Created 100 top lists, 1999 items, 4 comments.
32 years old, chicago, female
Member since 16th of May 2013.
Top Signs to Look for If Suspecting Someone of Being Abused 20 items ranked
Maybe you have a friend, loved one, or a neighbor you suspect is being abused. These are the top signs to look for.
2 points added 11 years ago
Top 20 Steps to Become a High Paid Freelance Writer 20 items ranked
This is an excellent way to make a living and on your own time. I have listed the top ways to progress or enter into the field.
2 points added 11 years ago
Most Memorable Female Adult Stars 20 items ranked
A list of TV's and movies most memorable female adult stars.
2 points added 11 years ago
Worlds Most Dangerous Sports 20 items ranked
A list of what I believe are the most dangerous sports.
1 point added 11 years ago
Top 20 Most Healthy Vegetables 20 items ranked
We're not told to eat vegetables for no reason, they're healthy and each have their own benefits.
1 point added 11 years ago
Hardest Professions to Learn 20 items ranked
You would have to go to school for many years to work in most of these professions.
1 point added 11 years ago
Best Video Games Currently 21 items ranked
These are some of the top video games for kids and adults.
0 points added 11 years ago
Top Irritating Things About Comcast Cable 20 items ranked
I know many have their dislikes of companies providing their cable services and mine just happens to involve Comcast.
0 points added 11 years ago
Best Predicted Movies for 2014 22 items ranked
Yes, cannot wait for these movie releases of 2014. Includes many must see titles and new faces.
0 points added 11 years ago
Best Movies of 2013 20 items ranked
This list includes movies already released and those not yet released.
0 points added 11 years ago