This is a list of the most expensive paintings of all times which are also some of the fantastic pieces of art the world has ever seen.
1 point, added 15 years ago
This is a list of the most exotic pets you can have today.
0 points, added 15 years ago
This list mentions the tallest skyscrapers in the world.
3 points, added 15 years ago
List of Stress Relievers 21 items ranked
This list mentions the list of techniques that people all over the world follow in order to relieve stress.
2 points, added 15 years ago
List of famous party themes 20 items ranked
The list mentions some of the most famous and well known party themes.
5 points, added 15 years ago
List of Exotic Vegetables 21 items ranked
This list details the vegetables that are exotic in nature and limited only to certain countries.
49 points, added 15 years ago
List of exotic flowers 22 items ranked
This list mentions some strange looking, exotic flowers from around the world.
5 points, added 15 years ago
Famous Watches for Men 21 items ranked
A watch can speak volumes about a man, literally. This list mentions some of the most famous watches for men.
4 points, added 15 years ago
Famous Fashion Designers 24 items ranked
This list mentions the fashion designers who the world looks up to. They dress up the world, literally!
3 points, added 15 years ago
This is a list of countries with highest number of suicides, separated by percentage of population.
0 points, added 15 years ago