Teens wish to look older and prettier, while the adults try to look younger and prettier. These are the top ten Cosmetic and Beauty trends to do just that.
0 points, added 13 years ago
Irish Dog Names 22 items ranked
Irish-inspired dog names
0 points, added 15 years ago
Favorite Evergreen Trees 20 items ranked
Evergreen Trees
0 points, added 13 years ago
0 points, added 13 years ago
Top fitness sites 21 items ranked
0 points, added 13 years ago
Why It's Okay to Be Single 20 items ranked
Don't let your married friends guilt trip you into feeling bad about being single. There are many reasons why it's okay. This list includes some of them.
0 points, added 13 years ago
An engagement ring doesn't have to be a diamond. These alternatives are still a great way of showing your love.
0 points, added 13 years ago
Man's Worst Fears 20 items ranked
0 points, added 11 years ago
Top 20 Gifts for Women 20 items ranked
If you have run out of ideas for the perfect gift for her, these gift ideas are sure to be a winner.
0 points, added 13 years ago
If a dog starts barking incessantly and apparently for no reason, try some of these preventative methods to stop the behavior.
0 points, added 13 years ago