110 items ranked
A branch of a nation’s military forces, a navy can include anything that floats. The main purpose of a navy is project its forces into areas beyond a country coast (Blue Water navy) and deter seaborne projection-of-force by enemies. Below is a list of navies that are considered the best in terms of size and technology.
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The US currently has the largest and most advance navy in the world. Its fleet tonnage is larger than the next 13 largest navies combined. It also possesses the largest carrier fleet in the world.
The US Navy will sink itself if they keep running into things the at the rate they're going
P.S this started to happen when France in the 1700's started to help us out during the Battle of Saratoga- Revolutionary War. (They were very mixed up if they should help us beat the Britain.) They later helped us form our Navy.
US navy also has hundreds of ships in mothballs to call when needed. Just like china and its thousands.
"Japan hates US, so does Germany."
I'm not sure exactly what millennium you're living in, but it most certainly isn't this one. Japan most definitely does not 'hate the US' nor would it side against it (with China? Are you kidding me?). Get your head out of your soothsaying doomsday prophecies. Neither Germany nor Japan are going to try to declare war on the US, especially considering one of these nations in one of the most pro-US nations in the world. And the other is in multiple defense agreements with it.
We may be in the 21st century, but we aren't in preeschool.
Well yea they have 11 aircraft carriers and enough stockpile to pulvarise earth 10 times over.But this is the 21st century and we have moved into the second decade, and the possibility of A Nuclear War is grim. Its the age of information and electronic warfare. Well america might hv a buttload of B-2s, F-22s n F-35s but then none of it makes any difference when if comes to electronic warfare. If a country like China can Hack into US DOD and steal vital info and plant bugs,definitely other countries too can. Just think of the Terabytes of information China would have amased from hacking Top secret projects like F-35. What if A person or a country could shut down vital services like that in US, like Power and Coms,then the country would be thrown into chaos. And in such situation having B2s n Nukes wont help, cos there is no coordination,no one knows whats going on. The war would be lost even before it has began. Now u think in case of a War, Britain would aid US. No way Britains hate Americans and their way of life. Russian have the largest number of Silos in the world.They could lauch a dozen Topol M missiles at colorado springs and take out NORAD. They wouldnt see it coming.Thats enough for Other countries to side against US. China,Korea..etc. Even Japan hates US, so does Germany. US needs Fuel to keep their Navy running. Honestly America is more Interestd in making "Gas Guzzling" junks like Hummer,Suburbans etc. Now oil,they get it from the Middle East. And they get it cos Arabs are afraid to say No. Tell me Which Arab or a Muslim wil want to Aid US...No one ..Naaada. And look at america's neighbours..Mexico..Cuba..Brazil. In d phase of war..U cud see Mexican DrugLords driving into New mexico Tearing apart the country. America is ****ed for sure.
In gross tonnes. The US Navy accounts for 65% of the Worlds navies combined. Nobody could sink the US Navy. Not even the Royal Navy, Chinese Navy, and Russian navies combined. It would take a lot to sink the US Navy. Because, we're talking about 280+ offensive ships, subs, carriers, destroyers, frigates, and cruisers.
Look at it this way, the US Navy in goss tons, is 14 times larger, than the next 14 largest navies combined. Take away the carriers, and the US Navy is still, 8 times larger, than the next 8th largest combined.
I think the United States has the best Navy right now but China has wayy more man power. If anything was to happen like China and Russia attacking us at once, I'm glad we have Britian in our corner! They have a Strong Navy as well. They are up there with the U.S.
I have great respect and gratitude towards the RN. Having been a U.S. Marine myself, a great deal of our maritime heritage is derived from them. They were the most powerful Navy on the planet when our nation set fourth to liberate itself. Many lessons were learned from them. The U.S. Navy as well as all U.S. armed forces have learned from their histories. Mostly taught by the hands of our enemies at the time. They have slowly adapted over their 233+ year history to now have become the greatest military power in the World. Hopefully we have learned how to stay that way and someday our politicians will learn that war should only be fought as a last resort and if fought at all fought to win.
The US Navy has the 5th most navy ships in the world. China is in 1st place with 1000+ navy ships with the most destroyers and a nuclear aircraft carrier.
Britain's Navy Is superior with over 300+ Ships where the USA only have 270-
There for Britain has the mightier Navy
There is no question the US navy is the mightiest seaborne force on Earth and I say this as an Englishman.
I love my country but we are living in the past .
As for training, just remember it was the RN which ran aground a brand new sub, not under any pressure from any enemy, not in war, but in peace in home waters.
this a reply to anoter comment ,so please don't take offence if you're from britain.
the british navy is not better ship for ship. maybe the same ,destroyer for destroyer, but then figure in u.s. super carriers.........
haha as much as I love Britain, and acknowledge that her military is very very well trained, I wouldn't compare her to the US, on a training standpoint, the US is number 1, on a technological standpoint, the US is still number 1, on a size standpoint, big surprise, the US is still number 1, and despite a poor economy at the moment, the US is still wealthy enough and inudstrialized enough to spit out ships faster than they can be sunk.
am from jamaica ,and its obvious america has the best navy in the world i have read a lot about them and is proud to say i love the usa ,i know they would be willing to defend jamaica if needs be.love you guys.
The US carrier fleets need to remain and stay strong. Don't forget they can bring the war to your door step.
haha its not all about money and tech and size you idiot its about having the best soilders and we have the best we train harder we get the best results
The USA is the strongest navy in the world and will stay like that for a while
The USA has the mightiest military the world has ever seen, period. Obviously it deserves the top spot. Im glad that the USA is our closest ally, makes me feel safe and secure.
The Royal Navy is like a miniature version of the US Navy haha.
Respect from the UK.
I would say that even if the USA Navy was ten times smaller than it is right now, they would still be the best navy on the planet. That is the sheer size and maths involved that even 10% of the USA navy would be able to engage a navy such as Japan or China. Just one carrier battlegroup would overwhelm a navy such as France or Great Britian, even both won't stand a chance against one of america's fleets such is the strenght of america that the only navy that can fight back with a chance of success is Japan and maybe a german war economy. China has many warships but america will sink the entire chinese fleet with one nimitz carrier,one arleigh burke destroyer with support ships like Ticonderoga cruisers and a few subs. The only nations that can fight an american taskforce and win cannot beat her entire naval arsenal and even if another midway happens and this time america is on the losing side on terms of ships being sunk, she the USA can build more ships than any other nation on earth. Usa is number one and I cannot see any other nation realistically beating america at all. One last thing: the usa has 10 nimitz carriers, is building 3 gerald r ford class carriers and have so many arleigh burke class destroyers that I nearly lost count. In my point of view no amount of money,humans or tonnage of warship stand any chance without equal or superior technology and weapons, without that no one can touch the american navy maybe not even the entire planet's navys can destroy all of america's warships. To think that countries like the european union,japan,south korea and south africa is her allies is most fearsome not to forget the rest of nato. From a man that knows more than google can ever know about our world, Reuben Botha from South Africa
we do not even need a navy but it is still better than every other country's navy. USA! USA!
guest, the U.S. is MUCH less vulnerable than Britain. The U.S. has domestic oil reserves, as well as the stratgeic oil reserve, and could run its navy for hundreds of years depsite any effort to cut off foreign oil. We also grow our own food, so we cannot be starved. The U.S.N. could, however, effetcively Blockade britain and still have enough firepower left over to hunt down and sink every RN vessel afloat. You would be eating your children before it was over.
Undeniable, the US has the best fleet in the world. I am a neutral Malaysian. I strongly agree with the ranking number 1.
I can't say how much training other Navy's give their crews. But for the 4 yrs. I was in, I was going to schools regularly and the drilling was endless. Longest days of my 46 yrs. so far. Other Navy's could not train any more than we due simply to the number of hours in the day. There is only so many and we use them. Egyptian Navy? C'mon. Who was that nut? Cuban Navy? They have one?
guest poster below: except that you're wrong. The royal navy of today is miniscule and irrelevant; it has, what, 8 destroyers in total? The USN has 62, and that's not counting the Ticonderogas. Technology is also irrelavant, because the US and UK militaries share pretty much every technology piece they have, e.g. BAE building sea harriers for the marines and rolls-royce building the zumwalt's engines whilst raytheon makes the RN's tomahawks and phalanx CIWS.
Furthermore, the US has 10 carriers and the number of aircraft they carry can pretty much overwhelm whatever the royal airforce can put out (e.g. RA has 100 typhoons and 200 tornadoes; the 10 carriers carry 85 F-18s each). note that their carriers are used for power projection only; the coast guarding is left to the continental airforce. so in event of war you can expect all 10 carriers to be on forward deployment.
lastly, the US keeps a strategic oil reserve which holds enough oil to keep the ENTIRE COUNTRY running for 3 months (cut down to 1 IIRC recently).
No, the USN is not the best because of its size; it is the best because it is miles ahead of every other nation. think this: 1 carrier battlegroup has enough marines, missiles and aircraft to invade and occupy a small country. the USN has 10.
its not enough to compare tonnage. You have to also divide the tonnage by the miles of shoreline that needs protecting. Its not like the usa can bring its entire navy to bare upon the royal navy all at once. In fact logistically the us has a massive disadvantage when it comes to its shore line, dependancy on oil imports and diplomacy.
When you look at the list of countries and where they stand it displays everything from the actual size to the number of reserves in man power and barrels of oil.
At the battle of Midway, the US navy won a decisive victory agains the then more powerful Japanese navy. However, even if the presumed superior expertise and arguable superior technology of the Royal Navy were enough to conjur a couple of similar miracles, eventually numbers would tell. The worlds second best navy would eventually lose on the basis that even if it is a little better boat for boat, it simply isn't big enough to pull off a strategic victory against the US navy. However, to presume that this means that the RN should be relegated to the history books simply because there is only one navy in the whole world that it cannot beat might be a little premature. They've got another 50 years of ruling the waves in them until Inida and China gradually ease ahead.
If a shooting contest started the USN would be the Navy to have behind you. I would hazard a guess if you could average out all the USN's ships capibilities versus any other Navy I would say the USN would be top. The question is does the USN need to be so powerful?
When figuring who is the best navy you have to take into account EVERYTHING. The US Navy has more tonnage than the next 13 largest navies combined. Britian does have a professional navy, maybe even more professional the the US, but head to head the USN would sink the RN very quickly. That makes the US the best period. Who would win in any conflict navy to navy with the US? Nobody, that's not arrogance or conceit, it;s just plain fact. By the way - I would never want to see USN and RN against each other.
Didn't WWII prove that aircrfaft carriers are the capital ships of our day? The Bismarck and the Prince of Wales were the best ships of their day and they were sunk by inferior British and Japanese aircraft. Here you are talking about about destroyers and submarines. The RN has what... 3 carriers? Capable of carrying a squadron of Harriers each? The USN has an air arm that surpasses the worlds by an even greater ratio than its vessel tonnage. Do we even need to compare the aircraft they're packing? F-18s against Harriers... C'mon, it's not even close to being a fair fight
USN is the best in the world. best technology best everything. the RAN is would be crushed if the USN fought them.
Just because the US Navy has the most technologically advance ships and equipment doesnt make them the best in the world, what makes a great navy is a Defence Force like the Australian Defence Force that spends more money on training the sailors than buying shiny new equipment like the US does. By doing that the RAN has even beaten the US navy in the war games by putting there loudest Sub against all there latest ships and equipment and advoided being detected, this shows how superior training of the RAN is better than the US navy and all there shiny toys.
To say the USN has numbers and training and the RN has better technology and better training but if you compare the two navy's they both would do the same amount of damage as The RN's training and technology matches up to the USN's numbers.
mdwolf aside - yes, the commentators here have it spot on - the usn is the most powerful fleet in existence with the highest quality ships and personnel. yes, we have numbers too - why because we have to attend to all the oceans, not just the littoral waters around a little island. sure, we'll take the support of the rn, but man their arrogance is hard to stomach sometimes. they still talk they have relevance to anyone - sorry. i do have to agree that "what the usn does it does very well" - what does the usn do you ask? well, just about everything from littoral warfare to sea control to power projection.
tboneya - I agree - and I'm not arguing - merely stating a fact. But your comment and papasmurf's comment about the US being the best as being a 'no-brainer' can be perceived as being conceited.
I like the US Navy - I like it a lot, as I do all the US Armed Forces - and what the US does it does very well. However, I'veoften found a high degree of arrogance with USN personnel in particular in that they regard themselves as the best. Then they come and train with us for a while and feel themselves humbled.
Mr. MDWolf, I am a 20 year veteran of the United States Navy. I have operated on numerous occasions with every major navy in the world, including the Royal Navy. Both navies are extremely professional, advanced, motivated and lethal. We are also very close allies, with ties that go back hundreds of years. What isn't needed is for us to start arguing among ourselves over who's the best. We have more important things to think about.....
I should clarify that by mentioning the new classes of submarine and destroyer the RN has, and by saying that bigger isn't always better - I'd have thought that the US would have learned that poinmt by now!
What a laugh - the USN might be the biggest - but the Royal Navy is certainly the best trained and most professional - and also has the most advanced vessels - FACT
As a US Navy Veteran who has worked with and/or observed many of the navys ranked here, it's a no brainer that the US Navy is the greatest in the world, and will be for many years to come. Still, there are some very, very fine navys in the world, rich in training, technology, tradition, capability and pride. The pride that a nation has in itself is reflected in its navy.

The JMSDF is tasked with the naval defense of Japan after the dissolution of the Imperial Japanese Navy after World War II. It has a large fleet with blue-water operating capabilities. The JMSDF is based strictly on defensive capabilities and its main tasks are to patrol the nation's sea lanes and territorial waters. Officially, its strength is 46,000 personnel operating 119 major warships, inclusive of 20 submarines, 53 destroyers and frigates, 29 mine warfare ships, 9 patrol craft and 9 amphibious ships. It also has 179 fixed-wing aircraft and 135 helicopters.
Not surprising, they are talked a lot when the word "Navy" comes up. It is like common sense, but USA by all the world's support in different times like the wars and peace treaties has mixed all the ways of the Navy and made the USA Navy, as it is said: USA is a mix of everything.
The Policeman in Asia Pacific The Japanese Navy plus the US navy.Two of the World's Greatest Navy.The Best of Alliance between 2 Great Countries;Japan and USA.
Japanese Navy has the Best Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier in the World;...The land Formation itself of Japan.
The pride of Asia.The Japanese Navy is the Second Best next to USA.With the additonal two DDH 183 Helicopter carrier as Naval Flotiila Flagship,plus with Respected and Well-trained personnel,STILL they are the Second best Navy in the world.
Japan has the worlds second best navy, particularly so if Japan was engaged in a naval conflict. They have always been strong at sea, if it wasn't for the miracle at midway combined with the continous industrial output of America, Japan would have ruled the pacific hands down. Americas is by far the strongest navy in the world. Japan is by far the second best navy out there, mitsubishi heavy industries is producing aegis desroyers similar to usa's arleigh burke class destroyers. I feel sorry for China or any navy that engages the Japanese navy other than the mighty USA. In fact those two are allies as one of America's fleets is headquartered in Yokosuka Japan, I think its the pacific seventh fleet(citation needed) Anyway my point is there is only a small hanfull of navys that can directly challenge Japan and out of those namely USA,Russia,Germany,China and India are the only navys in the world that won't lose within the first 48 hours and are the only ones that can statistically beat Japan's Navy.
The pride of Japan and Japanese People lies on its Naval Superiority.That is why Japan has the second best Navy in the world next to USA.
Japanese navy is the second best in the world next to usa.The most respected navy in Asia with highly sophisticated and most advanced Destroyers and Submarines in the world.

Recent improvement in the Russian economy has resulted in a significant increase in the defence budget and numbers of ships under construction with the focus on the Petersburg (Lada) class and nuclear Severodvinsk (Graney) class submarines The Steregushchiy class corvettes is the first new surface construction since the collapse of the USSR. The new Admiral Sergei Gorshkov class frigates mark the first attempt of the Navy to return to the building of large blue water capable ships.
Russians are known to up hold power than other places, but through history it is shown different at different times, just make sure this is correct...
Russia is one of the few navys on earth that can beat China and india's navys. Although I do not see how they would be able to outmatch Japan and Germany in a ww3 scenario. I believe that russia would struggle against the likes of France,Great Britian,South Korea and South Africa. But Russia will never beat the navys of USA,Japan and Germany as those are by lightyears ahead the best navys that has ever existed.
Indeed, matter of time before the Russian navy make better use of its significant resources to rejoin the ranks of true blue water navies. I hope they use their naval power more wisely in the future than their current political power such as has been manifested in the Arab uprisings.
made by Germany- they always built the best ships, but always few of them, because Germany was never having the interest to be a sea power, except emperor William.
The German navy is small, but has an astonishing quality. Even the Israelis buy German submarine boats.
Germany navy was not used to be a great navy but it had the best technology in submarine. Germany`s military power always have been his army because of his tanks and his manpower.
Fact is that Germany has only a small navy. But German submarines are diving in the seven seas. The German technology has granted the most advanced warshipbuilding in 2 worldwars. Maybe the NATO should attempt to use more of the capacities of German chraftmanship.
Germany has always been a complete nation in terms of economy, military and the people are among the best fighters and workers on the planet. If war would break out now I srongly believe that Germany would have the world's third best navy after Usa and Japan. I am a South African person that is driving a Mercedes Benz, its a 1989 model and its the best car brand on the planet. Germany makes the Worlds best cars,trucks,tanks,submarines and warships. That's what will put them on relative parity with the larger navys of Usa,Japan,China and India. Just imagine Subs with man engines,tanks with Mercedes engines and warships containing both engines. That plus the relative superiority in german manpower,training,execution and operational capacity the lesser navys would have no choice but to hide or be destroyed in a world war 3 scenario.
Actually, Germany had a better navy boad for boat because in WW1 they were building a new navy whereas the Royal navy was much larger and was spread out more thin. In WW2 the German navy had very few but more advanced vessels so if Germany's 10 best ships were to go head to head against the RN's a the time, they probably wouldv'e won. But what happens when you've lost your 10 ships. German subs are cheap and cheeful. Don't every try pitching them against a trafalgar class sub at home. Trafalgars don't export because they're too expensive and the only navies that can afford such ships build their own. Germany can't afford them because she's got the greek navy to pay for these days.
Actually some countries out... Others did defeat the British in Naval battle. Such as Italy in the Mediterranean... You're history is skewed...
Source: Battle of the Mediterranean WWII
The German Navy is still building the best sub-marines. That is why they are sold all over the world.
Germany was the only Navy that was victorious against the British Navy in WW II. Germany built the best ships, big or small in both WW.
HGermany won teh biggest sea battle in history (Skagerrak or Jutland), where they sank more ships of the British navy. The Britons had a superiority in numbers by 2:1, but the Germans had better ships.

maybe not powerfull enough to attack another country. but the i.s.c. is more than capable of defending itself.
A Good Navy. In my opinion one of the top ten navies on the planet when it comes to calculating many variables. History proves that Israel is very capable of defending itself, in fact their defence and pre_emptive attacks are more than legendary. They will fair well in most situations.
Indian Navy has to speed up their development and procurement advance combat ships. Reason for that is china. China wants to project naval power in disguise of protecting their territory. Sooner or later , india has to play a vital role as power in this region.
Indian navy is slowly but steadily growing in quantity and quality and soon it will gain the status of good blue water navy and also super power in waiting.Very soon it will beat other best navies in the world.
India is a very stong navy nw with advance ships and technologies. with quality of warships as equivalent or better than the western world. india is d fourth best navy after USA Russia and china in terms of numbers.evn better dan UK and FRANCE.As evry1 knws the exampl/e of 1971 war when IN crushed Pakistan navy with just four missiles its is evn bettr and by aqquiring 3 aircraft carrier and 10 destroyers 12 frigates and many more support ships India will be a formidible force in d Indian Ocean region and also a true blue water navy... and please dont bring swedish belgium or danish navy :)
India is a learning,growing entity when it comes to its navy. They are planning several fleet carriers within the next decade and history will show us that India is one of the great military world powers. They have an air force and fleet which few countries can rival in size,as well as boasting a modern fleet with highly trained men. I rate india better than most other navies even better than china's. I just hope that India will side with the allies in the next great war as that will eliminate one of the major developing powers as a potential enemy. Looking forward to seeing them in action so that I can verify what I already know. In short South Africa can defend itself against most enemies however I believe that defending our country in a limited war with India will be most difficult. Our quality of armed forces is superior to about 90% of other countries but unfortunately we can't beat everyone especially when they can surpass our maximum indusytrial output. We beat the british in 1900,we beat the soviets and cubans in the 1980's however we cannot win India whose population is over 1.2 billion whereas our own population is less than 100 million, maybe for a year or two then we will be exhausted. India the worlds 5th best navy I hope we can be allies. SA man
imo Indian navy is the best navy after US and the Royal Navy, now many of you might frown at what you just read. but a Navy's strength is in projected power, and projected power depends on the no of aircraft carrier based battle groups, US has 12 of such battle groups and UK has three aircraft carriers. India follows with 2 carriers and one under construction,and a modified landing dock carrier that is capable carrying seaharrier attack aircrafts, the IN also have nuclear submarines capable of lauching supersonic nuclear missiles and sophisticated stealth destroyers and frigates capable of firing supersonic brahmos missiles. the Air arm of the navy is also formidable with squadrons of Dassault raffales, su 30mkis,and LCA tejas ,sea harrier fighter and attack aircrafts , tupelov tu22 bombers, Mi hinds, Apache, HAL LCH gunships. the blockade of Pakistan during the Kargil war and recent exploits when the Indian Navy's secured the strait of malacca, to relieve the US navy for operation enduring freedom and the Anti piracy operations in the gulf of Aden, are testimonials of the reach and efficiency of the Indian Navy.the long term plan of the navy is to have more than 150 ships and six aircraft carrier groups by 2027.
yes indian navy is now much more advanced and stronger than before
Indian navy has his own ability to modern themselves....it has own power to rule the sea all over the world..its strength could be known by his history, but today in a modern world it continuously growing own power to secure their land
Hi Indian navy is 2nd largest in Asia.If you remember Indo-Pak naval war of 1971 war then you will understand Indian navy is very trained.Search operation python and operation trident and others then you will understand Indian navy is very trained.So our navy cant rank 14 we rank 4th or 5th.
Indian navy is good.it has the potentional to save its sea cost.also ability to fight in other territory.right now,india is going through biggest arm deal,notonly in asia-pacific but also in all over the world.we indians have that much power in all the forms.indian navy going through lots of upgradation in its destroyer,careers and all kind of navy activities.china is the biggest threat to india.but he fears to touch our land because of our potentional in all the three section(army,navy and airforce).indian navy is going to introduce its light combat aircraft tejas very soon.PROUD TO INDIAN...JAI HIND.........
indian navy crowth value is now good ,otherwise we want going navy first is good

Australia's navy is one of the most technological advanced navies in the world. We have the power to project influence anywhere around the world, while many big nations cannot do this and if they can only for short period. Australia prides itself on it's navy by being one of the strongest in the pacific region. We might be few in numbers, but quality over quantity usually is the go.
Now we have 2 helicoptor landing dock carriers with the ski jump! soon as war breaks out the copters will be thrown overboard and they will be turned into aircraft carriers for the F-35 weapons. Along with the 3 new Air Warfare Destroyers and new 12 subs! will be an effective navy for the future to ride along side our mates, the kings of the water, the amazing U.S Navy
Australia has one of the most powerful navies in the pacific. Our submarines have won many war games and have taken on the best of the USN. The soon to come AGEIS cruisers will add the extra capablities.
Off course the Royal Dutch Navy (Koninklijke Marine) by far isn't the strongest navy because it is small in comparison to other navy's. However, it is one of the most advanced ones. Many naval and military systems and technical innovations the US uses are in fact introduced by the dutch. As the oldest navy that still exsists, the dutch navy was anders is always present to help their allies and so they are a small but very reliable force.
Indeed, it was and still is very powerful. It might be small, but it sure is advanced!
Yes... Dutch Navy in number five... and the fun goes on. Pretty sure India and China have a carrier or two that might help them make the Dutch a little more humble in this farcical self assessment. No disrispect intended towards the very capable Royal Dutch Navy who have inherited a tradition of excellence from centuries of expertise. Nevertheless, they are outclassed numerically and in quality by at lest half a dozen other navies.
I am afraid in the 18th Century, Britain had the most powerful Navy, but France, Spain, Dutch were very powerful, by end of the so called long 18th C in 1815 after the defeat of Napolean, Britain was the remaining superpower that controlled the Seas. We won 6 out of 7 major wars in the Long 18th C, and most were against the main power rival France. The won we lost, or gave up as was not worth to keep fighting, was War of US Independence, which was awesome in the end, as USA was created, from the Blood from the UK and its core democratic principles, though some what evolved its system! Why sooo much spending cuts on the UK's defence!!
Her Majesties Royal Dutch Navy was the best in the 17th and 18th century and you can see it still got's her glory and strength.

With around 400,000 personnel, the PLAN over the last few years had made tremendous progress in modernizing its fleet. The class of ships that made up its more modern fleet included Sovremenny class destroyers ,Kilo class submarines, Lanzhou class destroyers and the Yuan class submarines.
The Chinese navy is probably more powerful than you think. total size:
2 aircraft carriers
4 amphibious transport docks
32 landing ship tanks
31 landing ship medium
32 destroyers
50 frigates
37 corvettes
109 missile boats
94 submarine chasers
17 gunboats
29 mine countermeasure vessels
68 submarines
12 replenishment ships
And all of these are fairly modern, so it should be and will be ranked atleast top 5 (did I mention the 255,000 personnels?)
Rated 2nd or 3rd on every reliable source. The largest navy in terms of overall boats (however most are small class destroyers). Second most advanced and most expensive navy in the world. Only lacks in carriers (they have 1)
Beware of this Nation's up and coming military might. China is the World's Second largest economy, has got the third largest navy in numbers of warship. And China also has such a large workforce and immensely powerful industrial output that only very few nations will stand a chance in a longer-term conflict. I still rate the quality of Japan and India's navy better overral, but quality can only win so much against quantity as China is the leader in today's arms race followed closely by India and Japan. I believe with more training and actual battle experience the Chinese can become a force to be reckoned with in the not too distant future. I believe that by the year 2050 China will be the world's second largest navy and will boast a number of fleet carriers exceeding that of India and Russia's, maybe even be on relative par with USA in actual numbers of warships in forward deployement. their allies and in that moment it would certainly be the beginning of World War 3. My advice is that the smaller nations of europe and elsewhere should atleast have moderately sized navys for blue-water deployment capable of operating multiple missions independently, and they all should have highly advanced technologies for anti-air,anti-surface plus anti submarine warfare. That will ensure an allied advantage as stopping the progress of most of the axis advances. I have a bad feeling about this but I feel in my heart that our allies will be victorious no matter what the odds. Usa can wipe out all the major cities in a conflict zone with just a fraction of their entire nuclear arsenals. Last but not least I rate china as the world's 6th best navy after India,Russia,Germany,japan and USA
well...it would be never success in their future..like their Chinese material in the world market
Up and coming. A soon to be force to be reckoned with around the globe.

One of the most underestimated navies in the world. The RCN has a long and distinguished history which played a critical role in many world events, but since we are such a quiet and reserved nation we can't be heard over the sound of the flag wavers patting themselves on the back. Ready, Aye, Ready!
Now known as the Royal Canadian Navy. Sailor for sailor one of the best in the world.
Spain has the oldest navy in continuos service in the world!
Was the strongest and largest navy for two centuries!
And is the country wich more discover land and island in the wordl!
One legend in the history of navy.
Spanish navy was a naval power between 16th to the 18th century but the napoleonic war caused a mess in his dilapidated economy that wouldn´t recover until 1970.
Nowadays, it has one LHD that can used as an aircraft carrier and an amphibous assault, his advanced 5 aegis destroyers and the new S-80 submarines will recover technology power. The new BAMs will give more warships but the crisis has bound to reduce his armament naming as a Offshore Patrol Boat instead of corvette.
The crisis has been running late the projects of the frigate F-110 that replace the F-80´s and the new aircraft carrier SAC-220 project named Carlos III with 40,000 tn.
A very good gun. With the best frigates in the world, the F-100, the best non-nuclear submarines, the S-80; With two aircraft carrier Principe de Asturias and the Juan Carlos I, and in the near future a new aircraft carrier more than 40000 Tm to replace the first ... Few armed in the world than the Spanish.
I couldn't agree more; only the Government is stopping our Navy from being a more relevant international player.
A very fine navy, when their government will let them do their job.....

No submarines or corvettes, and only 3 frigates - the rest is mish-mash of flexi support ships (Absalon-class) and lightly armed fishery protection patrol ships.
I am from Denmark too.
The size of our country does not have anything to do with our navy's strength.
The danish navy is formidable and of the most modern and advanced navies in the world.
Norway has the 7th longest coastline on earth. It has a small fleet, but a very advanced one. Ships like the Fridtjof Nansen-class and the skjold-class gives this navy a very fast and agile defence force.
Smartest most innovative and responsive naval service provider in the world by 2016.
For one of the smallest navies in europe, we patrol and protect 28% of european waters, we have well trained boading parties on all ships, which are used all the time stopping hundreds of millions worth of drugs entering europe and many other rolls. ( REAL Security)
A good navy, they are just outside my top ten as I rate south korea,south africa and israel as much more effective. We south africans will sink the charles de gaulle without even using our own navy, despite France havin a big navy its not one of the best navies around. From one to ten the best of the best is USA,Japan,Germany,Russia,India,China,Great Britian,South Korea,South Africa and Israel.
SA could have a stronger army but it doesn't need to like America needs to spend billions to Protect itself SA doesn't have enemies but its army is being kept a watch on by NATO because of its affliction with BRICS it could put up a strong fight against most armies it is ranked 31th but that needs to be reviewed because of the controversial arms deal that happened where 1100 new SAAB Gripen jets and it's five type 209 submarines it is currently the only army in Africa which has submarines and a aircraft carrier and the only African country to make nuclear bombs successfuly and test them in the controversial vela incident but the bombs where dismantled when regime change was inevitable but who's to say the recipe is not hiding fresh and ready for use
What??? Now how can the S.A.N be 31th. The south african Navy sould be in the top ten
SA Navy is realistically not very strong in today's world. However if we are to be involved in a large scale conflict we will like in the past have an army,air force and navy that will be feared by lesser powers and respected by the worlds big four namely USA, China, Japan and Germany. Those four I believe will have the best navys in a world war 3 scenario. SA would be in top ten.
their Special Forces are 1 of the worlds best. record proven since communist insurgency
Not bad with two new added commissioned Scorpene SSK AIP submarines plus many more to come. I am looking forward to the Royal Malaysian Navy.
The oldest branch of Her Majesty Armed Forces, the Royal Navy used to be the most powerful navy in the world until after the Second World War. Today it holds the title as the second largest navy in the NATO Alliance.
Compiled by an anti British idiot , they should stick to computer games 😁
Even though this was posted a long time ago... The Royal Navy still had x4 Vanguard Class submarines carrying nuclear warheads on-board. You can have the biggest fleet ever but would you ever attack a nation with that capability to unleash hell on you. Not many nations have that unimaginable power. That alone puts you way ahead of majority of nations. The Royal Navy should atleast be #4 lol
What idiot put this together. Royal navy 37 ? There in the top 5 you complete muppet.
that is true, the Royal Navy should definitely be ranked much higher, at least around 10th. She had the biggest fleet in WW I , although the ships were not so good. The Royal Navy was often courageous. But they also shot arrogantly on captives and shipwrecked ennemies in WW II.
This is a lie we have the most well trained men and woman in the world we have a bigger production of boats in the world and how is iraland got a bigger navy. do I have to remind you that our navy has protected us for over 50 years and sank the bismark the largest and most powerful ship that germany has ever built it also was big enough to protect the alied invasion of Normandy over 12000 men lanced off our ships only ten American ships helped the us don't have half the honour that we have
Size means nothing. The more you have the more get sunk. simple
That is why the RN cannot be ranked so high. But they are definitely beter than the spanish fleet.
It is ridiculous beyond measure that the Royal Navy is listed as #40. LMAO. Sure, the USA would in some parallel Twilight Zone universe defeat mom's Royal Navy, but the RN is still better than all the other navies hands down. The UK is about to field supercarriers that can slot in with USN carrier battlegroups because of their capabilities. NO other country can boast the ability to fight alongside our carriers as equals, except the United Kingdom.
I'm a proud mamber of the Royal Navy, and i can safely say myself, and every crew on board every RN ship would laugh in the face of attack from any of the so called 'superpowers'. We are the best trained, best quality, and most effective navy in the world. Size means nothing. The more you have the more get sunk. simple
The US Zumwalt class is a lot better than the Type 45. The Type 45 is cannon fooder compared to a Zumwalt class. Hence, the Type 45 can only launch attacks with its helicopter, lmfao. The Type 45 has provisions for offensive weapons, but the Royal Navy is broke and almost bankrupt. Put it this way, the US Coast Guard, gets more money than the Royal Navy. And the QEC will probally be scraped, because the Royal Navy can't even afford to arm it with planes. the BBC reports: The QEC will not be battle ready with aircraft until 2026,hahahahahah. Heck, the Gerald Ford Class is almost battle ready and ready to go. It's ready to join the fleet of 10 other carriers. Time to give your navie hopes a rest limeys. However, the USA will allow you to have your Call of Duty fanasties about the SAS, hahahahah. Yet, the SAS have been captured 3 times in the past 4 years, lmfao. I feel sorry for the British armed forces.
This should settle the argument once and for all. The US Navy is the biggest and most powerful. The US Navy also has 280+ offensive ships. Do you guys know what offensive ships are? Well, ships like: Cruisers, carriers, frigates, subs, anfibious assult ships, and ect. And the USN has over 500+ defensive ships. Do you guys know what defensive ships are? Like: ammo ships, cargo ships, fuel ships, oilers, mine ships, supply ships, and ect. The Royal Navy on the other hand, only has 27 offensive ships and subs and 50 defensive ships and patrol boats. In laymans terms, the Royal Navy wouldn't last a day against China or Russia, which has navies more powerful and lots of subs. Sure, Russia and China doesn't have Type 45s and Astutes, but China and Russia has numbers with lots of shipwreck missles, that could ruin your weekend. The only navy that could stand up to that is: The US Navy.
The Royal Navy on the other hand, only has 27 offensive ships and subs and 50 defensive ships and patrol boats. In laymans terms, the Royal Navy wouldn't last a day against China or Russia, which has navies more powerful and lots of subs. Sure, Russia and China doesn't have Type 45s and Astutes, but China and Russia has numbers with lots of shipwreck missles, that could ruin your weekend. The only navy that could stand up to that is: The US Navy.
Where is the once so proud and successful Nation? All is gone! What did they do wrong?
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! we definatly have the best naval forces and air forces the UK has very advanced technology and suprior training and tactical forces.
it is number 1 we have the most experience a naval force is not just about present statistics it's also about past history statistics we were and are the most powerful navy were the only naval force in Somali maintaining sea dominance and we built the largest empire known to man EVER!!! with are navy we defeated the dutch,the French,the Spanish, the Russian's and many many other nations who thought they had what it took and never even stepped on british soil
how is the royal navy 18th, it is the oldest, best developed and best trained in the world, with the best marines, the royal marine commandos. we have the most advanced destroyer, the type 45, the best sub, the astute class and the best people.
The royal navy is highly trained with some of the most advanced ship in the world, we may not not have quantity like the yanks but we are high above them with quality, to compare us with the mexican navy is beyond me
The Royal Navy is one of only three blue water navies. BAE Systems build many of its ships, I would like to mention the fact that BAE Systems builds ships for the US Navy as well. The type 45 destroyer is undoubtedly one of the most advanced and deadly ships afloat. Two 65000 tonne aircraft carriers are being built for the Royal Navy. The UK has the fourth biggest budget for its military. The Royal Navy has halted numerous invasion attempts on Britain including the Spanish Armada, Napoleon, The Third Reich. Its size is proportional to the size of the nation. It also defeated Argentina om its own doorstep. The Royal Navy has, arguably, the most powerful attack submarine there has ever been ( astute class). Why is it so low down in the list?
For centuries the best ships and the best trained navy in the world. Now we are slipping behind, because of the decreasing government defence budget.
we have the best ship ever the HMS Dauntless type 45 destroyer with tomahawk and sea viper missiles it is virtually untouchable by sea or air also capable of land strikes. it can release its entire payload in 1 minute and eliminate Argentina's entire air force in a day and at a huge range not taking a single shot. this ship dominates the seas and at the cost of £6.5 billion i think more than any other ship. it cannot be stopped and therefore i believe that the UK navy should be in the top 3 at least with Russia and USA. and if all goes to plan and the UK secure the 300+ billion dollars of oil in the Falklands you can see a lot more of these ships and Britannia will once again rule the seas
If usa went against britain they can leave their aircraft carriers behind since we have the best anti air ships on the planet and not mention our submarine force as well add on the centuries of experience in naval warfare so I think were the best navy on the planet...LONG LIVE THE QUEEN... LONG LIVE BRITAIN
Why the hell are we ranked so low just from pure training we should be higher than this and the fact we've got centuries of naval warfare under our belts that also should contribute. And also may have a massive fleet but that means more people to train so the more people you have to train the quicker you ship them off. So in mass naval battle you might win. But 1 on 1 not likely. And GOD SAVE THE QUEEN !!
she's not the biggest but she is the best in the world
The British navy was the sovereign of the seas for almost 3 hundred years. It set the tact. It had the best ships and the best tactics and the best training until the Germans decided to build a fleet. Their ships were far better as well as the training. Fortunately the Germans had their interest more on the land. After the WWII the USA has by far the most effective navy in almost any respect.
best navy in the world, americans have money and more populated but the british have the most experience in any type of war, from desert, sea, air, jungle, and western terrain. with many branches specializing in certain types of terrain, we win in quality not quantity. god save the queen!

The Hellenic Navy is much better than the most in higher places. Despite the fact that they have lots of ships and submarines for a country with only 10 million people, they are well trained ,especially in the argean sea .
do not mention the '74 CYPRUS and '96 IMIA clashes in both cases the Greek Navy was restrained by the politicians and never showed it's real capabilities even in the clash of '87 (which you forgot to mention) the Greek Navy was not allowed to engage .
Greek navy control the eastern Mediterrenean?? dont make me laugh Turkey has twice as big naval power and owned the Greek navy in several clashes such as '74 Cyprus and '96 Kardak..!
They control most of eastern mediterrenean sea and isolate turkey. Large history of naval battles date back to the ancient time continue in the modern times
"The navy, as it represents a necessary weapon for Greece, should only be created for war and aim to victory."

With water all over the place, this country could be a possible contender for one of the great navies. Unfortunately, the political system has to change first so that money will not bleed out into nothing and could be directed towards building a fine navy.
I heard that they don't do patrols and just sells the diesel.
Indeed one of the finest NAVY. However, due to less funds aside from a corrupt government. It remain static up to now.
If the Philippines is rich, the Philippines was perhaps the most powerful country in the world
One of the finest and greatest navy in the world. But does not have enough funds and equipments...

Sri Lanka Navy destroyed world's most ruthless Sea Tiger Unit of LTTE.
No more questions SL NAVY is the world best NAVY ever who fraught bravely against L.T.T.E
Iran does have a considerable navy however they. Cannot effectively deploy their navy to their territorial waters without an American plus Nato Response. The Royal Navy is also most active in this region and they have the second largest fleet of warships in the Nato Alliance. France has got a larger navy overral compared to Great Britian. And there would also be Canada and Australia to consider.
So these waters will belong to Nato and no-one else in times of war.
The British Navy has controlled the seas and oceans for ages and always win and to this modern age I'd say still are the best and have a large, experienced fleet with some high tech weapons.
Well I guess we made it into the list!!! Who would have thunk it!!!
Egyptian best army in the world when was the last time they beat Israel.........
Abdelrahman you say egyptians love to die more then we love to live. When there was a very smart military tactician who once said,"No one ever won a war by die for his country. He won by making the other dumb bastard die for his!" General George Patton. The reason why extremist like you who are so will to die will always lose, we have no problem killing you for your cause. Hey its a win win for me buddy!
what ever you say, the Egyptian army has the strongest soldiers ever in history. if you dont know that please try to read.... im not gonna mention any war, just keep in mind that God says " the best soldiers of the world are the Egyptian" isn't that enough!!!! believe it or not, the egyptian army can defeat any army in the world even without weapons even with wooden stick.... we afraid of nothing, we love to die more than you all love to live....
smartest navy personal ever, its not about equibments, its about how to use it.
very strong personal, very smart to destroy any other navy peace of cake....

The Italian Navy is hopefully better equiped with captains than the Costa cruisers!
Italian Navy has operated recently in real environment: Libya, Enduring Freedom, Kosovo: all aeronaval bombings. There are also anti-piracy operations in the Indan Ocean, humanitarian aids to Haiti, peace keeping in East-Timor (1999), Somalia (1992). That's minus than other navies, but plus than forces that are placed prior of I.N. on this list.
Plus they fought three years the Brits during WWII...
They did defeat the British sometimes in Mediterranean, and (not to mention they had the first "Navy Seals" of the world - the so called frogsmen - they contribuited to the Battle of Atlantic via the Bordeaux base of Betasom (in 1942 and in 1943, the numbers of singles successes of Italian submarines were equal to the German ones - but they had only 10 submarines and, as for the Italian tanks, you cannot really compare that to the German ones...). Moreover, during WWII, Italians submarines forced the Strait of Gibraltar 45 times, back and forward, with no losses (Germans instead did lost 4 submarines and eight were damaged so badly that they had to go back to Germany) in immersion or navigating in surface. The first submarine able to enter Atlantic Ocean going all the way long in immersion was the VENIERO, the 7th of July 1940.
During WWII, all Admirals who were embarked on Italians ships which were then sunk by Allies (or Germans) never abandoned the ship (including their "First Sea Lord", ammiraglio Bergamini, who sunk with "Roma" in 1943).
having what many military journals called 2 aircraft carriers (albeit small) in active duty and a fair allotment of all the other battleship classes, I think this should rank higher (in particular higher than the one of clearly smaller countries (eg Icelandic, which doesn't even have a military branch properly said - and also Israel's.... their submarines were donated by Germany - Germany and Italy use the same family and have more )
The Enterprise could anyhilate all the present worlds navies combined in about six minutes. Case closed.
Abdelrahman sorry but that is stupid cuz the USA would kill u ppl if u tryed anything
what ever you say, the Egyptian army has the strongest soldiers ever in history. if you dont know that please try to read.... im not gonna mention any war, just keep in mind that God says " the best soldiers of the world are the Egyptian" isn't that enough!!!! believe it or not, the egyptian army can defeat any army in the world even without weapons even with wooden stick.... we afraid of nothing, we love to die more than you all love to live....
BD Navy is rapidly modernising.
It has just inducted the US-Navy coast-guard vessel and that will be upgraded till it becomes the equal of the F-22P. Along with this are coming two ex Chinese-Navy frigates that will also be upgraded and they will also be equal to the F-22P.
Also take into account the four Type-056 corvettes. BD has a stretched version and it has weapons systems on a par with any frigate.
Submarines have already been confirmed, this will lead to a natural follow on for more modern vessels.

The foundation of Pakistan Navy came with the creation of Pakistan on the historic day of 14 August 1947. Later, with the induction of modern ships,submarines and aircraft , it has transformed into a professional and potent force. Surface Fleet comprises squadrons of F-22 P Frigates, Type 21 Class Destroyers, Eriden Class Mine Hunters, Fast Attack Craft (Missile) / FPBs, Training, Survey and Auxiliary Ships. PN Air Arm comprises 6 squadrons ranging from ship borne helicopters to deep strike maritime surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft capable of undertaking a host of maritime roles and functions.Pakistan Navy Submarine Force comprises Agosta 70s and 90B submarines. Agosta 90B submarines are equipped with state of the art Command & Control and Weapon Systems. In addition, PN is also operating Midget submarines for special operations
Currently, Pakistan Navy is actively involved in range of contemporary peacetime operations as well as Maritime coalition operations in North Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden and Somali Basin.
have to be Bolivia, im positively sure Bolivia, next time you go to Bolivia take a bottle of water with you to their marines so they can train on it
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