Most Popular Breakfast Juices
24 items ranked
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I haven’t drank Orange juice since I was 5 and learned I was allergic... I’m really sad about it because it’s like the best juice for anything
lol after that comment it changed orange to first yayaya
man i hate it when it says do the math:(
hey orange and apple have the same amount of points so y should they class this as second it should also say first q: and jsyk orange juice is way better than apple juice

Orange-carrot juice is part of the breakfast buffet at some hotels in the Alps near Merano, South Tyrol, Italy. This region grows excellent fruit and vegetables. All the guests, Germans, drank a glass of it.. I'm baffled at not finding any at my -otherwize well stocked- local supermarket. I'l keep looking out for it since it is tasty and such a very logical combination.
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