A stone-looking angel that appeared in a more recent Doctor Who episode. The moment they are seen by any other living creature they freeze into rock. And you can't kill a stone. Of course, a stone can't kill you either, but then you turn your head away. Then you blink. Then, oh yes, it can.
In the words of the doctor himself "Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you could believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and *don't blink*! Good luck"
How could you not crawl out of your skin when these things burst out of a drain pipe or jump up as you are five feet away from them? And then, they come out you, with those almost baby like faces, while growling horrible utterances of death swinging their knife like-claws and growing on the walls in the terrirfying ship that is the USG Ishimura from the game Dead Space
silence your beating heart, for the slender man cometh. never before has something scared me even though i knew for a fact it was made up. enough research into this particular nasty will leave you with more then a few lost hours of sleep.
The lack of eyes the pure black polished skin the slow opening mouth of perfecly perportiond fanged teeth and and tooth ended toung the protrueds out to eat your brain. Evil and horror to rival that of even hell.
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