Created 53 top lists, 1080 items, 2 comments.
35 years old, San Diego, CA, USA, male
Member since 16th of December 2010.
Best things to buy on Ebay 20 items ranked
This a list of things you SHOULD look to buy on Ebay or similar related auction sites.
7 points added 14 years ago
This is the list of the best pool cue manufacturers for cues available in Southern California. Most of these cues are also available online, so if you are not in Southern California, feel free to to search the Internet for a good place to buy one.
6 points added 14 years ago
The following is a list of the best Classic Rock bands of the 1970's.
5 points added 14 years ago
Best Places to Travel (TO) 27 items ranked
This list is the best places to visit - based only on places I have actually been. I have not included any places that I have never been because I would be going on second hand information
3 points added 14 years ago
The following is the list of the best flavors of sunflower seeds, ranked by brand, based on price, flavor and availability in stores.
3 points added 14 years ago
Top 20 MLB Closers for 2011 20 items ranked
This list is the top twenty closers for you fantasy baseball team, based on opppurtunity, skill set and talent.
2 points added 14 years ago
This is a cool list of 20 things you can do to improve yourself. Some of these ideas are meant to be done within your limits - so for example: If the item says try to paint a picture - it doesn't mean you have to become a professional artist, just do your best to do a good job painting a picture.
2 points added 14 years ago
The following is the top 20 Punk Rock bands of all time.
2 points added 14 years ago
This list includes ideas for cool themes you can plan your yard around when setting up a cool extravagent yard and home decorating scheme.
2 points added 14 years ago
These are the best grocery stores to shop in the USA, based on price, friendliness, availability of and vairety of foods, and other factors.
2 points added 14 years ago
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