Created 100 top lists, 2000 items, no comments.
Member since 19th of January 2011.
Means of Communication 21 items ranked
People can communicate in many defferent ways. Here's a list of common means of communication, both past and present.
17 points added 13 years ago
Famous Pilots 31 items ranked
Being a pilot is a dangerous job. Here are some brave souls that are (or were) very good at it.
8 points added 13 years ago
Melanie Griffith Movies 24 items ranked
Melanie Griffith is an Academy Award nominated and Golden Globe winning actress. This list recognizes some of her work in movies.
7 points added 13 years ago
Jobs Requiring a Uniform 27 items ranked
Jobs requiring a uniform certainly decrease the amount you need to spend on a clothing budget. Here are some examples.
5 points added 13 years ago
Best Places for Shopping at a Discount 20 items ranked
Getting the most for your dollar is just good money management. This list includes some great places to find products at bargain prices.
3 points added 14 years ago
Reasons to Live in Colorado 20 items ranked
There are many places people love to visit but would never want to live. That is not the case with Colorado and this list illustrates why.
3 points added 14 years ago
Elements of a Yearbook 20 items ranked
This list includes the most common elements of a high school yearbook.
3 points added 13 years ago
Descriptive Words for Job Applications and Resumes 20 items ranked
This list provides some of the best descriptive words you can use on a job application or resume to set you apart from the competition.
3 points added 14 years ago
Clever Password Combinations 20 items ranked
Many people use the name of their pet or their mother's maiden name as passwords, but what are some password combinations you can use that are easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess?
3 points added 13 years ago
Things to do at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally 20 items ranked
The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally has a reputation as a wild free-for-all, but there's actually a lot of fun, relatively harmless things you can do while you are there.
2 points added 14 years ago