Iran People are great and the Country is great, but I think Religion has corrupted them
Must be corrupt, because it is an ally with the USA, although it is a muslim state, which means that the clergy is defining the West as the big ennemy. The West has the attractive culture and Progress, the Islam has the Tradition which is not compatible, therefore you can make friends with the west only because you are corrupt.
I'm indonesian, and i laughed how indonesians mostly said that their nation is the most corrupt. Why? Because they're getting sick of it.
I am an Indonesian, You know what? It should be A LOT higher. In fact, it should be the leader on this list.
surprise me it's rank on 20th. I thought it would be higher.. hahaaaa

pakistan is great country and great people i love my pakistan Dil Dil pakistan jan jan pakistan
pakistan is the best country in the whol world i love my country,but the politition r losers in pakistan
The high expenditure which a country is carry out is defense and we must stop our people interfering our neighboring countries like Afghanistan, this make our budget surplus and we will utilize this budget into our infrastructures
Not ashamed?? Still not?? Lol u betta think before electing a president next time!! Dogs cant rule......!!
every one is firing a shot in dark. use deductive logic. Pakistan in the list is country having most comments. Thats y
people elect the pig i mean ppp this is there punishment .next time think and then elect your president.
were in the hand of corrupt politicians for a long time .Now lead by a corrupt president: ollo ka patha
All the politician is very very currept mostly president zardari nawaz sharif ganja and all politician.
Pakistan is a nice country-- hahaha I loved humourous comments. The whole country should be bombed to save rest of the countries..
Sure, If a president is corrupt in your country, none is responsible except we ourselves as we all made him president of Pakista.
Pakistan is very nice country, but politician,police, some army officers, bureaucrats they are corrupt..
Pakistani people is also corrupt minded .......
Pakistan is a land of good people,although there are some bad people as well,but i believe pakistan is not a corrupt country rather its being led by a corrupt Dog.
pakistan should be on top 5 countries who are corrupt. Yes a President alone can change the country if he is not a corrupt person. He has all the power with him. Army, police, law whatever
President is not corrupt person.. but you are corrupt, I am corrupt, every one is corrupt... Think Globally but Act locally.. What our president can do alone for our country.. our nation is in the web of poverty and poverty leads to corruption.. Hope that one day will get ride of poverty..
This country that has been in the fray of political crisis for a long time now is led by a corrupt President....uloo ka ptha

Huge amounts of relief funds being sent to this part of the world are eaten by the government officials themselves.
This is injustice actually Afghanistan should not be in the list, Afghanistan I am sorry for this
Pakistan is the one of the leading country in the world.but due to some consequences we are lacking behind.we have much improved to ourselves after the 65 yr. of freedom.that is really appreciable!but if the politics,corruption will flush out from Pakistan,i guarantee that Pakistan will be on TOP!..i have a proud to be an Pakistani..
the scandal with Putin at the moment is just the tip of the iceberg. although a lovely country in many respects, most citizens must bribe huge funds for such basic needs as education
bad Governance, FG, shuns the minorities that continually used the Govt office to embezzle the country's revennue
Good to see Nigeria not as number 1. The government is not the only one involved. Politicians are corrupt worldwide. British and American corruptions are openly practiced in Nigeria. Pastors and Imams are extremely corrupt with some joining forces to rule as presidents and vice.
Who do you blame?
My dear poor country nigeria,suffering from the rule of bad leadership that turns the citizens to be treated as slaves in their country.may God help us cos my life is for you dear country.frm iyiola lateef.
Gods given endowments to this supposed great country is enormous but bad leadership subject the citizens to perpetual hardship. Come April 2011 is another opportunity to get it right because I am optimistic that there is hope for the faithfuls to this entity called Nigeria
i weep for Nigeria,my poor corrupt country.No good road,no electricty and infrastructral decay.
corruption is governmental in this country. the ruling party is a gang of corrupt individuals/families. defeating them will need international communities assistance.not at the ballot box, votes are rigged en masse.elections won before the voting

we are also reponsible we should check out that where politicians are spending money that is collected as tax from us
we are also reponsible
we should check out that where are they spending money that is collected as tax from us
I love my country.
And i hav full trust dat 1 day all d corruption in our country will come 2 an end
india is not currepted more than contries mentioned in this whole list
My INDIA is the Greatest Country in the World
but Indian Politians let us down.
I love my India, i love my people but I hate bloody Politicians of India..
Mera Bharath Mahan !!
Jai Hind..
India is not a corrupt instead its leaders are corrupt but indian people are not corrupt,they are most helpful &honest in the world
MY INDIA is the best and the best country among all over world......It is one of the developing country in the world.....
But now a days our country is in the top list of more corrupted countries.....
it's only due to its political structure..... politicians are destroying everything because they are corrupted....
INDIA is the one of the leading country in the world.but due to some consequences we are lacking behind.we have much improved to ourselves after the 75 yr. of freedom.that is really appreciable!but if the politics,corruption will flush out from india,i guarantee that india will be on TOP!..i have a proud to be an indian..
Just blaming politicians won't work !!!!! First look at yourselves yaar then look at others....................
Politicians are corrupting the nation. India is very rich and beautiful. But because of these politicians India now is a developing country. By now India must have been ahead of U.S.A and U.K and China and all.
We feel ashamed to be Indians,Corrupt politicians have destroyed India. According to the data given by Swiss bank India have $1500 Billion black money not only that we are at the top. I feel ashamed to be an Indian
within two months we will get FIRST PLACE......................
Mr hazare's fasting should bring in some change in india....anyways this is just a beginning...long way to go indians....jai hind!!!
In India everything is being manipulated by politicians for their own benefit. They want whole world's wealth to be put into their account. They just do anything and evertything for their power and even for a single vote.
though india is corrupt but now it is improving with the new techniques
You peoples who think bad about india is only because of india is the best leading country in the world...Am i Right...or other reason will be that u peoples dont think from head...
Ha ha ha!! See? Indians ur country is no 2 in corruption...see? not ashamed?? U blame pak for everything that happens in ur country....now u betta think before opening ur mouths!!
Yes the system should be changed and their should be very bad punishment for the corrupt politicians and corrupt officer's
Now india is developed country, sometime corruption has been headover, like, spectrum, commonwealth games etc...
all the politicians in india have made india poor.politician sucks
We just have to change our democracy. . And for this our yuth have to strugle . .
INDIA is one of the finest country... the only think is.. POLITICIANS... the bloody politicians are eating India...n its money...ex:raja 2g,suresh kalmadi common wealth game..n so on...
there are caste system, poor peoples, religion differences n many more....
India is the place where politicians are ruling over by only policy that is divide and rule in the name of religion, caste, poor rich etc. All politician should kept in one plane and sink in the Indian ocean. This is the only solution.
It is good that India is in 34th rank. India is developing but the greedy politicians...
people of India are working hard for development ..but politicians are destroying everything because they are corrupted....

The law keepers are the law breakers in this land. With corrupt police protecting the people, it is no surprise that Haiti comes in the third place on this list.
In this land where people are ruled with an iron hand by the dictator, huge amounts of money have to be paid in the form of illicit fees for accessing the basic governmental facilities.
Italy has alot of corruption in their politics. where the president can own whaterver he wants
most people pay to the goverment officer but they didnt sent to leader they just keep in their pocket
they are selfish and greedy also they are sentimental and frame up foreigners whenever they are caught with an act
who ever said GHANIANS are bad and selfish needs his cranium checked. I know them 2 be very kind and treat foriegners good. Is rather the foriegners who take advantage of thier kindness like those nigerians. They want every country to be like thiers even my south africa
who ever said GHANIANS are bad and selfish needs his cranium checked. I know them 2 be very kind and treat foriegners good. Is rather the foriegners who take advantage of thier kindness like those nigerians.
I have a friend who was born in Ghana, and lived his first 15 years there. He said he loves Ghana and it`s one of the best countries ever. But if Ghana is that good, why did his family moved out and shettled down in Europe?
2005 CPI score~2.6, Confidence range~2.4 - 2.8. Since 2005 up to now Ukraine is leading by the most corrupt President Yuschenko and Verhovna Rada, which put the lion part of Ukrainian people below the line of poverty. Five long years of "Orange" government and elections lasting each year... terrible, sadly and shameful..
I hate to say this but politicians are just a few people who people always blame for corruption but remember, its the civilians the filipinos who are corrupt cause without them to give the politicians power and contribute to corruption the politicians would be without a job. Stop selling your votes you know who you are! The philippines is the only country thats 90 percent Catholics but have a prostitution bar near churches and schools! They dont believe in divorces but its common to have live in partners, what is that all about!!! As if divorce looks worst than having a girlfriend or boyfriend while married! Man its like filipinoes have no common sense! The most disgusting and most embarrassing is girls who work at the clubs and bars for prostitution, post their pictures on facebook putting on make up in the dressing room before they entertain men! As if they are so proud to be a bar girl! They say they do it to feed the family but whats all that money flashing with iphones tablets jewelry expensive clothes! Thats not for the family thats just straight greed!
The saddest thing about the philippines is whenever they say its more fun there, I ask why and its always because the ***** houses and that you can get whatever you want with money and connections! What happened to beautiful beaches and and and well nothing else, sorry. I even hate pacquiao! I used to be the biggest fan til I found out that he even owns a couple of ***** houses himself (hollywood) to name one, getting caught cheating on his wife and claiming to be a good Catholic before switching, becoming a congressman with no real education and not to mention the most absent in congress, colonel of the army reserves with no training (which is a slap in the face to all military personel who earned their rank), wife whos vice governor just because, even his brother whos running for office with the same background as pacman the list goes on and on. The crazy thing is the philippines is fighting with china about territory because of oil, but the philippines knew about the oil for years and did nothing about it. Beside if the the philippines was gonna dig for oil do you actually think the profits going to the people? Yeah right! Philippines is the only country I know that uses their profession as their first name like hi my name is doctor, engineer, mayor etc. They even promote it on their cars as if they deserve all respect and got power! If people dont like what I post, just ask yourself if im lying and prove me wrong! Im filipino but sometimes im embarassed to admit it.
Philippines is really a corrupt country. BIR keeps on collecting taxes but where are the improvements? The fixing of rugged roads? NO! Because even the materials used in fixing the roads are cheap. But arent they hilarious? They dont feel the shame, instead they keep on improving their beautiful talents in corrupting. So please stop to collect taxes if youre just gonna make corruptions. Youre just trolling the money that the Filipinos worked everyday. They release a barrel of sweat just for it, but you sitting their on your council office waiting for the corrupted money to come and right away to you own pockets. Deppresed with Philippines, so corrupt. Just say that no more corruptions but still they are here.
put your blaming on the damn crocodiles! but i am ashamed also that my country is on the list :(
I was expecting that the Philippines will be on top, because the government is really corrupt and also has many whistleblowers..
Hey lol!! I am amazed i was expecting pak to be on the top.....anywayz it IS a corrupt country...no lying around here!!
just only the corruption makes the image of our country destroy!!! so many talents here and rich of natural resources .. . oh!!
philippines is the most corrupt country in the world i know i always watch news and observe everything here u know whats funny am a filipino but ashamed for being 1 the best sample of filipinos are outside our country i guess they said to themselves to make a difference i must go outside this country
MONEY MONEY MONEY what makes corrupt people live their awful god damned life
i guess the only way they'll pay for their sins is to burn in hell
although this country is rich in natural resources we cannot say that this country is poor of corrupt government officials. the year which Gloria Macapagal arroyo handle. There are so many corrupt offials i guess i will not mention
well, as usual" Philippines included as the most corrupt countries in the world. Corrupt? it is normal" even i" i did corrupt in the way of snitching and that's true!!! don't clean your self coz were naturally excretive....
Corruption will not stop unless we start to ourselves the right way! ............
Gosh! so ashamed of being in the list..
Shame on those people making this country corrupt!!
It's a shame to be in this list - it's equivalent to being in a most wanted criminal roster.
This country had rich in natural resources. But its very long time of political corruption. Mostly from top to the bottom in the government are corrupt.

sri lanka is superficially a very nice country. However deomcratic practises against the government results in death behind the scenes.
Impossible. Sri Lanka is the best country that I have stayed. Hospitality of people is amazing, great.
There is very less corruption in Sri Lanka. Majority is well behaved and kind.
A great Country
UK politicians have proven again and again to be no more than thieves. The UK has no moral high ground over India or Nigeria. Bliar and Thatcher and other UK politicians run away to the USA or Europe as soon as they can with their stolen loot. Poverty is widespread, people go hungry and cold, even die in winter from cold and hunger. The UK has turned into a third world country. Most people would leave if they could.
we're one of the only countries with complete free rights! gay marriage, freedom of speech, high minimum wage, there is nothing wrong with us, except maybe some pricky bankers!
Ethiopians exhibit some of the most morally questionable behaviour imaginable. Any Ethiopian you try to teach and help will steal the idea and then shaft you. They have no sense of gratitude and are the most devious and prideful people I have ever come across. Theft is almost daily. Deception, a way of life. They pride themselves in deceiving people and taking people for a ride particularly in the capital. The saddest part is they pride themselves on their religious commitment and decency- try telling that to the thousands and thousands of elderly, disabled and kids living on the streets of Addis Ababa. Ethiopia a deeply morally corrupt country - no question about it.
This country that has been in the fray of political crisis for a long time now is led by a corrupt President. Need we say more!?!
Corruption this country is supported by North American Oil companies. They president kills whenever he feels like it and UN or US embassy don’t say nothing. It is number 29 on now because the US is still stilling the oil that is supose to change the lives of Equatoguineans but contrary national employees are being way underpaid.
Actually, starting illegal wars IS corruption. And I have lived in the USA all my life, It should definitely have the number 1 spot. >:3
our elected officials go into office as average citizens and come out some years later as millionaires. they do not live under the rules and laws that they make. They accept bribes, gifts and anything else that will increase their standing in the political arena. I am totally ashamed of 90 percent of our government officials shame, shame on you..
USA is the country spreading corruption around the world...bribing leaders of other countries , killing ppl and pushing its forces beyond the borders ILLEGALLY!! If any crazy person around here thinks that its not corruption than i cant say anything but whatever it is...ITS NOT RIGHT!
USA is not a corrupt country if u think starting an illegal war around the world and killing innocent muslims is not corruption......
Will if this is a list of countries that cause corruption in countries then I'd say its spot on, The USA does cause corruption in other countries but inside the USA id say it isn't. How do i know this, come to the USA and try to bribe a cop. But when it comes to politically corrupt I'd challenge anyone to find a country that isnt.
starting an illegal war is not corruption.
Misappropriating funds that are due to help the mass population is corruption. The US government fears the people, and this is the way it should be.
By no reasonable standard, should the US be classified as corrupt. Outside of Africa, South America, and the Middle East, trying to identify corrupt countries is a waste of time, and self-serving.
USA international corrupted country. because they are start so called war against terrorism
i think usa should be on top of the list of corrupted countries...

Its a good and best country in the world, the corruption word has been removed from dictionary in singapore, i would like to follow all country like this,
This is not true..Corruption is everywhere.But not by government. Illegal gambling and cigerates are everywhere at Geylang area. The most corruption area is recruitment agencies. They cheated money from many foreign workers. There are some companies who apply for work pass illegally and don't pay them salary.(MOM knows)
The most corrupt government in Europe. Hungary suffers from corrupt goverment since years, what made the people completely depressed. Now this country has the highest depression, commit suicid and alcohol rate in Europe. In Hungary people work hard for a very low money. Normally the rent of your house and the tax is higher then your payment, even if you have a diploma, that`s why you cannot be independent and have to take more and more credit becouse of that, what you can`t pay back. Hungary became the country of modern slavery. You work a lot almost for free.
Hi Fellows, pls stop rubish talk. read science & holy books. it is wonder, Quran's 80% thoughts proven by non muslim scients.
Same **** as everywhere else - the elite stealing all they can steal, too dumb to realize they are also making the world worse for themselves
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