She is a modern day spy engaging in corp. espionage. She specializes in the world-wide auto industry and she's kinda one of the 'good guys' - as her pictures and information fill the pages on all the car magazines, newspapers, newscasts and more. Just google her!
Canada's William Stephenson (Intrepid) who incidentally, trained Ian Fleming, Bill Donovan, Roald Dahl, and lots more was the real James Bond.
Sydney Reilly - the Ace of Spies. Beyond doubt he was a ruthless agetnt whose exploits put even the fictional adventures of 007 James Bond in the shade. Bond's creator Ian Fleming said: "007 was just a pieceof nonsense I dreamed up. He was ntot a Sidney Reilly." No agent has ever achieved sp much so audacoously, even though security in every state was far less efficient than it is today. He was a legend in his own lifetime- and may have left a devastating legacy.If, as Krivitsky and otther claimed, he told the Russians, either voluntarily or under torture, how to infiltrate the British Establishment. sidney Reilly laid the foundations for a spy ring whose exploits almost matched his own......
reilly was a russian who joined british intelligence and worked for them , he was a defacto british citizen. His main goal after the war was to help destroy communism in russia and at the time lenin was killing millions of people. he started a a free russia organization but it was infiltrated by the russian communists. who knew he was coming back into russia in 1926 , in fact they were running his operations for him. At that time he was no longer with british intelligence though. they shot him and he became a matyr.

An American Hero from the Revolutionary War, Hale may have become the country's first spy after he volunteered to gather intelligence by passing himself off as a British soldier behind enemy lines. While some scholar deny the validity of the tale, the story of his execution and final words of “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” remain an American Legend.
Nathan Hale's story is FALSE! At his execution, he did not utter those words. Instead, it was more along the lines of "I have done my job for my commander-in-chief."
My name is glory i saw your profile
today and became intrested in you,i
will also like to know you more,and
if you can send an email to my email
address,i will give you my pictures
here is my email address
(gl0ry11_realdesmond@yahoo.co.uk) I believe we
can move from here! Awaiting for your
mail to my emai1_ address above.
Miss glory
Dutch-born Margaretha Geertruida Zelle worked as an exotic dancer and high class prostitute for the rich in France during WWI. While her stage name has become synonymous with spies and duplicitous women no one is exactly sure who she was working for or if she was even really a spy at all. Eventually executed in Paris as a German spy, Mata Hari may have also worked as a spy for the French during the war. It is impossible to say if she was a double agent, a triple agent, a traitor, or merely someone who made up stories to help their mysterious image.
Founder of Boy Scouts. During the Boer War he made maps of enemy installations for the Directorate of Military Intelligence while disguised as a butterfly enthusiast.
"Famed chef Julia Child shared a secret with Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg and Chicago White Sox catcher Moe Berg at a time when the Nazis threatened the world.
They served in an international spy ring managed by the Office of Strategic Services, an early version of the CIA created in World War II by President Franklin Roosevelt..."
The Cambridge Spies -- Guy Francis de Moncy Burgess, Anthony F. Blunt, Donald Maclean and Kim Philby

Maybe they wanted To add excitement to their lives while also ensuring that their names would be always remembered? Maybe they didnt like the basic corruption that this type of government breeds in even the most decent man? Right and wrong is only a perception, just as evil and good.
she was awesome. (born in the u.s. and she started there) she left and perfomed in france because france had no seperation of races in the 20's at all.. during the war she spied for france and is regarded as a national hero there and a great performer everywhere.
his detective agency was very successful and there's no doubting that. It still exists today and the he created the model that future companies would use. he probably was a bad spy though.
Incompetent, bumbling amateur who is probably indirectly responsible for tens to hundreds of thousands of American lives, Union and Confederate. His inflated intelligence reports of Confederate strength caused an already lead- footed McClellan to be even more over-cautious, allowing the Rebels to prepare defenses and for Lee to come on the scene. Possibly added at least two years to the war. As for his arrest of Greenhow, a deaf and dumb person could have found her out, as she wasn't doing a whole lot in terms of being secretive.
Founding director in 1882 of Scotland Yard's Special Irish Branch to spy on Fenians and anarchists. Known for investigation of Wallsall plot and Jubilee plot on Queen Victoria. Recruited Sidney Reilly and befriended Harry Houdini. Retired from Scotland Yard in 1903 to secret go to work for the War Office to form a new intelligence section that eventually came to be called MI-5. It has been noted that he signed all internal correspondance as "M."
Although his name is synonymous with womanizing and loose morals, Casanova was an intelligent lawyer who was employed as a spy for the Venetian Inquisitors of State between the years of 1774 and 1782.
Only one or two agents of the cold was spy era can be claimed to have made a real impact. One was Oleg Penkovsky, a colonel in Soviet military intelligence. His information - passed to MI6 and the CIA in the early 1960s - helped President Kennedy manage the Cuban missile crisis successfully by identifying the extent of Soviet missile capability and how far the Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev was likely to push events. The most useful strategic intelligence comes from penetrating the leadership of your enemy so that you understand not just their military capability but their intentions.
That was something MI6 only managed late in the Cold War largely thanks to KGB Colonel Oleg Gordievsky, who spent a decade towards the end of the Cold War supplying intelligence to MI6 which revealed how paranoid the Soviet leadership was of a first nuclear strike by Nato. The British service could not believe it but because I proved it very well they eventually believed it..
Maybe one of the most influential spies in history in terms of swaying the Cold War in US favors. Who knows what would have happen if he worked the other side in Russia against The US. The world would be a different place without his knowledge sharing, and if there had been a nuclear attack in the 60's. Shows one man can make a difference in the history of the world.
Incredible spy. What she accomplished with very little support is amazing.
From Wikipedia:
"Isabella Marie Boyd ... best known as Belle Boyd or Cleopatra of the Secession, was a Confederate spy in the American Civil War. She operated from her father's hotel in Virginia and provided valuable information to Confederate general Stonewall Jackson in 1862..."
He is such a dude I mean he's the best ever but Daniel Craig is the best bond
his real identity is
name: refaat ali soliman aljamal
nationality: egyptian born in elmansoura 1927
under cover identity is:
name : jack peaton
nationality : israeli the guy of egypt is that he was never got caught he worked for more than a 20 years in his enemy`s society as one of them a leader of them actaully then he retired .
israel never admit it .
" mahmud.mansy@yahoo.com"
what is awesome about
Two of the most famous spies in American History, the Rosenbergs were found guilty of passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union at the height of the Soviet panic of the 50s. Their discovery and conviction helped fuel the Communist witch hunt led by Joseph McCarthy, and they were executed by electric-chair in Sing Sing Prison in 1953.
Witch hunt? The Rosenberg case was merely the most important exposure of Communist activity by American hero Joseph McCarthy. That is precisely why the term McCarthyism was coined by America's enemies. He delayed the current destruction of our nation by more than 60 years, and they have always despised him for it. Hopefully another McCarthy will rise up and lead our nation back to greatness.
Not if ANY of the evidence that has come out in the last 20 years is true. The only people left who believe they were framed believe the earth is flat.
CIA officer in Vietnam, the Congo and Angola who after leaving the CIA published "In Search of Enemies" outlining the CIA's activities there. During Reagan's presidency he spoke against CIA support of Salvadorean Death Squads and similar activities in Iran.
Bazna leaked important information about many of the international conferences and bombing raids such as Ploieşti but only fuzzy information about "Operation Overlord", the codename for the Invasion of Normandy. British intelligence believed that Bazna could not speak English and furthermore was "too stupid" to be a spy. Moyzisch, in his ´1950 book, points out that Bazna was both intelligent and very daring; he was also convinced that the spy had someone else helping him to locate and photograph the documents, but the second man could never be identified. According to Moyzisch, the German Foreign Office did not make much use of the documents because officers there were divided about their reliability, and personal antipathy between the German Minister of Foreign Affairs Joachim von Ribbentrop and the Ambassador Franz von Papen added to the inefficiency.
Charming and muscular, this character has extracted important information from many individuals with classic espionage style and professionalism. He is said to have quite the way with words and is a master at seduction and stealth.
CIA analyst under seven presidential administrations who publicly challenged Rumsfeld on misinformation concerning weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
CIA officer from 1952-1977 on whose retirement was lauded by superiors as "one of the Agency's most knowledgeable officers on Asian communism." His exposure of the CIA's involvement in 1965 killings in Indonesia resulted in the ACLU unsucessfully taking the agency to court when they tried to censor the story. McGeehee wrote an autobiographical account of his service: "Deadly Deceits".
american born ,she was put on the radio to give propaganda to the allies fighting in the pacific. most soldiers enjoyed her broadcasts ,because she had alot of good music and was a good radio dj. but why she did this and betrayed her country is debated. was she scared of being locked up? did she really want the japanese to win? certainly she didn't write her material. and some say she thought it would do no damage , she was not shot as a traitor or spy after the war though.
Convicted in 1994 of spying for the Soviet Union, Ames was a CIA Counter Intelligence Officer who betrayed his country for money. He was supposedly paid over 4.6 million dollars by the Soviets during his time as a spy.
CIA caseworker that exposed the CIA's support of dictatorships in Latin America. His US Passport was revoked and he spent much of his retirement in exile and on the run from the CIA until his death in Cuba in 2008. Founded the journal "Covert Action Information Bulletin" on CIA activities.
Recruited by GRU in 1939. Drafted into the U.S. Army. After the war, got a job at Oak Ridge Labs as a health physics officer charged with monitoring radiation levels throughout the facility. Reportedly provided initiator for the plutonium bomb. Provided production information for polonium. Left the Army in 1946. Defected to USSR in 1948
This agent did an impressive job during the 40 year war of succession which opposed Sweden to Germany
aka "Henri Le Caron" infiltrated Irish American organizations in the US and reported to the Home Secretary in England from 1860s to 1880s until his cover was blown by hearings of the Parnell Commission. Fenian leader John Devoy, after conceding that Beach was 'the champion spy of the century expressed regret that he had been allowed to die peacefully in his bed when the Irish nation was "thirsting for his blood!"
Fired by the CIA for drug use and petty theft, Howard retaliated by feeding the KGB the identities of double agents and moles within the Soviet Union, resulting in their arrest and execution. On the verge of being arrested for espionage at his home in New Mexico, Howard eluded the FBI and managed to escape to the Soviet Union, where he defected and lived in a Government-furnished apartment until his mysterious death in 2002.
One of the most remarkable Soviet illegal operatives during the 1930s and 1940s, when he took a leading role in assassinating leftists who were not loyal to Joseph Stalin. In the late 1930s, Grigulevich was sent to Spain to monitor the activities of the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM), during the course of the civil war. Grigulevich organized so-called "mobile groups" that killed, among other actual and suspected Trotskyists, POUM leader Andrés Nin with the assassin Vittorio Vidali, known in Spain as "Comandante Carlos Contreras." In January 1940 was sent to Mexico, to take part in the first, unsuccessful attempt on the life of Leon Trotsky, again in collaboration with Vittorio Vidali. Later, Grigulevich was sent to Argentina, where he remained during World War II and organized anti-Nazi sabotage operations. He married a Mexican woman named Laura Araujo Aguilar, who was also a Soviet secret agent. Under a false identity as Teodoro B. Castro, served as the ambassador of the Republic of Costa Rica to both Italy and Yugoslavia. His mission to assassinate Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito was aborted due to Stalin's death.
Arrived in Britain on the 29 August 1935 with a secretary, Marianne Emig. There they befriended British airman Kenneth Lewis and through him began to collect information about the RAF Manston air base. Emig asked for letters of the Air Force stationery and photographs of the planes and aerial views. Görtz was convicted and sentenced to four years of prison for espionage and sent to Maidstone Prison. In February 1939, he was released and deported to Germany. In the summer of 1940, Görtz parachuted into Ballivor, County Meath, Ireland in an effort to gather information. He moved in with a Nazi sympathizer in Templeogue, Co. Dublin. His mission was to act as a liaison officer with the IRA and enlist their assistance during a potential German invasion of Britain.
In May 1940 the Irish police confiscated papers included files on possible military targets in Ireland, such as airfields and harbours, as well as detailed plans of the so-called "Plan Kathleen". This was an IRA plan for the invasion of Northern Ireland with the support of the German military. Görtz went into hiding, and remained at large for a total of eighteen months. When another IRA member, visited Goertz's hiding place in Dublin in November 1941, police arrested them both. He was paroled from Athlone in 1947, but was soon informed he would be deported to Germany. In May, 1947 Görtz reported to the Aliens Registration Office in Dublin. Terrified that he would then be turned over to the Soviets, he then swallowed a cyanide capsule. He died at Mercer's Hospital soon after.
Kitson, was involved in Britain's largely successful counter insurgency moves in places as diverse as Kenya, Cyprus and the North of Ireland. He stressed the dirty tricks department: psychological warfare, fifth columns, double agents, etc.. Kitson was an officer in Britain's shadowy Special Air Services (SAS) who have been credited, with all kinds of undercover military actions. In the 1980s, it has been suggested , Kitson used Northern Ireland as a laboratory for creating new methods to control civillian populations.
Probably best-known for his involvement with the Central Intelligence Agency's mind control program MKULTRA. As a poison expert, he headed the chemical division of the Technical Services Staff (TSS). Gottlieb became known as the "Black Sorcerer" and the "Dirty Trickster." He supervised preparations of lethal poisons and experiments in mind control. Gottlieb also hatched schemes to assassinate Fidel Castro and Iraq's General Abdul Karim Qassim. Dr. Sidney Gottlieb also played a role in the CIA's attempt to assassinate Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba of the Congo. Less known was an operation in Vietnam where a team performed mind control experiments on NLF suspects outside of Saigon. Gottlieb is said to have played a role in funding investigation into paranormal phenomena. His most notorious experiments included subjecting many US citizens to varying doses of LSD without their knowledge to observe its effects and use.
member of the Anti-Defamation League who spied and kept files on a wide range of organizations in the US as well as South African and Palestinian exiles in the US. It was reported that: "ADL agent Roy Bullock was discovered to have a floor plan of murdered Los Angeles Arab American leader Alex Odeh and a key to his office."
US Marine and member National Security Council who was involved in clandestine arms sales to Iran and diverting money to fund Nicaraguan contras during the Reagan years. Testified in the Iran Contra hearings and charged with three felonies that were ultimately dropped.
Col North followed orders, but he was not a spy in any sense of the word. It was Col James J Steele who he reported to, and who was protected by tossing North under the bus.
"Deep Throat" FBI informant to Washington Post that lead to Watergate hearings and resignation of President Nixon in the 1970s. cf. "All the Presidents Men".
Also know as Tomb Raider. She has been everywhere stopping evil villains from tacking over the world and causing mass genocides. Acquiring mystical yet dangerous treasures along the way like: The Sands-of-Time, Pandora’s Box, The Jew of Jafar, and The Ice Key. She’s defiantly one of thee most famous spies in history.
Defected to Canada in 1945 and was the reason that the allies knew that the Russians where spying on them. Gouzenko's defection "ushered in the modern era of Canadian security intelligence". The evidence provided by Gouzenko led to the arrest in Canada of a total of 39 suspects, of whom 18 were eventually convicted, including Fred Rose, the only Communist Member of Parliament in the Canadian House of Commons and Sam Carr, the Communist Party's national organizer.
A high-ranking FBI counterintelligence agent, Hanssen caused more damage to U.S. national security than any other spy in our history. According to a key Soviet defector, the information provided by Hanssen was so damaging that the U.S. would have lost WWIII, had there been one. He escaped the death penalty only because his shyster lawyer made a deal with the Justice Dept that spared his life in exchange for his cooperation in revealing exactly what he sold to the Soviets/Russians. He will spend the rest of his worthless life in the Supermax Prison in Florence, CO, unless another inmate slits his throat (even serial killers despise a traitor!).
The most well known of Nixon's "plumbers" during Watergate scandal. Served 4 and half years in prison for his break in of the Democratic Party headquarters.
Bazda was an Albanian from Kosovo who spied for the Germans during the Second World War. He sold information to the Germans through their attaché in Ankara, Turkey. Bazna was codenamed "Cicero", and the information that he leaked is believed to have been potentially among the more damaging disclosures made by any single WWII spy. Bazna obtained important information about many of the international conferences and bombing raids Moyzisch was also convinced that the spy had someone else helping him to locate and photograph the documents, but the second man could never be identified. During the first three months of 1944, Cicero continued to supply the Germans with copies of documents taken from his employer's dispatch box or his safe. When the Cicero documents predicted an allied air raid on Sofia, Bulgaria, the authenticity of the information was confirmed.
Members of the infamous "Walker Spy Ring," they sold highly classified U.S. Navy information to the Soviets for large sums of money. John Walker, the group's mastermind, used most of the money to support his high-roller lifestyle (girls, booze, drugs, plane, yacht, etc). Betrayed by his ex-wife, Walker received a sentence of life without parole. He should have been hung, drawn and quartered.
Maria de Victoria was a German spy during World War I. She was captured when MI-8 secret-ink subsection found a correspondence that detailed her whereabouts. Her plans were to import high explosives into the U.S. by means of hollow figurines of Saints and the Virgin Mary.
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