Created 101 top lists, 2026 items, no comments.
53 years old, Highland MD, female
Member since 21st of February 2010.
Did you ever wonder about these sayings? Hmmm.
9 points added 15 years ago
Top 20 Floribunda Roses 21 items ranked
These are the best choices to grow as hedges or plant along fences. They bloom heavily in late spring or early summer, and can be coaxed to rebloom with careful pruning and appropriate fertilizer.
8 points added 15 years ago
20 Shrubs for Slopes 20 items ranked
These plants have deep roots and spreading form, so they really cover some ground once they get going. Here are my top 20.
4 points added 15 years ago
Top Richard Dreyfus Movies 23 items ranked
Richard Dreyfus has been in over 98 productions, here are 20!
4 points added 15 years ago
4 points added 15 years ago
Susan Sarandon is one of my all time favorite actresses. Here are my top 20 favorites she's starred in.
3 points added 15 years ago
Fast and easy is what people want, when it comes to food. These 5 ingredients lists are perfect complements for vegetarian meals.
3 points added 15 years ago
3 points added 15 years ago
When Does That Go On Sale? 20 items ranked
Year after year items go on sale during the same month of the year. Plan your big purchases to buy on sale! Here are 20 big ticket items and which month to buy them!
3 points added 15 years ago
Top 20 Hybrid Tea Roses 22 items ranked
Hybrid teas need exacting care, but if you get them growing well, they'll produce beautiful flowers all summer long. Most are less than 4' tall and angular to upright in habit.
3 points added 15 years ago
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