The top global economy: great commerce and the American worker takes pride in its work.
the Japanese manufacture millions of electronics and ship them all over the world, annualy. A true financial giant
i think Japanese culture and our culture similar.
very lovely foods, treditions, friendly peoples...
(i from Turkey)
i beleve it wouldn't do as good if it wasn't on the pacific coast and not tradeing with the u.s
china is the best country of smuggling... they export goods on other countries without paying taxes specially on the philippines.. china is cheaters
A true powers house to watch since their validation of certain aspects of the capitalist mantra of wealth accumulation for all. Diligent savers of money means they are set to be the lenders of the future, if not already the present... just ask the USA and try not to mention 'loan default'.
GDP per capita of South Korea grew from $79 in 1950 to $19,000 in 2009. Korea is largest shipbuilding nation, fourth in auto production, second in electronics, fifth in nuclear energy, and second in construction. South Korea is the future. Very ambitious, hard-working people will no doubt put this country closer to the top someday (they already have, they'll do it again).
In 225yrs Australia has grown from a British penal conoly numbering a few thousand to the 13th largest economy. With vast and mostly un tapped natural resources accompanied by skilled work force.A proven safe investment strategy with competitive returns as shown during GFC(continued economic growth).Most viable country to fill the need of food shortages with the land and capability to do so. Australia in 2050 will be Worlds largest exporter of natural resources and food products estimated to have close to a billion people in Asia relying on Australia's food exports annually. Australia's location logistically serves it well to benefit from the Asian century.
misfit n this list bcose of biggest population below poverty line,and high curruption n govt. and public sector
india is most reliable and young country than china in terms of infrastructre security and man money machinery.
It is the country with awesome environment for business. They will be no.1 by 2030.
India is a realy amazing country for business.
i never seen that type of business in whole our world.in India all the type of business is running.
In USA,Canada,UK,Australia is not like that because in that countries are not a permanent business.its a short term business there.
i seen 47 countries including USA,Canada,UK,Australia.I prefer India.
its great we will move upward. we have largest young population in the world
The caste system is not going to create any problem. India's middle class will touch 583 million and will form the word's first largest consumer market.
True but they are sociologically handicapped by their all pervasive caste system that undermines the formation of a large middle class - which some see as an essential ingredient for stable growth.

The wealthiest country in the whole world! Nobody can beat! They have many products, especially high tech things!
great country to visit,awsome history aswell as future by the looks of it...
Lovely food, beautiful geography, historical sites and welcoming, friendly people. You can still gaze up at the sky at night and see the galaxy without pollution. Lets just hope that the wastefulness and insincerity of some of the degenerated western european countries do not contaminate the good things in life. (I live in the UK by the way)
with young, entrepreneur and crowded population it will be an economic super star.

i think euro region's most hardworking and friendly peoples.. greatings from TR.
UK is an economy built on gold they very cunningly carried with them from countries around the globe duting 17-20th centuries, they were too poor to feed their population in 15-16th centuries AD...
Well . Good to know that the so called Afrircan giant find it self a position in list of the top largest economy of the world. I just hope one day the country will live up to it's potential. And just pray that soon the massive lacuna between the poor and rich will reduce. Maybe the country will dare make use of loads of the wasted generations of its professional living in fear of immigration problems across the globe. Perhaps then the country can celebrate the spirit of possibilties such is enjoy today in the so called top ten world economy.
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