Best Christian Rappers
248 items ranked
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I think Lecrae is an exceptional rapper but I'm not so sure about him being #1. He has the backing to put him on the front lines right now. You all should check out the christian rapper L.A. Lewie. He's nooo joke! I found him on youtube he's on soundcloud as well. Just type in his name.
Lecrae is my all time favorite rapper,but right after him is flame and trip lee
tedashii, lecrae, KB and andy mineo also flame and serge. those are my best.
cannon and lecrae also try kindle.. those i think are the best..
Bizzle is better than everyone above him he's easily number one and even Flo and Selah The Corner could be an easy #2 and #3 Team GOM
im going to be honest. lecrae is a great artist he is but he isnt the best i like the hard ones like rswift or andymineo im being honest but lecrae is great tho!!
Bizzle now he goes hard for the lord and goes hard with the gospel
Lecrae is an annointed Rapper doing business for Jesus, Definitely #1.. Check out Deciple though He got the whole package, stories, morals, speed rap, If Deciple and Lecrae got together.. Be an amazing track
Lacrea is off the Hook, My Favorite also Check out Dos The Psalmist was reccomended by a friend.
Lecrae is my hero. He taught me what to do when bad things happen. Thank you Lecrae. YOU RULE.
Go to youtube check out BOOKER SNOW his video is called WINDOW
I like lecrae...kinda like trip lee a tiny bit more.sho baraka. Tedashii. Shai linne. Thisl. Next. KJ 52 is good too. Things have changed a lot from the days of MCRG and DOC. makes me think if the yeast has mixed in more thouroughy from the world to the church. Good worship music like matt redman or hillsong united brings the move of the spirit in a personal way. I dont think the spirit moves when we listen to borderline violent lyrics the same way as praise and worship does. I do enjoy listening to rap but it helps enforce my minds walls to be up. Rather than breaking them down for God to move. Just something ive noticed. For myself if im being honest.
1Revsconie "Gangsta Faith" The 2pac of Gospel Rap. All hands down!!!!!!!!!!
I'm opposite that lecrae is number 1 even though he has been the only Christian rapper in the cypher he is not the best lyricalist
My top 1 will be trip lee or definetly Swoope or S.O
lecrae helps me learn things i never knew and grow more and more in to Christ Jesus!!!!!!! THUMBS UP FOR LECRAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
his newest release is church clothes and Gravity that will come out this fall
he is the best rapper, minister of the word. his music got the message of christ
Lecrae deserves the Number 1 spot. He is by far most inpiring christian artist out there. He tells so many stories in his lyrics that affect people in many different ways in there walk with christ. His music draws non-belivers which is huge deal and huge step foward in bringing non believers to christ through music.He is easy to understand and his beats and usual choruses are so catchy.He puts so much emphasis on what and who God is that you feel God's present take over you in a good number of his songs. God has blessed him so much with his ability God has blessed me and many others though listeining to his music as we walk and let God lead. Godbless
Lecrae deserves the top spot, I disagree with a lot of the list but lecrae is where he belongs
Ok Lecrae was the first christian rapper I had listened to ever. I was at my camp called Revival by CBC and it was cool listening to New Shalom and Jesus Muzik. It was cool and now I look up to him. Lecrae I know I will see you one day on earth or in Heaven. God bless you bro.
Lecrae is the best by far, but you guys need to be more open minded and look at the bottom of this list and discover other christian rappers, THEY GOT TALENT TO.
Lecrae is a GREAT artist. Him and flame make the sickest beats ive ever heard christian or otherwise. I got the plessure of seeng him live and he is just as good live if not better than on the album.
Lets not lose trake that all the artist on this list are great. But there are stell just messangers of the lord. I love it!
I luv Lecrae but its kinda funny since "joyful Noise" is by Flame, who is also really
What are we ranking cause it's obviously not by talent or skills cause this list is so jacked up i mean kj-52 better than bizzle or ambassador or anyone he is ranked higher than on this? Nope sorry & yu cant put a group in a list with solo artists especially if yu have all the members of the group in the list as well (116 clique) it's not fare & toby mac is not a rapper!! #1 is a like a 7 or 8 way tie or maybe more cause every one from the cross movement is super hard & so is every one in 116 clique bizzle is dope c-lite is dope shai linne is dope .. & there is sooo many more rappers who should be on this list (underground Gospel rap) tunnel rats playdough Stephen the Levite etc. If ur looking for Christian rappers to listen to this list is cool but not accurate
Remember people to follow God, Lecrae is just a tool of God. Try not to idolize these messengers but who they are a messenger for. Big ups to to Christian rappers, I love it! God Bless. -Joshua
Lecrae by far number one but list is old school
2.)trip lee
3.)dre murray(one of the best)
6.)group 1 crew
9.)Verbal contact
10.)Toby mac
Maybe someone of them don't rap hard but that's my list. Wouldn't of found any of these guys if it wasent for God letting me listen to Lecrae at Aquire the fire. These people are definitely changing lives
By spreading the gospel. God is good! :D
Lecrae is the best christian rapper! All of his songs send out a message to someone. This guy is amazing
If anyone should get credit for being a obedient prophet, and an anointed rapper, it should be Lecrae. He's sick.
Awesome singer, i can listen to rap music while listening to the gospel as well.
with his latest albums, everything together, i think he's proven who's the best!
Lecrae rocks. I can't wait to see him come out with a new album.
by far the best rapper in da H-town, but he's my 2nd favorite overall.
lecrae is a talented and anointed man of God. his music has inspired me to pray and read my bible more and more. I can't wait to see him at rock the lakes!!!
ummm...number 2? Jesus Christ!
so whats Verbal Contact doin up there?
lecrae is my favorite but really can we judge any christian rapper on our good they are if there all glorifying the lord i mean don't get me wrong i like a lot of these rappers but i just think its wrong for people to say well this guy is better than the others cause then were creating an idol and that's against gods will
God is numah #1 Rappah Lecrae play "Background" And Let God da Holy Spirit take da Lead, Lead, Lead. So lecrae can be humble in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank U God da Fatha for Ur Gift "Jesus" to Ur peepal!!
Lecrae is the best christian rapper ever . he just reps Jesus Christ like no one else
he's pretty good, but imho (please dont yell at me) he is overrated. But it's cool how he discipled Trip Lee, who in my opinion has potential to be better than Lecrae eventually. crae's song Far Away is real dopetastic though.
man, rehab and rehab the overdose were sick!lol great message and everything, 'crae is #1
If it wuznt for God nun of thez rappers wud b doin wht they doin yal givin them al tha glory which belongs only to God,yea thez rappers doin it big but thnks to God for them..
The Newest Lecrae is Rehab and Rehab: OVERDOSE!!! HE IS GOIN IN FOR CHRIST BOOKOO HARD!!! Glory Be to God!!!
After listening to Lecrae's new Album Rehab: The Overdose, I put Lecrae #1 on my list!!!!! He's inspired me a whole lot in my life still improving in Christ Jesus
Lecrae is the best christian rapper there is, im inspired everyday when i listen to his music
Hes the best in the world his stuff is the real deal not some crazy mess he got out of the blue. And his new sound track Rehab is the best of the best
He seems to always have at least a couple tight songs on his albums. Rehab was dope and the tracks I have heard off Overdose were tight. Definitely a top 5 performer and few can argue that.
this dude's music is awesome. spirit filled, and brings glory to God in a sweet way. love his stuff. he hits hard.
i love this guys music, he is so real. check out Humble Jow on youtube
lecrae has made me think about my life. and i have been changed by his musik.
Are you serious? Not top ten? Are you God? I like those other guys but what makes them better? Because they are with Cross Movement with a bigger name? VC are in hoods, in the streets preaching it to all people and not demanding large prices to do it. I know because they have come to our church and did it for the Love of Christ. My name is Dee and that is real.
Yo crayola number 1 vc ok not top ten tho they don't touch lecrae, trip, tedashii, da truth or flame
Wow! Lecrae is by far the most creative and talented christian rapper that I have ever heard. I even gave a copy of his cds to some of my friends who are nonbelievers and they absolutely loved it. My little brother likes him so much, that he nicknamed himself Lecrae only he spelled it Lacrae because he didn't want to copy him!
his album is already out and it go hard, Lecrae is better than verbal contact
lecrae's music hit's me in the chest, specially his CD rebel. i can't wait to get his album rehab at christmas. his songs minister to me, and they sound good, and they are christian...perfect combination
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LECRAE!!!! his music has really touched me!! and it is totally uplifting...especially the rehab cd!!!!
He is totally awesome. Listen to his songs "God is enough" and "Live Free" and "Unashamed" also, "Dreams"!!!!!!!!!!!
Lecrae is an amazing rapper. His song Background from his album Rehab is such a great song.
This guy spreads the gospel in a great way that anyone could enjoy if they like Hip Hop but does not water it down
lecrae is by far the best ever. I like rap but all of it has bad stuff in it whereas if you listen to this it has a good message.
yeah if you listen to his new song transformers its off the wall. the best song lecare made yet.
First and foremost Lecrae's passion for Christ is evident in his music, regardless the beat. Secondly, lyrically he's one of greatest rappers period christian or secular. I really didn't like christian rap because of the quality but thank God for sending lecrae and a FEW others to keep gospel rap progressing in scripture based content instead of emulating the world only changing words but not the feeling.
wasnt really into christian rap until I heard Lecrae and I gotta say WOW. Im buying all his albums and he is my favorite rapper now. Im tired of all the lies in the hip hop industry. Christian rap is the only REAL music there is and Lecrae is making it happen!
By far the most talented rapper. I grew up on DC Talk and T-Bone, K2S and Dela Ray, OGG End Time Warriors and COC but none of them ever approached Lecrae's talent. This guy is off the chain!
Lecrae is by FAR the most talented Christian Rapper I have heard. Music is excellent and definately anointed.
No one brings it like Lecrae. I'm lovin' Go Hard, Beautiful Feet, and Identity!
Dude, I know, he's the best, can't wait for his new album rehab
Incredible rapper, the best in my opinion. God gave him talent and he has an awesome story. His album Rebel is off the charts, Great beats, clever lyrics, awesome messages
newest CD he is in is Identity Crisis by Tedashii and the song 26's is phenomenal

This Christian Rap group is hot and on fire for the Lord. They have some of the hottest Christian rap music I ever herd. I put them up there with LeCrae.
hi to all my christian brothers and my christian sisters and everyone in the world theres so many good christian rappers out there i know that all of them are good they all work for god and jesus christ god blessed us all with these rappers amen
Listen to what you just said. Their old stuff. Check out It's a no no. Also everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so thats on you and your top 10.
i dont want to hate on people that are doing work for God, but there is no way that they should be #2. They had years go by with NO new stuff. i just youtubed some of their songs and it doesn't compare to anyone in the top 10
These guys are Christian. There is another group from the UK that is using their name. Trust me I have been following these guys for years. This VC are the originals and are black. The other two are white, from the UK, and use a lot of profanity.
I've looked these guys up and i must say they aren't bad at all.
iv'e never heard of them/him but there must be a reason for them being No.2
There Back, Verbal Contact is working on another cd and it is hot.
Just found out Verbal Contact is working on another cd as we speak. I spoke with Saintdog and he said sorry for the wait but they had released their movie Missed the Calling, and are also working on a documentary called Behind the ministry. This is dope! They putting in work. God bless'em.
I dont think that someone that hasn't had a album out in the last 3 years should be considered the second best.
I freaking love these guys. I got both of their cds. I hear they got a new Christian movie and just ordered it. I'm telling you their music is great to work out to also.
I just saw Verbal Contact's new movie Missed the Calling. Man this is the best rapture movie i ever saw. If you aint seen it you got to see it. I went to amd got it. I bet you are going to see more of these two in the future. Tehy are more than just music. By the way I love that Trinity cd.
This is Christian Rap Music, and I am a huge fan of VC. REALLY YOU NEED TO GET A DICTIONARY AND LEARN HOW TO SPELL PROFESSION not proffession. Now please dont sound like a baby and cry on that.
they should get a new proffesion, they sound like there having a baby
Wow this is them. This is the group that just released the new Christian movie about the rapture. Verbal Contact has a new movie called Missed the Calling. You got to see it. After seeing this film I know they are the real deal. Their trailer is on youtube just type in Missed The Calling. I got the movie from
We must respect other messages and opinions. I have given an opposite opinion before, but the truth is a gospel message in the music should be the focus and the number one or two spot on this chart is really irrelevant because they all should be praised for bring people to Christ no matter how they do it or how well WE THINK THEY DO IT. God Bless to all and stay p to all those who enjoy and support this group.
MORE THAN A CHRISTIAN RAP GROUP. I just saw Verbal Contact's Christian Movie called Missed the Calling. Its a movie about the rapture taking place in the urban community. Verbal Contact were more than actors. This movie seemed real. I saw it the past Saturday and people gave a standing ovation. I was really surprised how great this film was. You all got to see it. Their music is hot and was in the film. God is truly moving these guys. thats why I love them so much. Verbal contact rocks!
People People People....the enemy comes but to kill steal and destroy. Right now he is using the oldest trick in the book...divide and conquer. If he can get your mind off of what the music if for and get you to bicker, he has succeeded in. Kill the passion, steal the focus and distroy the intention. Like who you like. that's cool..but please don't do this. The world took music (which God created to glorify Him) and corrupted it. Now these men of God are taking it back and all you can do is bash this one for not being as hot as that one. #StopIt We are in Christ...lets not conform to the habbits of this world. Let the Biggie and 2Pac fans do that.
Man this is my group. I love these guys. I just hate there is another group trying to use their name. Verbal Contact rocks.
I dont know much about these guys but if there fans are representatives of them Then I REALLY DONT WANT too.
Why is people hating on this group? I just checked them out and they are good. I love Lecrae but these guys are different and doing the most important thing and that is delivering the mesage of God. I will support them.
What is really sad is that I personally know VC and dont like sites that compete others on who is best. On their Alter Call cd they speak on it, and I see why. Trust me they dont look bad! I just wish everyone knew them. Here in K.C. it is more than 1 or 2 of us voting. I mean are you God knowing the opinions are facts? But looking at the comment above I'd take it you are in or a Hostyle Gospel group member. I stopped voting and just read the comments like yours and that is really sad. Here in KC everyone is up on VC shooting their new Christian film, so if it is just 1 or 2 of us voting for VC please vote them down if that makes you feel better. Make Hostyle Gospel 1. Then everyone can critize your group and accuse you of being 1 of 2 voters and tell you LeCrae, Trip Lee, and everyone is better. I wont vote for my favorite group anymore and vote for your group because this will make so many happy. I this type of situation Satan gets the glory not God. I will read the comments but no longer vote. THANK YOU... I'll even ask my friends not to vote...
Because one or two people have been voting VC up everyday and other voter supported groups and artists down, VC's comments display a terrible scene that actually tells the truth. The scene is that this VC is being held up by one or two voters like the people commenting on the Hostyle Gospel group below. Sadly, those sham voters could be group members or the list owners themselves and deceitful actions of others can draw suspicion on them. The unified God arguments seem like attempts at rhetoric that a studied rhetorician would never buy because there are mild confessions and attempts to justify actions which those writers, who lack solid knowledge of communication skills, wouldn't have noticed they made. The whole situation has created a comment board that actually makes the whole voting group and VC look bad, just look at VC's comments in comparison to others and it is visible. Everyone on this list should be representing God and that will happen whether they are #1 or #100, so this list is supposed to reflect who the whole group thinks is representing us the best, not what one or two obsessed sham voters feel should be correct. Also, I never said VC doesn't have talent.
Hahaha..I like all of u guys..i dont know much bout Rapper..I just use Rap Song for Dance...But I agrre with them..We use it to Get on soul at a time every day with Relevant ways...either By Rap or Dance..We working for One Purpose...Empty Hell and Populate Heaven.>! Who's with me..? ;)
This is Big Rich from the Southside. My lil sis told me about this mess about who is better than who. No one is really better than the other but this is just to vote for your favorite. Please dont put down any other artist. Just vote for your favorite. I love Verbal Contact because I hear and see what they do. Just vote for your favorite and not put someone does not deserve to be where they are. We really dont know all these men of God personally, but God does. Just because some people like a group and you never heard of them does not mean they haven't earned what their harvest has bought in for them. Show love not hate. WWJD...
Look Im not in Verbal Contact, I love them and trust me I told them about me and my friends voting for them. The Saint said he dosen't care for sites like this because they bring the worse out of people, and I see why. Also Verbal Contact is not at war with anyone trust me, they are so humble if you asked them who is better they would say anybody but them. Because to them it is all about God. They put others before them. Saint always speaks on them being servants and for you to see Christ in them not them selves. I love them for this. Thats why I vote them as my number one. This is my opinion. And as for the last post You are not God, so to say they dont deserve to be number one is only your opinion. There are other Christian rappers who do so much for God but are not popular and that does not make them any less deserving being number 1 tha other artist. If this makes who ever feel better than your all number one. Hostyle Gospel, LeCrae, Trip, everyone is better. Are you happy? Saint is right. This brings out the worse. So take number 1 somebody else so everyone can bash you as they bash the group I love.
Why are people talking about each other. This should be for God's glory not self. I think Verbal Contact and Hostyle Gospel are in war with each other and that is wrong. Remember guys, this music is for saving lives not to permote yourself. God bless both of your groups.
Please read this whoever wrote that comment above. I vote for V.C. because I love them dearly. Why would you write something like that unless you wish to tarnish their name. I talked to V.C. a few weeks ago and they care for voting who is the best because they say it brings out the worst in people, and I see its true. We love V.C. here in the midwest. You shouldn't post false info that isn't true. But if this is how you get your glory keep on.
WHere is grits and ooh ahh song + hittin curves that should be 5
LEACRAE SHOULD BE 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kre8tor is good too! God Bless Them
First of all what are you talking about? Verbal Contact has never used the N word in any of their songs. I knew them before they were saved and they never used profanity in their lyrics nor did they ever use the N-word. You are something else, making up things like this to get you opinion of who you like at the top. Its sad. But now I agree with Saint of Verbal Contact. Maybe they should take this site down, or Verbal Contact since some people who call themselves Christians put them down because they want their favorite at that top. If you all listen to VC's cd titled Alter Call, they have a track called Check ya Flesh, and it speaks on competing as Christians and it taking the shine off of Christ and on to themselves. I agree that Christian should not vote on whose the best because look at this mess.
Certainly not better than Lecrae but good work anyway. Keep it up for Christ.
I can't believe there are so many posts about these guys and Raiderz of the Lost weren't even on this list until I added them. I checked these guys out figuring with all this posting they would be like Dre is secular rap but I was left disappointed. I guess I'm spoiled being a Raiderz fan I expected more.
All my lil brother plays is that Trinity cd. He knows all the words and I must say I didnt like rap or christian rap till i heard this one. So yea I vote verbal contact #1.
I got the trinity within me cd and this one is the bomb. Have any of you heard the whole cd? I feel these guys.
I'm listening to this group and I'd put this #6 and put Lecrae #1!!!
Lecrae has like zero opposition to him being at that spot and should be number one.
Yo nothing great? I've been following VC for years before they gave their lives to Christ, and its funny to hear the opinions of fans who only think their favorites are only great. VC will be back soon I know them personally, and for the record they are shooting a new Christian film. Thats why they havent put out a new cd not album out recently. You know hate if you want I love Verbal Contact.
All I have heard is a few good song, but nothing great and they haven't even dropped an album in over a year. This group is already truthfully borderline top 10 material, proving this chart is seriously flawed.
These guys have really touched my life in a way to seeing that Jesus is the way.
Verbal Contact is my group. I have both of their cds and they are both the best cds in Christian rap. They make me want to keep doing right and their first cd the trinity within me is the best cd of all. Who cares if others hate and dont think you should be number 1, you are to me.
Im feeling VC's video Bless our nation. I got the cd as well. Yo they are my favorite group.
The realist ministers from the streets. I see you guys out everywhere. Please keep it up.
Fishermen of men is what these two are. They are the best to me. I see them all over reaching the youth. My vote is Verbal Contact.
Hey LeCrae is my favorite but these guys are hot to. Anyone representing God like this I think deserves a chance as well. I like them both. Keep it up Verbal Contact.
i dont think they are better than Lecrae, he is at the top for sure. But you got the good ones in the top 5
Who cares what you think! I think they are the best. Two men of God from K.C. preaching the word and are very humble.
My boys are preaching. Man I'm proud of you guys. Keep letting God use you reaching many that are lost. Mr. Jones.
Quit playing with God is my song. I like the video to. V.C. is definately on the right track.
They first cd The Trinity within me is what's up. The first 7 songs is cold.
Nice! I peeped what they are saying and they on point. I'm a huge Lecrae fan, but I must say its good to hear someone else coming bringing that heat.
The new kids on the block. They are heated. I just saw Quit playing with God video and yea they are good.
Alter Call is crackin! I bought Verbal Contact's cd titled Alter Call and it is the bomb. It even has a sinners prayer and alot of truth in this cd. Yo on the real this is my group. ya'll need to get their cd and see it for yo selves.
This is Trisha again, I posted a comment about why I love these guys and it was teken down. That was wrong. I love Lecrae and Trip Lee, I take nothing from them but I see these guys quit a bit and they on point. To me much better that iiright. Some of you know of the popular names but here in the midwest, VC puts in work. They do alot of charity events, that most places cant afford to pay the big Christian Rap names. These are men of God. Amen.
I dont think they are better than Lecrae and Trip Lee. They iight
I dont mind these guys but i dont think they should be on the top of the list. The top 5 on my list is 1. lecrae, 2. PRo, 3. Trip Lee, 4. Stephen the Levite, 5. Da Truth.
That's true, it's all about reppin Christ, it's not a competition, they are all on the same team
Yo I never herd of these guys but I just herd them on youtube and they are comming wit some heat. Word of advice this isn't a competion thing but a race to save souls against time. No Christian rapper is better than another. If it is all for the Kingdom they are all the best. I didn't like that not better than Lecrae. That is taking it personal like 2Pac being better than Biggie. Vote for your favorite dont make it personal. Bless All...
Yeah, I'd say Lecrae and Pro are at the top, but i don't think Verbal Contact is close to #1.
I've been a fan for 3 years now, and I know which song you are talking about. It's called What They Hit Fo. That is the only song that sounds like e-40. They are just creative with different styles. You should hear Life Without Parole, Church Aint Scared, and my favorite Walk the Walk. Then you would see.
I dont really think the music I heard from them was too original it sounded like e-40

I think he should be No.2 but i agree with the gu under me . You can't even compare trip lee with lecrae because they both are doing work for The Lord and they both are trying to portray the message of Jesus Christ. Personally lecrae is my favorite but trip lee is an outstanding artist!
You can't even compare trip lee with lecrae because they both are doing work for The Lord and they both are trying to portray the message of Jesus Christ. Personally lecrae is my favorite but trip lee is an outstanding artist!
He is amazing. God has given him a voice and hallelujah he has learned to use it
i personaly would put trip lee and lecrae both at 1 maybe 1.a 1.b these two are the MOST GODLY out there doing it, i didnt say best out i said most Godly and i feel when compiling a list such as this, that should be the first and formost criteria
His single Robot and I'm Good ft. Lecrae is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought 20/20 was better than Between Two Worlds, but he is good!
He's done alot of good stuff, but i really need him to make a new album!
best song was probably king like mine featuring alex medina, amazing beats.
In terms of pure rapping ability, I truly think this guy can top Lecrae...and he is the only one who had a chance anyway. Keep rapping for The Lord Trip!
I also LIKE his song (Amped) from the 116 album Amped that cd mixes RAP & ROCK! its so cool the album is tight, get it now!!
(U alreadly know to bear wit em bro) - "Bear With You" this song is so different from other songs its ORIGNAL all da way
I Trip Lee the things God allows him to do with his voice is cool. The Sonqs "The Rising" by Sho Baraka is tight espesically Trip's verse "It was all about me what a tricky thang/I was tryna get a head like a gillatine/But now I'm followin the Head Hes the realest thang/" Yup tight souned like he had auto tune but thats just his accent. "But Worship God only please!!!"
His song Bear Wit You Ft. Tedashii is very tight it did have 115,000 views on youtube before da guy who posted it up got his account removed.
A lot of secular rappers these days have weird voices. But as long as were talking about weird voices than Trip Lee blows them all out of the water
hes such a beast. he got some bangin beats wit these cats spittin on top of em. he and lecrae aint dissin when they wit each other. they dont hate on sinners, they try to convert them. keep reppin trip lee
This dude is like the second best .him and lecrae are going to be legends of christian rap. I really love trip lees sound track between twoworlds
In combination with others he seems better than solo. I have "Between Both Worlds" and his voice, sometimes, is just plain annoying. I feel like there has to be better undiscovered talent then him, but most listeners are too lazy to find the better artists.
he and lecrae are cool together, when they come together it is like, the most epic thing i hear in christian rap. eg. Jesus musik. lecrae is cool, trip is cool i can't really seperate the two of them

i love tedashii!! dum dum and riot are my favs!!:) should be 2nd or 3rd!
Great artist.. not number four.. Why isn't eshon burgandy on this list anywhere?
I just got done buying a few of his songs, has some great hits.
He kinda sounds angry all the time. I like his collabs better than his solo stuff, although the song Unconditional is really good. Overall, he's pretty hard/heavy sounding, so if that's all your looking for than your in luck.
Better then trip lee and verbal contact should be at least 2nd or 3rd
He almost reminds me of Lil Wayne's music which is who i use to really like. so i like him he should be higher up!
I love his song Born again, Im actually listening to it at this very moment! Also Houston we have a problem and Shinin!

lyrically, no on can touch Bizzle. Not in the christian side, or the secular side. They way he paints a picture with his words is truely a God given gift. I can barely listen to anyone else, including Lecrae. Whenever i'm listening to other songs, i just want them to be deeper like Bizz's songs.
People. Bizzle should not be this low. No doubt he is the best. He can spit with anyone in the biz, not just in the Christian circles. Plus, he has balls to say things other Christian rappers won't say.
Bizzle the man he should be number 1. ! love his music and what he say in his lyrics! For those who like bizzle yall should listen to KIDD!
just found Bizzle, thank God. I pray that he is working on controlling his language but he is MUCH needed in the body of Christ!
He speaks total truth and it is his song which exposed jay-z that helped me confirm that Christian rap is for the glory of God
Bizzle is garbage and shouldn't be on this list. His lyrical content is not to glorify God.
Top 2 on my list # 1 is sevin. Idk y his 15 on the list he goes HARD
Bizzle should be on top all the way to number one. He has lyrical skills that none of these rappers have. He is actually up there with Jay-z and nas lyrically, and the best thing is, he's doing it for the glory of Jesus Christ
Bizzle is tight man and he is trying hard to be a better man. I bet Jay-Z feels stupid and mouthless after Bizzle getting at him. He has nothing else to say, really no explaining to do at all
Check out Bizzles new Christian mixtape "The Messanger 3" This should put him up in the #1 spot.
Boi 1Da is producing his Album drop'n later this year!
Some tracks are not as dedicated to praise as they could be, but at least he has good beats and can flow. Also, his track against Jay-z did tremendous good for the Kingdom, so he deserves respect for that too.
I have been wanting to comment on my man Bizzle cause he is doing a awesome job fighting for Christ and I just wanted to say don't stop and don't do what people want you to to...expose the rap industry for what it is... a fake brain washing system that is destroying the minds of our youth and the minds of most adults. But his music and powerful and its a blessing that the nation/world needs. I think he is the best rapper in the world right now!!!!! Whatever don't stop keep praying and don't be afraid what the world thinks of you... let them have it!
I know. This guy has done nothing but stuck up for Jesus when Jay was attacking him. Thats what Christians are supposed to do. Fight for CHRIST!
da best hands down and i think rambo is too but he fell off hard but big up to bizzle he is an all around rapper very skilled.

Yo PRo your my favorite and you have such a heart for God. I love it man. I hope to see you one day in Heaven because that's is where I'm going. I'll be praying for you PRo and your not the best because God is the best. Haha jk your cool PRo!!! Hey bro I'm lookin up to you.
HE IS A BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love his song 116 ft KB... i think he is like the best
PRo Is better then Lecrae and anyone else.. No offense he can wreck anyone lyrically and he can make the sickest beats, still underated in the 11Six
PRo is very, very, very good music. I like music kind of reminds me of Jay-Z but on a christian side. I wish PRo and Hostyle Gospel do something together, we can over wish, lol.
Pro-Redemption was alright if that
Trip Lee-Between Both Worlds about the same or less because I think the accent sucks
Sho Baraka- Lions and Liars has some good songs on it, but could definitely be more solid
Flame- Captured is another lacking album
Tedashii- Identity Crisis was another album that was alright at best
People on here keep mentioning these guys names. Do some research into this industry and find folks with talent and quit just settling on these dudes because it is the only names you hear mentioned. There are several names on this chart that should be higher if you all like these other dudes I named then check out some of the ones below because they are way more consistent with solid flows. This list is even missing tons of artists.
as far as flows, trip lee seems to have the best flow because of his accent. word play goes to sho baraka, is punchlines are awesome. rhyming goes to T-Bone, and storytelling goes to Shai linne. i think lecrae, flame, and tedashii are well rounded.
Is he similar to a Jay-Z, Tupac, or Nas? Who are Christian rappers who are similar to those in flow, word play, rhyming, and storytelling ability with a Christian message?
He's really talented and album Redemption is tight, reps Christ hard, should be higher

One of the newest artists added to Reach Records. His album comes out later this year, should be hot!
Love his music and lyrics! I can honestly say that I am encouraged in my faith every time I listen to his music. Angels, Church Clap, Zone Out, Undefeated, and Always & Forever are just some of my favorites!
#10? I think he should be higher. His song I Can't Play the Background is amazing. His song with PRo called 116 is sweet.
but remember his album still isnt out yet. i kinda think he shouldnt be at #10. I still greatly support him!
KB is featured on Lecrae use to do it too song and He is a very gud edition to Lecrae's reachrecords label. Seriously KB Go ft. Tedashii is so tight and Enough wit dat girl singing at da end is tight. Glory only to God though!!
KB fast flow is kool especially on go ft. Tedashii an lighter fluid. His song Eough is awsome too! His moxtape is free at Trust me dis sound waaaaay kool for mixtape sounds like an album!

Oh my God..Hw could flame be numba 6..dats not fair..flame shd be in d first 4 positions
I demand a recall... seriously.. Flame is amazing and annointed but no where near number 6
the best christian rapper ever!! unlike some artists, he boldly proclaims his faith and his tracks sound the best(no offence to lecrae or trip lee) check out joyful noise, move, put on, go buck, and alive
I like his albums, Flame, Rewind, Our World Fallen, Our World Redemed, & Captured! His stuff is always getting better
I Love Flames Music Soooo Much.!! His is Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo The World's Best Christian Rapper.!!!!!!!!!!!!
he's really good. he's got a good beat (: he's one of my favorites for sure
Check out his songs: Go buck, Goodness to repentance, and I been redeemed!
He's awesome, I love his songs: Go Buck and Joyful Noise. They've got awesome beats, and great lyrics. I think he should be #1.

Andy Mineo is on top of the game right now. Too bad we can't change his name on the list.
One of my favorite Christian rappers. "Formerly known" and "Let there be light" are great songs
I LOVE Backround! It reminds me of me! It's freaky but it's so awesome!
ppl say hes da Christian DRAKE but idk he sounds like his own. He was out b4 drake. Hes featured on (FLAME's, "Put On" ) its tight, PRo's, "In His Image" its really tight & he does da hook & da 1st verse on dat song, He was featured Lecrae's highest selling song "Background" doing da hook, but he is no idol. GOD is always his idol in songs. GOD FOREVER
this dude changed my whole aspect of seeing Christian hip-hop. i also like B.reith. check him out as well.
he can rap and sing both. great guy
no tombstone is a powerful song and video. look it up

Check his music at or at
Using his gift for the Glory of the Lord
Why isnt this dude signed? He is extremely talented.. He has a sound that makes you want to listen more... Definitely a fan of Deciple
Never heard of this dude and was wondering why he was in the Top 10, But then i listened to him and this man is living for God like crazy, Very Anointed... Battle Time homie....
This dude is actually legit, he got good flows with a good message and sound... def should be up on the list
Who is Deciple? Let his tracks do the speaking... He got some dope raps... Def should be top 20 at lease
Was surprised.. Never heard him before, Checked him out.. Liked his stuff... def gonna listen to more of his stuff...
Pretty Legit.. Likes the fast stuff he does... needs to do more of that.. has a different sound then i have heard in most rap.. not bad tho
he has a funny voice but reps god and thats good. slurs most of his words he has alot of work to do
Didnt even like the dude, cuz all his votes and comments from the same day.. but checked him out and he surprised me.. his track "Battle Time" with that quick 3rd verse.. Good stuff.. He belongs to be where he's at
This dude is tight, good music to listen to.. i got his album "Changin the Game" its great
Great up and coming guy from NorCal. We've had him live at our church and would love him to come back. Writes his own! Has a heart for God!
deciple's music is the best ever. it speaks to me. also the greatest person in the world, you know the way he raps is the truth from his heart.
I met Deciple before he was saved. I saw this man give his life to God and since that day he has lived solely for him. I've seen first hand the struggles he has gone through and can remember the times in his life that he raps about today. He has worked so hard in his life and God has given him such a powerful gift. He gives out free CDs, not to get his name out there, but because he feels everyone should be able to hear about God and what our father has done in his life. "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus" 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Deciple is the best Christian rapper there is. All of his songs are an inspiration to everyone who listens to them. And he writes his own songs, they mostly come from his experiences. He is awesome.
Deciple is an amazing Christian Rapper. He has been my best friend for some time now and let me tell you this. He gives everything he has to his music in order to lift Gods name. He enjoys life and makes sure God is at the top. So a vote for him is a vote for God
One of the Greatest christian rappers out their.. His music is inspirational and has a fresh sound..
Deciple is a great christian rapper who is dedicated to his music and to God. My favorite song would have to be winding roads. Its a great song(: personally all of his songs are amazing!! :) I would recommend for everyone and anyone to go check out his music on youtube. You wont be disappointed(:
I saw him perform in Sac be4 the rivercat game.. He gave me a free CD i listen to it all the time
Deciple does it big every time i seen him.. Live Oak Loves him

I would agree that Kj-52 is like the Christian eminem and lecrae is the Christian lil Wayne and when they are collaborated it fills your heart with convictio but joy at the same time especially when you know what they're talking about and you know you need to be with Christ
great rapper along with lecrae. listen to the new song on kj's album called "they like me". it has lecrae featured and tackles racism like never before. hands down best rap collaboration ive heard in a while.
The christian eminem?! I like KJ-52 but he's not at as talented as eminem (I don't even like eminem).
Yo KJ is awesome and I love listening to his mucic!!! God has blessed him so much and I thank Him for KJ.
He's EPIC, man! It's KJ-five-two, not KJ-fifty-two. He wrote a song about that. The five two ifs for the five loaves of bread and two fish.
Come on only 8. I've been listining to KJ-52 for 5 days straight. He should be 2. at least.
Revenge of the Nerds is probably my favourite song ever
he does sound like like eminem. Don't judge Marshall he may be christian you dont live his life you dont know him some of his songs are REAL about his life. Dont judge him how do you even know anyone has shared the gospel with him. and how do you know who is or isnt a christian you are all Hipocrites. how can you help someone if all you do is judge.
wow 7?? he supposed to be number 2, with Tobymac as number 1 and group one crew with number 3!
Dude's whole style is bit from Eminem, and on purpose. KJ-52 could separate himself from "Slim" if he wanted to but it's obvious that he excepted the comparison, which at first may have only been because of his color, but now he's just going with it. If you try to argue that the "KJ Five Two" video is not purposely emulating Eminem than you haven't watched very many Eminem videos. He sets up his rhyme schemes in a lot of his songs in classic Eminem style and even does backgrounds and ad-lib's just like Eminem. I'm not saying it's a bad thing really... He's just going with something that will get attention and polarizing himself to the secular rapper. It's not original but it creates a conversation within the demographic he is targeting to deliver his message. Prop's to KJ-52 for holding it down for faith and spirituality in Hip-Hop. Prop's to Eminem as an artist, for developing a fresh and hot sound that will be emulated for a long time by many.
"not to preachy"? what is that dude or girl that's the whole point of it to saves life if you don't wont preachy then go listen to that bad stuff cause christian rap is about Christ i mean is name is in christian!! but for real the whole point in y they do this is because they wont you and me to glorify the lord and they wont to save lives. sorry if i sound like a jerk im just speaking the truth
The christian eminem? That is a horrible description, KJ is is his own man and does his own thing. My Favourite of all the christian rappers, Not too preachy, good sense of humour..and a genuine dude
i love 5J-52 music its great he's not supposed be number 8 he is supposed to be at least at number 3 GOD BLESS ALL THE CHRISTIAN ARTIST/ SINGERS/RAPPERS PRAISE BE TO THE NAME OF JESUS AMEN
I saw KJ-52 in concert! He's amazing! I absolutely love him! I want to buy all his music!
I need prayers as much as anybody, including Eminem. I am not going to judge eminem but I am going to judge his music. Is his music bringing people to Christ, or is it pushing them further from Him? Are the lyrics in his songs uplifting? Anything that keeps you from God or pushes you away from God is not worth having. Even if the music is not causing you to sin, the evil one would love for you to be distracted from Gods will in your life. Pray for conversion in your own life as well as for the conversion of the world.
Ephesians 4:29, Matthew 12:36-37
Matthew 18:6
alright, so i love eminem but im trying to find something more religious and im new to christian rap so i was on this site lookin' for some good rappers to listen to. when i saw someones comment that said this guy is the christian eminem, i had to find out about this guy. i listened to 'he did that' and he is literally the christian eminem. this guy is amazing and i would reccomend this to EVERYONE!
man all the ppl thts sayin eminem isnt a christian how do u kno tht if u dont even kno him
now granted he does cus alot and has alot of songs tht are crazy but if u think god loves everyone including eminem heck ppl tht listen too eminem become chrisians i shld kno i have and= awesome frind and he sounds juss like eminem and listened to his music for as long as he cld remember nd hes crazy about god
look all im sayin is dont judge a book ny its cover until u read it and understand it better
hey guys...a few of yall are missing out on what christianity is....its not judged people like lil wayne and theyve messed has everyone except the one god....if people are mad about kj and eminem being together maybe yall need to check yalls self....being a follower of christ is about reaching out to those in need....Kj - 52 is doing what alot of people are "too good" for. or at least thats what they think...he's reaching out and showing the love of christ to somebody who really needs it....thank you kj for not conforming to the world and hidind from sinners...instead you do the christian thing and reach out to them
eminem is very misunderstood and prejudged as a rapper just put yourself in his shoes for about ten minutes and you will still never be able to see life from his point of view ok hes famous right? yeah he is look at the things life has slammed into his face one after the other he lost his daughter the only one he truly loved and was taken from him look where he lived and was raised his best friend of his life ''proof'' just got brutally shot to death and he had to watch it and sit by his bedside ande watch him die you hypocrits judge marshall for something you have no clue about something you will never understand do you actually think that him as an extremely popular song writer with concerts and business and his family would actually have time to sit down and read the bible or go to church for a sunday because all the things such as that most take for granted can disapear in an instant not to be ever seen again just imagine everybody wanting to be your friend just because of the simple fact that you have alot of money and just look at all the krap he has gone through and is still going through do some of you peaple actually believe that he would have a reason to believe there was a god who loved him like no one else could just listen to ''halies song'' or ''when im gone'' or ''your never over'' to maybe give you a slight idea of how much he loved proof and you will never understand how much friendship and family is until its gone so stop judging peaple for something you have no clue about
"he'll [God] still love you till the very day
that your of that old and gray
to bad a lot of Christians, all they do is hate on you
instead of droppin on there knees
and taken time to pray for you
its obvious that you really love your doughtier dude
for that i gotta tell you well i really got respect for you"
-KJ in Dear Slim Part II
listen to this song, then listen to Not Afraid by Eminem immediately after:
"And I just can't keep living this way
So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage
I'm standing up, Imma face my demons
I'm manning up, Imma hold my ground
I've had enough, now I'm so fed up
Time to put my life back together right now"
-Marshal Mathers III (aka. Eminem) in Not Afraid
this is to you hypocrites who shout "Praise Jesus!! He brought me out of evil and sin!!" and turn around and judge Marshal Mathers.
Eminem is struggling, but he has grown in a way most people couldn't comprehend.
you are blinded by piety to the fact that the Lord is currently answering KJ's prayers, and Eminem is expressing this through his maturation from the possessed insanity of his old albums to deep self-meditative songs that fill his recent ones. KJ-52 is able to recognize that Slim Shady is human and has both a family and a soul, which is beautiful in the eyes of God.
i cried when i heard Dear Slim Part II
listen to that song and give your prayers to Marshal Mathers
God Bless
Yeah, Eminem Sings wit people like Lil Wayne! Im no expert but I know Lil Wayne is NOT a christian. You don't see people like Lecrae And Flame Singin with Lil Wayne and Ludacris! What Im tryin to say is, Eminem- Not christian, KJ 52- Absolutely christian!
Jesus Christ said you could see the false prophets by their fruits and if you go through 1john it talks about what a true believer is and just going through different verses of examination its very possible he isn't saved we cant judge in the sense of his heart but we can judge by his actions which give an ideal.
ok now im jus saying my thoughts on this but how can you truly say eminem isnt a beliver i mean yes some songs are HORRID like kim but it also in some songs says how he is praying to God an different stuff im jus putting in my 2 cents but i dont think u can judge him with out knowing him its not fair to eminem at all
Kj worked with Eminimen, thats why he sounds just like him.. now he is alone and Christian!
'Cuz they sound similar... that's the only comparison he's making....

Freshman artist. Good flow. He's on Lecrae's track from Rehab: The Overdose called "Blow Your High".
Everyone go listen to his new mixtape, "Blind World." Lyrics are sick ad his beats are too.
He has 2 great mistapes out right now "the Great investment" and his new one "Blind World" God has really blessed his man and he's talented in what he does!!
Way better than where he's ranked. He deserves a top 15 spot, easy.

How the heck is he 15?? He's #1. All of these others are good too, but his talent is deep. LYrically great and he KNOWS the word. His songs speak serious TRUTH.
He is the most talented artist period. Shai uses his music to relay the scriptures in a way no one else can. He is not secular on purpose b/c "the beat/music takes away from the message". You have to listen to his music - not just hear it. Please listen to the brilliant/poetic/lyrical theology relayed in his music
everyone vote for shai. this guy is sick and hes hear not only to give us the gospel and some theology.....lyrical theology!!!
Amazing flow, even better lyrics. Real theology, and kind of old school sounding. He's my personal favorite on this list, followed by Lightheaded.
Should def. Be. #1 he doesn't entertain, he teaches the hard truth that no one else would dare say!
yeah this list, although very informative for those who are unfamiliar, is very skewed. Shai Linne should be number 1 for his insight, word trickery, flow, etc...
Shai Linne then
Stephen the levite
37? He should be #1!! Most talented lyricist who is equally knowledgeable ! Most talented christian rapper around! Just listen to one of his songs and you can tell
ok wow this guy is actually kind of learn from his songs

In what world is the 116 Clique the christian version of D-12?
i like 116 clique they have some really good songs like, cash or christ/fanatic, authority and man up
This isnta rap artist, a rap group so they shouldn't be on this list
116 clique isnt a rapper.. its a rap group made up of lecrae, tedashii, trip lee, Sho Baraka ect. kinda like 50 cents G-unit
i like him alot he's really good. my favorite song of his is get loose, you should look it up..
116 clique is a mixture of rappers and remixes. Lecrae is one of them. theyre pretty good too

I can belive how low u guys ranked this man,sho baraka is right their with lacrae ,dude is a beast on the Mic number 1 in my book show em sho
waaaay too low guys. this guy is up to par wit his groupmates.
He has the best lyrics and metaphors, I point to the song Stand, Walk, Dance and Shut Us Down
I agree! The Sho should be much higher on this list! Lyrically this dude is gifted!
This kats new album is off the charts. Period. He takes The Message and delivers it with power and emotion. Lions and Liars can compete with commercial stuff thats out.

If you listen to there lyrics you would know why they are the best christian rap group ever. From their mixtapes to their CDs, Hostyle Gospel talks about the Lord in a way that know other Christian artists comes close to.
"i don't think that people should say that "so and so is the best christian" no one is the best christian in the world"
I hope you were quoting someone below and not just talking about this list. Because this list isn't about who is the best christian, its about which one of these people is the best rapper.
Music is Music. I like good music. Praise the Lord for good music!!!!!!!!
i don't think that people should say that "so and so is the best christian" no one is the best christian in the world
Hi everyone. I voted for Hostyle Gospel because they are the dopest rap group alive!! I vote everyday and I don't care if anybody dont like it. Jesus is king in my life, gud job group keep up the good work
Hostyle Gospel's Jesus Invented Cruck song is the funniest song of all time,but they don't sound like Bone Thugs N Harmony
I added Hostyle Gospel about two weeks ago. And vote for them everyday. I'm sorry If that is wrong but I think they are the best rap group. I'm not a part of their rap team, but I like what their music stand for. I was going through somethings and Lecrae wasn't doing it for me. I look for different Christian artists. I found Hostyle Gospel and I was moved by their words. Again sorry for voting for them so many time, but I wanted everyone to know that I thought Hostyle Gospel was the greatest Christian rappers
Why are people talking about each other. This should be for God's glory not self. I think Verbal Contact and Hostyle Gospel are in war with each other and that is wrong. Remember guys, this music is for saving lives not to permote yourself. God bless both of your groups.
Not better than LeCrae, Trip, Verbal Contact, Flame, and thats my opinion. Also to shoot up like this without anyone knowing them looks like self votes deleting others. This site is getting wack. A Bone Thugs style rapping gospel but better NOT!
I saw their Jesus Invented Crunk video Why? Why did they make a song about crunk?
AWESOME!!! Who put this guys on this site. I never heard of them until a few days ago. I think I found my new favorite rap group
nice! I just download them off of amazon. I like this group. way better than Trip Lee or Lecrae, just my opinion
It sounds like the person that write the description for Hostyle Gospel haven't heard about Lecrae. I haven't heard of Hostyle Gospel and I'm sure they are OK, but Lecrae is the best christian in the world
I know right. I like christian hardcore rap like Lecrae. But I think Hostyle Gospel music is OK too.
I saw them and I heard their new CD "Immortal Combat". This is a really good group!

Someone played King MC while we were on our convoy in Iraq. His lyrics cut to my heart and helped inspire me. Worth checking out.
I got to see him do a show in Arizona. King MC brings the heat yo!
One of the best lyricists I've heard. His stuff is deep and honest and the beats are cool too.
I've been listening to this guy for years. His music has helped me through some tough times.

THI'SL is one of the best Chriatian rappers out there. Deserves a higher spot!! Listen to "No Walls" (Set it Off) or "Motivation" - STL Reppin!!
Thi'sl should be higher. His music goes hard. It speaks to people in ways that many Christian rappers don't. He still raps as though he is still describing what he sees in the streets.
He is one of the hardest christian rappers and his sound is so sick! Def should be top 10 imo
Yeah he is nice. His testimony and mine are alike and the Chronicles of an X-Hustler definitely touched me. I think that it is one of his best albums

People be serious da T.RU.T.H.? this guy skillwise can out-rap the top ten in this list. I'm a wordplay syllable combine rapper I know what I'm talking about but ey it's votes that count.
i dont think he should be number one-lecrae should, but he really shud be top ten
Should be Higher!!!! He is sooooo good just like the rest! People are sleep on him..
really good, this is much too low for him. but since the last will be first anyways, who cares??
Da TRUTH 23? Nah. Somethings not right. This is da man who got me into christian rap. He needs to be in the top 10 atleast!!!!
Yes we must continually live a repentive life through da Spirit of God. That means we shud c a drease pattern of sin in our lives. Listen to Lecrae's "Go Hard ft Tedashii" tlkn about goin hard for God no matter da cost, yep!
No Da' Truth didn't sleep wit another mans wife it was nonsexual like he said. We mess up but God forgives us, cuz He luvs us, and that means u, me, and Da' T.R.U.T.H. God is awsome and no body can never meet His standards cuz of sin but God is just to forgive and to luv ppl & not luv their sins.
DaTruth slept with another guy's he still getting voted in top ten... we all make mistakes but not in the top ten...voted down for adultery...
He went to biblical college, yet doesn't try what Knine does, and still lacks a real solid flow. He does perform well as a feature or with other artists, but on his own he can motivate me to skip tracks or switch albums to another artist. Help change the Christian rap industry and go through this whole list and find the real top 10.
da truths not one of my most favorite.. but he does have a few good songs out there..
One of the Christian rappers that changed my views on Christian Rap. Great beats Should be ^^^ though! ^_^
the best lyricist in Christian Rap. His ability to apply the word of God with impecable lyrical skills is amazing.

Manafest is awesome I like the song "Where Are You", its tells the story of his death. He should be tied with KJ-52. I can't tell if he's a christian Hollywood Undead or not, more on the Linkin Park side.
Manafest is BEAST!. Great rapper. Love how he mixes rock and rap.
Yea, buddy! Love his music! Better than tobyMac (no offense, tobyMac fans) I'm a Fighter!
He's the new eminem. mixing rap and rock. the new thing like benjiman
Manafest is a great artist. I love the chace. "no plane B" is soooo awesome. If old school linkin park and saliva had a baby and that baby got saved manafest would be that baby. Lets not lose trake that yes all the artis on this lets are great. But they are stell just messangers of christ. Lets glorify him. They spread his word and lets do the same by spreading there music.
` all songs of Manafest is so coool ! :) I have nothing to say
Manafest has rock mixed in with the rap. BEST RAP EVA! Christian too! Amazing...
Every Time You Run is such a powerful song, my favorite by Manafest
WOW, manafest's new song (no plan b) that ROCKS and hes very very talented how fast he can raps.
they got some good stuff.. but dont really feel much like rap to me.. they seem more like a i prefer more of the hip hop.. christian rap.. myself..

number 21??????????????? tobymac should be number one or two. he's a beast
Toby Mac should be rated number 2, if not number 1 on this list. He was one of the very original Christian hip-hop/rap artists with DC Talk, the first Christian rap group to make it big. Some of his newer music is not rap, but he should still be considered one of the best Christian rappers of all time.
To the comment below illuminati doesn't only mean devil worshipers if that's what you're thinking. It also means enlightened ones. That's how people feel when they have the knowledge of Jesus Christ. God bless you, not trying to start drama
there's no "me" without "you", because your made to love!!!!:)
It doesn't matter with TobyMac! He's got a mix of rap/hip hop/rock/etc! I love his song with Lecrae called Forgoveness! He deffinatly diserves a higher spot on this list than 14!
in my opinion, no offense tobymac fans...his music is really cheesy. he raps fast rhyming words in a "white-boy" syle. its just hard to take seriously, like vanilla ice, etc.
Toby is awesome. Great rapper and singer. He was great in DC Talk and is still great now. in my opinion, he is better than Lecrae. He should be in the top 4
Dude! He's freaking BEAST! His music is powerfully positive! And, he is a rapper. Haven't you guys heard Catchafire (Whoopsi-daisy)????
Not a rapper & even as a singer he should be no where near 13 there is so many more talented rappers & musicians not hating or condemning him but that's the truth (In my opinion)
Toby is not a rapper. I love him but he is to be sure not a rapper
Ugg, isn't the best rapper in the world. He doesn't have the best voice and all his songs sound the same. Definitely not recommended to people who look for good Christian rappers. Sure he is famous, but that doesn't mean he's good.
TobyMac is the best Christian artist! He is very famous! He should be number 1!!! :D
TOBYMAC is a wonderful artist.He's the best.I like him very much.
tobyMac is the best among CCM artists.He raps,rocks...He's the best in all genre.Toby is the best!!! God bless him.
he supposed to be number one!!! His lyrics is easy to understand and really good... And his newest album "tonight" is excellent, Funky Jesus Music and Changed Forever is my favourite... His concert is always cool too!!!
Pretty good rock, only does a little rap. Still worth checking out! (Try "Burn for You")
This guys new stuff isn't that good, but his old albums like portable sounds were awesome! I LOVE Ignition!!!!
Tobymac is a love-ok-hate artist. To me, i dont rlly care for his style so its a ok.
Hei..Where is Kirk Franklin..??? I love when Kirk n Toby workin on Song together...Who is with me..? :)
I loooooove tobyMac!!! He is my fav!!! Ya, he might not rap like some, but he's AMAZING!!!
toby mack shouldn't be on here at all! he's a kindergarden singer. He deserted his band and somehow became a talentless success
Toby Mac is awesome. You can hear how he loves God in every song he sings. It might not all be rap, but with Toby Mac, it doesn't have to be. He's different. A good different. I love him! I love everyone in his band. They all come from different backgrounds to make different music. I saw them in concert and you can tell that they all love God. It was amazing.
I always keep on saying it on my F-Book page that TobyMac and Lecrae need to get together for 1 song.
yo, this dude totally rocks but i cant believe that he beat r-swift
wow check out the song made to love by this dude ITS GREATTTTTTTTT
Toby mac is not 1 of my favorites but he was rapping before all of these other guys he started in the 80's so he got all my respects cause he pathed the way. Lecrae number 1 though
tobyMac IS a rapper, he went to school as a rapper, he was the main rapper for the first great Christian rap group (dc Talk) and therefore is the forerunner of the genre known as "Christian hip hop/rap." Sure, a lot of his latest stuff is not really "rap" but he is by far one of the better guys in the specific genre, and yes, he CAN RAP!!
Not a rapper, more like a hip-hop/rocker... but he's an awesome christian artist so I think he should be on this list anyway.

that is a good song. the first time a friend showed that song to me i said did u know this is christian? they really didn't know. i think if u listen to a song you should know what they are saying, i always listen to the words thats why i like this type of music.
ooh ahh is a great song, but many people dont even know its christian. people really should listen to lyrics and not just the basic beats

B-Rob has like a great sermon over nice beats and he has this song called "Kingdom State of Mind" where he redid empire state of mind bc of what jay-z said about "Jesus can't save you, life starts where the church ends"... check him out at and i think hes on
Man B-Rob just rocked my neighborhood today at a block party I couldn't wait to google him and find his music online man Man Jesus is with him man
B-Rob has a new album coming out called Salt Rap. I saw the press release today. I can't wait.
B-Rob doesn't stay behind the mic, he also works in the community.
He is a good person. He is always happy and Jesus shines through him.
B-rob is awesome he is always on beat and he does seem to love God thats UP A BOVE US oh and not to change the subject but that place is called (HEAVEN)right? hes a straight up christian
B-Rob spoke on the bible definition of believe and it changed my life. his music was amazing and my whole youth group was dancing. even leaders.
I love "wife" and "Dance to the word". Hes not corny and is always on point with The Word and his lyrics.
B-Rob rocked my youth group. I like his song "Love & Rock" and Cross round my neck"

where are you guys hearing his songs, i can't find them, can some one put up a link so i can see if he is cool? please
Okay thats cool & all but 'Magnify" feat. Dolo Pacino, Flud Cavion, Rapid Fire & K-Dubb takes the cake!!!
Keep reppin' Christ Big Homie!!
Hector Fayetteville, N.C.
He has a song out with Rapid Fire called "Eyes Not Seen"
Let me say this with one word: HOTTT!
I had the opportunity to check out Dolo Pacino on & he is ranked there too! I pray that GOD continues to bless you my brother in Christ! My favorite song is "Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!" Church!!! Houston, TX Fan!
Dolo Pacino was nominated The 2010 YGEA Awards Lyricist Of The Year! GOD BLESS YOU DOLO!!
Facebook Fan!

"Without Christology (Ambassador's album), there would be no Lamp Mode"-Shai Linne. One observation that can be made about him being on the chart so low is that there is a difference in nutritional quality between every other artist and Cross Movement altogether. I started out with Lecrae and Othello, and then moved on to Lamp Mode, but when I found Cross Movement, it's a whole other level of ministering. If more hip hop cats were influenced by Amba' and CM, we'd have more 'Shai Linne's which is what we need. More theologically sound artists, not another fat beat and a talented emcee to take the focus off Christ. Lest we forget the truth that religion sells, my hip-hop loving family, we have to make Jesus the Focus. There's a level of safety artists like to go: in talking about their lives or the present church issues, but that's marginal. If the music is going to truly exalt Jesus it needs to be gospel-oriented, and unfortunately there aren't many looking to preach Jesus, but only their experiences as a Christian individual.
Ambassador is THE BEST CHRISTIAN RAPPER HANDS DOWN!!! I realize that people don't have an appreciation for history, but this guy was one of the forerunners of Christian rap. His album Christology that dropped in 1999 is still amazing. Go listen to tracks off it like One Two or Girl Named World and try and match any other rappers out there with his lyrical mastery ... and that was 12 years ago!
better than lecrae but falls short of flame. definitively top 5 though
whoa, Amabassador is pretty amazing, check him out, he's alongside artist's like lecrae
Gimmie Dat is a great song. my friend made up a great dance to it, it has great beats. he should definitley be higher up!
He has a new song called "Gimmie dat" which is really got to hear it to belive it

J-Angel From Microphone Soldiers. He does his best to help people live positive.
Bonez came out with his cd "he is part of Microphone Souljahz" which is him and his brother J-Angel. Bonez is a website designer and a producer. Check it out on itunes "The New Life"
microphonesouljahz DOT com
these guys are too good to be on a christian rap list. all you people voting do not have a clue about hip hop. lecrae and trip lee are the only ones that should be on this list along with microphone souljahs
Who is this and why are they rated above PRo, FLAME, KB, Thi'sl, R-Swift, CANON, Swoope etc.
My Favorite on this list because these guys fight for what is right, they don't preach, they just tell it as it is. Im a fan and believe these guys are great rappers.
I have a feeling about these guys. Tremedous Talent and word play. Fighting for Christ in the industry and a positive movement. Go Souljahz!
Love the Gotta Hustle song. bonez makes sick beats and love using them. These guys are really talented should be top 10 definitely
Thanks to everyone checking out our music and movement! for all the latest visit our official site keep up with us on our latest songs! thanks again!!
Love Microphone Soldiers. They are positive and creative and always inspiring. I love the music and lyrics.
Microphone Soldiers Have the whole Package, Talent in many area, plus they want to use there talent for positive outcome, They know how to make a track... Make a Beat.. All rounded Artist... Definitely Deserve to be here and Honored to work with them
yeah Gotta Hustle song is HOTT. microphone soldiers are talented, they have a variety in their music and i think people would really like them when they discover them. I have their mixtape and it has a great message and excited for what they are working on next.
microphone soldiers are good. I just recently became a fan you people got to check them out
Just check em out and gotta say they got some good music, very nice.
microphone soldiers are positive. Inspire people to go an extra mile and to overcome the evil on earth. Cant wait to hear more from them

OMG if ya don't know this guy he use to work with lupe he is one of the illest MC he is the real example of what happens when God enters your heart he has such talent its crazy he should be in the top 10
When I first got back into christian rap, I came to this list, so I feel like it should be accurate. Help me out and get Gemstones in the top 10. Download his mixtape, "elephant in the room" and you'll see why.
t bone was good in his early days. his new songs are very secular and worldly and he seems to give himself more praise than he gives too GOD...
T bone was one of the first Christian trappers, he should be way higher on the list somewhere on the top 10. He is honestly the best rapper lyric wise just listen to his song name droppin no other rapper, not even Lecrae could rhyme like that.
T-Bone just thinks hes the stuff...him and his gang signs all over the place
Best rapper ever. He is 100 better than Lecrae. Don't mean to dis, but there isz no comparison. T-Bone is #1
I have been listening to him since I was in high school. Now 32 I still love his music. He is very creative and I love his style!
t-bone is hot i got all his songs and he's like as cool as ever and i bet if he reads this he'll be syked
Glorifying God does not mean that you always have to be rapping about God. You can glorify God while you are doing the garbage or while you are sitting on the toilet.
Amen tbone only reps him self when he should give it all to god like every body in 116 and also he don't come close to how good they are
Music is way too self-centered, he reps himself more than he reps Christ
Best Christian rapper hes down to earth talking about the the reality of being in the street and how the devil just wants u in his kindome and how there is a better life in jesus christ. love his music because he relates to people in many ways christins ben trying to relate to people for years. hes just awsome
Easily the best rapper on this list is T-Bone. I have heard everything else and T-bone is the only one that sounds like it should be in mainstream rap. Alot of my gangster friends listen to it and cant believe it's christian.

Considered by some to be borderline gospel rap, but this artist has gospel rap songs that put artist that are not considered borderline to shame because when he chooses to rep God in a song he puts an unbelievable amount of his heart into the lyrics.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! people don't know real music. Sevin is top 1 on my list. He goes HARDER then the top 5 on the list. Really need to listen to his music
Yeah I dnt understand the mind that put this list together. For Sevin is at top 10 quality nevertheless he is top 3 in my list along with mr. Solo from the Gospel Gangstaz.
I think Sevin should be in the top ten list. His heartfelt words are by far consider top 3 material to me. but it is wat it is.
Sevin is alot better than this, people need to check him, he is the truth and inspirational
pretty good rapper, came to a church in my town and performed. wasnt bad at all, just sells his cd for $10 and they arent licensed beats lol.

Should make the top ten... This guy is insane. He makes my top six!
Json is my church's rapper. Some days, I just walk into church and when the sermon starts, someone says that it's hip hop day and he just starts rapping like crazy. He is also a great preacher. Should be WAAAYYY higher.
LOVE THIS DUDE! another under-rated rapper! J'son is dat rapper that will be featured on your song on your albulm and have one of the best verses on the whole track! again, this dude needs to be ranked higher!
dude is doper than artist above him on this list his last cd city lights was good.

C'mon people, Cross Movement is the sole reason I got into Christian Rap, but that was like a decade ago. If they are truely CURRENTLY the 32 best christian rapper/group... then the Christian Rap industry is in trouble... which it isn't and they aren't the 32nd best currently. God bless them, but lets move them down the list.
THeir music video, "Know Me (Huh What)" is awesome & funi too.

UK rapper that is rapidly gaining recognition. He was featured alongside Cam on Lecrae's track "Don't Waste Your Life". His most recent album is titled "777 (Mark of the Peace)".
His flow and Speed rappin is awesome on his song "Never Be The Same"
He can rap fast, hes also featured on Lecrae's (don't waste your life). His songs "I Don't pack A Matic" music video is tight
This guy is really something!Gave any of you heard his rap on 'long time time coming' with lecrae, let alone his album 'the wake up'...
This guy deserves to be in the top five....
What's not to like? This guy could have been Eminem if he wasn't rapping for Christ. That shows a lot about him. Respect.
Why the heck is this guy rated so low?????? He is loads better than half the rappers above him!
they have that new 2010 music feel they just released a new album not too long ago i'm surprised there not already on the list.
Suzy Rock's real name is Natalie Sims so truly sang on Lecrae's song Killa
"if i had to do it on my own NO doubt id be a GONER. but I WILL be victorious cuz GOD is in my corner" - jin d(^_^)b
we praise u heavenly father. this art of hip hop is truly a gift. beyond what this world could ever offer. ITS MORE THAN JUST HIP HOP.
his style is unique and is lead by the spirit
its cool how he started out "not christain" and then became one. that is a testimony of tru sacrifice...obviously his albums sales r gonna drop; i applaud him.
Jin should be higher....just the fact that he quit the mainstream and turned his life to Chrst is a testament of true salvation....he made strides as the 1st major asian hip hop artist and now can use that to further the kingdom of God!

what 37, wow..... this is crazy... hes like two or three spot easy... r swift
You guys shoud upload some of his stuff on Grooveshark then so people can hear them.
WOAH!!!! who made this list!!!! this dude def. is top 10 material! Have u listened to R-Swift? Listen to Breatha! that's good enough to place him in the top 10!

One thing about so called gospel "rap" its about Jesus not your flow skills!
I wouldn't put braille as number 5 I would put him on number 4 he definitely got flow skills listen to Nobody.
what!!! braille is better than about all of the people on this list, he should at least be in the top 5.
this rating should be higher
dont rate by commercial value, rate the content
this cat is much better than 10

SICK FLOWS. one of the fastest rappers. Look up "I Believe God" or "I'm Me" ... he needs to be higher!!!
I love "Be Healed". Canton Jones should definitely be waaaay higher. Come on now!
Canton Jones should be way higher than this especially with his song Already Gone!!?!
i love the his song G.O.D. remix. it talks about Gods power and the many great things he has done.
Comes to our church every year and always gives a great performance!
At times he shows Lecrae potential, and I think a real big point will be after the Dominaire album is released.

K-Drama brings the word in the sound of music that non believers would listen to and like.. My fav songs are Air Jordan and Honored.. He is in Chico Cali March 26th i believe.. definitely gonna see that show..
Wow, people make some off comments. "That Music" clearly talks about Jesus at the end! Wow, Christian haters on deck???
It's sad when demons inhabit the bodies of so called Christian folk and leave comments clearly showing that the comprehensive level is lower than the sung that they come from. But Jesus did tell us to cast out devils, so I rebuke you satan, in the name of Jesus. And for the young lad that left this comment, I hope you find in your life the thing that is allowing devils to use you and get rid of it by asking GOD to take it away. You should be familiar with the story of Elisha and the 40 children and the she bears that ate the children after Elisha called on GOD. DON'T MESS WITH GODS STUFF! If you are swift to hear and slow to speak, we won't have this discussion any further. Oh yeah, you should try the second verse if you are looking for GOD on the music.
Awesome! I love THE NUJUS! I downloaded That Music, and I listen to it everyday!

He's a really nice guy too, i met him last year at a Christian Festival! He's so funny but like the others on fire for God! Listen to his new track "Sure Thing", he's gonna be big!!
formerly known as empt(i).. Christian rapper out of Cali, def has a style of his own!! check him out at soundcloud/joshgmassey or twitter @joshgmassey ... heard he's workin on a new album with some sick beats and workin with dmaub supposedly
Better rap group than most secular ones, and has great lyrics, beats, and flows. Braille is part of the group.
84?? NO WAY! This guy raps so hard and he is way sicker than a lot of the names above him! Should be top 20 if not top 10
He definitely got skills, and is speaking more then just the good and joyful side of this world.. he speaks real.. he is def good
Out of all these grimy sounding christian rappers from the hood & the south & stuff- Thi'sl Json, etc.- Pettidee was actually the first to enter the christian rap game with that kind of style. I think that is commendable.
Not even close to lecrae on any level but he is ok he don't really talk about the lord often
Too rough and only going to appeal to certain listeners nothing like Lecrae.
Pettidee should be #1. LeCrae is coo but nowhere near as hard as this guy. His new album race to nowhere is off the hook! " Gotta get out da ghettooo" that's wassup!!

Best new artists out there! They're based out of PA and NJ. 3 rappers and a male singer! They play with a live band and everything! check them out on youtube or on!
Walk Worthy is such a great track...and Tedashii is in it, but Chase outshines him on the song. Check it out!
recent rapper but i prefer him over sho and tedashii cause this guy has huge ability/talent they cant match!
this guy is crazy!!!he's one of the best ive ever seen n heard..n hes a great preacher too!
I've known Curvine for several years and seen him on and off stage. He not only carries himself as a man of God on stage, but also off stage. God is using him in a mighty way because he is sold out for Jesus, a real Jesus freak, and truly cares about people, especially the younger generation! His talents are not just limited to rapping. He has the singing voice of an angel and really brings forth the Word. His passion and love for Christ are very evident when he ministers, whether in song or word. I truly admire the godly young man God is making out of him. He has a powerful testimony. You should check in out in HD on youtube. If anyone knows personally there is hope for a lost generation, it's Curvine. I as I read the list of rappers ranked before Curvine, and I keep on asking myself; “Does anybody care about the anointing of the Holy Spirit anymore when referring to the best of the best?". I mean, really guys, after the fresh beats, dope lyrics and not to mention the "Christian rapper" image that needs to be upheld, what is left??? Just a bunch of carbon copies who are not in it for what God has called us to do with ministry in the first place…The Souls!!! Curvine is not only a lyrical genius but an extremely talented and anointed man of God. His heart cries out for a generation that is lost and blinded by the lies that the media and pop culture feed them on a day to day basis. His live shows are phenomenal. The way he ministers and flows in the anointing of the Holy Spirit is phenomenal. From prophecy to incredible performances...this man is clearly one of the best at what he does...such a shame he does not get the recognition he deserves....but then again....who needs worldly recognition when his eternal crown is probably worth much more....just saying ;)
Curvine is the best of the best in Christian Music. Not because of his dope sound, but because he ministers. Listening to his testimony could compare to that of Joseph Rojas of Seventh Day Slumber. For sure you have to book him for your next show!
my boy is a beast!!! most christian rappers((no offense))are a bit embarassing but this dude is legit!!!keep it up yall!
Yo, This dude is sick! His live shows are amazing!! Plus he has more depth than the average Christian Rapper. He'll spit, and then flip it and start preaching and even prophesying over kids!

One of the members of the since dissolved group Souljahz, and a member of the current group, The Washington Projects. His most recent mixtape is called "Minor Setbacks For Major Comebacks".
His most recent mixtape is called "Pocketless Souls" one of the best i have ever heard. the dudes got flow and he speaks truth in his lyrics. The man has definitely god God on the throne of his heart and you can tell in his music!!
You might not know Shonlock by name, but you probably have heard his work. He has worked with some of the best R&B and hip-hop artists, including TobyMac and the Diverse City Band.
Awesome underground rapper that has been holdin it down for years...check out his song My Life.
She is on Json track called City Lights she is fire!!! Anyone has any info on her?
Shes ft. on FLAME's "All The Way" song.. She is really gud rappah.
Great old school crew with beats and songs with lyrical beatings. If any one has one of their cd's can you please upload it on iTunes because their are only three of their songs.
how are they so low? thier album rezistance is futile is a christian rap classic. lyrclly and flow wise they kill about 90% of the rappers on this list
So underated and you give him no respect easily top 5, and NaS of Christian Rap..
How in Gods name is Corey Red and Precise at number 80 I dont care old school or not these brothers along with CM are the reason 90% of the rest of these brothers rap there is no way you can tell me any of these above dudes can mess with them lyrically no way no how

He does rep God, but Mr. Del is more of a hype man for Canton Jones than a good rapper. He's good when it comes to being featured on a song, but he'll never be mainstream.
As he said himself, "top 5 dead or breathin, saved or heathen." Knine is one of the most gifted lyricist i've heard, whether mainstream or christian. He consistantly delivers powerful mesages on God's delivering power by giving his personal testimonies of how he was raised in a crackhouse, suffered abuse, ran the streets, was almost killed and how God brought him through it all by grace and mercy. Never afraid to admit his own mistakes in life, he speaks to people on their level while edifying peoples spirits or introducing Christ to those who don't know him. He should easily be at or near the top of this list. I think his independent status leaves him lacking the exposure of the others.
Knine's heart is in the right place....this dude could have been signed with any circular rap labels, but God choose to touch his heart and steer him in the direction of the youth. His songs are from experience and what better way to reach someone by living what you preach. Under rated or not he comes out swinging and remember a small rock can break a large glass!!!!
checked him out after reading these reviews. Nice flow. Tell Bible stories in an unbelievable way.
Gets respect for dropping some real biblical stories in his rhymes.
youtube him and check out his song "for you."
one of the best songs ever.

his new stuff isn't rap. or christian. his old stuff is good though
If this list was made in 03 he woulda been number 1. he's sooooo good
Eric Cross has great vocals, with an exceptional delivery. His beats are superb, and he gets his positive message across!
Pound for pound is the best on the list! No disrespect to any artist! The only thing I suggest is that you should give yourself the opportunity to listen to this man and find out for yourself! Please!