Protect your dog from fleas. Flea allergy dermatitis and other problems can make a dog miserable. And if fleas get into your house, then you've got a bigger problem. Ask your veterinarian for appropriate flea control prevention.
Dogs that are afraid of thunder can hurt themselves in an effort to avoid it. Sometimes tranquilizers are used. Or you can de-sensitive your dog from loud noises with audio tapes and a training program.
Use a tick collar with the active ingredient Amatraz. Vaccinate your dog for lyme disease, starting when he's young.
A safety collar automatically releases to prevent strangulation if a dog collar accidentally catches on a fence, branch, or whatever

Protect your dog's eyes from the sun; customized uv-protective sunglasses that stay on most dogs are available.

It's advisable to use a floating boat rope as a long lead when taking your dog to the ocean; it could save his life it caught in a rip tide, giving you something to reel him in with.

Fishhooks can become embedded in a dog's body, especially if a fisherman leaves old bait on his line, which can attract a dog.

Many dogs have been injured from people annoyed with owners who don't pick up after their dogs. Be respectful of private property, always have your dog leashed and pick up the poop.
Don't be a nuisance to your neighbors and leave your dog outside for hours if barking is a problem.
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