Created 13 top lists, 259 items, 3 comments.
Member since 08th of June 2009.
This list includes all music that could be considered metal ranging from classic Metal (Judas Priest) through Nu Metal (Tool) to the new version of Thrash Metal (Slipknot). I am sure people will have differing opinions, but that is what these lists are all about.
82 points added 15 years ago
This list discusses the top twenty fantasy authors of all time. This list takes into account sales, effects on the genre and appeal beyond the fantasy market.
13 points added 15 years ago
This is a look at the worst events our great nation has seen. This list is not compiled to bring up pain, but rather to show that no matter what happens, America will always be strong in the face of tyranny.
9 points added 15 years ago
A humorous look at why leaving your house could be a good idea.
8 points added 15 years ago
ranked list of the top 20 largest world cities
6 points added 15 years ago
most endangered species 21 items ranked
20 species with the fewest individuals left
5 points added 15 years ago
A list of the greatest moments of the United States of America. This was actually really hard to make as there are so many great moments, and many of those moments were just as great as any other.
2 points added 15 years ago
Top Modern NFL Quarterbacks 24 items ranked
A list of the best quarterbacks in the modern era of the NFL.
2 points added 15 years ago
Since the advent of the super bowl there has been a standard by which we can judge the long term success of each franchise as a whole. This is not a list of individual greatest teams, or a list of the great periods in team history, this is a list which looks at the overall long term success of the top twenty franchises.
2 points added 15 years ago
20 largest cities in the United States by population
1 point added 15 years ago
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