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Results 2161-2170 from 2378
While some of these may seem like useless classes, we’re told they do have an academic foundation….somewhere.
0 points, added 15 years ago
Greatest wars in history 18 items ranked
33 points, added 13 years ago
Things don't last, creating memories with your children can last a life time.
0 points, added 15 years ago
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Those are the buzz words of the green movement and the recycling industry. Almost every community has recycling programs in place, but which items that you recycle in your household will have the biggest impact on the environment? The following list should help.
6 points, added 13 years ago
1 point, added 13 years ago
0 points, added 15 years ago
0 points, added 13 years ago
Best AC Team Ever (Neopets) 18 items ranked
Who do you think is the best team ever in the Altador Cup?
0 points, added 13 years ago
Best Cities in Nevada 18 items ranked
0 points, added 13 years ago
Best Cities in North Dakota 18 items ranked
0 points, added 13 years ago
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Results 2161-2170 from 2378