Created 100 top lists, 1986 items, 7 comments.
Member since 04th of May 2009.
327 points added 15 years ago
Greatest Songs of the 70's 109 items ranked
37 points added 15 years ago
Because batteries are expensive.
36 points added 15 years ago
Best Elvis Gospel Songs 33 items ranked
25 points added 15 years ago
Best Song Hooks 37 items ranked
A brief, catchy phrase repeated throughout the song.
19 points added 15 years ago
Best Comedy Films 48 items ranked
19 points added 15 years ago
Some are author/illustrator.
13 points added 15 years ago
Best TV and Film Cars 23 items ranked
11 points added 15 years ago
And lucky you are to be in one.
11 points added 15 years ago
Scariest Books 27 items ranked
7 points added 15 years ago
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