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Results 21-30 from 623
Results 21-30 from 623
The Top 20 Largest Economies in the World (2009) 37 items ranked
The world's economies are ranked in terms of GNP and wealth created annualy
23 points, added 15 years ago
Top 20 Zoos in Europe 40 items ranked
There are hundreds of zoos in Europe, Germany alone has over 400 of them. This is a list of best Zoos in Europe
22 points, added 14 years ago
World’s worst presidents 42 items ranked
Worst presidents in the world
14 points, added 14 years ago
Top 20 Major world currencies 23 items ranked
Ever wondered what was the major currencies of the world here is the list.
30 points, added 14 years ago
Things the Aussies claim as their own but which they have really stolen off the Kiwis 26 items ranked
Rivalry across the Tasman continues unabated with the Aussies laying claim to many things which are simply Kiwi - when will they stop being jealous and accept that NZ is no1?
9 points, added 14 years ago
Most Beautiful Cities in Asia 45 items ranked
The most beautiful cities on the asian continent
16 points, added 14 years ago
50 Countries with Worst Record on Human Rights
17 points, added 15 years ago
Countries with the Largest Number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites 36 items ranked
Everything that we have today came from our past. Our cultures and heritages are the source of our identity. Regardless of who we are or where we are from, we each have our own unique identity to share with others. Below is a list of countries that have the largest number of UNESCO World heritage sites to share with the entire world.
7 points, added 15 years ago
Worst City Names in the World 49 items ranked
Thank Goodness you don't live here...
12 points, added 16 years ago
Top 20 Worst Massacres of the 20th Century 43 items ranked
The most horrible mass murders of the last century
32 points, added 16 years ago