There was huge controversy over this video due to Madonna making love to Saint Martin de Porres, burning crosses, and its use of Catholic iconography, including a scene where Madonna developed stigmata.
Madonna had this to say about the video: [It] was completely inspired by all the female surrealist painters like Leonora Carrington and Remedios Varo. There's that one shot where my hands are up in the air and stars are spinning around me. And me flying through the hallway with my hair trailing behind me, the birds flying out of my open robe - all of those images are an homage to female surrealist painters; there's a little bit of Frida Kahlo in there, too.
This one features Madonna portraying two opposite characters - a pious girl and a passionate Latina.
The video, directed by David Fincher (who directed such box office hits as Se7en and Fight Club) was based on the Fritz Lang classic film Metropolis. Its budget of $5 million made it the most expensive music video in history at the time it was made.
Madonna dances on stage for a peep show with a little boy in the audience who then becomes Madonna's friend.
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