Cash's smoldering voice as well as the great tempo and music of the song still captivates its listeners.
Each singer that does a song has a different arrangement and musicians. The Glen Campbell version of the song is the one I prefer. That's why I wrote song, not singer.
Exactly. Then why did you write, "It is song, not singer." We're on the same page afterall.
Because their VERSION of the song [lots of singers sing lots of songs] is the one the person chose to enter because in their opinion that is the best version.
I can live with that. But, if the singers are not important in this list, why are they "attached" to the songs?
Read the title of the list. It is song, not singer. IMO the Glen Campbell version is the best rendition of the song. You have your opinion, I have mine, end of discussion.
IMO, Glen's version was considerably superior, and it was the most popular, being continually played on the radio and prominent in all Glen Campbell's TV and personal appearances, whereas Dean Martin could only be heard singing on his own show.
Actually, the Dean Martin version of this song is fantastic, and much better than Glen's in my opinion!......pandy
Early in his career Glen played guitar for Dean Martin on some of Martin's recordings.

I listen to golden oldies stations that play songs from the 60s, 70s and 80s. They include the top country songs.
Sorry, but it was Glen Campbell singing it being heard on all the radio shows and in his television appearances. Not to mention his many live performances!
Steady on friend, the lady is entitled to her opinion. Whether you agree or not,there's no need to be insulting.
Are you now the "Official Spokeswoman" for "anyone who knows anything about country music". I'd bet I know a lot more about country music than you do. It's clear that I know more about "good singing" than you.
Anyone who knows anything about country music knows Hank Williams had an authentic sound that added considerably to the quality of this great song.
Great song. Possibly the greatest country song ever written. Almost certainly in the top five. But, poor Hank Williams, like another great songwriter, Kris Kristofferson, couldn't sing worth a darn. His "nasally", twangy, and monotonic singing style sounded like two tomcats fighting in an alley in the middle of the night. Still a poignant song when performed by others who could actually sing.
This song drew rock-crazed crowds back into country music. Sing-a-long to this all time favorite.
It was Roger Miller singing it on all the talk and variety shows, not Dean Martin's.
I quote you, "the CASH version has stood the test of time." Now that you've found out that his version wasn't released until after he died, you're trying to change it to "the song stood the test of time." You never cease to amuse me with your keen intellect. What is "slick commercial music"? Do you mean music performed by talented professional musicians and singers? Then, yes, I suppose that's what I like. I'm not knocking Johnny Cash. His voice with the right song appeals to me. This was obviously not the "right song" for his voice. He probably knew that, and that's why he didn't release it. You keep mentioning "authentic country sound", apparently to explain away bad singing. If that's what you like, so be it. Is Bob Dylan your favorite singer?
I'm sorry, but what did you not understand about the Cash version of the song being released "posthumously"? And, have you even listened to it? I have, and it's awful. No wonder he didn't release it while he was alive. He's probably turning over in his grave now. The Dean Martin version, along with Ray Price's, are timeless. Cash knew that this was not "his song". So, how can you say Cash's version "has stood the test of time". If you don't hear Dean Martin on the radio, then you must be listening to some two-bit country music station(s). I hear him on the radio OFTEN!
Judging by what is played on the radio today, the Cash version has stood the test of time. I have not heard Dean's distinctive voice in 20 years except on the ads for his DVDs.
Reality check: This song was a #1 hit for Ray Price in 1970. The Dean Martin version appeared in 1971 in an album with the same title. That album went gold, reaching #41. The Johnny Cash version was released "posthumously". Therefore, it couldn't have been "the most popular on the radio waves". The Dean Martin version was played widely on the radio at the time.
Yes, Dean Martin did perform the song brilliantly on his TV show.
IMO, you can't beat Johnny Cash singing this song, and it was the most popular on the radio waves and in John's personal appearances. Dean's version would have been heard only on his own show.
Lovely song, but the Dean Martin version is much better!......pandy

With Patsy showing her vocal range in this song, it makes it one of her most appealing songs.
Well, let's do a "side-by-side" comparison. Cash recorded the Dean Martin hit song "Memories are Made of This" (1955), and Martin recorded Cash's hit "I Walk the Line". Listen to them with an open mind, and decide for yourself who's the better singer. To say that Cash had "an honest and true country sound" sounds like an excuse to me. Martin's "sound" is just as honest and true, and he still sings beautifully. As one writer once commented: "Dean Martin could sing the names in a phone book, and it would still sound great." I'm not demeaning Cash. I like him,too. But, he's not in the same lofty league as Dean Martin.
All the Cash songs were better because he had an honest and true country sound.
Nonsense. Cash recorded some great songs as well as some duds. The voters have spoken.

Best performance of this song ever! The great songwriter, Hank Williams, would have been thrilled, and probably brought to tears, by Dean's poignant and heartfelt interpretation of his masterpiece. Yes, songs are important, but how a particular singer translates them into emotion is just as important. Dean's "translation" of this great song is brilliant and unequalled. Just listen to it, and you'll become a believer.
Dean Martin, the greatest singer of all time and Elvis's idol, was named "Man of the Year" in 1966 by the Country Music Association. Dino, through his recordings and hit TV show in the 1960's and '70's, did more to promote country music to a broader audience than any other performer. He truly loved country music.
It's all up to the voters. This is where they've put it for now. It's the "American Way".
For The Good Times deserves to be number one. Too bad it doesn't have its own listing.
Dean Martin was born in, and lived his formative years in, Steubenville, Ohio, a small steel town (at the time) near the West Virginia border. Country music was, and still is, very popular in that part of the country. Dino listened to it, loved it, and was influenced by it. Just because he didn't sing with a "nasally" twang didn't mean that his style of singing country songs was any less authentic than those who did sing that way. Yes, he did have a beautiful voice, but when he sang a country song he was never doing a "Las Vegas/Hollywood imitation" of it. To say that he was is to ignore where he came from. Dean Martin was a great and authentic country singer, who also had the voice and style to sing other types of songs. Don't let the tuxedo fool you.
Johnny Cash had a pure, true country sound. Dean Martin had a beautiful voice, granted, but it was just a Las Vegas/Hollywood country imitation.
Dean Martin was still the far better singer. Cash was a singing John Wayne, which made him unique and appealing to many.
No one, including the American icon, Johnny Cash, sings country better than Dean Martin. Dino had a great voice!
Everyone has a right to his or her opinion. "Hundreds" of voters have decided that this song should be #1. It's the American way. Remember? This is a powerful, beautiful, and poignant song sung by the best "voice" ever.

Are you ready to dance? Get on your dancing shoes and move to the sound of the twin fiddles.
Another classic country song sung to perfection. Take a listen. You might like it.
This song is perfect for best friends, old flames, and significant others. Even a nice song for new college students. If you have never heard it, give it a try. If you are a country music fan, you will like it.
From the movie ' Deliverance,' this is a favourite of everyone.
A song with deep personal meaning, sung from the heart.
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