20 Little-Known Dangers That Could Hurt Your Dog
21 items ranked
If more attention were focused on the day-to-day hazards that dogs face, a lot of canine lives could be saved. Be aware of some potential perils for your pet.
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Keep disposable twin razor blades, peroxides, nail polish remover, deodorants, deodorizers, disinfectants, drain cleaner, dye, laxatives, nail polish, permanent wave lotion, rubbing alcohol, soaps, cleaning fluids and asthma inhalers out of your dog's reach.

Another reason to wipe your dogs paws upon re-entering your house. Dogs with damp paws have skidded on wet tile right through glass doors and windows, even through supposedly shatterproof glass.
Puppies or small dogs can be killed when jumping up from under glass tables or down from a high dining table they climbed on to get food.
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