Created 26 top lists, 506 items, 4 comments.
54 years old, Phoenix, AZ, USA, female
Member since 10th of January 2011.
Some are ok, some are good, some are to die for!
18 points added 13 years ago
If you buy a system and don't have it professionally installed, you could be wasting your money because thieves will be able to quickly dismantle it.
3 points added 13 years ago
Hottest Places on Earth 15 items ranked
Think you've been hot? Check these out.
3 points added 13 years ago
If you're still using a regular deodorant--you need to read the label. It probably contains aluminum or aluminum disguised as something else. Aluminum is one of the major causes of Alzheimer's Disease, and you could be putting it directly on your skin every day. Or did you forget...
2 points added 13 years ago
Poisonous substances abound in our lives today. Be aware of the overwhelming sources of toxins and avoid them at all costs. The effects are cumulative.
2 points added 13 years ago
We are being grossly mislead by food manufacturers and the government watchdogs about what is healthy to consume. Don't pay attention to the marketing--do your homework. The truth is slowly coming out.
2 points added 13 years ago
As soon as we're born, we begin taking in toxic substances, from mother's body, food, the air, water... if we don't detoxify regularly, those toxic buildups cause health problems. It's a simple fix.
1 point added 13 years ago
Many factors can affect our sleep. If we don't do all we can to promote a healthy, restful sleep, we could develop chronic insomnia. The last thing we want to do is to get addicted to sleeping pills.
1 point added 13 years ago
Top 20 Dog Toys 20 items ranked
Some dogs are hard to entertain and deter from destructive behaviour. Here are the top-rated dog toys--by dogs and owners.
1 point added 13 years ago
Flowers aren't the only way to beautify the garden. Add these striking foliage plants and when the flowers are gone, you've still got a beautiful yard.
0 points added 13 years ago
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