Best medical TV shows
21 items ranked
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Greys Anatomy is the best television show of the 20th century, let alone the best medical television show. It combines drama with romance and a good dose of medicine in there too! If you have never watched it I advise you to immediately!
The funniest, goofiest, most off the wall comedy that just happens to involve doctors who you will want to be friends with.
By far the best medical show ever. House is totally mental, pops pills, is a complete ass, and has a great supporting staff. And he solves medical cases that no one else could do. Totally addictive.
It's on cable for a reason. It's inappropriate, sexual, and funny. Plastic surgery has never looked so good.
The longest running medical drama ever, and one of the longest running TV shows ever. All-star cast replaced by another and another. Fantastic series.
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