Top 20 Video Game Series
54 items ranked
The greatest series in video game history!
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The greatest video game series of all time. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is considered the single greatest game of all time, and every one of its games has been critically acclaimed. Link, the main character, is also considered one of the greatest and most recognizable characters in gaming.
This is a series that started out amazing and has been just getting better with every game. It also has one of the best VG themes and storylines and is full of so much adventure!
Not to mention the darkest game I've ever played, Majora's Mask, is fros.
The Legend of Zelda is a great game series by far, but I would have to disagree with it being the best game series of all time. Many other series such as Mega Man, Mass Effect, and Halo have easily topped The Legend of Zelda and have caught the attention of millions of gamers which is far more than The Legend of Zelda has in quite some time. I still love the series and its incredible story and characters though.
The Legend of Zelda series has been surprising, challenging, and delighting gamers for over 20 years, and although the formula may be starting to show its age, its place in the videogame pantheon is indisputable.
While Mario is the friendly public face of Nintendo, embodying their dreams of fun domination, Link embodies the player's dreams of adventure, discovery, and heroism. It is the first and greatest original videogame mythos.
What does the future hold for this beloved franchise? Who can say, but trust the geniuses at Nintendo EAD to deliver the goods.
The classic platforming series that features everyone's favorite plumber! It has had dozens of hits, including as wacky of games as Super Mario RPG and Super Mario Galaxy, and has spawned tons of spin-offs.
The Elder Scrolls series should definitely be in the top 10 of all time. Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim all have massive, open landscapes and the ability to do almost anything you want. There are hours and hours of things to do and places to explore. It's personally my favorite RPG series of all time.
Assassin's Creed is my favourite game series of all time,I can see that the first four games AC,AC2,ACB,and ACR are way better than AC3.For some reason,the game became a disappointment.Different plot twists,hardly any memorable characters(Except for Achilles),predictable plot twists,and worst of all,that ending.That was bad.
Best Game for GBA: Metroid: Zero Mission
and best fan-made game: AM2R
NOT the first open world game. The first was a R* game a long time ago.
Deserves to be at the top or near the top of this list. Simply because there has never been a Grand Theft Auto that didn't disapoint. That more than you can say for Zelda, Resident Evil, Mario, Final Fantasy, Halo, Metroid and Metal Gear.
The greatest shooter video game series ever, featuring the massive Metal Gear tanks and Solid Snake, the tough super spy. All of the Solid series games have been critically acclaimed.
No one will ever truly understand Metal Gear until ne plays Metal Gear Solid, 1, 2 and 3 (plus further reading to know some important details of what happened between MGS3 and MGS1)
Sadly many people only played MGS4, and their storyline experience is based on that game alone, which obviously is not enough.
Completely revived RPG's for me, with its incredibly deep, complex, and sympathetic characters, great voice actors, enticing gameplay, and the greatest plot to ever be included in a video game. This one's a no-brainer.
This game is my childhood. I remember staying up late with my cousins trying to beat this game and getting engrossed in all of its emotional cut scenes and intriguing story. Now i'm 20 years old and im STILL looking forward to playing the rest of the games. I gotta say this series stands among the best of the best and will stay in my heart for the rest of my life.
The Half-Life series is my personal favorite for FPS games. Half-Life started it all in 1998, and the series continued with the Opposing Force and Blue Shift expansions. Next, Half-Life 2, HL2: Episode 1, and HL2: Episode 2 came along. Every one of these games ranged from good to great.
I got wondered first time I played Half Life 2. The detail, yet the game was so light, and that continuous storyline where we embody the character all the time? It was like a first time for me :)
They were always subtle in the background story telling, we needed to be aware to understand every sign of storyline the HL world had to offer.
Not to talk on how the game discussed about things that do matter to us as a species.
god the memories from my time playing this game will be with me until the dust from my bones is scattered in the wind...for me it was a sci fi orgasm, yet at the time it was in too much shock and awe to realize it.
Halo is one of the best game series to ever hit shelves and the sole reason for the Xbox, which at the time was doing poorly, shooting past the other two competitors, Nintendo and Sony, making it number one among concsoles. The series also gave birth to the Xbox 360 a few years later.
Though Resident Evil wasn't scary as other horror titles it did make up for that by giving an intriguing storyline filled with memorable characters and enemies that will be remembered for years to come. It also had a good core gameplay, but it does need improved controls. One of its few flaws
The classic speed-platforming series that allows you to run up walls and up loops as everyone's favorite (and the only) blue hedgehog.
The greatest RPG series of all that singlehandedly revitalized the genre. It's produced many great hits, including FFIV, FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, and FFX, and its characters are among the most memorable in all of gaming.
This series must be higher. So many great things to say about this series, and have you SEEN the graphics!? Holy cow!!
LOL at the person who said "4 is the same as 2" and "6 is the same as 3".
every final fantasy is a great game you shouldn't leave out any of them.
1 is a classic, 2 is weird with the moon and all but still a fun game, 3 is the best one, 4 is the same as 2, 5 is a mix of 1 and 2 and tactics, 6 is the same as 3, 7 is awesome who doesn't love sephiroth, ff tactics was a great game, ff8 very interesting to play, ff9 another awesome, ff10 superb,
those are all the ones i can officially mention because those are all the ones i've played (and i like to add final fantasy mystic quest) no one ever adds it into the final fantasy series but if you look it does say final fantasy on the top of the cartridge.

With games like DKC 1, DKC 2, DKC 3, DKC 64, and DKC Returns, it's hard to deny that there are some seriously good Donkey Kong games out there. I find the best three games are the SNES ones. In my opinion, DKC Returns ruined the series. It had flashy graphics, but it left out snow and underwater levels, and there was only Rambi the Rhino and no other animals. I think Nintendo screwed up a good opportunity and tainted the series.
Massive Series And number 1 Real Time Strategy Game series. All Historical and can have up to 75000 Soldiers on at one with incredible Graphics. Also Holds some World Records.
From its unusual story to its unusual characters comes a thriller for the ages. Bioshock managed to increase the popularity of the Xbox 360, not alone I assure you, but it did bring new gamers to the table. Not the original zombie or alien shoot-em up it has you instead fighting off deranged semi-human people and a brand new terror, the Big Daddy. For those of you who have played the games you know exactly what I'm talking about.
I was getting nervous scrolling down the list without seeing Castlevania on here. If this list were made 15 years ago, Castlevania would be near the top. Since the first Castlevania, the series progressively improved, cumlinating in Symphony of the Night (which to this day is arguably my favorite video game of all time). Rather than working off the success of a working formula, however, the series' developers made radical changes in order to "meet the times." Only with Lords of Shadow have they been able to come around again.
Dead Space is a Platinum Hit and has been widely successful with its new tactics brought to the video game world being its highly original storyline, new level of horror, incredible graphics, and easy use of controls. It ranked among one of the most loved horror games and even managed to join the ranks with F.E.A.R., Silent Hill, and Resident Evil. It has three games currently out now with a fourth on its way. Dead Space and Dead Space 2 (Coming out) for the Xbox 360, Dead Space: Extraction for the Wii, and Dead Space Ignition downloadable on Xbox Live.
If your voting on some series you only played a few hours in and 2 out of the 12 or 120 games they have released each year then your a bit bias. Cod Series-3/10 Stars.
So sad. Warcraft wasn't that great, but Warcraft II and Warcraft III were great games for their time.
It may be a little combination of overdone and underdone, but throw in the skags and pyhcopaths and a few of handsom Jack's men and you got a gaming series that can blow up the roof, not just raise it! And throw in Mad Moxxie into the mix and you get somthing thats been done before, but differnt from a ripoff, acualy its not even close to a ripoff at all! Its just like taking a phonecall, and bouncing it around so many satalites that not even the FBI cound track its roots. Again, been seen, but is unusaul to all but likable for all the psyhcopaths out there who want to blow stuff up.
one of the hardest but longest lasting games ever, it also has a high level of customization
The best series ever was, the best series ever will be. And the best game of the series is HOM&M III for sure! Heroes 3 is maybe the only game out there that have been developed by fans after 13 years from its original appearance.
Harvest moon brought something gamers have sought after for years, laid back gameplay, in the games you raise up your money buy buildings, land, animals, tools and items, but is that all there is too it? while having this amazing gameplay, you always have a marriage simulator! YES, in the newer editions you can marry 3d women with there own dialog, and animation script, thats gotta be all there is too this game right? WRONG, along with the marriage system you have the child birth system, you get one child and your friends influence its future, the child goes thru the stages of his life until eventually, he is a grown man and you die of old age, the gameplay is fluent and amazing, it deserves to be up there with the legend of zelda and final fantasy series, if you want laid back fun, harvest moon is your game
The Allied Assault series (which includes Spearhead and Breakthrough) for PC was revolutionary when it came out in 2002. The multiplayer was so much fun that it ruined other games for me like Halo. Many people believe Halo had great multiplayer. If you played MoHAA's multiplayer before playing Halo, there was just no comparison. Halo seemed simplistic and boring. Medal of Honor: AA will always be an honorable mention for online, multiplayer gaming. The single player wasn't bad either.
It is so popular and it is a great game. It's been out for so long and is still played by millions. Awesome!!!!!!
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