These guys are so so cute you just have to love them they are so cute no word of a lie i want one off of santa clause
Why should the poor things have to suffer a death by us stupid humans?
Polar bears are almost extinct. There are only 20,000 remaining!
There is a way too save them wildlife biologist can find too bring them to the lab and breed them
polar bears are losing their homes and theirselfs! save them people, save them!!!!
I feel so bad for them! Alas there is no way to save them. I am going to adopt one!!! Or three;0

These animals have to live in such harsh conditions and there is not alot of them left in the wild
These Tigers are the "Most Endagered Animals in the World" and has made it on the Top Ten Most Endangered Species. Other wise in Scientific fact, We may can't save them in time before they perish, wipeout or vanish away... Tigers are extremely endangered too! Since We are only talking about 1 unique tiger. Let's just say, I'm not happy the way it's gonna end my freinds... We have to do something about this quickly. "EXTREMELY QUICK" AND I MEAN IT!!! CYA TIGERZ, I HOPE YOU SURVIVE
According to "The Telegraph" the tiger is the most endangered species in the world.
PLEASE, save the tiger, their cubs are so cute, they're so respectable, and they're a big part in the food chain.
we should make an orunization that can save all the animals that are endangerd
this is one of my FAVORITE animals EVER and i cannot believe they're endangered!!!!! Siberian Tigers, Snow Leopards, and White Tigers are my three favorite animals in the world and they're all endangered and they're some of the most beautiful creatures on Earth!!
People start saving these magnificient animals. They might be savage but keep in your mind they're part of nature who balance our eco -system. SAVE THEM!!!!!
uve got to take wild life seriously dont say stuff to defend them help them look after them and dont let any one stand in ur way
yea because there is a lots of poaching and there is only about 6000 tigers left in the wild

I LOVE blue whales. I LOVE them. Sooooo why do people kill them? Use your common sense people! USE YOUR HEAD!!!! Thats why you have a brain! Why do people kill such lovely blue whales??!!!
We need to save the wonderful creatures.why not put in some effort?
They are the biggest animal ever, and als one of the most beautiful, so why not save them.
Honestly , these are the biggest creatures that we know of. Are they getting wiped out because we feel they are a threat? They are nicknamed 'gentle giants' and they wouldn't hurt you ever unless you are taking it's babies or it is an accident. In the populor kids movie 'Nims Island' Nim's mother is swallowed by a big blue whale. That would never ever happen. Help these gentle giants!
whales are my favorite animal . i've been trying to raise awareness for years , and look wnere it's gotten us . i will proceed , indeed , to prevent the loss of this fascinating creature . I LOVE WHALES !

Update: less than 15 in the wild and the rest are in zoos! They are pretty much extinct in the wild!
officially gone for ever. Poachers have been killing them, Africans are so backward.
Black Rhinos are almost prehistoric like Dinos. But, they are really rare so save the Rhinos or they will end up like the Dinos.

what did they ever do to you? Save these inicent, smart, wise, eteligent, and butiful creachers
I love wolves so much and hope we can take them of the endangered list. HELP THEM,PLEASE.
the red wolf is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually, the Red Wolves are flourishing, since the capture of 14 (in the 1970's?), according to my research, all Red Wolves now come from that 14.
Amazing, how we were killing them off, and now need to save them!

the introduction of goats are outcompeting the tortoise for the scarce food resources
I love pandas!!!!!!!!!!They are so cute. I can't believe that people kill them. I hope they don't become extinct =-(.
-April Cheng
Love 'em! They are the cutest animals on earth. In my class they have this stuffed animal panda and if someone is really good they get to take him home. The panda's name is Boa Boa. They also got another panda. There are three girls in the panda group. Mie Mie, Shina and malika. Though I know that others really do like the panda's but are to shy to say so. So many panda lovers are out there yet people still kill them. They are nocking down the bamboo At a rapid rate. That is why they are so endangered! So please try to save them. And you and everyone else around you will be rewarded greatly!
but some villages are poor and cant afford a blanket or clothes so they kill them to make stuff
i have a answer to that if they breed mountain goats
you have food and clothin
i have a answer for the poachers copy the fur pattern
by sewing and knitting
there awesome because they can jump over massive ravines!
their are less than 500 snow leopards left in the world because of poachers. ??????
I love snow leopards too I cant belive people hunt them for thier fur
Seriously I love animals, especially the snow leopard. They're so cool and awesome.
Save them they're so cute.Dont let a beautiful predator like the Snow leopard die out.

there needed to keep the food chain balanced
but some hunters have no other jobs to do!
does anyone have a answer for this
I ma doing a praject on bengal tigers cuz they're my favorite animals. Why hunt endagered species, let them breed.

These animals don't deserve to die. There are only 20 adult Amur leopards and 6 cubs. Save them!
please save them they're the world's most endangered big cat and they only live in this small are on the russian/ chinese border called primorski kraii and there are barely any of them left and they're poached for their beautiful fur and they're just so beautiful that we have to save them!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't just let them die out and they're soooooooooooo cute! :'(
these should be at the top because theve only gone up by five from 2011
save these animals because once they are gone they are gone then our future generations will think of them just like we think of dinosaurs,dead for a million years.
OMG I already knew that and you think your smart im smart so ha u arnt smart.

They are kind creatures but are sadly getting killed over nothing more than a speeding boat. So sad. );
These slow moving creatures are getting run over by motor boats because they our not fast. We shouldn't use motor boats in manatee infested waters! Anyone thats with me, lets help save the Manatee's!
My mom was almost a marine biologist and I want to help them! HELP THE MANATEES!

This animal does NOT deserve to be extinct. The thyacline is already extinct! We don't want a second extinct carnivore marsupial victim that lives in Tasmania. Save these creatures.
they are so cute! how can people say there ugly? every1 who thinks taz devils are ugly are ugly themselfs
just because they look scary dosen't mean they are. they are nature's recyclers!!
the population has been decimated by a facial tumour disease. There is however hope as there are numerous disease free populations on the mainland (fenced off from predators). It is likely that the tasmanian devil will eventually be wiped out in the wild by the tumour disease, which will also kill the disease as it will have no host. When this happens ( or a cure is found, but they are not hopeful) the disease free devils will be reintroduced to the wild
are feeling ok have you seen a tasmanian devil they are the most uncute animals ever created
if there was a most cutest animal copetition them the Tasmanian Devil would win! We all need to try our best to save the endangered Animals in this world! And this is 1 of them, so don't litter or dump things ion the street because our world matters!!!!!! please help us x

According to my research only less than 2000 elephants have survived. I'm a sri lankan myself and i know loadz about these beautiful creatures. People just kill them for their tusks and hair cause they believe it to bring good luck. plz dont kill these animals for the sake of stupid believes!!! Elephants are innocent. Man-elephant conflict is prevailing due to the man's unwanted interventions to their habitats. Where can they live when humans go and implant themselves where the elephants are supposed to be living?? Show some humanity....!!!
They our Gentle Giants. They never hurt us so why do people hurt them!? Save the Elephants!
this magnificant creature is being caught in fish webs and being killed for its meat and eggs!
I am upset that people would murder for scrambled eggs. It shows what people are.
I LOVE turtles and have always had a soft spot for them and really hope these ones don't go extinct. I have donated to save turtles and for a school project I am doing the effects of plastic pollution on turtles. If you want to help save the turtles please try to pollute less and donate.
there are only 300 to 500 left due to loss of habitat and rabies from domestic dogs
Status: Critically endangered.
Place:Ethipoian Highlands Africa
this beautiful animal is hunted, poached it is estimated that there are no more than 50-60 surviving adults
Long considered the world's rarest and most threatened cetacean, this species may already be extinct, which would be very depressing.
This beautiful creature was believed to be extinct in 2006. But suddenly a chinese tourist spotted a baiji in 2007. It died out by the pollution in Yangtze River. Also nicknamed as " goddess of the Yangtze". There can be a small population of baiji dolphins, there have been sightings. Save them! :(
we cannot save them because the they already all died out. super sad.
Armadillos are part of the Xenarthra family, along with sloths and anteaters. The family name refers to the distinctions in the animals' vertebrae that give them added support for their hips. That aids the anteaters and armadillos with their burrowing habits, although not all armadillos are adept diggers. The group also has a difficult time maintaining body temperature, which restricts their habitats to warmer climates. Armadillos, for instance, will usually resort to co-habitation only when the thermometer dips to around freezing. Eyesight isn't their strong suit either; they rely more heavily on smell through their piggish snout to orient themselves and find food.
Because armadillos can't accumulate much body fat, they spend much of their time foraging. A majority of the armadillo diet consists of insect matter, with some vegetation tossed in occasionally. When they're rooting around for dinner, though, that may put them in an enemy's line of sight. If danger strikes, the armadillo will role up into a ball so the animal stricks then he will only get the hard outer shell, and not the soft tender meat that is inside.
Originally native to South America, the mammal's name literally means "little armored one." Take a look at an armadillo, and the moniker certainly fits. Its unique outer shell looks like a primitive suit of armor that covers the animal from the top of its head to the tip of its tail. Ranging as far north as Nebraska and west into central Texas, the armadillo crossed over into North America around 150 years ago.
Nine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcintus, is a shy nocturnal small mammal named "Uech" by the Mayas. A likeable chubby fellow with a strong ossified armor that has nine flexible bands and shields that cover the entire upper body. In Yucatan the armadillo can be found with brown or a dark gray color skin an armor. Moving slow and digging hard, the armadillo is more gentle and likeable that an aggressive wild animal. Feeds mainly on insects, butterflies, termites, beetles, etc. Hunted for its delicious tender meat by the Maya farmers as well as for its armor to create crafts, armadillo population has decreased rapidly in Yucatan.
What our they the most popular animal of the year so many people commented. I think that it is really sad that they our endangered.
So many people commented I just had to look them up and boy do they look good!
Armadillo's are really cool and I love them. I started liking them when I was little and watched a move on them. They can role up in ball's and they are amazing! Armadillo's are one of the most endangered animals is really sad. I can't believe that people would kill these unbelievable animal's. Armadillo's ROCK!

In the beginning of the 20th century, there were about 100,000 tigers roaming the tropical jungles, savannas, grasslands, decidous woodlands, and snow covered forests. 3 tiger species are already extinct. Because of stupid poachers. Tigers deserve to live. Save these innocent mammals. THINK!Thats why you have a brain.
I love tiers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE CHEETAHS there used to be 100,000 cheetahs then suddenly dropped to 12,000
come on people!!!!!!!these animals are so close to extinction!!!its just so sad!
i just cant belive people want cheetahs to dissapear.cheetahs are my favorite!
this is so not fair!!!!!! cheetahs are the fastest animal on earth and people want them to dissapear
not fair!!
just save them!!! we don't want the fastest creatures ever to dissapear!!!!!!!!!!
I think it is so stuipid for peoplr to kill these inosent creatures

The saltwater crocodile has been protected in Australia for years and their population has rebounded to a healthy level. It has reached the stage where they are starting to encroach on urban areas where they haven't been seen for decades
A lot of people fear crocidiles. Truth is, crocidiles fear US!! Elaphants fear a close relative of mice. Mice fear elephants. All it takes is a little effort. We can afford luxury but not actual things that can help. Just don't fear justice. I am afraid of bees. They have never ever stung me. Don't kill crocidiles.
Lions wont do anything 2 u if u dont do anything 2 them, so y should they be punished? Its us humans who should be getting killed, not them!
One of the most primitive mammals on the planet, this species lays eggs like a reptile.
This primitive insect-eater was believed to be extinct until it's recent rediscovery in a 2003
People are killing them because they are so stupid they act like this species is a fox in the hen house!
the ring tailed lemur is poorly knowen but is on lots of cartoonsso people dont think it is endangerd. the are primates and less then 200 over the wourld lots of breeding programes have failed
The axolotl, or water monster, needs to be #1 because it only lives in one, freaking, lake in Mexico. In fact, axolotls are acually eaten there also.
big cuite bird heaviest in the wourld 1500-3000 left flightless found in queensland australia hunted for its mohawk.
This ancient rabbit is one of South Africa's rarest and most endangered mammal species.
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