Created 32 top lists, 470 items, 2 comments.
26 years old, NYC, male
Member since 22nd of May 2008.
Best U.S. Presidents 47 items ranked
Top Presidents of the United States
436 points added 16 years ago
Countries with best food
110 points added 16 years ago
Best 3D graphics software 27 items ranked
88 points added 16 years ago
72 points added 16 years ago
Most dominant athletes in their respective sport of all time
23 points added 15 years ago
Best Magazines in the World 59 items ranked
Top Magazines in the World
18 points added 16 years ago
Tastiest foods 98 items ranked
18 points added 16 years ago
12 points added 16 years ago
10 points added 16 years ago
Best Jobs 22 items ranked
Top jobs with best combinations of salary, stress, growth potential, etc.
8 points added 16 years ago
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