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Stupidest Quotes by a White House Resident

32 items ranked

Rated 0 points - posted 15 years ago by working-girl-usa in category People.
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"Solyndra is a great investment in our future" -Obama Report Abuse
It was a political payoff to George kaiser , Obama gave kaiser 537 million $$ and less than 2 weeks later Solyndra was bankrupt and money gone. Obama even made it worse by signing in the loan that Private billionaires get paid back the money before the taxpayer, leaving the taxpayer nothing so his rich pals got a payoff, To make matters worse, Bush said that solyndra was too risky and Denied the laon his last week in office. @ years later Obama gave them the money after the DOE said it also looked risky
578 points - added 13 years ago by redbarron80 -


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“I’ve now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." – Barack Obama Report Abuse
My children said there were 50. Is there something you’re not telling us here?
525 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa - 1 comment
"Solyndra is a great investment in our future"
Added 13 years ago by redbarron80, 67 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998 Report Abuse
450 points - added 13 years ago by redbarron80 -


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Hillary clinton Report Abuse
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." -- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002
391 points - added 13 years ago by redbarron80 -


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"I did not have relations with that girl, miss lewinski" Bill Clinton Report Abuse
271 points - added 13 years ago by guest -


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"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998 Report Abuse
246 points - added 13 years ago by redbarron80 -


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"I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president." - Hillary Clinton Report Abuse
No Hillary – Your husband Bill was the the president at the time!!!
200 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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"I have often wanted to drown my troubles, but I can't get my wife to go swimming." -Jimmy Carter Report Abuse
164 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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"If I were a single man, I might ask that mummy out. That's a good-looking mummy." - Bill Clinton Report Abuse
161 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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“Uh-uh. Chuck Graham, state senator is here. Stand up, let’em see you Chuck. Oh, God love you. What am I talking about?” -Joe Bieden Report Abuse
159 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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"A zebra does not change its spots" – Al Gore Report Abuse
157 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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"you can keep your Dr, Period" Report Abuse
110 points - added 9 years ago by danface - 1 comment
Added 9 years ago by danface, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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"if you like your healthplan, you can keep it, PERIOD!" BHO Report Abuse
It's a Lie... PERIOD! Yup, lost mine, now my new one is more $$ with less coverage!
70 points - added 9 years ago by redbarron80 -


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"If you like your Health insurance , you can keep your insurance" Report Abuse
Nope, great big lie
48 points - added 10 years ago by hung -


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"Natural gas is hemispheric. I like to call it hemispheric in nature because it is a product that we can find in our neighborhoods" - George W. Bush Report Abuse
This one can be taken in so many ways – hilarious!
24 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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"When the President does it, that means that it's not illegal." - Report Abuse
2 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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“What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is” -Dan Quayle Report Abuse
0 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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Dan Quayle: "I was recently on a tour of Latin America and the only regret I have was that I didn't study Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people." Report Abuse
0 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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“I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix.”- Dan Quayle Report Abuse
0 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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“We are not ready for an unforeseen event that may or may not occur” – Dan Quaye Report Abuse
0 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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"Things are more like they are now than they ever were before."- Report Abuse
0 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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“It isn't pollution that is hurting the environment, it's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it.- Dan Quayle Report Abuse
-1 point - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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"It's no exaggeration to say that the undecideds could go one way or another." -George Bush. Report Abuse
-7 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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"I have opinions of my own - strong opinions - but I don't always agree with them." -George Bush. Report Abuse
-8 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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“Will the highways on the internet become more few?” - George W Bush Report Abuse
-8 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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“They misunderestimated me” - George W Bush Report Abuse
-8 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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“You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror.” — George W. Bush Report Abuse
-8 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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"I'm glad I'm not Brezhnev. You never know if someone's tape recording what you say." –Richard Nixon Report Abuse
Oh Richard – if you had only known at the time! – The most famous political tape recordings in US history!
-13 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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"People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like." - Abraham Lincoln. Report Abuse
-15 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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“I think war is a dangerous place” - George W. Bush Report Abuse
You think? Definitely worthy of the top 5 stupidest quotes!
-28 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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"I have orders to be awakened at any time in the case of a national emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting." -Ronald Reagan. Report Abuse
-30 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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Politics is supposed be the second oldest profession. I have come to realise that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." -Ronald Reagan Report Abuse
-34 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -
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Top 10 Stupidest Quotes by a White House Resident are especially marked