Created 103 top lists, 2202 items, 32 comments.
Member since 20th of February 2010.
A list of some of the most popular slang words and sayings of the 1950's
32 points added 14 years ago
compiled a list of some of the most popular slang words or phrases that popped up in the 1970's. These are my favorites - can you think of more?
27 points added 14 years ago
A list of some of the most popular slang words in the 1960's
23 points added 14 years ago
The most popular cartoon characters of all time - is your favorite on the list?
19 points added 14 years ago
I had to switch to caffeine free sodas a couple of years ago and have tried just about them all! Here is a list of my favorites
15 points added 14 years ago
a list of some of the most popular slang words or phrases in the 1980's. These are my favorites.
13 points added 14 years ago
12 points added 14 years ago
A list of some of the most popular fragrant trees to plant - nothing is better than stepping outside and getting a wiff of nature's wonderful fragrance to lift your mood!
9 points added 14 years ago
Feeling tired and run down - maybe it's your diet - prevent iron deficiency anemia by eating these iron rich foods:
8 points added 14 years ago
The most popular and profitable languages to learn for worldwide commerce
8 points added 14 years ago
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