Influential composer of the Classical era he composed over 600 works.
Debut: Age 6
Claudio Arrau is widely considered one of the greatest pianists of the 20th century.
He could read notes before letters
Debut: Age: 5
Bear could sing lullabies back in "perfect" pitch when she was only one,she is also a composer at the tender age of 9. She has appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show five (5) times, played a complete Mozart concerto from memory with the Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, and played for president bush when she was six (6).
Anna Larsen was chosen as one of the first three scholars of the Lang Lang Foundation.
Debut: Age 3
Performed J. S. Bach's complete Well-Tempered Clavier from memory at age 11.
Debut: Age: 11
Chelsea Dock started winning competitions at age 5 and performed at Madison Square, Carnegie Hall, among others and on TV .
Debut: Age 4
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