Top Fairy Tales of All Time
62 items ranked
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this story conveyed a pathetic message: the ugly duckling became a beautiful swan because he was born to be one
this is a story that shows that no one is the same and that we are all equal. :)
A great book can change the way people think about the beauty that so many people didn't understand!
I think Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron should be first, no doubt about it X3
I love this story because it inspired me a lot. i used to think i was ugly because people said i was but later on,i realised i was more beautiful than the people who said i was ugly and then i read the ugly duckling and realised that i was now a beautiful girl
awesome book that any child can enjoy.
great book for kids who are said to be ugly
I looooove that book. It says that it is whats inside that matters, not appearance!
i'm going to use this in a story telling competition do you think i will win?
children who read this book learn that just because they are not the prettest or the most handsomenest person in the world they can learn to be them selfs thats what i learned
this book is awesome to any at any age that gets bullied and makes them much stronger in charcteristics
I love this book it shows small children and even adults that it doesn't matter what people call you, you are who you are and that is BEAUTIFUL!!!
i love this book because it tells children that even if people tell them they're ugly or they are wierd it may just be because they are with the wrong people
This story can help cheer up a child who`s been treated and told he or she is a ugly person. I personally think that this is an inspiring book that can give a child a chance to be confident enough to associate with people instead of being shy and become someone.

I did Peter Pan as a play at my school once. It's a very nice story.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. This is tied for my #1 favorite Fairy Tail (/w Little Red Riding hood Of Course)
peter pan is a inspiration and the best fairy tale I ever read if you like this comment ill tell you a show that has most fairy tale in 1 show
peter and tinker bell would make such a cute couple if she wasnt a fairy but she does kind of rude but she is really pretty.
peter pan is a story about three siblings go to neverland with him and have the tiime of their lives have sword fights and meet captin hook
peter pan is ok but i think ..its not all that great thats probly why its number 2 not 1
Peter pan is the best or the greatest, a fairy tale with the sense of adventure and inspirational it should definately be in the top 2.
finally, someone who knows what a real fairy tale is! Peter Pan is the best storey of all time! i can't believe that he is number one! Peter is my all time hero. I wish i din't haveto grow up either. lucky him.

Why didn't Snow White die at the end of the story. She should die anyway.
snow white in once opon a time is hot and i love the fairy tale. the evil queen will get a happy ending
snow white and the seven dwarfs isnt the best book in the world but it is still a very good fairy tale it was the first fairy tale i was ever told and i always asked to listen to it evey night

Cinderella is ugly. She is an evil assassin who tries to murder the prince!
I don't really like this story. Why? Well my name is a bad character in the story and it really embarrasses me because everyone stares at me when they're watching the movie.
I love this story because it was the first fairytale i ever watched and since then i have watched it over and over again. how i wish i had that magic wand!
Cinderella is a beautiful story, a timeless romantic fantasy about the power of goodness and optimism. And who doesn't love them glittery balls and glass slippers?
cinderella is my favourite fairy tale in the world i have the book of it
not to long ago my mom watched the movie with me and i loved it now every time its on i have to watch it
I cant believe that the slipper could only fit her. Werent there other girls with the same shoe size?
That is also awesome.!
When Im in 1st year., I suggest to my friend that Cinderella is also a nice stories..
That's why we use cinderella for the Strory Telling
There are versions of Cinderella stories from all over the world. In China, there is a story of a girl named Yeh-Shen, who is treated unkindly by her stepmother. Half-starved and overworked by her stepmother, Yeh-Shen’s only friend is a fish with golden eyes. When the stepmother kills the fish for dinner, poor Yeh-Shen is left with only the bones. But the bones are filled with a powerful spirit. When Yeh-Shen is forbidden to attend the annual spring Festival, the spirit grants her a gown of azure blue and delicate golden slippers.

The tale of a small girl whose mother packs her a basket of food and sends her on an errand to deliver it to her sick grandmother.
Little Red Riding Hood is an evil character. She murdered the wolf by tricking him to swallow stones.
This doesn't belong down here in 8. I think it should be 3-1. It teaches a very important lesson that you shouldn't listen to strangers (It's really important these days, with the amount of murders, rapes, abductions, etc etc happening)
Ot teaches us a very gud not believe anyone blindly.....đŸ˜”
I think little red riding hood has a deeper meaning. I dunno I think.
There're from around! From China there's a Red Riding Hood called Lon po po.

I didn't know how I am feeling now by reading this story but it's really wonderful
This famous fairy tale tells the story of a princess who is cursed to prick her finger and die when she turns 16.
Apparently a lot of illiterate people don't realize that Shrek was a picture book for children before being made into a movie. It's a cute book in classic fairytale style and kids love it.
Stop hating on Shrek. I believe that it is a fairy tale and a really nice one, because it isn't like all fairy tales. That's why you all don't think it is. There's a princess, true love, and a happy ending. Now that's what I call a fairy tale.
I love this movie but it is not a fairytale just another animated movie
Half of these stories aren't even fairy tales! Harry Potter, Shrek, Nancy Drew, Twilight, Narnia. GROWN UPS?!?!?
Why are half of the stories ranked not even FAIRYTALES?!?!? There should be a filter on this!

Never understood why this one was taught to children. Technically speaking Goldilocks is committing a Home Invasion all the 3 bears were doing was defending their territory. The lousy part is the little renegade gets away with it.
The real spelling, and even though the story is kinda sad, its still a really good story
It is awesome story it the best story ever I hope it is yours too maybe you should read it .but I don't like the part when they are. greedy my favourite part is hen they have a big house.
Quidditch, broomsticks, magical sweets, centaurs, goblins, magic school, wands, werewolves, prophecies, wizards, witches, evil, best friends, trolls, frauds, basilisks, giants, gold, love, phoenixes, horcruxes, murder, prejudice, invisibility cloaks, Snape...
Need I say more?
OMG BEST BOOK SERIES EVER! you must read it, best book series ever!
Hate Harry Porter the most in the book. It's a stupid science fiction, which makes no sense to readers.
Harry Porter is the worst book I have read. It's a fucking dumb science fiction.
Harry Potter is my favourite boook, but NOT A FAIRY TALE. Does ANYONE actually know what a fairy tale is?
harry potter is NOT a fairy tale it is a childrens book. admittidly one of my faves but still
How is this not #1? Okay, it's not really a fairy tale, but it's the best books series of all time!
Not a Fairy Tale in any way. You're getting confused with stories with fairy tale elements with actual fairytales. What sets them apart is their structure not necessarily content.
Ok ok, Harry potter is a great book, but that's like saying that percy jackson is the 35th greatest fairy tale of all time!

Oh, yes. It's a fairy tale. But only the 1977 iteration works. Luke's problem in Empire is merely a recapitulation of Star Wars, instead his dilemma must be that he is TOO powerful, not 'untrained'; he's just blown up the bloody Death Star! He should pull the x-wing out of the muck in an instant, juggle boulders, cause earthquakes, for fun - start to see the beauty of POWER FOR POWER'S SAKE, i.e. The Dark Side. But he's never even tempted. And the series fails in this one misstep. Though there are dozens of others. But Star Wars (1977) is one of the five great English language fairy tales of the 20th C.171
1. Romulus Terentius
2. Hamilcus Ambrosius
3. Frederick Olynthus
4. Joseph Maron
5. Barbarian
6. Cassius Aventianus
7. Enobarbus
8. Peiros Menelaus
9. Marcus Brutus
10. Casmus
11. Gellius
12. Betas Laertes
13. Blatus
14. Drunkard Woman
15. Gavius Horatius
16. Caecilia
17. Cedric
18. Charon
19. Drunkard Man
20. Wilrus
1. Helius Cinna
2. Theokoles
3. Hamilcus Ambrosius
4. Clavius
5. Cassius Aventianus
6. Peiros Menelaus
7. Fulvia the Fox
8. Marcellus
9. Glamius
10. Gavius Horatius
1. Romulus Terentius
2. Helius Cinna
3. Theokoles
4. Hamilcus Ambrosius
5. Frederick Olynthus
6. Joseph Maron
7. Clavius
8. Boagrius
9. Gaulish Gladiator
10. Scar-faced warrior
11. Barbarian
12. Cassius Aventianus
13. Enobarbus
14. Peiros Menelaus
15. Marcus Brutus
It's suspected that the cannon that blasted Priam was fired by Cassius' men! Why would Cassius murder Priam?? When Priam was retreating after he was ambushed, many arrows were fired at Priam and his men. then an arrow suddenly pierced Priam's face. And an unknown cannon blasted Priam to dust. So had the conflict and animosity between Cassius and Priam become so irreconcilable? Let's analyze it.
The truth behind Priam's death: An unknown cannon in the darkness
Who murdered Priam at the end of "Silver Eagle"? When Priam was ambushed by Romulus' army, Priam tried to retreated. But while he was going back, Priam was blasted in the head by an unknown cannon. Most readers believed that the cannon was fired by Romulus' men. But there are some suspicions. So who fired a cannon in the darkness?
Russian fairy tale teaching everyone to join forces in accomplishing something meaningful. It is a fairy tale where everyone is friendly and it contains repetitions which makes it a good tool for training memory.
It should be highly ranked as it has 54 percent on rotten tomatoes, most movies only get 30.
The most profound and intellectually meaningful fairy tales ever written.
Actually, Frozen is based on a fairy tale called the ice queen. It kind of is fairy tale.
My god does anyone actually have any idea what a fairy tale is?
DEFINITELY not a fairy tale.
Fairy tales are short stories that are often fantasy related, Nancy Drew is a DETECTIVE SEREIES, there has never been a detective oriented fairy tale; and definitely not a SERIES of detective oriented fairytales!

Ok not just to this one but people ONLY fairy tales should go on this! I'm trying to find one for an English paper where my teacher is making me rewrite a folktale and this isn't helping me at all!!!:(
First, I'm glad you are not serious, second, you still shouldn't have put it on here, and third, I would be unnerved if this was even on the list of best books...
Opinions, opinions...
Also, add PERCY JACKSON!!! đŸ˜£

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