Created 100 top lists, 1973 items, 16 comments.
52 years old, Ohio Valley, female
Member since 31st of August 2011.
Milton Hershey created the town of Hershey, Pennsylvania and built a Phianthropic Organization to help the less fortunate.
75 points added 12 years ago
Know as 'The Moses of her People' she helped hundreds of slaves escape to freedom.
34 points added 12 years ago
The Nazis followed a very strict plan of extermination during World War II
12 points added 12 years ago
12 points added 12 years ago
9 points added 12 years ago
Facts about the man behind the jeans.
8 points added 12 years ago
Many household appliances were developed during this period.
7 points added 12 years ago
Call them what you want; crayfish, crawdads, mudbugs but, they are a major source of food in many southern states.
6 points added 12 years ago
In my opinion, these are in no particular order
5 points added 12 years ago
Uranus is too far from the sun to support any kind of life.
4 points added 12 years ago
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