German writer, pictorial artist, biologist, theoretical physicist, and polymath. He is considered the supreme genius of modern German literature. His works span the fields of poetry, drama, prose, philosophy, and science. His Faust has been called the greatest long poem of modern European literature
hum I'm not sure english being the (second) most spoken language in the world is a good argument here. Most people did some effort to learn english as a secundary language to read your poems, native anglo-saxon should maybe do the same, especially if they appreciate poetry. Learning german, spanish, french, arabic, chinese, u will maybe discover an equally rich (or more) litterature than the english one.. So sad that the exchange between cultures should be only one way. And, appart from this, I'm not sure english litterature and poetry is more prestigious than the french or german one. Open ur mind please
It is more an English list than a German list. There are more English poets in this list than German poets although the German contribution to poetry was not less. You must consider that English is read all over the world inthe original - even in Germany. But not vice versa. It is therefore difficult for Emglish speaking people to appreciate poetry in other language. Translations should be as engenious as the original and still then they are different. It is no question that the German literature is and was very rich. Between 1770 and 1830 especially there was a high time which was unique and uncomparable.
It is not the mistake of Goethe, if you do not have good english translations of his works or if you are not able to read them in the original language. Or if you did not read them at all. Just as an English professor of literature about German and Muslim poetry. I would personally vote Shakespeare on two behind David, but behind Shakespeare there is in English poetry a large gap. And it is not sure if Shakespeare is the original author of the works under his name.
To escape this nonsensical list of Germans and Muslims, go to the 'top tens' website and look for 'greatest english language poets' and vote there :)

Methinks some religious people have taken hold of the polls...
If King David is poetically incomparable then surely he belongs in a list of his own.
One of the best known poets of all times. He has created some of the best poetry, although some of them are hard to interpret for the lay person.
The artists are the true aristocracy, and Shakespeare the king above them all!
through his great works and creating the greatest works ever and being inspiration for billions and myself being one among the inspired.
We all know he produced some of the most influential work in literary history, but I reserve judgement on the brilliance, for me Ted Hughes gives him a run for his money, before the true greats such as Dante.
Definately not the greatest English poet!!! Completely Over Rated! 37 Plays 150 Sonnets, tiny compared to other writers that have little to no attention anymore.
Shakespeare is my vote for top poet. He is difficult to comprehend, so it is tempting to resist how good he actually is. His influence is enormous.
Shakespeare is good but no one can beat Eminescu’s astonishing love poems.
I apologise to say this but I think that, though William Shakespeare would very easily make his way into the top ten, he can not possibly be ranked the first.
Ruben Dario the best to the best. He knew about the rest, but no body knew about Him.
Shakespeare, if u were a real person id spit on u for ruining my life. u deserve to die because i have to read ur crappy ass stupid playwrights in school. I hope in hell you enjoy burning endlessly,
Shakespeare stands alone at the top as the greatest poet of all time.
In fact, Shakespeare is under-rated, despite being considered the very greatest, this does not do justice to his brilliance.
The 10 "Greatest" are:
Homer, "the Psalmist" of the Bible, Euripides, Lucretius, Dante, Shakespeare, Keats, Shelly, and Whitman.
I know it is a crime to leave out Tasso, Petrarch, Sophocles, Virgil, Horace, Omar-Fitzgeraled, Chaucer, Villon, Blake, Burns, Byron, Tennyson, Hugo, Verlaine, Heine, Poe, Milton, and Goethe.... not to mention the endless poets from the Orient.... but there is only room for 10 in the top ten.
Best known does not means the greatest. Probably is not even the best known if you start to consider some chinese or indian poet that you dont know but one or two tird of the whole population knows.
Shakespeare is great but is absolutely overranked, sorry.
The greatest writer of prose and/or poetry of all time. He outranks all!
Shakespeare is one of the greatest writers of the English language. Although I enjoy his poetry, he is far from the greatest poet in the English language
I'm sorry but I had to vote him down one, he is way too over-rated

I like as much as rumi, but I think Rumi was the greatest poet ( produced more also)
rumi if understood by reader would shake the foundation of the reader the picture of God is in his book but must you close your eyes and take your heart for vision
Hafiz (1325? – 1389) wrote poetry in the form of ghazal, a short traditional Persian form that he perfected. The lines of a ghazal are written in rhyme in such order: 1 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 8 - …
Hafiz is greatly admired both in Iran and, in translation, in the West. Especially appealing are his love for the common person and his relation of daily life to the search of humanity for the eternal.
In many of his poems, Hafiz implicitly criticizes the way clergies preach people on their relations with God. Hafiz believed in God's love and mercy, and from this point of view he literally satirized those who promoted a tough vengeful image of God. One example:
Disheveled hair, sweaty, smiling, drunken, and
With a torn shirt, singing, the jug in hand
Narcissus loudly laments, on his lips, alas, alas!
Last night at midnight, came and sat right by my bed-stand
Brought his head next to my ears, with a sad song
Said, O my old lover, you are still in dreamland
The lover who drinks this nocturnal brew
Infidel, if not worships the wine's command
Go away O hermit, fault not the drunk
Our Divine gift from the day that God made sea and land
Whatever He poured for us in our cup, we just drank
If it was a cheap wine or heavenly brand
The smile on the cup's face and Beloved's hair strand
Break many who may repent, just as Hafiz falsely planned.
Narcissus in Persian literature is often used metaphorically instead of the love's Eyes. Here, God is described as man's love who created man to love, and Hafiz does what the love requests (pours in his cup), whatever the clergies might say.
Hafiz's poetry is gathered in a book called Divan.
In his West-Eastern Divan," Goethe", great German poet, says:
Hafis, with thee, alone with thee
Will I contend! joy, misery,
The portion of us twain shall be;
Like thee to love, like thee to drink,--
This be my pride,--this, life to me!
Hafiz is so great that Goethe who is first in this ranking, always wished to produce poem like Hafiz, and I'm surprised why Goethe is first?! Hafiz is the best poet of all times.
when you read Hafis , you are just shaken ... shaken of great feelings, shaken of his ability to describe love with such nice way .. the way how this wonderful feeling goes on in our hearts .. God had given to him the grand to see human's inside beauty .. a great and outstanding poet ..
Firdawsi is best known through his great work, Shah Nameh.
Shah Nameh contains 60,000 rhyming couplets, making it more than seven times the length of Homer's Iliad.
The work deals with Persian legends, heroic stories and parts of history.
Effective use of imagery, attractive suspense and a touch of romance in most stories are remarkable features of Shah Nameh.
Matthew Arnold used a famous episode from the epic as the basis of his poem Sohrab and Rustum.
A portion of Mercury's surface is named Firdousi in honor of this great poet.
Molavi is one of the best Persian poet from Iran. Unfortunately some people think he was from Turkey. But people need to know at the time Anatoly was a province of Iran.
ı think you talk about Mevlânâ Celâleddîn Muhammed Belhî (Rûmî) who was lived in Anatolia. his lineage doesn't matter
He was a Persian Iranian.At that time there was no such thing as Afghanistan and Iranians used to live there.
Rumi was not from Iran. He was born in present-day Afghanistan, and lived most of his life in present-day Turkey. Persian, yes. Iranian, no.
He really is the best poet to be known. His Poets are very inspiring. It's a pitty that Hafez, Sady, Ferdowsi and Nezami Ganjavi are not on the list.

I wish I could get words to describe Khayyam to the extent that he deserves but I couldn't. I just say a couple of words: what a mind!
really Omar Khayam is a poet of all time .... reading his poetry you just open yourself ... and his thoughts go deep into your soul, your existence and you understand , that human feelings are the highest level of our being .. i wish new generation to read Khayam's works
was a Russian author of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. Pushkin pioneered the use of vernacular speech in his poems and plays, creating a style of storytelling—mixing drama, romance, and satire—associated with Russian literature ever since and greatly influencing later Russian writers.
Dante so low??? Lmao... Someone has to study a little bit more here...
One of my favorites of all time. His Divine Comedy is so good that it makes it tempting to learn to read italian just for the full experience.
Dante is the one who is responsible for the hell idea of the Roman Catholic church. He did a very bad service to mankind. I find his work abhorrible.
i know of only one dante, and he is the protagonist of 'Devil May Cry'
For that, i give this a vote up
Who made this ranking?Dante is absolutely the number one,in his masterpieces (Divina Commedia over all) you can feel all the medieval culture and philosophe and much more. You just know anglosaxon poets, that's the reason this ranking is not worthy. Sorry.
Dante should be recognized as one of the greatest poets, considering his influential power and is considered "the father of the Italian language."
Probably the widespread unawareness of the Medieval and Renaissance Italian Literature explains why Dante is not in the "top 3". To say that Dante is the greatest poet ever lived can be considered true with a relatively small approximation.

This night I write of love
not love torn from passing
strangers souls
nor love lovers staring into each others eyes
But of love born cruel
not caring how often we hurt thee
This night no love sounds out
deaf ears tune in breaking barriers
Hand to hand creatures touch lips to lips hissing
Words lowly held below passion
******* feeling
Their evening ends with no hello
neither goodbye
Static heat greets morning sunrise
This night I crave love
no more games for serpent play
nor dismal morals in the drama
But a touch etched in compassion
A mead to fly me away
keep me awake
kiss dreams into...
This night
I wonder what he would have thought of how much his poems are read.
The Raven is one of the greatest poems in history how is Poe not higher?
His poems "Annabel Lee" and "The Raven" alone should have been enough to put him in the top 20 AT LEAST.
he is tha greatest he should have placed at least in the top 5
I only respect him for creating a movement, but I hate how everyone seems to love him, when half the people who claim such haven't read a single line of "The Raven". Try Charles Baudelaire, coming as poetry, I prefer him over EAP.
the reason that he is not in the "top 10" as we would have it, is because, his imagination needed help, he blundered his natural skill away at times to succumb himself under the influences of a third person party (i.e. alcohol and opiates)
The pure fear that sends chills down my spine is what makes him one of the greatest if not the greatest of all time
Poe is the greatest if by greatest you include originality. He is unique and brilliant. I would put himin a class by himself, where he belongs, there is no other to compare
Nobody's better than Poe. Despite his incredibly imaginative, poes he had a few funny ones too. Everyone thinks he's crazy, but he was actually a really normal guy. Rumor is he was funny as hell too.
Poe was known for creating frightening atmospheres and elegant verses, but it was the bleakness of his poems that truly made him a great poet.

"Ah! Sure some stronger impulse vibrates here,
Which whispers friendship will be doubly dear
To one, who thus for kindred hearts must roam,
And seek abroad, the love denied at home."
Like Shakespeare, I find him over-and-underrated simultaneously. However, I think he is great, though, not as good as many others on this list, or of those who should be on this list.
I don't see e e cummings on this list, a master of any poetical style and language altogether.
Robert Frost is not only an amazing poet, but an amazing man. His poems speak to people. It's almost like he is speaking to us through his poems. It's amazing!
I do believe that FROST! is one of the GREATEST POEM WRITER OF HIS TIME! therefore I believe that his next to shakespeare
"Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in Ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire."
I looooove Robert Frost. He should be higher on the list.. My favorite of his is 'The Road not Taken'
Try 'The Road not Taken' - timeless poem . One of my personal favourites.

I'm not really a Stein fan, but it is impossible to deny her contribution to poetry. Stein's idea of trying to literally paint a picture with words and the way she linked together things that were completely different but could somehow find similarities was very unique. I don't like her poetry very much, but I definitely would have like to have coffee with her one day and talk about her poetry.
"when the doors of perception are cleansed, every thing appears to man as it is: infinite".
he is understood by few of those who have experienced the tragedy of a senseless life and then leap of faith. he should be the greatest of all.Underrated.
His works.. speaks for himself... ateast in top 3.. I'd say.. he deserves..
John Keats is an immortal entity, he graced us all with his romance, sensitivity and wordplay.
I expected to find him sitting high at the fourth place as he was undoubtedy awesome.
Although she wrote almost 1800 poems during her lifetime, fewer than a dozen were published. Many of her poems dealt with darkness and death, and I assume that is why only less than a dozen made it through the publisher.
The world would be a better place if everyone was learned in Walt Whitman poetry...breathtaking.
Father of American Free Verse. Excellent writer, and wonderfully controversial in his time.

One the most brilliant poets i´ve ever read. His poems speak for themselves
Should easily be widely considered one of the greatest poets of all time, if not at least the most interesting.
Mihai Eminescu, along Goethe and Rimbaud should be around top 5 of all times.
Few peoples on this list seems to know some more about the big culture most of the peoples only know about english poetry ..so sad.
Who don't know about Eminescu or Eminesco as the english transform his name ..Google is music.
Eminescu is the most profound poet of all times. I have learned Romanian language just to be able to enjoy his great poems. Eminescu’s love poems are of an extraordinary power leaving one breathless.
his poetry is music to the ear..if all poetry was written in an universal language so everybody could enjoy it,he would definitely be in the top5

simply because he is exceptional in his writings.for example he has written poems like daffodils,the solitary reaper.lucy gray etc.............................
poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings and the feel,the essence of romance he brings into his poems is exceptional.surely one of the best romantic poet ever.
William Wordsworth' s are always related with nature and poetic feelings over flow from his heart when he sees something touching in nature.
An exceptional writer, I would like to see William Wordsworth higher up the order, probably at a number 5.

There is no question in my mind that Yeats is the greatest poet of the 20th century, and one of the greatest of all time (top 5).
One of the best poets ever... he should move up the line to the very top!!!
ah has any1 ever read "September 1913" where yeats declares that "Romantic Ireland's dead and gone, It's with O'Leary in the grave" or "Sailing to Byzantium" where he declares "An aged man is but a paltry thing, a tattered coat upon a stick." undoubtedly the greatest poet ever
Jim Morrison lead singer of The Doors and poet should rank up there with some of the greatest poets of alltime or atleast one of the greatest American poets. Morrison and his words sold more than 80 million records in 54 months and almost 40 years after his death The Doors still sell over 1 million albums ayear. What other poet living or dead can do that?
"What other poet living or dead can do that?"
Katy Perry can lol
Gregory Corso, told it the way it was. He stated Jim Morrison had POET listed on his tombstone. But, he was never a poet. He was minstrel. Yet, in death the minstrels want to be called "poet". But, in life they want the "bread" of the Minstrel. Jim Morrison ahead of Shelly, is an insult.

He had a huge impact on the romantic movement in England, and many of the other poets on this list admire him greatly. I was stunned not to see him.
i think you have down graded him a little bit. if we only consider his paradise lost as a great epic we can see that this is not his place.
i think he most be regarded as one of the top 20 in the list.
True genius, but no room on the list for Charles Baudelaire. His poetry is groundbreaking and full of beauty yet squalor and misery. P.S Don't let Ennui come and take a hold of your mind and soul in the night or even the day. the sun won't stop this parasitic creature.
Brilliant poet! Deserves to be much higher!.. Speaking of which, where is Verlaine?!?!?!
One of my all time favourite poets...yet he is at 59? How?!? Such a brilliant man at only 16! But its true, he really wouldnt give a damn!
Hahahha this is a joke right? Rimbaud at 59?
Well luckily he wouldn't give a damn himself :)
The original "Enfant Terrible". Blaspheming, vicious, drug riddled. A rock star before electric guitars.

Greatest and most influencial songwriter/poet of the 20th century, Dylan single handidly reinvented folk music and brought it to the masses before transforming himself into a Rock and roll icon in the mid sixties. His contributions to 20th century pop culture and musical genius will never be forgotten.
You should listen to Gates of Eden or it's alright ma by Dylan there is some outstanding poetry that is absolutely unique
Bob Dylan is one of the most articulate and beautiful poets, in my top 5. His protest lyrics and songwriting is unparalleled. May his genius live on like Homer's and Shakespeare's.
Emily saw the world as we all should. Should be up in the top 20. Her works in their original form are pure and perfect.
Iagree withthe person who made the previous comment and wishto add that if it was upto me, I would have ranked her at number 3.
Emily Dickinson was one of the greatest poets of all time who, unlike many others, was able to express her deepest feelings on a particular topic on paper. Dickinson should be placed at 20.

Russian symbolist poet. Her work is considered among some of the greatest in twentieth century Russian literature.
Without means of support and in deep isolation, Tsvetaeva committed suicide in 1941
Greatest Spanish poet of the 20th century. Loved worldwide, inspired thousands.
chaucer's works will never fade he is supposed to be the first on the list
way to low...in 500 yrs most of these poets will be gone, however, Chaucer will still be around
Wrote one of the most amazing works "Les fleurs du mal" or "The flowers of evil." I'm shocked that he wasnt on the list.
No other poet before in any other language had such an absolute command and perfection of his/her native language than the Nicaraguan "Ruben Dario". He was and will be a figure totally out of this world!...
This man would have been killed had he not been so clever in his writings. Had "Twa Dugs" been written as people, the aristocracy would have ad him in chains. "Ode to Lord Nelson" had to be written under a pseudonym for fear of insulting the wrong people. A true humanitarian and revolutionary in his writings.
The guy is completely underrated by most major poetry critics but in spite of this he continues to be a vastly influential poet. He told it like it was. He went where not many others wanted to go, made bed on the floor and invited some hookers to join him there. Bukowski lived his poetry. Beyond this he was a great novelist as well. He is, if not the greatest poet ever, one of the all time best.
Bob Dylan and Ginsberg ahead of Shelley. Enough said for this list.
I'm proud to be a descendant of this great poet and man. His poems never cease to amaze me and I would definitely say he is #1 at least on my list.
Influenced all modern poetry, a master of words and language, lived a depressing life and expressed it beautifully with words.
Russian writer, poet and painter, has become the most important Russian poet after Alexander Pushkin's death. Lermontov is considered the supreme poet of Russian literature side by side with Pushkin and the greatest figure of Russian Romanticism.
Robert Browning's mastery of dramatic verse made him one of the foremost Victorian poets.
Known for his blank verse, his overreaching protagonists, he fits the ranks with Shakespeare in his poetic ability.
Another one of the great American poets of the 19th century. Crane's imagery is pure brilliance.
Welsh poet and writer. Author of such acclaimed writings as "Under Milk Wood" and "Do not go gentle into that good night".
Spenser isn't recognized enough. His writings showed the best of what the heart has to offer.
Regarded by literary and historical scholars as possibly the earliest known author and poet of either gender, Enheduanna served as the High Priestess during the third millennium BCE
How Stevens isn't on this list is completely beyond me. He is definitely one of the greatest American poets of the 19th century and one of my favorite poets.
Polish nobel prize awarded poet and essayist. He is considered to be the most influencial writers in 20th century.
the last of three great Romantic poets of Russia, following Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov
Wilfred Owen as well as Robert Graves and Siegfried Sassoon etc. really captured the true horror of WW1, and there work reminds us of the world wars, and that we should never forget those who were lost in them.
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