. I will be moving there this year. Lived there in the past, many of the countries listed here dont even compare to how good this country is. Only a few countries ban GMO foods and hungary is one of those countries so you will eat real food. Hungary also doesnt filter toilet water like many other countries do and sell it as filtered water. Hungarians complain a lot even when they are doing good but its a protection like habit. : )) The forests offer more herbs and etible mushrooms and fruit then any other place in europe. PEOPLE who bash hungary are probably from countries who are jealous of what hungary has to offer, best to go there and experience it yourself. Hungarians who complain about hungary need to go live somewhere else for 10 years then they will be wishing they would have never left : ) Cheers
I wish to move back to Hungary, where I'm from originally. I've had 5 years in the States and this is the 4. year in Wales now, where life is a lot easier financially, but standards of the working class (what we are) just a way too low compering to a Hungarian environment.
I agree. I`m a Hungarian and people here are completely tired of loose of faith and values. The rent for my house is higher then my payment, even if I have a diploma. I can`t make my dreams real or be independent or feel in safe. :-(
Terrible place. It has the highest depression, divorce, jobless, homeless, comit suicid, smoking intake and alcoholic rate in Europe. Worst European healthcare in Europe in 2011, one of the most terrible ("agressive") educations on Earth. Too many steal, one of the most corrupt governments world-wide. On the other hand it`s not the worst place on Europe, but far not a good one. I think it`s one of the bad ones, but not the worst.

There a lot of tourism centers even historical places. Most incredible and wonderful historical places in Baku/Capital names "IchariShahar", english name Inner City. Anyway, a lot of mountins in the north and south part of azerbaijan where a lot of tousim centers lacations.
Welcome Azerbaiajn,
Safety cauntry.
Being a kiwi is amazing. My friend and i live on the same street beside a river and we always go swimming at the various waterholes and waterfalls in that area. NZ ROX!!!
New Zealand is absoloutley GORGEOUS . Its well known for its amazing beaches and vast green country . Thye have Christmas in teh Summer like Australians . I love the kiwi accent . Its amazing . I didnt like Australia too much . Its too hot and has too many snakes and creepy crawlies and bullfrogs . I liked NZ because they had a huge range of Weather . Its actually pretty random . Sunny one day and Cloudy teh next .
I love Kiwi culture . It's not quiet once you get into teh cities , which are also beautiful . The people are friendly . The food is greart and I love the feel of NZ . The laid backnes sof it all . Everyones very friendly and tehy dont stress about much . Not when tehy live in a place like that .By far my fave country .
NZ is an awesome country...BEAUTIFUL,CLEAN and a diversity of many many cultures jam packed into one happy country!!
obviously you haven't been to Canada if you're talking about natural beauty
New Zealand really is a wonderful country and so beautiful. I would say second only to the USA for scenery. I found the people I met extremely friendly and hospitable, in fact the direct opposite to Australians... in my experience.
I've never had the priviledge to visit, but I have only heard good things about the place and the people. It is supposed to be one of the most beautiful places on Earth....
I would love to move there from the United States if I only had the money and knew how.
The quietst most beautiful country in the world. You will agree with me if you have been there

Lovely country and lovely and helpful people . . .No other country has the blue sky and the clean, blue water than Greece
It's just a breathtaking country full of hospital people with many beauties,from its islands,nature and buildings to its history and people.
Beautiful ladies and gentlemen, it truly is a diamond of the mediterranean sea
320 days a year sunny blue skies,16,000 klm of coastal line,beautiful mountains,amazing cuisine, pleasant and friendly people,and don't ever forget the cradle of democracy!!!!
ist a paradise. People do not work many years, get Pension with 45 years, because the EU pays even the debts of the state.
The most incredible country on earth, and the cradle of civilization!..A history more than 15000 years old!
Greece is filled with natural beauty that few countries can match. Currently there may be some financial problems but by 2016-7 it is projected to be the fasted growing economy in the Eurozone with an annual GDP growth of approximately 5%. Irrelevant of economy, the Greek Isles seem to be sculptured within blue waters by a god that was dreaming of a place to live his/her eternal life.
That little country share great mountains and beaches, monuments and history that not many countries in the world have. You can't see the whole country on one island because every part of Greece have something new to share, something new to explore, new food, traditions, sightings and more. If you haven't gone there yet, then Greece is the place to be.

Very underrated... and not only catalonia. All regions are beautiful and unique. Inland country is fantastic. Only "big" country in western europe with such wild lands...
Spain is great. It is the country with the longest siesta. Good for people who like to retain energy.
The land of quick wit, song and tall tales. Better if you are a Spanish speaker.It's not all beaches, it's montains and good food too. North and south like 2 different planets.

Beautiful sandy beaches, perfect climate and wonderful people. You haven't lived until you have lived in The Bahamas. The Bahamas is a chain of soe 700 islands and cays. Nassau is the capital city and a nice one it is. But guess what? IT GETS BETTER! Visit the islands, oh no Visit the cays. HIDDEN PARADISE. THE CAYS OF THE BAHAMAS ARE THE BEST KEPT SECRET IN THE WORLD. IT'S BETTER IN THE BAHAMAS.
I've lived in the Bahamas my entire life, and it has been the most wonderful place to live. No wonder the comment above didn't like it, they lived in Nassau, and anyone from the outer cays will tell you they avoid Nassau at all costs. The person above is also correct that NASSAU is a crime filled, poor place in the wrong parts, but tourist areas and Paradise Island are by no means poor. The outer cays are beautiful and have some of the most amazing beaches and reefs on earth. Abaco has the third largest barrier reef in the world. I'm now in school and miss the Bahamas every day for its wonderful views, good people, and its laid back lifestyle!
Barbados is a tranquil oasis of sun sea and sand, luscious white-sand beaches and turquoise water. Frendly people and an explosive culture fused together by their West African roots and once British rule.Come let us tell you a Folk Lore while ya bask in de sun under de coconut tree and be a true honorary Bajan.
Land of smile ..
people here are so friendly , gentle and foreigners are very welcome
they smile a lot
slow pace of life
tho the humidity could really kill you
Thailand is a wonderful and friendly country. Though it's a bit unorganized but that's the charm. People are so nice and smiley. I like the non-touristy place like the north of Thailand. People are awesome!! Food is fantastic!!! Ultimately, you get what you pay for (maybe more than what you pay for).
I am from canada and russia is are arch enemy in hockey but they got the vodka and their pretty awesome
GDP: purchasing power parity - $940 million (2001 est.)
GDP - real growth rate: 7.5% (2001 est.)
GDP - per capita: purchasing power parity - $34,600 (2001 est.)
GDP - composition by sector:
agriculture: NA%
industry: NA%
services: NA%
Population below poverty line: NA%
Household income or consumption by percentage share:
lowest 10%: NA%
highest 10%: NA%
Inflation rate (consumer prices): 3.3% (2001)
Labor force: 18,500 (2001)
Labor force - by occupation: services 57%, industry 42%, agriculture 1% (2000 est.)
Unemployment rate: 2.6% (2001)
revenues: $400 million
expenditures: $400 million, including capital expenditures of $NA million (2000 est.)
Industries: tourism, banking, textiles, electronics, ceramics, cement, wine
Industrial production growth rate: 6% (1997 est.)
Electricity - production: NA kWh
Electricity - production by source:
fossil fuel: NA%
hydro: NA%
nuclear: NA%
other: NA%
Electricity - consumption: NA kWh
Electricity - exports: NA kWh
Electricity - imports: NA kWh
note: electricity supplied by Italy
Agriculture - products: wheat, grapes, corn, olives; cattle, pigs, horses, beef, cheese, hides
Exports: trade data are included with the statistics for Italy
Exports - commodities: building stone, lime, wood, chestnuts, wheat, wine, baked goods, hides, ceramics
Imports: trade data are included with the statistics for Italy
Imports - commodities: wide variety of consumer manufactures, food
Debt - external: $NA
Economic aid - recipient: $NA
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Exchange rates: euros per US dollar - 0.886 (2003), 1.0626 (2002), 1.1175 (2001), 1.0854 (2000), 0.9386 (1999)
Fiscal year: calendar year
India is the best place in the world to live in. A country with many languages but united to the core and prove the world that Union is strength. Each state in India has its very own culture and ethics. People should visit India once atleast in their lifetime, befor they die. A most beautiful place., thats why Kerala ( a state in India) called God's Very own Country. Rich in Heritage is tamilnadu and the language Tamil is 1 among the 6 classical languages of the World.
my uncle lives in india and knows hindi. but he moved to virgina. when he comes i will tell me how to speak hindi the only languge i know is little bit hindi and urdu well i do not know urdu I LOVE INDIA
According to the “The Travel & Tourism
Competitiveness Report 2013” (World Economic Forum) best place worldwide for tourists Switzerland is No. 1, Germany 2, Austria No 3, USA No 6, Canada No 8, Australia 9, Italy 26, Turkey 46,India 66)
Yeah definitely! Best place to live in... Can't get any thing done without paying bribes, half the population sleeping on roads, intolerable pollution levels! great place to live in
AWESOME INDIA..!! HEAVEN ON EARTH.. SO GODLY Place. Every thing here is divine :)
India wow ...It's lovely country to live, will see many cultures, festivals celebrating by different culture people with enthusiasm. Yoga, meditation, ancient temples will get all where, will know about Hindus culture and their way to live life, people are lovable and helpful. Teaching spread to world by here religious books.
India is now developing with great music and culture and lots of beautiful places.
India is the best of best, super of super and wonder of wonder country
India is the greatest democratic in the world, its a developing country , so much divresified in language , culture,traditions,religions,caste , ethics - Wow lot to learn and understand.Nice people with pretty costumes.Lot of beautiful places, especially in Kerala. I really enjoyed my life there , and now decided to settle here the rest of my life..............
I Love India !!!!! The world's Heaven !!! No one see a good place like India in this whole Universe !!!!
Hi, I am German visit India every year. India is one of the best nation in world. People are nice . They are learning a lot. India is a great nation.
Namaste India
Juta Mueller
ilove india because there are many language and i also like india because there is a wonder of the world
its awesome country with one of the oldest culture,heitage,history and that to no countries have in the world.everyone should visit india once......

I live here in the Philippines and I experienced everything here.. it was really amazing and a beautiful country... try it..
Philippines is the best,, coz it has amazing culture and at the same time.. u will enjoy ur stay there becoz of it's fine weather and the people there are hospitable and friendly.. no doubt,, I bet Philippines..
they have very freindly people and it has great views and an attractive place
all filipino are hospitable best countries in asian many population many destination like mayon volcano boracay chocolate hills and puerto princessa underound river many islands and all filipino are hospitable and humble
Philippines is country with many beautiful places, aside from this Filipinos are also beautiful not only in the physical appearance but Radiantly beautiful inside. We Filipinos, we are proud of ourselves because we are not that kind of people who can do ordinary things instead, WE CAN DO ORDINARY THINGS EXTRAORDINARILY!!!
Be Proud To Be a Filipino
Be Proud To Be The No. 1
Philippines should be top 1! It gives off a warm climate and a warm welcome. People are all smiles with you!
IT'S MORE FUN IN THE PHILIPPINES.. Friendly and a good english speaker ..
It is the best because Philippines has a pleasing GEOGRAPHICAL SETTING which can be traveled by land, air and seas. And aside from that, people in the Philippines are certainly beautiful, very evident proof, writer of this comment, is one of the undoubtedly beautiful people in the PHILIPPINES!
This country is a MUST GO.
Very good food, nice beaches, kind people, and cheap shopping!
yes,Philippines is a third world country,people are corrupt,massive poverty,but it is still beautiful,go to Palawan,Davao,Cagayan de Oro,Aklan,Cebu,Bohol,Ilocos Norte,Sur,Mountain province,Laguna,Cavite,Our shopping malls and and a whole lot more..The only bad thing you obviosly can see is the pollution in Manila,poverty, and the traffic jam as it is very bad,natural resources,very rich,Philippines has top the economy in Asia in the 70's,It is very hospitable country,you go to the country sides and you will be treated as kings and queens,the poorest even offer their bed for a guest to make sure,they feel at home.....I love to travel the world and discover what God has created for us,don't say bad word to any countries as God created the world as a whole,(one).And Philippines is one of them....
yes! in fact, Philippines is a unique country.
It is a blessed country. I wish corruption in this country would stop so that is will be a nicer country.
But of course, I support Philippines. GO PHILIPPINES! :)
True the philippine's leaders are messed up and there are a a lot of people in poverty, the philippines is quite rich if you think about it, I mean look at how much minerals they have, oil, uranium, even platinum..... I think, any way if there was a good government the country would be great. AND PLUS WHO DOESN"T LIKE THE FOOD?!?!? (0_0) ?
I was born and bred in the Philippines and was very proud to be,,,but there is too much hospitality that most if not all the politician and public servants are very hospitable to themselves by robbing the nation of its budget, I am at the moment living overseas ( foreign slave )and every time I come home, I cry my heart out at the sight of poverty
The people are kind and friendly, and the food and beers are cheap. The only thing i didn't like was that the hotels there are the most expensive , they charge minimum of 160 US per night but the rooms are extremly poor quality. If you want to go to a place that is cheaper, go to Thailand the cheapest hotels there are around 30 US per night and are worth more for what you pay for. Not to mention Thailand has a wonderful culture of their own and they are not Americanized
yeah its true. ive gone here several times and they´re hospitability and friendliness is just plain awesome.
Philippines is the best of the best country to live in.... wonderful people... Christian nation..
Philippines is the most practical country to live with... the country where hospitality people and democratic government, seven thousand one hundred Ilands, white sand beaches, mountainous and greenery environment... fresh air, fresh fruits, frsh vegetables, second biggest mall in asia, great for shopping, moderate cost of living, number 1 in the world on 60's people have freedom, friendly Filipinos and most of all blessed with natural resources and greatest of all the only Christian Nation in Asia.
Philippines is a wonderful country....
rich in natural resources...but still, most of Filipino's are in poverty...
well 8% out of 10% leaders here can be define as the corrupt one...and an addition for those tyrant warriors who did those dreadful incidence most especially here in Mindanao...
so we Filipino's will remains the same if we don't undergo change in the way of being nationalism
loyal and having a concern to each of us not for the sake of one but for the sake of all!!!
yah its correct cau'ze many of the filipinos has a good atittude right?hehe
Ya.. Philippines is very nice because of very friendly people..

Vast open steppe and natural beauty will make you feel the peace and freedom. A special culture with very friendly people... You ll discover the real love of humankind...
Italy is a very rich country. The people own a lot of immobiles and they have a thick bank account. Only the state is indebted. This shows how clever Italian people are, because they get much money from the EU.
According to the “The Travel & Tourism
Competitiveness Report 2013” (World Economic Forum) best place worldwide for tourists Switzerland is No. 1, Germany 2, Austria No 3, USA No 6, Canada No 8, Australia 9, Italy 26, Turkey 46,)
Amazing country. Please don't tell anyone. There are no crowds right now.
Best Weather, can get everything you want, easy jobs with great pay, fun everywhere (night life pecially), tourism, gorgeous women, great life standards. 80F degrees everyday in main city, Guayaquil, The best city of Ecuador about where im describing all this.
Wonderful climate with excellent natural live. Great wild animals and forest, waterfalls and really fine ladies.
First of all... Guyana is a great country to live in, but needs to be developed more.
Please check your grammar before you post things about your country. Make them look good, not worse :)
guyana is great country to live in, but neds tobe devlop more
Although it is economically better than England and got a nice night life environment in its capital city, Scotland is very very cold! and people are really into themselves only, they are as racist as English. Its an ignorant nation that knows nothing but socialising in bars and consume the most amount of Alcohol in the world. Go see drunk people on streets after leaving clubs at 03:00 a.m and you will feel really sorry for how spoiled this nation is. If you are a foreigner you will not get same chances of living like Scots. Discrimination is there and if you will be lucky to get some scottish friends then don't hope more than that. When it comes to having special love relationship they would rather die to mix their blood with yours: FACT! ... Experience: living there for a very long time.
China should have a big praise for being the only country in the world that has actually been doing something very drastic and working about their over population. Chinas population is decreasing now!
In the same spirit China is also very forwardly tackling the problems with environmental issues, building eco cities etc.
Its too bad that all communistic countries no matter how well they are actually working gets bad mouth from the world around.
good thing about China
1.Stately tree-lined country roads and urban streets. Especially the big old trees, green and graceful, offering shade and shelter, and reminders of the abiding beauty of the natural environment.
2.Tile roofs with upturned corners. So lyrical and light.
3.Free exercise equipment in many parks and playgournds. Sturdy, colourful machines for exercising legs, arms, torso and heart. Well-used, especially in the evenings, when many Chinese come out for their daily exercise.
4.Temples. Everywhere.
5.Women who still dress up in style and can go anywhere in high heels – down uneven cobblestone streets, through muddy paths and across narrow, broken wood-slat bridges.
6.People with lots of time to play mah jong, cards, Chinese checkers, and go, or just sit or stand around drinking tea and watching others play.
7.All things old and ancient.
I chose Colombia to live, having visited some 70+ countries. The people are the warmest and friendliest you're likely to encounter anywhere.They rarely socialise without tagging along the entire family, a few distant relations and as many friends as can be fitted into a minute Kia taxi. The women are truly beautifull and totally charming.
Flower and fauna are quite simply amazing, as is the topography generally. The government don't meddle in your affairs uneccessarily and there's a pleasing absence of political correctness and 'elf and safety.
The only negative is the food is a bit unimaginative.
Colombia is simply the Best in the world on just about everything! AND IT IS VERY SAFE!
Colombia has beautiful Caribbean beaches (the longest such beachfront property on the Caribbean), and it also has the most astonishing Pacific coast beaches –not to mention the Amazon and Orinoco rivers with their pink dolphins, along with the longest tourist cable-car in the world from which to see it’s grand canyons (such as the Chicamocha).
Colombian cities are incredibly beautiful.
Just the capital alone, Bogota, is a wonder to behold. Unbeknownst to many around the world, Bogota’s thriving cultural scene is now exploding to the point that it has made the city the cultural capital of the world! With hundreds of art galleries, over 75 museums, the largest library system in the world, great academia, a diverse music scene that is truly unmatched, and best of all; the largest (and best) international theater festival (Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Bogota).
Bogota, boasts over 4,000 parks and the world’s largest urban dedicated bicycle routes, and with its incredibly wonderful international gastronomy and perpetual Fall/Springtime temperatures, it is as close to living in paradise as any megalopolis will ever be.
See: www.bogotabrilliance.com for more info.
Colombia also has the best healthcare in the America’s (as ranked by the WHO), also has the best eco-tourism options. Colombia, is the most bi-diverse nation in the world (per sq. meter).
No less important, Colombia has enjoyed the oldest constitutional democracy in the world (after the USA).
But the most wonderful thing about Colombia is its warm and generous people, and that’s not just because they are beautiful people –just ask anyone who has really been there, and you will almost have a unanimous chant; that perhaps the nicest and happiest people in the world are the Colombians –just go see for yourself!
Nice and friendly people and the Country with the best looking women in world. If you think this is dangers country it nothing compare to Jamacia is alot more dangers.
I've visited Australia twice and found the Australians that I encountered loud and arrogant and not very approachable. However, New Zealanders,on the other hand, I found very friendly and extremely hospitable. The fact that I have been back to New Zealand four times probably says it all.
I am from Greece and i said that the best country on earth (overall view) is Australia!!!
I travelled around Australia for 12 months and I can tell you out of any country I have been to (I have been to many including the USA, canada, New Zealand and the UK) Australia is by far the best place on the planet to live and to be.
It has the worlds most beautiful cities and the worlds most beautiful landscapes.
It is the most multicultural society in the world, and has the friendliest people.
Australia is the BEST place to live, honestly.
Compared to Alot of countrys it's very laid back, like the states for eg, are vert judgemental.
Australia is the most multicultural society in the world, & like everywhere else it's not perfect!
So yes dicriminate about it what you can, every country has their negatives!
Other then that, I Love & Appreciate my country, being an Aboriginal Australian makes it soo much better. LOVE IT!
How could a country as big as Australian lack natural beauty and how much have you actually travelled? Even on a small part around the mornington peninsula there are some beautiful spots. You need to actually travel around Australia to comment....
What a wonderful place. A true democracy and best quality of life.
Australia is 1,000,000 % the best place on earth. Friendly people, strong economy, most multicultural society in the world, brilliant climate, great barrier reef, amazing waterways, New Zealand close enough to visit but you don't have to stay when its gets miserably cold.
As a UK citizen I've visited all of the States in Australia and the ACT, I thought Australia had alot of natural beauty. That's until I went across the Tasman to New Zealand. Auckland's two harbour are amazing compared to Sydney's but Sydney does have a better Harbour Bridge, that would have to be the only thing it has that is better than New Zealand oh and its military. Wellington has to be the coolest Capital city in the world and the Miliford Sound in the New Zealand South Island has to be the best place for natural beauty I have seen in all my 51 years of travel around the world, to all continents but Antarctica. I plan to move to New Zealand when I retire because of this, Australia is not far behind but NZ is more beautiful!
I visited India, Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Australia.
Australia LOOKS beautiful.
but most of the Australians are resists, I assaulted more than once
Your the unfriendly one, who clearly needs help! Australians are among the most friendly people in the world, we are also the num 1 country for charity! As for everything being expensive...well we were the only country to not fall in the Financial Crisis!
Its beautiful, the wildlife is great, but its probably one of the most unfriendly countries in the developed world. I've lived in Ireland, England, Japan, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, the eastern US, and now eastern Aus (Sydney and Melbourne) and this is by far the most expensive in terms of just about everything. From what I've seen government corruption goes unchecked here as well. Would be a great place to live if not for most of the people.
I love how being in Australia is a mixure of both wonderful country landscapes and view and vibrant cities!! IT'S AMAZING!!
As I say again!
If you say that Australia lacks beauty you should take a hard look at your self in the mirror! You are the one that lacks beauty! Australia is full of Beauty!
These are heaps of examples! Uluru, Great Barrier Reef, Shark Bay, Wave Rock, The Three Sisters, The Twelve Apostles, Kakadu National Park, Lake Eyre!!!!!!! TRUST ME...THATS IS NOT EVEN ONE HUNDRETH OF THEM!!!!!!
i glad you love it but it's not the best place to live it lacks water and natural beauty like mountains rivers and lakes to name a few

good salary ! peaceful ! no terrorism ! 100% city ! no poverty ! good developed !
Its a quiet country no bloody big terrors and no wars like others this is #1 place to live!
It ain't quiet, ! I come from Lithuania, and i've lived in england for 5 years now, it doesn't mean that England is the only country thta hasn't got any wars.!
Yes there is wars acctually, people getting drunk, then there has to be a road closed bcos police are everywhere i know it might not be like a proper war, but its a war to me.:/
Yes it is apart of america, but it doesn't feel like america when you are there. Just a warning, bring your money!
Grew up in SA, what an embarrassment. Sad thing is u can feel the potential in the air...but it's Africa and always will be. I'll never return if I can help it. Been in uk for 11 years and considering following my dream of moving to Hawaii or California...you only young once right! Been in London for 11 yrs but the weather sucks something special. Wish me luck!
I HAVE BEEN TO UGANDA once but that country is full of life you can ever imagine in this world there people are styled up and even every body is peaceful
Natural beauty. mountains, rivers, lakes, hills etc.
Friendly people and environment.
Mount Everest stands in the north, Birth place of Gautam Buddha - Lumbini, Kali Gandaki valley: deepest gorge of the world located in Northern Nepal, One of the richest countries in the world in terms of bio-diversity due to its unique geographical position and altitudinal variation.
Must live here environment...!!
Breath taking beauties with awesome landscapes. Perfect country in the world. Second richest country in water resources, possess unique flag, lots of heritages listed in world heritage. Truly great county.
One of the best countries of the world. I love NEPAL and NEPALI. Nepal is full of natural beauties.Small country with rich in resources.Friendly people, unity in diversity, birth place of Gautam Buddha, land of Mount Everest, cultures, brave gorkalis and many more.
Without doubt one of the most scenically beatiful countries on earth. The people are gentle, hospitable and so friendly. I urge you to visit this truly wonderful country,it will be an experience you will never forget and you will want to return to.
breath taking view..ktm valley is like an oasis is a between all the mountains..unique bio diversity and warm people.

This country is the best despite the hot whether..but you can get any types of food here western,Indian,Chinese,Malays, and other s.they have everything and most of them are 24 hours..I like their people too. Very polite and friendly..about 80 percent of their people knows how to speak English..so it won't be difficult for u to get along with them and make new friends.
And not forgetting the variety of delicious FOOD you can find here. You name it, we have it!!!
When i travel overseas, i will always miss the food in Malaysia, especially the nasi lemak and roti canai ; )
The one thing that we absolutely thank God for Malaysia is that we are truly blessed with a peaceful country despite all the multi racial people living together and no major natural disaster. We are blessed. Plenty of resources and opportunities. Beautiful nature and well developed. There's no place like home......
No taxes, everything is free of charge; electricity, hospital, medicine, school, university, water...etc
A house given to each family for "FREE". there is a free allowence for all kuwaities' students which is about 350$ a month excluding books taxes and fees.
besides, freedom of speech ,,, rich people, good government, easy life style. why not KUWAIT!
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