If Shakespeare got in a time machine, and went to the 1960's to become a beatnik, he would have changed his name to bob dylan.
Dylan should top this list. Mj and veder are good, but Dylan is unparrelled. Neither has written anything as beautiful as I want you, as ambitious as desolation row, as backhandly snark as positively 4th street, don't think twice. And so on...
And it's the entire catalog. Dude has songs he's played once or twice that are lyrically amazing. Abandoned love, carribean wind, 4th time around. Listen to the bootlegs and live stuff. He is constantly changing lyrics to songs and improving upon them. Hell tangled up in blue (popular) has changed from first person to third over the years...
Dylan tapped into woody guthrie's (should be on the list) spirit and ran with it and eventually surpassed Guthrie.
He captured the ear of an entire generation with blowin in the wind and held it for years and years. I'm a 23 year old guitar/harmonica and look up to dylan as my number 1 influence 40 years later. He resonates through music lore, as he should. Find me an MJ line that touches a nerve like "how many roads must a man walk down/before you call him a man"
Dylan is a phenomenal lyricist and in my opinion, one of the greatest poets America has ever seen.
PS if you haven't read Dylan's short novel "tarantula" I highly recommend it.
Who could argue with Lennon being #1 for lyricists? His lyrics and songs are some of the most treasured.
"in my life" is still disputed, I believe. "Strawberry Fields" is great. "Imagine" is great the first couple times you hear it, then it appears be less art and more poltics. - Overall Lennon was definitely a great lyricist, though not he lost some edge when the Beatles broke up and he no longer had Paul to compete with.
^You, sir, obviously know nothing about the Beatles or even Lennon's solo career. Paul was the saccharine one. John wrote the great lyrics like "Strawberry Fields Forever", "In My Life", and "IMAGINE"! Freaking Imagine! If that song isn't enough proof of the quality of his music, listen to the entire Imagine album. Jealous Guy, Gimme Some Truth...his lyrics are phenomenal.
I can argue it. John Lennon's lyrics are overly romantic, saccharine and hypocritical. They explore no true emotional depth, but just the same shallow ideals as the times they represent. The quality of the melodies can be argued - the lyrical quality, however, cannot; as is there is none.
Michael Jackson was a genius lyricist, for example - his song Liberian Girl and many other his songs.
OMG - can't believe has not been mentioned yet! the consistency of his creative juices have been AMAZING THRU DECADES.........
Listen to Village Green Preservation Society or Arthur or Muswell Hillbillies or Something Else or Face to Face and see what I mean. Pete Townshend once said Davies should be the Poet Laureate for England
Bruce is not just a great musician and performer, but a great poet.
Everyone today likes pop, because it requires a simple mind, but Bruce is rock and brings out a poetic "flavor" and is the best lyricist ever.
I love the song "Glory Days" and "Thunder Road" and the Boss is great. He expresses himself clearly and in a poetic way. Jonathon Stewart said that when he listens to Bruce, he is not a loser, he is part of an epic poem-about losers.
All of his songs are epic poems about life and sadness and he is not the boss- he is god
The Boss needs to be higher. Thunder Road, Backstreets, and Jungleland are some of the best lyrics ever written, and that's just the Born to Run album. Definitely top 5.
4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy), Incident On 57th Street, Meeting Across The River&Jungleland, My Father's House, Racing In The Street, Sinaloa Cowboys, Black Cowboys, Stolen Car, Point Blank, Streets Of Philadelphia, The Hitter, The Promise, The Promised Land, The River, Thunder Road, Wild Billy's Circus Story.... well the list goes ever on.. Look up the lyrics to those songs and you'll see that Bruce Springsteen is the best lyricist of all time!

Agreed with the other guest. Nonsense phrases that you have to be high in order to tie into something else are in so many songs just to get from one verse to another.
Personally, I think Morrissey belongs somewhere in the late teens or early twenties, not top 1.
Okay, easily the greatest. Look at the song "The Trees" off of Hemispheres. Is that not a great metaphor? Or "Bravado," come on, "If we keep our pride, though paradise is lost, we will pay the price but we will not count the cost." those are all great lyrics and if you disagree, something is....not right not right in your head. And please, someone comment on Rush's song "Resist" so I don't look like I'm the only one who thinks Neil Peart is the greatest.
Neil Peart is also the greatest drummer / percussionist of all time.
Plus ca change,
Plus c'est la meme chose,
The more that things change,
The more they stay the same.
I don't think he's a great lyricist, but still he has to be int this list.
My three favourites are Neil Peart, Roger Waters and Jim Morrison. They are by far more advanced lyricists than anyone else and probably are still ahead of their time. I'm shocked that they are not 1, 2 and 3
Roger should be in the top 5 with kohen, morrissey, nick cave and dilan.
Could probably be #1 here. He's a poet like Dylan but of a different style. Dylan was a beat poet. Waters is closer to a romantic poet.
Greatest lyricist ever. His lyrics are poetry. It's absolutely incredible. Look up the lyrics to any Pearl Jam song and you will understand what I mean.
His words create vivid pictures and evoke strong emotion never before attempted by other artists.
An absolutely brilliant wordsmith. A cursory listen to literally any of his albums will tell you that.
The entire Late For The Sky album should put him in the top 10. People just aren't as familiar with him as, say, Eminem. Some samples:
I'm gonna find myself a girl
Who can show me what laughter means
And we'll fill in the missing colors
In each other's paint-by-number dreams
And so they traded their tired wings
For the resignation that living brings
And they exchanged life's bright and fragile glow
For the glitter and rouge
Now the angels are older
They know not to wait out for the sun
They look over my shoulder
At the maps and the drawings of the journey I've begun
-From "The Pretender", "Before The Deluge", and "Farther On", respectively.
He is one of the most brutally honest lyricists ever. He saw the hypocrisy, stupidity and carelessness of people and putted it all in he's lyrics. He should be higher.
A human being in pain writes the most beautiful and honest poems in a world made of cruelty and truth.
'I want to walk on snow and not leave a footprint.' he says in 4st 7lb and theres no one today who can express such a painful and deadly concept in such a delicate and poetic way. His lyrics and not just lyrics, are poetry...
Neil Peart should be #1. BY FAR the greatest lyricist. I think it's honorable that he's mentioned-he just isn't the frontman.
Richey wrote the best lyric ever in 4st 7lb, he should be number 1
She is one of the best song lyricists because she can be so powerfully honest, extremely clever, and original.
Maynard is so above the rest it's not even funny, just look up one of his songs in Tool or A Perfect Circle and you'll see for yourselfes. It doesn't matter wchichsong, they're all pure poetry.
His lyrics are much more emotional and intelligent and deep than anyone else's, with the exception of thom yorke.
This man is a true lyrical genius. He's right up there with Dylan,Lennon & McCartney, Morrison. He's a poet. His lyrics form pictures. he'll sing about murder,depravity,serial killers,multiple murders and freaks of nature. However on the flip side to that, he's written some of the beautiful love songs in existence, and not your "candy coated, sickly sweet, holding hands in the park at sunset" type love song, which seems to sweep the world off their collective feet ( generally speaking), but REAL love songs, the anguish of love, the hurt of love, deep possessive love, unrequited love, but also the joys of love, the pleasure it brings to you. All done in such a way, you'd swear these were songs handed down from generation to generation. Theres not many Song writers will ever aspire to the heights this man has reached. He should definately be in the top 3 of all time.
he's greath at both telling stories, painting pictures with words and using analogies. his lyrics have only gotten better since their debut
All his songs have extreme deep meaning that u have to think to get his message. Never had I said WTF did he just say with beatles and majority of rock and pop. Most won't say he's the best because they don't know him. His word play is unmatched by any artist in history period. He also influenced every lyrical rapper after him. Much credit should go to rakim who is most influential NAS nit onlynhad content but it sounded so good it's almost impossible to believe he does it. I would put him against anyone and his lyrics are better and he write the greatest dis song of any genre is history. If u don't know the name u won't understand where I'm coming from
No doubt best lyricist of all time. better than Eminem and a little better than tupac.
Seriously nr 50. he is the nr. 1 best hip hop lyricist so he should be above Eminem. ...
Freedom or jail, clips inserted, a baby's bein born
Same time my man is murdered, the beginning and end As far as rap go, it's only natural, I explain
My plateau, and also, what defines my name.
that he is nr 50 makes me mad
''I opened up Shakespeare's tomb, stole his remains, grinded his bones, then smoked 'em and got in the game''...or...''True in the game, aslong as blood is blue in my vein, I pour my heineken brew, to my deceased crew in Memory Lane''...perfect examples of why he is atleast top 5.
he should be in top 5.his way of presenting the streets is just outstanding.

I absolutely agree rap doesn't get much credit as rock or pop and believe me I like those genres of music too, but Eminem should be at the top
^ is right. Everyone who doesn't like rap immediately thinks that his lyrics aren't good enough because it's rap. But no one actually listens to what he's saying.
I'm excited about finding this list and in many cases I agree. Bob Dylan is beyond brilliant. In fact, he penned one of my favorite songs of all time. Ani DiFranco should definitely be higher on here, but she hasn't the exposure of most of these artists and yes, it matters. Vetter: sure. Fiasco: a stretch. Tupac: crickets. Cohen: hard to argue.
Eminem: take the time to listen, without an agenda or preconceived notions. If you can't appreciate it, it is a shame, however don't fret, there may be art forms that you can appreciate that some of the rest of us can't wrap our minds around. He has no contemporary equal whom I've had the pleasure of hearing.
Eminem should be the no#1 in this list. no one can write lyrics like him. When he raps he means what he say's not phony like other artist. They don't even know what they are saying. they sing wats written by some ghost writers.. He raps about reality. EMINEM is the only artist in this list who deserves to be no#1. Can anyone give a better inspiring song than "Lose Yourself ". Whether you admitted it or not. Eminem is a lyrical genius.
Eminem is not even close to the best hip hop lyricist!!!! Why is he number six for all types of music.....maybe number six in hip hop,
Just like Morrissey, Eminem does not deserve to be this high on the list. I like his lyrics, but they just don't compare to the company he's around. Just one place below Dylan, and he even beats Marley, Cohen, and the Boss. Maybe people are just more familiar with him.
eminem is a genius!! his lyrics r pretty amazing and r deep! xx
If you think he is a lyrical geniuses you obviously haven't heard of John Lennon or Bob Dylan.
On his new album recovery he is a lyrical genius, not to mention his other albums such as The Eminem Show, Slim Shady LP, Marshall Mathers LP and so on

'Throw down your umbilical noose so i can climb right back.'
'Rape me, rape me, my friend'
'Come as you are, as you were, as i want you to be, as a friend, as an old enemy'
'Its ok eat fish, they have got no feelings...'
May disturb, may offend, may confuse or be completely incomprehensible but it all comes from emotion, pain and overwhelming feelings.
Maybe not the best when it came to spitting rhymes over the same word for 45 seconds straight, but his lyrics weren't just words that rhymed; they had a message about topics to which we can all relate, and his words could really touch you. Definitely one of the best.
Nobody portrayed real life in his songs like 2Pac. He may have turned a little pop at the end of his career, but lyrically he crushes most of these guys listed over him.
His lyrics were/ are an inspiration to the oppressed, I know that doesn't apple to many but for the few living threw what he depicted with his every word, not only did it have a galvanizing effect but also provided that glimmer of hope which ultimately was enough to mark his legacy as one of the greatest lyricists of all times.
Predict your own story in your first album? Sad story but truly the greatest lyricist of all time. They'll stand and stare when you're gone.
Listen to any of his songs. They are some of the deepest, most philosophical writings I've ever heard.
Here are some notable songs--
Incomudro-Hymn to the Atman
Song for America
The Pinnacle
The Wall
Dust in the Wind
Closet Chronicles
The greatest ever. He's the only one with a Nobel prize in this list!
Sting has written some of the greatest songs ever recorded and he tells hilarious and heartbreaking stories with his lyrics
John is one of the best lyricist ever. Like Dylan and Cohen he is often looked over because of his voice.
He writes lyrics that are smart, funny and touching.
"I came of age and I found a girl
In a Tuscaloosa bar
She cleaned me out and hit in on the sly
I tried to kill the pain, bought some wine
And hopped a train
Seemed easier than just waitin' around to die."
His songwriting has been rivaled with Bob Dylan, yet he goes unrecognized by most.
He wrote the song "Pancho and Lefty" that Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard made famous. That song alone ranks about 1/3 of the songwriters listed here.
"I am...I said", Brooklyn roads", "Shilo", "Solitary man", "Holly Holy",
"America" Just to name a few.
When there's no one else, look inside yourself,
Like your oldest friend just trust the voice within,
Then you find the strength, that will guide your way,
You will learn to begin. just trust the voice within.
Listen to some of his lyrics on his mixtapes, such as A Rhyming Ape or Enemy of the State. He's quite simply, ridiculous.
Lyrical genius, his lyrics are so powerful and timeless. He's been underrated but amazing songwriter.
45 lol. but I agree. songs like Bukowski, Blame it on the Tetons, Styrofoam boots/its all nice on ice, 3rd Planet and this list goes on. love love love modest mouse
Jon writes so many amazing songs all with fantastic lyrics. He's never to repetitive and always can amaze you with the artistry within is lyrics.
His lyrics are great at eye level and even greater when looked into. This man is definitely one of the best lyricists of all times.
How is he not already on the list? Foo Fighters have 50+ songs that represent some of the best writing (musical and lyrical) of this generation, not to mention the few songs he added to Nirvanas repertoire.
Introspective personal narrative with themes which are both universal and existential. He is an artist that paints portraits with his words.
Her lyricism is unparalleled because it is almost inconceivable that a human being could write such staggering pieces. To listen once is to capitulate all control and succumb to addiction.
Gone far too soon from the world at the age of 23, leaving behind only the faintest whispers of all the art that would have been. His lyrics on both Unknown Pleasures and Closer are purely distilled poetic brilliance. Often dark and twisted, but still beautiful, he reminds me of an Edgar Allan Poe from the 70's and 80's. Unfortunately his life played out a lot like Poe too.
Ian Curtis lives!
This lyrical genius creates lyrics that are witty and comical as well as those that are deep and beautiful. This man can do it all!
Layne Stanley was brutally honest and showed a poetic cruelty against what could torment him.
'Here they come to snuff the rooster
Yeah here come the rooster, yeah
You know he ain't gonna die
No, no, no oh, you know he ain't gonna die'
How can this chorus be so raw and sweet at the same time? Raw of death and sweet of living...
lead singer of Belle and Sebastian. easily as good, and more consistent than Leonard Cohen.
Easily one of the greatest writers of our generation and of all time. Everything he writes is golden
Has anyone ever given a listen to Frances the Mute from the Mars Volta? smashes everyone here to pieces....
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