Russian-American poet and essayist. He was expelled from the Soviet Union in 1972 for alleged "social parasitism" and settled in America with the help of W. H. Auden and other supporters. He taught thereafter at universities including those at Yale, Cambridge and Michigan.
Brodsky was awarded the 1987 Nobel Prize in Literature "for an all-embracing authorship, imbued with clarity of thought and poetic intensity"
The greatest poet and spiritual leader of Muslims of subcontinent (undivided India).
Greatest Urdu poet ever. He has also written in Persian..
Most notably, he wrote several ghazals during his life, which have since been interpreted and sung in many different ways by different people. He is considered to be the most dominating poet of the Urdu language.
Great, insightful, intellectually developed poet of many ageless poems, Kipling combines in his tempestuous language honesty of understanding and sincere moral depth to create poetry possessed by universal meaningfulness.
Transtomar is a poet of insightful depth of thought and sophisticated ease of expression.
The first Russian writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature for the strict artistry with which he has carried on the classical Russian traditions in prose writing. The texture of his poems and stories, sometimes referred to as "Bunin brocade", is considered to be one of the richest in the language.
Shakespeare is the greatest poet in all literature, surpassing other great poets like Dante, Chaucer and Homer.
Allama Iqbal is way below the list.. his poetry brought revolution and millions of people flooded for freedom in South East Asia, his poetry told the people about history, their past, present and future if a certain path remains followed.
To understand the depth of his poetry one must know Persian or Urdu although many of his work has been translated in English and German
Soft poetry, silently musical and muted love. A revolutionary person cutting her way with silky words.
The most "real" poet of all time. Bringing an understanding of of the behavior and culture of young black ghetto males, (thugs) to a somewhat universal upbringing. Also one of the biggest names in the history of music, and arguably the greatest rapper of all time.
I find it funny how many of the people arguing that Tupac was one of the greatest poets ever are deeming everyone who disagrees with them "racists." I've been a fan of his music for a long time but he wasn't as lyrical as everyone likes to believe. This is coming from an avid hip/hop head, no rapper should really be in a list of the 100 greatest poets. And even if there were one, it certainly shouldn't be Tupac. andre 3k, doom, kendrick lamar and jay electronica are some of the most lyrical rappers of all time but they're still performing hip/hop which 90% of the time is boasting; personally I don't think braggadocio really correlates with poetry
Yeah, no despite what you don't know yet, Tupac was a phenomenal poet, and vocal artist on a pedestal with Lennon and maybe a few others. He wasn't a traditional poet working from existing forms, he invented new ones. But his belief in a better world is deeply affecting. His poetic abilities were just an extension of his force of being.
in my opinion tupac should be in the top 5, he was down-to-earth and real in his poetry and rap. And being a rapper poet and poverty stricken kid myself I am greatly inspired by him
-Crooked K
Tupac was a highly self aware person while writing his music and used the names of lauded African American figures to further cement a persona as an intelligent, proactive, African American male. Meanwhile, he's stomping guys out in Casinos. He sure fooled you suckers.
In my opinion, if you think Tupac is a good poet, you should open a few more books. As much as I've listened to Tupac over my life, I've come to the conclusions that maybe Tupac wasn't as intelligent as I previously thought. He often cited Maya Angelou as one of his main influences, who I think is an okay poet (at best). And yeah, he probably skimmed some Shakespeare and a few things, which is almost unavoidable for any English speaking person over the last century or so, considering his influence on EVERYTHING. Although I think Me Against The World is a great CD, it's not poetry, even if 'If I Die 2night' is one of my favorite uses of alliteration I've ever encountered. A lot of Tupac songs were superficially sentimental and loaded with cliches. I'd say if any rapper came close to poetry it was Nas on Illmatic. That's the one album (to me) that paints a picture of the lifestyle people are saying Tupac was talking about.
Having looked at his poetry, I think this is ridiculous. He's not bad, but he pales in comparison to most on this list. The accusations of racism, usually misspelled, are, ironically, actual racism, assuming criticism is based on race, without any evidence to support that is racist. I also think he pales in comparison to Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King, but even as great as those men were, they were not poets (MLK was much greater than any poet, but not at poetry). It is interesting that the people who comment in support of this seem to be illiterate. I'm a fan of his music and lyrics but this is just pathetic, the racism here is that "liking white poets meens ur a rascist" coupled with "American society is the only important topic in the world", and Tupac reading Shakespeare doesn't entitle him to be the Greatest Poet. The fact of the matter here is the people who are calling others who disagree with this racist are actually racist and ignorant.
Raps about the truth and his poems are amazing listen to life goes on or who do you believe in or starin thru my rearview.true poet and soldier.
if you really know tupac you''ll shut up.
U just think hes not a good poet cuz you haven't listened to the poems he has wrote. Plus he was a very influential rapper and poet and talks about police brutality and racism in America. R.I.P Tupac Shakur.
tupac is one of the most influencing poets of all time and is this is laughable to you then you have never read what he has wrote
anna you are so ignorent, you only laugh because he was a black male you rascist. he could easliy be compared to malcom x or martin luthur king with him activism. read his poetry, study the man and then judge him you ignorent rascist person, you deserve nothing but death.

Best known for her caustic wit and wisecracks, she created some of the best poetry of her time, especially for a woman.
A great and accomplished poet in the Italian language, Quasimodo despite the high quality of his work which won him a nobel prize remains neglected due to inadequate translations.
Many great poets are not on this list; Li-Young Lee, Carl Sandburg, Mr. Roethke, Tennessee Williams, John Berryman, Gwendolyn Brooks, Kerouac, Joyce, Galway Kinnell, Philip Levine, Anne Sexton, Adrienne Rich, Lucille Clifton, Charles Simic, Louise Gluck, Yusef Komunyakaa, and honestly so many more. It's sad to see that people only favor the most read and classical or peoples and writers. I was surprised not to see 'Snookie' on this list, though there are many great names here it is disheartening that so many comments go into derogatory banter and shallow accusations. Poetry is subjective like art, Campbells tomato soup to when Howl was first argued in court. No single person can be the greatest writer, only the greatest to their fans and admirers. Theodore Roethke had, to me, beautiful greenhouse imagery with a constant sense of grey matter in his tone and vernacular that i really relate to. My pappa's Waltz, Root Cellar, Cuttings, Big wind, etc. Roethke pulled great influence from his life. I love poets who inspire me; Such as Roethke, Ginsberg, Sandburg, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens (of mere being), and so on. Look at the names on these list's and through excessive reading and analytical as well as emotional deciphering find what 'you' inherit as your favorite pieces of literature. And read Ozymandias, it's nice for a perspective adjustment.
First Children's poet Laureate. Published over 50 collections of his work. His poetry is filled with humor and amazing wit. What he is writing today will reshape the way we view poets for generations to come.
An introverted poetry full of mysticism and passion. An intelligent poet yet so narcissist.
Beautiful to read in original.
KISS YOUR LOVE Brian John Evans
Kiss your Love—forsake Duty—for night’s stallion bears down,
On the bright mares of sunlight that jostle and clown,
Fresh-eyed from lush waters--last colours their prize--
They have frolicked with tree witches all naked and wise :
Magicked they lift them—their long witchy hair—
Till witch-winds go-tumble witch-glistens in spray.
One scared witch withered to her dried-sphagnum lair,
Had schemed and composed her near human disdain,
But so dark is man’s dungeon--she burst from its shame!
She sang like six night birds--she rose as six moons!
Her mouse cast six shadows--six fat owls scoured their bones ;
How she ached for her sisters--till each found her in turn--
Become all things and no thing—our joy—and its pain;
In the heart of a poet, breathes that witch girl without name!
Truly a gifted poet, Alharassees only published around 100 poems during his life, but these poems are filled with such passion, energy, and beauty, that they have to be rated among the greatest. Recently, Alharassees unpublished poems have been collected and edited into a complete poems collection that will be out sometime in 2011. If you just read one poem by Alharassees you would understand why he should be considered one of the greatest of all time. "Sleep Under the Heavens and warm yourself in starlights distant rays"
If there has ever been any greater poet in the English (or any) language I should like to read him - with 'amaaaaazing powms' like:
Two feet from a Big brown Bomb
I went and saw a chalky mess
Twemlow Centres
Largess is largely Foursquare
who can help but be a-moved - not me bro.
I have tried locating some of his poems on line but have had no luck. Could anyone suggest or direct to the right place where I may be able to view some of his works.
I saw this and thought - who is this guy??
- then i checked out some his poems 'online' such as:
'I went and saw a chalky mess'
... I am convert!!!!
I think he is overated, but EVEN SO - he is the fifth best of all time
Marlon Missile Ships has lead me through some dark times with his 'meaningful' poems, whilst the more 'lighthearted' one have upped my quotient.
Yes. while he understood human nature he wasn't afraid to recoup some of his loses on a pilot scheme (join the Marlon Missile Ships group on Friendface)

He is a very inspirational person, who was able to overcome his poor academics to be one of the best poets that ever lived
A poet and an adventurer of the sixteenth century, full of misadventures. He was a soldier of an empire in decline.
“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die discover that I had not lived.”-H.D.T. American author, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, historian, and leading transcendentalist. He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay Civil Disobedience, an argument for individual resistance to civil government in moral opposition to an unjust state.
Thoreau's books, articles, essays, journals, and poetry total over 20 volumes. Among his lasting contributions were his writings on natural history and philosophy, where he anticipated the methods and findings of ecology and environmental history, two sources of modern day environmentalism. His literary style interweaves close natural observation, personal experience, pointed rhetoric, symbolic meanings, and historical lore, while displaying a poetic sensibility, philosophical austerity, and "Yankee" love of practical detail.[2] He was also deeply interested in the idea of survival in the face of hostile elements, historical change, and natural decay; at the same time he advocated abandoning waste and illusion in order to discover life's true essential needs.
The most underrated rapper. Rapping is a form of poetry. Although he was not able to put out much work in his short career, all his songs are great. Greatest rapper and lyricist of all time.
He is one of my favourite poets because he writes about the wonders of the bush, and the Man from Snowy River is one of the most famous Australian poems.
A poet of profound poetry which manifests a unity of intellectual power and great beauty.
A poet of great intellectual sophistication, Bose wrote many outstanding poems and novels.
Rabindranath Tagore is the greatest poet ever. He might not be known as the best poet ever accorss the world because of the language he has used, it is Bengali which is a regional language in India. But anyone reads his poem, poetry, drama, songs etc, i can bet , he/she must accept him as the greatest Poet the world has ever seen. His versatility in litarature/Arts is incomparable. I request each member of this site to know about him and experience his works.
Das perhaps wrote the most passionate poems in world literature. Das's poetry is universal and outstanding in its exploration of the personal emotions of human existence.
Rabindranath Tagore is perhaps the world's greatest poet. Tagore wrote thousands of poems of great intellectual depth, variety,originality and beauty. I highly recommend reading Rabinding Tagore. A few of Rabindranath Tagore's books are available on Amazon.com. I highly recommend Tagore's plays,novels,short stories,essays,letters,paintings,songs and philosophy in addition to his profound poetry.
well.. its not right to say that he should be among the TOP.. but, ''Rabindranath Tagore'' belongs to that list where '' CLASS'' has no ranks.. He's priceless.. He doesn't belong to NO. 1... He's beyond that.. just like few other..
tagore and leo tolostiy are the two greatest poet whose native language wasnot english.you simply cannot ignore them just because they were not profund poet in english.fragmentary translation of tagores work had been the cause that it had lost atleast 50 prcent of the original flavour and onlt few of his work had been translated.
he wrote poems and songs for each and every phase of life......or i should write for each and every moments of life. -31 points is a shock...... people always think he is serious and creations are old but the very fact is his creations are timeless...... listen or read it once with perfect mind and i challenge you can't leave without rabindranath........ he is no less then Shakespeare and deserves 1st place with him.
This is incredible. How can he have negative points? I'm flabbergasted!

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