Arabs did not start to call themselves Palastinians before the 1960s. Palestine was the Name of the land before 1948, but it was given by the Europeans. Roman Emperor Hadrian has named the Land as a Roman province S.Paleastine, because he wanted to exterminate the Jews. Theferore since 1948 the land has ist original name.
israel occupied Palestine at 1948
there's no israel before the 20th century
i couldn't find "palestine" on a map anywhere. Do you mean Israel?
for more than half a century they fought the 9th strongest army in the world and they are still fighting, they don't have an army though, since 1967 only civilians were fighting and dieing
Palestine is the best country in the world. I love Palestine.
Have paramilitary forces, including a large civil police force, but no standing national army.

Jordan was at war in 1948, 1969 and 1973. In all these wars it was in alliance with Syria and Egypt. But they were always defeated by Israel. Therefore it is sure to say that the Jordan army has not the capability to fight against a modern army.
Also The Jordanian Armed Forces has been a strong supporter and participant of UN peacekeeping missions. Jordan ranks third internationally in taking part in UN peacekeeping missions.
jordan 1st we r NASHAMA best arabic fighter ever seen no body around thinks of missing with us u know y cuz we will crush him in seconds
Jordan army is considered to be among the most professional in the region (middle east ), and is seen as particularly well-trained and organized
best army in the middle east
one of the toughest army in the world it should be in top 20
they shudnt be in 61, jordanian army should be in the top 10.

Algerian army is the strongest, not because he has expensive guns noo. but because we have men with hearts, we defeat French with a rifle and we've lost 1.500.000 men
heart is everything when it comes to war. that's my opinion
There is no Army around the world who could play with Algeria..also dosent have nothing to do with other arabs country Algerians they have no fear if they start something they get it utill the end
No fear of technology air suporiority Algerian always know how to deal in the right moments they like also peace so much but if Algeria is attacked algerian wouldent stay watching the news near tv the fight the enemy inside his own country as well NO FEAR 1Million and half died for the Liberation and if any country want to try :-) why not ? we get jealous sometimes of others how they are occupied and we are not :-) want Gamble with all start a war with Algeria :-) Smile*
They have no war experience at all. But the country is one of the poorest. Therefore the army cannot be strong.
So what? are you jealous? UN recruits Bangladeshi army because they are professional and not trigger happy like most of the American or European forces. They have good records to establish peace in various countries. These sorts of respect is not easy to earn.
yeah and more than 10000 troops in foreign country to earn money from UN, hahahahahahaha
Bangladesh army is good and power full because Bangladesh army have good weapons, training,and ready to protect Bangladesh
Bangladesh army is the best army because Bangladesh army is ready for a war to save The Land of Bangladesh
one of the toughest armies in the world as per individual soldier's quality is concerned'

If we look facts and figures the best army is probably from USA. On the other hand the comparison between the results of the troops longways from home vs. the troops fighting for their homes can be surprisingly equal despite a big difference in the resources. The emotional factor shouldn't be underestimated.
By saying this I mean that this forum is very interesting and completely meaningless at the same time;)
very skilled those swiss guys, for instance having swiss army knifes and so on, very skilled army
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