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Results 631-640 from 1400
Results 631-640 from 1400
Best Date Movies 20 items ranked
A list of some of the best date movies. Funny ones, romantic ones and many more.
0 points, added 12 years ago
Top 20 Evil Henchmen in Film 20 items ranked
Some of Hollywood's greatest diabolical interns.
0 points, added 13 years ago
Best Movies of 2012 20 items ranked
The best movies of this year, listed for your convenience.
0 points, added 12 years ago
Worst Movie Twists 20 items ranked
These movie twists had you leaving the theater and shaking your head in disgust.
0 points, added 12 years ago
Best Movie Twists 20 items ranked
Did you see that coming? No you didn't and now you can't stop talking about it.
0 points, added 12 years ago
Medical Movie Musts 20 items ranked
Movies of a medical persuasion that are recommended by medical people everywhere for their generally positive attributes.
0 points, added 12 years ago